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A Guide to Confession - Knights of Columbus

PREPARINGFORRECONCILIATIONIn the Sacramentof Rec onc il iatio n (Con fes sion),ween co unte rJes us Christ, who after rising from thede ad brea thed th e Holy Spirit on his Ap os tle s thefirs t prie st s and ga ve them the pow er to forgivesin sin his nam e(Jn 20 :23). The Heart of Christ burnswith love for us and he wan ts us to expe rienc e hisimme ns eand unfatho ma ble mercy by confessing oursins and rec ei vi ng his forgiveness. Th is Sac ramentgives us the consolationof God s pardonandst rengt hens our re lationshipwith Ch ri st and hisChurch .AGuidetoConfessionPRAYERTOOURLADYBEFORE CONFESSIONMary, Motherof Jesusand my Mot her, yo ur So ndied on a cr os s fo r me.

PRAYERTOOURLADY BEFORECONFESSION Mary,MotherofJesusandmyMother,yourSon diedonacrossforme. Helpmetoconfessmysins humblyandwithtrustinthemercyofGod,thatI


  Guide, Knights, Confessions, Knights of columbus, Columbus, Guide to confession




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Transcription of A Guide to Confession - Knights of Columbus

1 PREPARINGFORRECONCILIATIONIn the Sacramentof Rec onc il iatio n (Con fes sion),ween co unte rJes us Christ, who after rising from thede ad brea thed th e Holy Spirit on his Ap os tle s thefirs t prie st s and ga ve them the pow er to forgivesin sin his nam e(Jn 20 :23). The Heart of Christ burnswith love for us and he wan ts us to expe rienc e hisimme ns eand unfatho ma ble mercy by confessing oursins and rec ei vi ng his forgiveness. Th is Sac ramentgives us the consolationof God s pardonandst rengt hens our re lationshipwith Ch ri st and hisChurch .AGuidetoConfessionPRAYERTOOURLADYBEFORE CONFESSIONMary, Motherof Jesusand my Mot her, yo ur So ndied on a cr os s fo r me.

2 Helpme to confessmy sinshumblyan d withtrustin the mercy of God,tha t Ima y re ceivehis pardonand fol lower s of Jesu s, we need to examineourliv es and recognize our sinful th ou ghts, words,deeds ,and omiss io ns so tha t we can bring them toGod for forgive ne ss . Suc h an exa mi nati on of con -scien ce sho uld be done regularly,alway s with trus tin God s mercyand love and in the powerof th eSa cr ame nt of all sin ,but wedonot all acknowledge our takes hon esty and courageto reflectupon our re -fu sa ls of God s gra ce and our reject ions of his law oflo ve .Con temporar y societyis of ten bl ind to th e re -al it y of sin and sometimeseven pre sen ts sin fu l be -havio rs or lifest yles as pos itive good s to be soug htand desi re d.

3 In his encyclicalReco nciliationandPen ance(1984),Pope John Paul II suggeststhat thedef ini ng sin of moder ntimes is the loss of the senseof sin and remi nds us of St. John s warning: If wesay we have no sin, we deceiveou rselves ,and thetru th is not in us (1 Jn 1:8).Sinis the de lib erate viola ti on of God s law. Al -thou gh sin promisesillusorygoods or happiness,itresu lt s in har m to the sinner ,who is alwaysthe pri -mar yvictim of sin. The Churchteachesthat ther earetwo kin ds of sin: mort al and talsi nis adel ib erate and fre e cho ice of some thing kno wn tobe se riou sly wr ong tha tdestroysour friendship withGod and separatesus from him (cf.)

4 1Jn 5:16-17).All ofAl l of the fol lowing three conditi ons must be metfo r a si n to be mort al: (1) it must be somethingse -ri ous; (2) it must be done wit hsuff ici en tkn owledgeof its gravi ty; and (3) it must be done with sufficientfre edo m of th e wil sinis a minor off enseag ai nst God s law that hur ts our relati onshipwithGo d but does not dest roy Sacramentof Reconciliationis the ord i-nar y way to have our sins for given. It is an en -co unte r wi th the mercy of the living God, wh omee ts us wh ere we are in ou r weakn ess and oursins ,and it po werfullydeepens ou r psychologicaland spir itual grow th.

5 The source of man y grace s, itsh oul d be cel ebratedreg ul arly and whe neve r thene ed isfel t. Monthlycon fessionis ahealth yand ef -fec tiv eme ans of growingcloser to God and leadinga ba lanced ,Chr ist- cen tered lifes tyle .CONTRITIONWe ne edco ntr ition,or sorrowfor ou rsins, to re -ceiv ethe Sacra ment of Reconcil iation an dcontri ti onmus tinc lude a fir m purpos e to amen d our life andavoid th e nea r occa sions of sin that is, the situa -ti ons , pers ons, pla ces, and thi ngs that le ad us to w fo r sin is very differentfrom sad ness or self-ha tred. As we dra w closer to God, our sense of sinan dso rro wfo rsin becomedeeper, jus tasdo our jo y,peace of hea rt ,and puri ty of cons ci enc my God,I am he ar tily sor ry for hav ing of -fendedyou , and I det es t all my sins be ca use ofyour just pu nishments, but mostof all becauseth ey offendyou , my God , whoare al l goodanddeserving of all my love.

6 I firm ly reso lve, withthehel p of your gr ac e, to sin no mo re and to avoidth e near oc ca si on s of sin .HOWTOGOTOCONFESSION Pra y to the Hol y Spirit for self-knowledge andtr us t in the merc y of God. Exa mine you r con -scien ce ,be tru ly sorr yfor your sin s, an dres olve toch ang e your life. Go to the pries t and be gin withth e Signof theCr os you ,the priest wil l say: MayGo d, who has enlightenedev ery heart, help you toknow your sins an d trust in his mercy, or sim ila rwor ds ta ke nfrom Scr ipture. You answer: Amen. Th en say, Bless me,Father,fo r I ha s been____weeks/ months/years sincemy lastconfession.

7 Con fes s you r si ns openly and th epr ie st of all morta l sin s and th e nu mber of time seac h was com mi tted, an d the n you may conf esssome of your ve nia lsins. (Althoughitis not strictlynecessary to co nf ess ven ial sin s, the Chu rch rec -omm end s that you do.) If you do not knowwh et her a sin is mortalor ven ial, ask the u have no mortalsins, confe ss ven ial sins yo uhave co mmittedsince your last Confession ;youma y also mentio n some mortalsin fro m yo ur pastlif e for which yo u are par ticul arly sor ry, ind icatingthat it has alreadybeen confessed. Then lis ten to th e priest for whatever co uns el hema y ju dge appropriate.

8 If yo u have any questionabo ut th e faith, how to grow in holiness,orwhe th er some th in g is a sin, feel free to as k en the priest will assign you a pena nce . Pr ay th eAct of Co ntritionwh en the prie st tellsyou . List en as the priest absolv es you of your sins andenjoy the fact that God has truly free dyou from allyou r sins. If yo u fo rg et to confessa mortal sin ,yo rangegodsbeforeme. Do I seek to lo ve God with al l my he art and withall my so ul and with all my strength(Dt 6:5)? Do Ipu tanyth ing or any one abov eGod? DoIpray daily? Have Ihad any involvement with the occ ult, witch -craf t, wicca, ouija boa rds, sean ces ,tar ot cards ,newag e cryst als, fo rtun e telling ,or the like ?

9 Have I putfait h in horos co pes ? Have I re ceiv ed Holy Communionin the state ofmo rtal sin? Have I abusedthe Sac ra men t of Pe nanc e by ly ingto the pr iest or deli bera tely not confe ssing a mo rtalsin? Have I denied a truth of th e faith out of con cernfor the resp ect or opinionof others? vain. Ha ve I used Go d s holy na me ir rev er ently? Have I bl asp he med God, th e Ch ur ch , Mary, thesain ts, or sacred places or thin gs? keepholytheLord sDay. Do Itry to keep Sun day as aday of prayer, re st, andrela xat ion, avoi din g unnecessa ry work? Have I delib erate ly co me late or left early fromare st ill forgiven,but must men tion it the next timeyo u go to co nfes sion.

10 Do the penancethe pr ies t assign s you .If youarean xiousorun sureof wha t todo,takethisguidewithyouortellthepriest andhewillmakeit s wit ho ut a go od rea son ? r fatherandyour mother. Do I hono r an d res pect my par ents? Have I delibera tely hurt my parents? Do I treat my child re n with lov e and res pe ct? Do I su ppo rt and care for the wel l-bein g of all fam -ily me mb ers? Have I neglectedfa mily duties ? Do I hono r an d obe y my la wful su periors? no t kill. Have I delibera tely har med anyone? Hav eIhad anabor tion or encouragedan abo rtio n? Have I att em pt ed sui cid e or se riousl y co nsid eredit ?

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