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What would it mean to dis cover anan cient lan guage alit eral mes sage hidden within t he DNA of life it self? Whatwe oncebe lie ved of our past is about God CodeJust asan art ist signs his works, ithas been sug gested that God hassigned His work of Cre ationby en -coding within the DNA of all liv ingthings His name ac cording to the an -cient He brewand Arabic al pha bets. Astar tling dis cov eryif ter a 12-year study, New YorkTimesbest sell ing au thor Gregg Braden claims to have discov ered justsuch asig na ture what he calls the GodCode. How is thispos si ble, and whatdoes it meanto man kind es pe ciallyto dis ci ples ofJe sus Christ? Ac cord ingto Braden, it could mean a new era ofpeace and broth er hood once man kindrec og nizes that he is more than theprod uct of blind chance more than arandom se lec tion of mol e cules thatformed in some pri mor dial soup eonsago.

vid u als who con sider it their duty in life, as well as an honor, to pre serve the mem o ries of our spe cies and the his tory of our world.3 Braden has con sulted manyre li -






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1 What would it mean to dis cover anan cient lan guage alit eral mes sage hidden within t he DNA of life it self? Whatwe oncebe lie ved of our past is about God CodeJust asan art ist signs his works, ithas been sug gested that God hassigned His work of Cre ationby en -coding within the DNA of all liv ingthings His name ac cording to the an -cient He brewand Arabic al pha bets. Astar tling dis cov eryif ter a 12-year study, New YorkTimesbest sell ing au thor Gregg Braden claims to have discov ered justsuch asig na ture what he calls the GodCode. How is thispos si ble, and whatdoes it meanto man kind es pe ciallyto dis ci ples ofJe sus Christ? Ac cord ingto Braden, it could mean a new era ofpeace and broth er hood once man kindrec og nizes that he is more than theprod uct of blind chance more than arandom se lec tion of mol e cules thatformed in some pri mor dial soup eonsago.

2 Braden con tends that his dis cov -eryproves the ex istence of an in te l li -gent be in g who de signed and cre atedthe uni ve rse, then signed His cre is more thana best sell ingau thor. Ac cord ing to Deepak Chopra,au thor of Howto Know God, GreggBraden is a rare blend of sci en tist, vi -sion ary, and scholar, with the abil ityto speak to our minds while touch ingthe wis dom of our hearts. 1 GREGGBRADENThe au thor and self-proclaimed dis -cov erer of the God Code is a ge ol o gistwho also worked as a se nior com putersys tems de signer in the aero space andde fense in dus try un til 1990. When nottrav el ing, Braden (50) lives al ter -nately in New Mex ico and Florida with his fam 1987 he be gan tolookbe yond the phys i cal sci ences into the realm ofspirituality the re lation shipsbetween what hap pens in the un seen worlds ofouremo tions and our feel ings andthephysicalworldaround us.

3 Says Braden:When I was in the in dus try, I hadthe op por tu nity to see di rect ev i -dence of tre men dous shifts on ourworld changes inthe Earth s mag -netic fields, for ex am ple. And myfirst thought was, well if this is hap -pen ing tothe Earth, what does thatmean to us? What does it mean toour bod ies? And Iwould ask my col -leagues, geo phys i cists and highly es -teemed seis mol o gists, and I d say, Well what does this mean tous? And they would say pretty much, I m a geol o gist don t ask me, ask alife sci entist. And I would ask mylife sci ence friends and they wouldsay al most apol o get i cally, You know,my train ing iswith thebi ol ogy of the hu man body. We were never re allytold about how our bod ies in ter facewith the world around us.

4 Andof course we know that schang ingnowand that there isa di -rect mea sur able con nec tion be tween what hap pens in side ourbod iesandthe worldaround us. And it s atwo-way con ne c s spir i tual quest for hu manunity has taken him around the worldandhas put him in con tact with nu -mer ous spir i tual lead 1986, my search has led me into tem ples, vil la ges, and mon as -ter ies hid denin some of the mostpris tine, iso lated,andre mote lo ca -tions re main ing onEarth to day. Intheseplaces, I ve met ded i cated in di -MEDIASPOTLIGHTTHE GOD CODEIS GOD S NAME ETCHED UPON OUR DNA?By Al bert James DagerA BIBLICAL ANALYSIS OF RELIGIOUS & SECULAR MEDI ASPECIAL REPORTGREGG BRADENAUTHOR OF THE GOD CODE1 Deepak Chopra, outside back cover, dust jacket forThe God Braden, Interview with Stephen Marshall, Guerrilla News Network, The Prophets ConferenceNew York City, Techniques of Discovery, May, u als who con sider it their duty inlife, as well as an honor, to pre servethe mem o ries of our spe cies and thehis tory of our has con sulted manyre li -gious texts as well as the Bi ble, theDead Sea Scrolls, and an cient He brewand Arabic writ ings.

5 In them all, hesays, hefinds an un derly ingunity inthe at tempt to an swer the old est ques -tion of our ex is tence: Who are we, andwhy are we here? In the process heclaims to have dis co v ered that Godhasgiven us proof of His ex is tence while atthe same time pro vid ing the ev i dencethat will bring about a unity of man-kind, pro vided man kind heedsthe mes -sage God has im planted in believ ing that the Big Bang the ory ofcre ation is true, Braden in -sists that it was not an ac ci dent,butthe cal cu lated, cre ative act ofan in tel -li gent being. He also be lieves that,through out the centu ries since thefor -mation of the earth, there has been ahid den tr uth which, re cently re vealedthrough his study, proves his the re mark able dis cov ery li nk ingthe bib li cal al pha bets of He brew andArabic to mod ern chem is try revealsthat a lost code a trans lat able al -pha bet and a clue to the mys tery ofour or i gins, has lived within us allalong.

6 Ap plying this dis cov ery to thelan guage of life, the fa mil iar el e -ments of hy dro gen, ni tro gen, ox y gen,and car bon that form our DNA maynowbe re placed with key let ters ofthe an cient lan guages. In do ing so,the code of all life is trans formed intothe words ofa time less mes lated, the mes sage re veals thatthe pre cise letters of God s an cientname are en coded as the ge netic in for -mation in ev ery cell, of ev ery (Em pha sis Braden s)That mes sageis God/Eter nal within the body. The mean ing, says Braden, isthat hu man kind is onefam ily, unitedthrough a com mon her i tage, and the re -sult of an in tentional act of cre ation! 5 Not only is every man, woman andchild re lated,re gard less of race, re li -gion, her i tage, life style, or be lief, saysBraden, we are also re lated to life it -self, from a sin gle blade of grass, tovast ex panses of un charted rain for -ests; from a fruit fly peer ing at usthrough the many fac ets of a com -pound eye, to the pierc ing stare fromour near est pri mate rel a tives.

7 6 The es sence of Braden s the ory isthat all life is made from the chem i calequiv a lent of a sin gle name. 7 Thatname, he says, is en coded in our DNAas YHVH, the name of the God ofIs rael as re vealed in the Bi may ask how this is pos si if it is true, why has it been hid den from us un til re cently un til this oneman made his dis cov ery? Surely some -one, some time in an tiq uity would have known of this re mark able en cod ing byGod. Would He not have re vealed thisto His proph ets?More im por tant, howdoes this re -late to faith in Je sus? Will it ul ti mately lead more peo ple to be lief in Him, orwill it cause more peo ple to re ject Himas the only Way to God, which Heclaimed to be? Just as im por tant, willit cause be liev ers to ques tion theirfaith and to con sider the pos si bil itythat all re li gious paths do lead to thesame God af ter all?

8 We will con sider theseques tionsand more as we pres ent Braden s ev i -dence for his claim. You may be sur -prised at his con clu CODEHow is it pos si bleto de ci pher thename of YHVH in our DNA? What hasGod s name to do with the chem i cal el -e ments that make up man s DNA andthe DNA of all liv ing things? As com -plex as this may sound, Braden s for -mula is re ally quite sim ple. But it hasbeen nec es sary for man s sci ence andknowl edge of na ture to prog ress to thestage it ex ists to day for him to reachhis con clu sions. As re cently as 30 years ago it would have been im pos si ble forany one to an a lyze the DNA of our cellsto the ex tent that any mean ing ful un -der stand ing could lead to such con clu -sions.

9 The amaz ing thing is that thereis a logic to those con clu sions, and thatlogic may ei ther strengthen one s faithin the God of the Bi ble, or may weakenit, de pend ing uponthe qual ity of con cept of the God Code isbased oncer tain math emat ical re al i -ties: 1) the let ters of the He brew andArabic al pha bets have nu meric val uesat tachedto them; 2) the atomic massfor the four ma jor el e ments that makeup the DNAof all living things isstated innu meric val ues; 3) the val uesfor the three He brew let ters wHY(readfrom right-to-left and trans latedtoYHV in Eng lish) are equal to the val -ues of the atomic mass for the three el -e ments, hy dro gen, ni tro gen, andox y gen that, along withcar bon, He brew sys tem of nu mer ol ogyis called gematria,and it has bothanex oteric (out ward) and an es o teric (hid -denor se cret)ap pli ca tion.

10 The an cientHe brewshadno nu meric char ac assigned nu meric val ues to eachHe brew let ter. The ex o teric appli cationof He brew nu mer ol ogy uses those val -uesin or der to fa cil i tate math e mat es o teric ap pli ca tion is the use of the He brew al pha bet snu meric val ues tofind hid den clues in the search for spir i -tual truth. It is thises o teric appli cationthat is uti lized to a great de gree intheprac tice of Kabbalah, a me di eval sys -temof Jew ish theos o phy, mys ti cism,andmagic that con tin ues the use of gematria, it isbe -lieved that the se crets of God, cre ation,andthe spir i tual realm may be learnedandap plied tolife for the bet ter ment ofman are no vow els in the He brewal pha bet, only con so nants.

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