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A guide to ward staffing budgets - Nursing …

A guide to ward staffing budgets CONTENTS. Introduction 3-4. SECTION 1 budgets 5-10. SECTION 2 Managing & Controlling spend 11-14. SECTION 3 How is the Health Service financed? 15-18. SECTION 4 Benchmarking & sharing best practice 19-20. SECTION 5 Preparing a Business Case & 21-24. Managing Change SECTION 6 Managing the Nursing resource 25-32. SECTION 7 Leadership Skills 33-38. SECTION 8 Numerical Exercises 39-42. SECTION 9 Practical Case Study & Workings 43-55. Answers 56-58. Summary 59. 2. Introduction The Secretary of State for Health, The Right Honourable Alan Milburn, announced at the CNO annual Conference (Harrogate). 2001 that the Modernisation Agency will, over the next 12 months, lead a management programme to support the devolution of staffing budgets to those ward sisters and charge nurses in England's hospitals who do not yet have that control.

5 SECTION 1 BUDGETS Budgets are used to plan and control operations and finance by the majority of organisations. Defining budgeting Budgets and budgeting can …


  Guide, Staffing, Draw, Budget, Guide to ward staffing budgets, Budgets budgets




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