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The Eatwell Guide - GOV.UK

Protecting and improving the nation s healthCrispsRaisinsFrozenpeasLentilsSoya drinkCousCouspastaWhole wheatBagelsPorridgeLow fatsoft cheeseTunaPlainnutspeasChickSemimilkskim medChoppedtomatoeslowersaltandsugarBeans WholegraincerealPotatoesSpaghettiLow fatPlainyoghurtLeanminceLower fatspreadSauceOilVegRiceEach serving (150g) containsof an adult s reference intakeTypical values (as sold) per 100g: 697kJ/ 167kcalCheck the label on packaged 34g foods lower in fat, salt and sugarsSource: Public Health England in association with the Welsh Government, Food Standards Scotland and the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland Crown copyright 2016 Use the Eatwell Guide to help you get a balance of healthier and more sustainable food.

Eat less often and in small amounts Ch o s e l o w e r f a ts a n d l o we r s u g a r p t i o n s E a t m o r e b e a n s a n d pul se , 2 p o r ti ns p of sus t a i n a b l y o u r c e d d fi s p e w k, ne of w h ic s o ly. E a td l e s e a n d r o c e s meat e o g r i t P ot a t o e s, n b r e a d, r i c e, r p a s t a a n d d o t h e r s s ...


  Guide, A t e, Eatwell, Eatwell guide




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