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21174 DetoxKit Flyer 120903 - Heel.ca

Coldandfluwi ll infect upto25%of theCanadianpopulationeachye uscomplicationsfrominfluenza(fl u)ar emostlik elytooccurinin dividualswi thcertainpre-existi ngmedicalco nditio er,previouslyhealthyyo ungchildrenmay al sohavehospi talizationratescomparabletothoseamongthe elderlyduri ngtheinfluenzase sc ep ti bilitytoinf ectionsdepen dsonnumerousvariablesincludingthe status oftheimmunesys e goalof atreatmentwi thEn gystol istoact ivateandsupport thedefenseme cha nisms of thebody, , tostrengthenthena tu ralimmuneresponseincaseofa viralin us studiesdocument theth er ap euticandpreventivebe nefit s of thehomeopathic prepar ation En gystol in ca se s ofinf ect ionswithorwithoutfe versuchasbronchitis,herpes,otiti s, flu, ,3,4 ,7 BenefitsofEngystol Sci enti fi ca llydemonstra ted ef fic acy Onth e int ern at ionalmark etforov er 35 years May be usedfo r bothpr ev ention andtreatment ofvi ralinfections Sti mul at es th e non-speci fic defe ns e sys te m(immunomodulato r) Sui tablefortheent irefamily No known contraindic at ions and very well tol erated May be co mbinedtoother nat ural or conve

Your family’s best ally to stimulate the immune system and fight viruses Engystol ® • Scientifically and clinically proven effective • For the entire family • No known contraindications nor medicinal interactions Engystol Engystol ® Scientifically proven


  Flyer, 14127, Detoxkit, 120903, 21174 detoxkit flyer 120903




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Transcription of 21174 DetoxKit Flyer 120903 - Heel.ca

1 Coldandfluwi ll infect upto25%of theCanadianpopulationeachye uscomplicationsfrominfluenza(fl u)ar emostlik elytooccurinin dividualswi thcertainpre-existi ngmedicalco nditio er,previouslyhealthyyo ungchildrenmay al sohavehospi talizationratescomparabletothoseamongthe elderlyduri ngtheinfluenzase sc ep ti bilitytoinf ectionsdepen dsonnumerousvariablesincludingthe status oftheimmunesys e goalof atreatmentwi thEn gystol istoact ivateandsupport thedefenseme cha nisms of thebody, , tostrengthenthena tu ralimmuneresponseincaseofa viralin us studiesdocument theth er ap euticandpreventivebe nefit s of thehomeopathic prepar ation En gystol in ca se s ofinf ect ionswithorwithoutfe versuchasbronchitis,herpes,otiti s, flu, ,3,4 ,7 BenefitsofEngystol Sci enti fi ca llydemonstra ted ef fic acy Onth e int ern at ionalmark etforov er 35 years May be usedfo r bothpr ev ention andtreatment ofvi ralinfections Sti mul at es th e non-speci fic defe ns e sys te m(immunomodulato r) Sui tablefortheent irefamily No known contraindic at ions and very well tol erated May be co mbinedtoother nat ural or conve nt ionalimmunomodulat ingth erapi es andmedi ca tionsDosagerecommendationAcute(Fromthe onset1 tabl et every 30-6 0 min utesofsy mptoms)fora maximumof12dosesperdayor1 oralvialupto3 timesperdayGeneral(Aftertheonsetof1 tablet3 timesdailyor1sy mptomsaswellasfororalvial3-7timesweeklyp reventionandchronictreatment)

2 Allowtablettodissolveslowlyinthemouthorp ourcontentoftheampouleina smallquantityofwater, ormationMedi ci nalin gredients: Su lfu r D4, D10, Ascl epia s vin cet oxicu mD6, D10, D30. Non-medicina l ingredi ents: mag nesi umst ear at e, :inveryrarecases, e indivi dual re sponse to Engystol wi ll vary accordin g toea chperso n s healt h stat us, the severity ofthe co nditio n beingtreated, the age, th e dos age used, etc. , initial benefitsmay befeltwithinhours ordays. If sy mpto ms pers ist, worsen, areunid entifi edor newly occ urr ing, consult a healt h care pra cti-tioneras medica l attent ionmay be re quir ed. For preventio nth er apy, th e general dosage should beadminist ere d in cyclesof1 week on and 1 week :October 2008To be health y andstro ng!

3 Engysto l Yo ur family sbestallyto stimulate the immunesystemandfightvir usesEngysto l Scientificallyandclinicallyproveneffecti ve Fortheentirefamily No knowncontraindicationsnor medicinalinteracti onsEngystol Engystol ScientificallyprovenAn tiv ira l activityBasi c researchrevealstheantiviralactivityofEng ystol against vir uses(such as theIn flu enza, th e HerpesSi mplextyp e 1,the Rhi novirus,theAden ovirusTy pe5 andth e RespiratorySy ncytialVi rus orRSV).3, 6 Efficacyan d tol erabilitySt udiesonEng ystol demon str ateanex ce llenttolera repor te d "excelle nt " to"good"tolerance tothemedicationfor 97%ofpatients .2En gy stol ac hie ve d a good to verygood thera -pe uticre sultin over88%of pa ti ents sufferingfrominfectionswithfever,th eflu orwhenus edasa pr eventi vemeasuretoac tiv atetheimmunesy well, thetime to fi rstsymptomaticim provementwasshorterwith theadministrationof Eng ystol thanit was wi thco nve ntional medicat ions,incase s ofupper respir atoryin fectionsas sociate d withthe entive eff ectA study evaluating theprophylaxiseffect ofEngystol against inf luenzademonstrated th attreatment withEngystol reducedthefr equency ofinf lu en zainfecti ons comparedtothe co ntrol group.

4 Moreover,thedurati onandseveri ty of symptoms wasco nsiderablylowerin theEngystol m of actionInvi trotestshave demonstratedthatEngystol stimulatesthephago-cyticactivityofhumang ranulocytesupto33%. Inother words,Engystol improv esthefightingcapacity ofwhitebloodcells,whichdigest microor ganisms,by33%!Thiseffec t wasfurtherenhancedto41%byco mbining Engystol andGripp-Heel .5 NewerresearchhasestablishedthatT-l ymphocytes (immunecells)res pondto theadmini st rationofEngystol byincreasinginterf er on- producti on,whichis indica tiveofth e act ivationoftheimmunesyste apythat improvesinterferon- pro ductionmightbeexpecte d toco nferbenefitstopeople exposedtoinfectiousagents (fl u sea son).8 Reference s1 CanadaCommunicable DiseaseRepor t, Volu me30, ACS-2 , 1 March2004, An AdvisoryCommittee St atement(ACS),Natio nal Adviso ryCommi tteeonImmunization(NACI ), Update:Statement on InfluenzaVacci natio n forthe2003-0 4 tevi si tedonAugust24th, 2005(http /).

5 2 HerzbergerG, hi c Treatmentof Infecti onsof VariousOrigins: A Prospectiv eStudy. Bi omedicalThera py 1997;X V(4): 123- Combinatio n In je ct ionPr eparation asa Prophylacti c forFluandCommon olo gicalTherapy 1994;VII(4) rb ickaE, Br zozowska-BindaA,Wil czynsk i J, Uzerowic z : Therapywi tha HomeopathicPr ep arati on. Bi omedicalTherapy1998;XVI(4): ,Jur cicK,Doen icke A, Behrens Homeo pathicDrugPreparationsonthePhagocytosisC apabilityofGranul oc yt ol ogical Therapy1993; XI(2):43- , Gla tthaar-Saa lm ll erB, Stolt P, Weise r Engystol: AnInVitr oAnalysis. J AlternComplement Med2005;11(5 ):855-6 hmiedelV, KleinP. A comple x homeopathic preparationfo r thesy mptomat ic treatmentofupperrespiratoryin fe ctions associatedwith theco mmon col plore2006; 2 Eff ectsofthehomeopath ic preparat io n Engystol on interf eron- pr oduction byhumanT- lymphocytes.

6 Immunologicalin vestigat ions 2006;3 5:19- ,Canada1888879-4335

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