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11 1111 li - Defense Technical Information Center

The ves expressed in Ns paper m dtow of the authciand do not necessaridy reflect the vimw of theDepartment of Defense or auny of its agecims Thisdocument may not be released for open publicaton urtlZit has been cleared by the apprpnarate military se n e otgovernment STATUS: A UNITED STATES ARMYRESERVE MILITARY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM DILEMMABYLIEUTENANT COLONEL MACLAWRENCE GASKINSU nited States army ReserveDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public is CLASS OF 1991 1 0Q army WAR COLLEGE, CARLISLE BARRACKS, PA 17013-5050ii Iii 11 1111 li [IIII------- --------UNCLASSIFIEDSECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEForm ApprovedREPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION lb. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGSUNCLASSIFIED None2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3 DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF REPORTNone2b.]

ABSTRACT AUTHOR: MacLawrence Gaskins, Lt Col, USAR TITLE: Dual Status: A United States Army Reserve Military Technician Program Dilemma.


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1 The ves expressed in Ns paper m dtow of the authciand do not necessaridy reflect the vimw of theDepartment of Defense or auny of its agecims Thisdocument may not be released for open publicaton urtlZit has been cleared by the apprpnarate military se n e otgovernment STATUS: A UNITED STATES ARMYRESERVE MILITARY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM DILEMMABYLIEUTENANT COLONEL MACLAWRENCE GASKINSU nited States army ReserveDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public is CLASS OF 1991 1 0Q army WAR COLLEGE, CARLISLE BARRACKS, PA 17013-5050ii Iii 11 1111 li [IIII------- --------UNCLASSIFIEDSECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEForm ApprovedREPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION lb. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGSUNCLASSIFIED None2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3 DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF REPORTNone2b.]

2 DECLASSIFICATION / DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE Approved for public release; distributionNIA is PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5 MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S)N/A N/A6a. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION I6b. OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING army War College (if applicable) army War College6c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIPCode) 7b. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code)Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5050 Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5050Ba. NAME OF FUNDING ISPONSORING Bb OFFICE SYMBOL 9 PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBERORGANIZATION (If applicable) N/A8c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10 SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERSPROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNITC arlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5050 ELEMENT NO. NO. NO. ACCESSION N/A N/A N/A N/A11. TITLE (Include Security Classification)Dual Status: A United States army reserve Military Technician Program DilemmaUNCLASSIFIED12.

3 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S)MacLawrence Gaskins13a. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) 115. PAGE COUNTMSP FROM 1972 TO 1991 91/04/09 3116. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATIONM ilitary Studies Project is a requirement for students of the army War College17. COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP reserve , Military Technician, Dual Status Mobilization,USAR, Full Time Support19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)The Department of the army (DA), reserve (USAR) units for national Defense , is currentlyconfronted with a dilemma. The dilemma is a result of the army 's commitment to providethe USAR units with full-time support personnel that will mobilize with the units whencalled upon to do so.

4 It is centered around efforts to improve one element of the USAR full-time support (FTS) Program, the Military Technician (MT) Program. All civilianmembers of the MT Program are required to be Reservists in the unit they support as acondition of employment. Known as dual status, this requirement is the source of thedilemma. This requirement gives the MT Program its uniqueness and without it militarytechnicians are not different from other DA civilians. Since implementation, the require-ment has caused numerous problems in administering the MT Program. With the creation ofthe Active Guard/ reserve (AGR) Program, another element of the FTS Program, many belicvethe dual status requirement has outlived its usefulness. In an environment of reducedforce structure and reduced funding, the army is committed to (CONTINUED ON REVERSE)20 DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 121 ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION[UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED 1 SAME AS RPT EJ DTIC USERSI _ UNCLASSIFIED22a.]

5 NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 122c OFFICE SYMBOLCHARLES E. HELLER (717) 258-4220 AWCIDD Form 1473, JUN 86 Previous editions are obsolete SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEUNCLASSIFIEDa program that is mandated by public law while the single requirement that makes theprogram unique is questioned by the program's work force and administrators. Thisstudy project will examine the events leading up to this current dilemma and how theArmy can solve it without eliminating the MT views expressed in this paper are those of theauthor and do not necessarily reflect the views oft- T'2partuent of rc~cnsa or any of Its ): doc ient may not be released for open publicationurtc l it has been cleared by the appropriate militarvservice or government MILITARY STUDIES PROGRAM PAPERDUAL STATUS: A UNITED STATES army reserve MILITARYTECHNICIAN PROGRAM INDIVIDUAL STUDY PROJECTbyLieutenant Colonel MacLawrence GaskinsUnited States army ReserveColonel Charles HellerProject AdviserDISTRIBUTION STATD(ENT A: Approved for publicrelease.

6 Distribution is uU army War CollegeCarlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania 17013 UNCLASSIFIEDABSTRACTAUTHOR: MacLawrence Gaskins, Lt Col, USARTITLE: Dual Status: A United States army reserve MilitaryTechnician Program : Individual Study ProjectDATE: 9 April 1991 PAGES: 28. CLASSIFICATION: UnclassifiedThe Department of the army (DA), as the agency responsiblefor providing well trained United States army reserve (USAR) unitsfor national Defense , is currently confronted with a dilemma. Thedilemma is a result of the army 's commitment to provide the USAR units with full-time support personnel that will mobilize with theunits when called upon to do so. It is centered around efforts toimprove one element of the USAR Full-Time Support (FTS) Program,the Military Technician (MT) Program.

7 All civilian members of theMT program are required to be Reservists in the unit they supportas a condition of employment. Known as dual status, thisrequirement is the source of the dilemma. This requirement givesthe MT program its uniqueness and without it military techniciansare no different from other Department of the army civilians(DACs). Since implementation, the requirement has caused numerousproblems in administering the MT Program. With the creation ofthe Active Guard/ reserve (AGR) Program, another element of the FTSP rogram, many believe the dual status requirement has outlived itsusefulness. In an environment of reduced force structure andreduced funding, the army is committed to a program that ismandated by public law while the single requirement that makes theprogram unique is questioned by the program's work force andadministrators.

8 This study project will examine the eventsleading up to this current dilemma and how the army can solve itwithout eliminating the MT ForNTIS GRA&TDTIC TAB 'fl/Availability Codeslfv. il and/or ipIsi&INTRODUCTIONDual status requires MTs to be unit members of the TroopProgram Unit (TPU) they are hired to support as technicians;however, technicians employed in areas other than TPUs need onlybe members of the Selective reserve in a military positioncompatible with their civilian position. The dual statusrequirement of the United States army reserve (USAR) MilitaryTechnician (MT) Program was debated before mandated by Public Law( ) 98-212, Section 783 on 8 December 1983. With the passageof 98-212, Congress embodied in law a requirement (which isthe intent of the law and its first order effect) that has becomea source of controversy for the Department of the army (DA) andhas created unanticipated second order effects which currentlyimpact on the readiness of the USAR and the National Guard (NG).

9 Limiting its scope to the USAR, this paper will examine the eventsleading up to the passage of 98-212, identify the problemscaused by the dual status requirement, and recommend actions thatDA can implement to deal with its current dilemma USAR FULL-TIME SUPPORT (FTS) PROGRAMIn order to understand the army 's dilemma it is necessary tounderstand the USAR FTS Program and its components. The missionof the FTS program is to increase USAR unit readiness and toenhance USAR units ability to rapidly mobilize and deploy in theevent of an emergency. This mission is accomplished by providingfull-time personnel to perform those tasks that either cannot beperformed by part-time soldiers or if performed by Reservistswould consume valuable training accomplish its mission, the FTS Program is organized intofour categories; United States army Active Component (AC)soldiers, Active Guard/ reserve (AGR) soldiers, MTs, and Departmentof the army civilians (DACs).

10 According to Department of Defense (DoD) policy "AC personnel are AD (Active Duty) members paid fromactive DoD appropriations assigned or attached to RC (ReserveComponent) organizations and units by their respective Services toprovide advice, liaison, management, administration, training,and/or maintenance support. It is current DoD policy that ACpersonnel shall be used primarily to provide current AC militaryadvice for doctrine, training, exercises, inspections, etc. toensure the highest readiness possib-le of RC units, be assigned tovalidated positions in Selected reserve units, and mobilize withthose units." 1 AC soldiers are considered to be soldiers are Reservists on AD to support the RCs asauthorized by the Secretary of Defense . They occupy positions inUSAR units; in major subordinate commands; Headquarters (HQs), DA;and in DoD.

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