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2 No. 36715 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 July 2013

,2No. 36715 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 July 2013 Act No. 7 of 2013 Prevention and combating of Traffi cking in Persons Act, 2013 ACTTo give effect to the Republic s obligations concerning the trafficking of persons interms of international agreements; to provide for an offence of trafficking inpersons and other offences associated with trafficking in persons; to provide forpenalties that may be imposed in respect of the offences; to provide for measures toprotect and assist victims of trafficking in persons; to provide for the coordinatedimplementation, application and administration of this Act; to prevent and combatthe trafficking in persons within or across the borders of the Republic.

4 No. 36715 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 July 2013 Act No. 7 of 2013 Prevention and Combating of Traffi cking in Persons Act, 2013 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS Sections CHAPTER 1 ...






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Transcription of 2 No. 36715 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 July 2013

1 ,2No. 36715 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 July 2013 Act No. 7 of 2013 Prevention and combating of Traffi cking in Persons Act, 2013 ACTTo give effect to the Republic s obligations concerning the trafficking of persons interms of international agreements; to provide for an offence of trafficking inpersons and other offences associated with trafficking in persons; to provide forpenalties that may be imposed in respect of the offences; to provide for measures toprotect and assist victims of trafficking in persons; to provide for the coordinatedimplementation, application and administration of this Act; to prevent and combatthe trafficking in persons within or across the borders of the Republic.

2 And toprovide for matters connected the search for improved socio-economic circumstances and thedemand for the services of victims of trafficking contribute to making personsvulnerable to becoming victims of trafficking;CONCERNEDby the increase of trafficking in persons, especially women andchildren, and the role played by organised criminal networks in the trafficking of personsglobally;SINCEthe South African common law and statutory law do not deal with the problemof trafficking in persons adequately;AND SINCEthe Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa,1996, enshrines the right to human dignity, equality, the right to freedom and security ofthe person, which includes the right not to be deprived of freedom arbitrarily or withoutjust cause, and not to be treated in a cruel, inhuman or degrading way, the right not to besubjected to slavery, servitude or forced labour, and the right of children to be protectedfrom maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation.

3 AndMINDFULof the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Traffickingin Persons, especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United NationsConvention against Transnational Organised Crime, 2000, and other internationalagreements which place obligations on the Republic of South Africa towards thecombating and ultimately, the eradication of trafficking in persons,Parliament of the Republic of South Africa therefore enacts as follows: (English text signed by the President)(Assented to 28 July 2013)33No. 36715 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 July 2013No. 7 wa 2013uMtsetfo Lovikela futsi uLwisane Nekushushunjiswa Kwebantfu, wanga-2013 UMTSETFOK wentela kuphunyeleliswa kwemsebenti wase Riphabhulikhi lophatselenenekushushunjiswa kwebantfu ngalokuhambisana netivumelwano tamhlaba-wonkhe; kuniketela ngelicala lekushushunjiswa kwebantfukanye nalamanyeemacala lahambisana naloko; kubeka tinhlawulo letinganiketwa ngekuhambisananalamacala; kubeka tindlela tekuvikela nekusita labatsintsekako ekushushu-njisweni kwebantfu; kuniketa kusetjentiswa lokuyinhlanganisela, kusebentisanekulawulwa kwaloMtsetfo.

4 Kuvikela nekucedza kushushunjiswa kwebantfuekhatsi nangaphandle kwemincele yaseRiphabhulikhi; kanye nekuniketelakutindzaba letiphatselene kutfungatfwa kwematfuba etemnotfo lancono kanye nekudzingekakwemsebenti webantfu labashushunjisiwe kufaka sandla ekwenteni bantfu babesengcupheni yekuhlukunyetwa ngekushushunjiswa;KUTSINTSEKA ngekwandza kwekushushunjiswa kwebantfu, ikakhulukati bantfubesifazane kanye nebantfwana, kanye nenzima ledlalwa tindlela tekuchumanatebugebengu lobuhleliwe ekushushunjisweni kwebantfu emhlabeni jikelele;NJENGOBA umtsetfo kanye nemtsetfo webantfu bonkhe ungabukani ngokwanelenenkhinga yekushushunjiswa kwebantfu.

5 FUTSI NJENGOBAU mtsetfo Wemalungelo Eluntfu kuMtsetfosisekelo waseri-phabhulikhi yeNingizimu Afrika, yanga-1996, ivikela lilungelo lekuhlonishwakwesitfunti semuntfu, kulingana, lilungelo lenkhululeko kanye nekuvikelekakwemuntfu, lekufaka ekhatsi lilungelo lekungancishwa inkululeko noma ngaphandlekwesizatfu, kantsi bangaphatfwa ngebudlova, kungakhombisi buntfu noma ngendlelaleyehlisa sitfunti, lilungelo lekungentiwa sigcila, bugcila noma kucindzetelwa kutsiusebente, kanye nelilungelo lebantfwana lekutsi bavikeleke bangaphatfwa kabi,bangalahlwa, bangahlukunyetwa noma bangabukelwa phansi; kanyeKUCAPHELAI ncubo yeNkhambiso Yekuvikela yeMave Elubumbano, kucedza kanyenekujezisa kushushunjiswa Kwebantfu, ikakhulukati Bantfu Besifazane kanyeNebantfwana, kulekelela ngesiVumelwano semave emhlaba kuMave Elumbanosilekelela Ebugebengwini Lobuhleliwe Lobusekhatsi kweMave lahlukene, nga-2000,kanye naletinye tivumelwano temave ngemave letitfwesa tibopho kuRiphabhulikiyaseNgingtimuAfrika kutsi ilwisane futsi ekugcineni, icedze kushushujiswa kwebantfu,NGAKO-KE iPhalamende yeriphabhulikhi yaseNingizimu Afrika ibeka ngalendlelalelandzelako: (English text signed by the President)(Assented to 28 July 2013)4No.

6 36715 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 July 2013 Act No. 7 of 2013 Prevention and combating of Traffi cking in Persons Act, 2013 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONSS ectionsCHAPTER 1 DEFINITIONS, INTERPRETATION AND OBJECTS OF ACT1. Definitions2. Interpretation of certain expressions3. Objects of ActCHAPTER 2 OFFENCES, PENALTIES AND EXTRA-TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION4. Trafficking in persons5. Debt bondage6. Possession, destruction, confiscation, concealment of or tampering withdocuments7. Using services of victims of trafficking8. Conduct facilitating trafficking in persons9. Liability of carriers10. Involvement in offences under this Chapter11.

7 Liability of persons for offences under this Chapter12. Extra-territorial jurisdiction13. Penalties14. Factors to be considered in sentencingCHAPTER 3 STATUS OF FOREIGN VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING REQUIRED TO ASSISTIN INVESTIGATIONS AND PROSECUTIONS15. Protective measures for purposes of investigation and prosecution in respect offoreign victims of trafficking16. Facilitation of police investigation or prosecution in case of foreign witnesses17. Application for rights of permanent residence in terms of section 31(2)(b)ofImmigration ActCHAPTER 4 IDENTIFICATION AND PROTECTION OF VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING18. Reporting of and dealing with child victim of trafficking19.

8 Reporting of and dealing with adult victim of trafficking20. Appeals against decision of provincial head21. Provision of health care services to a foreigner who is a victim of trafficking22. Criminal prosecution of victim of trafficking23. Unauthorised access to and disclosure of informationCHAPTER 5 ACCREDITATION OF ORGANISATIONS TO PROVIDE SERVICES TOADULT VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING24. Accreditation of organisations to provide services25. Norms and minimum standards26. Programme offered by accredited organisation27. Access to programme offered by accredited organisation28. Plan to address needs of victim of trafficking45101520253035404555No.

9 36715 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 July 2013No. 7 wa 2013uMtsetfo Lovikela futsi uLwisane Nekushushunjiswa Kwebantfu, wanga-2013 KUHLELWA KWETIGABAT igabaSAHLUKO 1 TINCHAZELO, KUHUNYUSHWA NETINJONGO TEMTSETFO1. Tinchazelo2. Kuhunyushwa kwemibhalo letsite3. Tinjongo teMtsetfoSAHLUKO 2 EMACALA, TIGWEBO KANYE NELLIGUNYA LEMAVE ANGAPHANDLE4. Kushushunjiswa kwebantfu5. Sibambiso sesikweleti6. Kuphatsa, kuphazamisa, kuphatsa, kufihla noma kulimata imibhalo7. Kusebentisa umuntfu loshushunjisiwe8. Tento tekushushunjiswa kwebantfu9. Licala lelitfweswe umshushumbisi10. Kungenelela kumacala langaphansi Kuba nemtfwalo kubantfu ngemacala langaphansi kwaleSahluko12.

10 Ligunya lemave angaphandle13. Tinhlawulo14. Tindlela lekumele tilandzelwe uma kukhishwa sigweboSAHLUKO 3 SIMO SEBANTFU BEKUFIKA LABAHLUKUNYETWE KUSHUSHUNJISWALABADZINGEKE KUTSI BASITE KULUPHENYO NEKUSHUSHISWA15. Tindlela tekuvikela kwentela kuphenya nekushushisa ngalokuphatselenenalabatsintseka ekushushumbiseni basemaveni angaphandle16. Kulawula luphenyo lwemaphoyisa noma kushushiswa uma ngabe kubofakazibangaphandle17. Kufaka sicelo selilungelo lekuhlala ngalokugcwele eriphabhulikhi ngekwe-sigaba 31(2)(b)seMtsetfo weTifika NamtfwaloSAHLUKO 4 KUVETWA KANYE NEKUVIKELWA KWALABAHLUKUNYETWEKUSHUSHUNJISWA18. Kubika kanye nekuniketela ngemntfwana lohlukunyetwe kushushumbisa19.

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