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Leptospirosis Weil S Disease And

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BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 2.1 Leptospirosis 2.1.1 Definisi

BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 2.1 Leptospirosis 2.1.1 Definisi


Di Indonesia, gambaran klinis leptospirosis dilaporkan pertama kali oleh Van der Scheer di Jakarta pada tahun 1892, sedang isolasinya dilakukan oleh Vervoot pada tahun 1922. Penyakit ini disebut juga sebagai Weil disease, Canicola fever, Hemorrhagic jaundice, Mud fever, atau Swineherd disease.6 2.1.2 Etiologi

  Disease, Lewis, Leptospirosis, Weil disease

Prevention & Control of WATER BORNE DISEASES

Prevention & Control of WATER BORNE DISEASES


The bacilli are excreted in the urine and faeces in the acute stage of the disease and some patients may continue to excrete S.Typhi in the convalescent stage as well. A small percentage of the patients may become chronic carriers and excrete the bacilli for years. The carrier is a danger to the community, the degree depending on personal


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