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00 News 208 - MAS Fabric Park-AITC

Cl oth in g factoryin Sri LankaMASI ntimatesThurulieClothingfactoryinSriLank aSte p by st epIntroductionbyHansj rgLeibundgutSu stainab le con str uct ion Tar getissues forsu stainabl e co nst ru cti onQuant umchangeandtra nsferabil it yEcological qualit y and energy co nser va ti onEthical standard s andso ci alequi tyEconomicperfor mance andco mpatib il ityConte xtual and aestheticimpactMASI ntim at es Thu rul ieProjectdescriptio n byDaniel Went zMAS Fa br ic Park and MAS In timat esSite descriptionSite designBuilding pr ogramSustainableapproachPassive coolingPr oduction modelEmployee well-beingIndoorthermal comfortConstructionmateria lsEconomicperfor manceEner gy eff ic ie ncyWate r managementClean energyGreen manufacturing C re at ing awa re ness an d un derstandi ng fo r sus tainabilit y InterviewwithVi dhuraRalapanawe,te amleaderfo r theMAS IntimatesThurulieprojectTe chn ical da taDesign team M akin g an industri al bu il din g fun damentalysus tainabl e InterviewwithHansj r g Le ibundgut, Pro fesso r ofBuil di ngServi cesatET H Zurich,SwitzerlandSou rc es an d ackn ow ledgementsHol ci m Fou nda tion for S

Stepbystep Introduction by Hansjürg Leibundgut Sustainableconstruction “Target issues” for sustainable construction Quantum change and transferability Ecological quality and energy conservation Ethical standards and social equity


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Transcription of 00 News 208 - MAS Fabric Park-AITC

1 Cl oth in g factoryin Sri LankaMASI ntimatesThurulieClothingfactoryinSriLank aSte p by st epIntroductionbyHansj rgLeibundgutSu stainab le con str uct ion Tar getissues forsu stainabl e co nst ru cti onQuant umchangeandtra nsferabil it yEcological qualit y and energy co nser va ti onEthical standard s andso ci alequi tyEconomicperfor mance andco mpatib il ityConte xtual and aestheticimpactMASI ntim at es Thu rul ieProjectdescriptio n byDaniel Went zMAS Fa br ic Park and MAS In timat esSite descriptionSite designBuilding pr ogramSustainableapproachPassive coolingPr oduction modelEmployee well-beingIndoorthermal comfortConstructionmateria lsEconomicperfor manceEner gy eff ic ie ncyWate r managementClean energyGreen manufacturing C re at ing awa re ness an d un derstandi ng fo r sus tainabilit y InterviewwithVi dhuraRalapanawe,te amleaderfo r theMAS IntimatesThurulieprojectTe chn ical da taDesign team M akin g an industri al bu il din g fun damentalysus tainabl e InterviewwithHansj r g Le ibundgut, Pro fesso r ofBuil di ngServi cesatET H Zurich,SwitzerlandSou rc es an d ackn ow ledgementsHol ci m Fou nda tion for Sust ain able Co nstructionBo oks in this ser iesPub li shedby Hol cim Fo un dation,Zur ich, Sw itzerlan dLay out by Sc hadeggGr afik, Zurich-Gockhausen, SwitzerlandPri ntedin Sw itzer la nd on FSC paper by St u bli AG Zu richSt ubli Verl ag AG , Zur ich , Sw itze rlan dISB N 978 -3-7 266 -0082-9 20 09 Ho lcimFoundation for Sust ain ableConstruction.

2 SwitzerlandHo lcimFounda tion for SustainableCo nstructionHa genholzst rasse85CH -8050 Zurich,Swi tzerlandPh one +41 58 858 82 92Fa x +4 1 58 858 82 99in fo@holcim fo un is pu blication can be downlo aded as a PDF imfound hin g factoryin Sri La nk aMASI ntimatesThurulie281012141618212226303640 424648505256586062646768747679808384862 ByPr ofe ss or Dr . Ha ns j rg Le ibundgut , Pr ofessorofBu il di ng Ser vi ce s at th e Inst it ut e of Bu ildingTe ch no lo gy, Swis s Fed er al Inst it ut e of Technology(E THZuric h) , an d member of theTechnicalCompet en ce Ce nt er (TCC)of theHolcimFo undationStep bystep3Th er e ar e countlessde finiti on s of sus th ethr ee-pillarmodel:a pr oj ect is co nsideredsustainablewhenit respondsequallyto ec onomic,ecolog ica l, andsocialfactors whichoftencanbemeasuredonlysubjectively an d bringsthese in to las ti ngba lance.

3 Thatso undsde si ra bl e. But weallknowthatit is oftenverydif fi cultto achievebalanc e in pr act ice;weareus uallyforcedto weighandtr adeoffvariousint eres ts . But eventhenwecanproducenotableachievements, certainas pec ts of whichmightevenbe th is publication theHolc imFou ndationforSustainable Co nstructionpresentsa newclothingfac tory at Thulhiriyain SriLanka,thepr odu ctionsiteof aninternationalclothi ngmaker. Thefir st phaseof this bu ildingwas fi nishedmid-2008. I vi si te d th e factor y a fewmonthslaterandquicklyrecognizedthatth is exempl ar y pr ojectals o ,oneco uldha ve cover edtheentireroofwithphotovolt aicpan lumnsin theha ll s co ul d ha ve reduced st eel e aluminumroo fingre pr es en ts a significantamountof pstheyco uldhav e av oid edres hapingthepondonthesit e, anddamagingfl oraandfauna by dr ed e done many th in gs ill,thefactory isim pressive alsoin termsof sus ta inability.

4 As anengineerI haveseenunc ountedin dustrial bui ld in gs in mylifetime,but nopr oject hasim pressedmeas favorably as thi s lingreducesen er hydroelec tr ic pla nt supplies90 percentof thepowerrequ ir emen t, andphotovoltaicpanelscover the4 Thepeoplehavecre atednotjusta bu ildingbuta system nota perfectone, but,measuredontheimperfectscaleof sustainability, averygoodon e. An d thatinit selfis anoutsta ndingac hievement. 5rest. Oncethefinalwingis co ns truc ted,thefactorywillgi ve 1, 300pe oplework in a co untrybeset by ts un amiandciv il pi te lim it edresources, muchhasbeendo newit h thisbuildingto enhance it s think ba ck on my vi si t, I rememberwomenof Sinhalese andTamildescent workingto getherin gro ups . I see happyyo ungpeo plebefore me,pouringout of th e sewinghal ls to enjoylunchtogetherbesidethepo rr oundings of thepond ar e thicklyvegetat edagain;nosigns re mainof theshovelexcavator th at en la rgedit.

5 Therecuperative capacityofna tu re is so strong heretha t evenmassivein terventionsareno t so decisiveas in otherglobalre gions; accord ingly,theymust be assessed dif fer entlyth anel am impressedbyth e commit ment of thepeople whohavecreatednotjusta buildingbuta sy stem not a per fectone,but,measuredon th eimperfectsc aleof su stainabi li ty , a very itself is anou tstanding ge 79for aninterviewwithHansj r g Leibundgut: Makinganindustrial buildingfundamentalysustainable. 8 Quant umcha ng e an d tr ansf erabilityEt hi cal st an da rds andso ci al equityEc ol og ica l qual it y and ene rgy conservationEc on omic per fo rm an ce andcompatibilityCont ext ua l resp on se and ae sthet ic impactSustainableconstruction9 Sustainabledevelopmentandar chitecturearemultifarioussubjectsintertw inedwithmanyother complexiss makesus tai na bl econstr uctioneasierto un de rs ta nd, as sess,andpra ctice,theHolci mFoundatio n for Sustainable Co nst ructiondevelopeda five-point de finitio ta rg et is sues serveto measurethedegreeto whicha bu ilding contributesto su st ai nablede thefiveta rgetissuesalignwiththepri mary goalsof theRioAgenda.

6 Balancedenvironmental,social, andeconomic per furthertarget is sueappliesspecificallyto buildi ng thecreationof appropria te bu il dings,neighborhoods,towns,an d cit ies. Thefinaltargetiss uere cognizes th eneedforsignificant advanc emen ts thatcanbe applie d ona br oa d issuesare exp lainedin detail andillustrated ta rg et. Thefollowingsec tionof thisbookis asu mmar y of thefiv e criteria andhowMASInt imates Thuruliemeets constructionpracticemustbe appliedon a broadscaleto ideasthattransferbestare thosethatare affordable,simple,and ul ie cla im s tobe th e world sfir st clo th in g fac to rypoweredsolelybycar bo n-n eutr alsou a vi si ona ry dep ar -turefr omthetradi ti onal fact or meetsveryhighstand ar ds foret hicsandenvironmen ta lstewardship in manu fa ct ur in a modelbuild in g un de r Mark s& Spencer s ec o-i ni ti at iv e Pl anA,theproject setsan ex ampl e fortheco mpany,th e ap pare l in du st ry ,andotherindust ri es.

7 Co mpa re d with th e average fa ctory,th e des ig n is outstandinginvirt uall y every e fl agship fa ctory of MASHold in gs, th e bu ildingis a globallypu blic iz edic onthatsymboli zesth e company s co mmitment tosu st ai na ble minimizegreenhousegas healthfulfor humans,animals,and a healthynaturalenvironmentby reducingwaste,controllingpollution,and treatingland,air, and wateras logical qu ali ty andenergyconservationMAS Intimates Thur ul ie wasdesignedin compl ia nc e wi thUSGBC standardsfo r gr eenbu ildingsandco mpl ie s with LEED *Platinumstand ar ds. Thi s cer tific a-tio n attestsoutstandi ngove rallenviro nmentalper fo rmanc required for ope rati on is25percentlo wer th antha t of com-pa rablefactories.

8 Only ren ewab leandcarbo n-neut ra l en er gyso ur e bu ild ingis careful ly situatedonthein tensiv elyplantedsiteto min im izeitsfoo tprint an dmaxi mi ze er y dr op of water onthesit e isca re fully managed; co nsumptionof pot ab le water is halfthat ofco mpa ra red uc e thegrayenergyin thebu il di ng , th e main exteriorwallsar e madeof co mpressedstabilizedea rt h blo ck manufactured40kil o-mete rs fromthesit e.* LEED(L eadership in energy an d EnvironmentalDesi gn)is theGreenBu il di ngRati ngSystem of Green Bui ld in g umis thehi ghest LEED rating. Bu il di ngsth at ha ve at tai nedthisrig or ouslevelof certif icationareamongthegre enest in the globalpopulationexpands, developingcountries,the chiefmandateof constructionis toensurebasicneedssuchas shelter,water,schools,and accessto goods,services,and developedcountries,the challengeis to achievesociallyequitablestewardshipof settlementsand buildingsshouldrespondto emotionaland psychologicalneedsof peopleby providingstimulatingenvironments,raising awarenessof importantvalues,inspiringthe humanspirit,and and respectfultreatmentof everyoneinvolvedduringthe design,construction,use.

9 Andrecyclingof buildingsand standards andsocialequityHealthandwell-be in g of st af f ar ecentral to thede si gn of MASI ntimatesTh ur ul ie . Thebu il di ngoffers a comforta bl e, hea lt hfu l,andattractive ind oo r en vi ron mentforal l itsservi ce to empl oy ees ,th e planttransp or ts empl oye esto an d fr omwor k, pro vid es fre elunchesforst af f, tra inswor ke rs ,andprovideson -s it e co nv en ien ce ssu chas medical car e an d ba nk e pr od uctionflo or is divid edinto se pa rate areaswhere workersco lla bo rat e in teams,enhancingpr od uc ti vit y an d employeesatis fac tio e ec o- fa ctory is anethicalre sp on se to co nsumerswhoca ll edfor stronger enviro nmentalst ewar e be au tif ul andst imulatingen vi ro nment is uplifting.

10 Thefa ct or y is a place where peoplefe el tr eated wi th respect an ddi gn it financiallyfeasibleto build,operate,maintain, ,activities,and stimulatelocaleconomies,leadto broadereconomicintegration,helpestablish long-termbasesforlivelihoods,and serveto nomicperformanceandcompatibilityMASInt imatesThu ru li e is de si gnedforleanmanufac tu ri ng ; th e fa ct oryis pr ofitableto ope ra te , di splay ingenergy efficie ncy , ope ra ti on aleff iciency,andhi gh prod uc ti vi ty .Becauseoperat io n is veryeff ici en t,thepaybackperio d fo r th e ext raco st of making th e bu il di nggree nis nic buil dingenhan ce s th ebrand equityof themanufa cturer,MASInt im ates; it s gr oup, MASH oldi ngs ; andit s re ta il er,Marks& Sp en re viv e aform er in dustrial ce nter, re estab -lis hi ng a lo caleconomic ba se andpro vid in g long-term employmentfor 1,3 a motor of thenewMAS FabricPark , thepl antis ce ntral to thefurther developmentof anefficientman ufa ,comfortable, ,fittingfunctionallyandaestheticallyinto itssetting, and aestheticimpactMAS Intimates Thurulie offers apleasant and functional indoorenvironment that ideally supportslean building harmonizes with itssite.

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