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APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major

APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major version August 2013. APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major version APA Board of Educational Affairs Task Force on Psychology Major Competencies (2012). Members APA Staff Liaisons Jane S. Halonen (Chair) G. William Hill IV Jerry Rudmann Martha Boenau University of Kennesaw State Irvine Valley College Robin Hailstorks West Florida University Michael Stoloff William Buskist Carolyn Enns, Cornell James Madison Auburn University College & APA Board of University Educational Affairs Dana S. Dunn Nadine Kaslow Moravian College R. Eric Landrum Emory University &. Boise State University APA Board of Directors James Freeman University of Virginia Maureen McCarthy Kennesaw State University This document is the most recent revision of the document originally titled APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major , first approved by the APA Council of Representatives in August 2006.

research methods and statistics courses). Another major change in Guidelines 2.0 is the emphasis on the advantages of studying psychology as a strong liberal arts prepara-tion for attaining a position in the profes-sional workforce. A final improvement in Guidelines 2.0 includes a carefully designed infusion approach to the important goals ...


  Research, Guidelines, Methods, Undergraduate, Research methods, Psychology, Guidelines for the undergraduate psychology




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