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Leadership WorksCOLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP WORKS INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP AND RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT113SE C T I O N5 activity : what ARE your core VALUES? An ethi cal leader is a p ers on w ho acts with i ntegrity. Thus, ethical leadersh ip entailskno win g your co re va lue s an d havi ng the courage to act on them on behalf of t he com -mo n go od. Of cou rse , core va lue s are a de eply personal co nce pt th at req ui res a lot ofreflection . T he Ce nte r f or Eth ica l Leardersh ip created and introduced t hi s a cti vi ty t o KLCCII to f aci lit ate t his ref lect io ER VIE WTh is acti vit y gu id es pa rt icip an ts through the self-reflection process to h elp the m i de ntifyth eir co re v al ue s th os e th at w ill always be important to them. You ca n ad apt t he acti vi ty to e xa min e gro up v alu es as we ll (se e Roca s example of this in Ide nti fyi ng YourGrou p s Co re value s).



  What, Your, Activity, Value, Core, What are your core values




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1 Leadership WorksCOLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP WORKS INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP AND RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT113SE C T I O N5 activity : what ARE your core VALUES? An ethi cal leader is a p ers on w ho acts with i ntegrity. Thus, ethical leadersh ip entailskno win g your co re va lue s an d havi ng the courage to act on them on behalf of t he com -mo n go od. Of cou rse , core va lue s are a de eply personal co nce pt th at req ui res a lot ofreflection . T he Ce nte r f or Eth ica l Leardersh ip created and introduced t hi s a cti vi ty t o KLCCII to f aci lit ate t his ref lect io ER VIE WTh is acti vit y gu id es pa rt icip an ts through the self-reflection process to h elp the m i de ntifyth eir co re v al ue s th os e th at w ill always be important to them. You ca n ad apt t he acti vi ty to e xa min e gro up v alu es as we ll (se e Roca s example of this in Ide nti fyi ng YourGrou p s Co re value s).

2 OBJE CT IVE S To engage yo ur grou p in a re fle cti on about what is mo st i mportant to them To hel p g ro up me mb ers i de nt ify their core values To incr ea se g rou p me mb ers self- confi de nceTI ME REQU IREDA pproxima te ly 40 min utesSUP PL IE S Yo u l l need co pies of Han dout 5B( Co re Values A ssessment ) and a pe n o r p en cil fo r each p arti cip HOW MATERIA LSSt ep 1:Set ting thecont extSt ep 2:St arr ingimportantval ues5 mi n5 mi nPa ss out Handout 5 Bto the group me mber s. Tellthe m, Identifying your core values is a n inte gralpar t of be ing a n ethi cal le ader. You may nee d to dosome s erious re flec tion be fore you know for surewha t your cor e val ues are . Ha ve pa rtic ipa nts rev iew the lis t of va lue s on thehandout. N ote the bl an k line s a t the bottom, whic hpar tic ipants c an us e to add any val ues that areimpor tant to them that aren t on the list.

3 Remi nd th e group members , B e sure to pay cl oseatte ntion to your i nner dia logue a s y ou re vie w thisshe et. How you refl ect on the se val ues wi ll rev ealinte re sting truths about yourse lf; you j ust ha ve tolis ten. Te ll the gr oup, Put a sta r ne xt to al l the value s tha tar e impor tant to you, inc luding any you a dde e ar e your pe rsona l set of va lue s. Handout 5 BPens or pe nc ilscontinued next Leadership WorksCOLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP WORKS INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP AND RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT114SE C T I O N5 WHATTI ME HOW MATERIALSSt ep 3:Narrowingit downSt ep 4:Narrowingit ev enmoreSt ep 5:Keep narr owi ep 6:Fi nal narrowingSt ep 7:Sharing,di scu ssing,and ref lec ting5 min5 min5 min3 min15 20 minTe ll pa rtic ipa nts, Narr ow your pers ona l se t of v alue sto e ight. C ros s off the le ss important value s and ci rcl e the more impor ta nt va lue s.

4 Re me mber, you renot throw ing a wa y the v alues you c ros s off; you resi mply na rrow ing down the lis t to de te rmine y ourcoreva lue s. As k pa rtic ipa nts to nar row the ir lis t to fiveval ues ,usi ng the s ame proc ve pa rtic ipa nts na rro w the ir lis t of va lue s to nall y, ha ve par ti ci pant s choose thei r top twocoreva lue k tha t a ll group mem be rs sta nd and s ha re the ircor e va lue s. Ask the group a serie s of dis cus sionques tions : How did you choose your cor e val ues ? Wha t d o your core va lue s me an to you? How do you e xpre ss your core v alue s? How can you make your core v alue s a mor epre sent pa rt of your da ily li fe ? (Suggestionsmight include pos ting the va lue s on your da sh-boar d, mir ror, computer, or re frige rator.)You ca n a lso use some of the Values Self-Reflection Ques tions(Found at the bottom ofHa ndout 5B ) to prompt i ndiv idua l or group re fle ctionand dis cus Leadership WorksCOLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP WORKS INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP AND RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT115SE C T I O N5 HANDOUT 5B: core VALUES ASSESSMENTP eaceWea lthHap pin essSuccessFrien ds hipFameAuth ent icit yPowe rInf lue nceJu st iceVALUES SELF-REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow a m I pract icin g, p rom ot in g, and living these va lues?

5 what is cha llen ging a bou t pra cti cing , promoting, and living these valu es? what can I do t o re all y pra ct ice a nd li ve t he se values when it s hard? what in divid ua l ag re em en ts a m I making to bring my core values to m y t eam? W hatindiv idua l ag re em en ts a m I mak ing to practice these values so that I create a sa fe spacefo r our young peop le ? what su pp ort w ou ld be h elpf ul to me in practicing these valu es, and whom do I ne ed total k to ?In te gri tyJoyLoveRe cog ni tionFa milyTru thWisdomSt at usHandout 5B Leadership WorksCOLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP WORKSINDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP AND RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT116 IDENTIFYING your GROUP S core VALUESRefl ectin g on an d id en ti fy ing co re values can be a valuable exe rcise fo r y our g ro up an dorganizati on as a whol e, as w ell as for indi vidual members. Ro ca membe rs reflect ed onth eir gr oup s co re va lue s an d art iculated them in writing.

6 We ve inclu ded t he ir re fle ctionson co re va lues t o ser ve as a n inspiration for your group s s Co re Val uesBe long ingis g rou nde d in the b elie f that all young people need to un derst and that t heymatter and have a p la ce in t he w orld. It refe rs to the experience of meaningfu l co nnec-ti on (s ) a mon g ind ivid uals , f am ilie s, and communities. It encompasses the u ndersta nd ingth at all p eop le h ave va lu e, a re important, and are worthy of we b elie ve: Ever y y oung person we t hink: Eve ry yo un g person needs to understand that t he y ha ve a placein t he w orld a nd th at th ey ma we d o: We w elco me pe ople, and we bring peo ple tog ethe is the evi de nce: Yo un g p eo ple show eros ityis g rou nde d in t he b elie f that every yo ung pe rson has a p urp ose a nd ne edsto unde rst an d t hat sh e or h e ha s somet hi ng t o give.

7 Said somewhat di ff ere nt ly , i t re fe rsto the deve lop me nt o f a sen se of purpose and value through giving and re ce ivi ng, of co ntr ibut ing a nd expe rie ncing t hat one s contribution is m ean ingfu we b elie ve:Ever y y oung person has a pu we t hink: Eve ry yo un g person needs to understand that t he y ha ve so me th in g t o g ive . what we d o: We t each and encourage young people to sha re a nd g ive . what is the evi de nce: Yo un g p eo ple help each othe r and their communi tie etenc eis g rou nd ed in the be lie f t hat physical,em otional, mental, a nd sp iri tualdev elo pment is im por ta nt f or all pe ople. Acq uiring competence mea ns being ab le tomak e posi ti ve ch oice s, le arn s kills, share the m and teach them, and meet an d o vercomech allen ges (and, in t he sp iri t of ge ne rosi ty, help others to do so).

8 what we b elie ve: Ph ysica l, me nt al, e moti onal, and spiritual deve lop me nt is im po rta nt f or a ll p eo ple . what we t hi nk: Eve ry young person has the capacity to lea rn and t o m ak e posit ive cho ice we d o: Ea ch on e t each one. Young people learn sk ills, share t he m,and t ea ch is the evi de nce: Yo un g pe ople move from point A to point B i n t he ir li ves youngpeo ple p art icip ate in and imp rove their lives in the areas of edu cat io n, emp loy men t, a nd li fe ski C T I O Leadership WorksCOLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP WORKSINDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP AND RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT117In de pendenceref ers t o t he ab ili ty to art iculate a visio n of one s life an d ha ve t he co mpetence t o unde rt ak e wh at is ne cessary to achieve i t. It involves t he q ua lit ies o fco mmi tment, re sp on sib ilit y, d et ermi nati on, leadership, an d accountab ili ty a nd re quiresem otio na l st ren gth t o fa ce ob sta cles, collabo rat e wit h others, create reali st ic p la ns, andtak e co ncre te acti on s t ow ar d ach ievi ng o ne s vision.

9 F und ame ntally , i t me an s havingthe ca pac ity to be co me se lf-s uf fic ientand live o ut of harm s we b elie ve: Eve ry yo un g person has the capacity to live ou t o f ha rm s wayand b eco me self -su ffi cien we t hink:Ch an gi ng and growing up are part of a li fe-lon g we d o: We he lp p eople develop and act on gro wt h p la ns, h ave vi si ons forthe ir live s, an d be h op ef ul fo r th ei r is the evi de nce: Yo un g pe ople graduate from Roca pro grams, youth ca n dem on stra te a com mitment to thei r own gro wt h, and youngadu lt s are on t he pat h to emp lo yme nt .SE C T I O N5

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