Example: biology

The Calabash Gourd

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Health, Safety, and Nutrition - CRS

Health, Safety, and Nutrition - CRS


dried calabash gourd. BRUSHING TEETH Children need to learn to care for their teeth and gums to keep them healthy. • Never put a baby down to sleep with a bottle filled with formula, milk, juice, or sweetened drinks. The sugar in these liquids can cause tooth decay. If the baby needs his/her bottle, fill it with water.

  Health, Safety, Nutrition, Gourd, And nutrition, Saalbach, Calabash gourd

Moon Stories from Around the World - NASA

Moon Stories from Around the World - NASA


with a calabash full of water. Moon slipped behind a cloud for a moment, and in the darkness Rona stumbled on the root of a tree. Angry, she cursed Moon. Moon, who would not stand for this abuse, swooped down on her and carried her off along with her water gourd and the tree that had tripped her. The Maori still see all three there today. Can you?

  Gourd, Saalbach

Middle School General Music Unit Plans

Middle School General Music Unit Plans


The mbira is usually played inside a large, empty calabash called a deze, which acts to amplify the sound. A stick is used to wedge the mbira securely inside the gourd. The mbira is typically played with the two thumbs stroking down and the right forefinger stroking up. A wire strung

  School, Middle, Middle school, Gourd, Saalbach

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