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Ancient Herbal Remedies and Formulas - Top 1000 …

AAnncciieenntt HHeerrbbaall RReemmeeddiieess aanndd FFoorrmmuullaassDiscover Hidden Health Secrets Found in NatureBy Mickey Ann Thienes HerbalistLLeeaarrnn HHooww ttoo UUssee NNaattuurraall HHeerrbbss aanndd TToonniiccssttoo RReelliieevvee SSyymmppttoommss aanndd PPrrootteecctt YYoouurr HHeeaalltthhAncient Herbal Formulas , Secret Recipes and Natural Rem edi es .comAAnncciieenntt HHeerrbbaall RReemmeeddiieess aanndd FFoorrmmuullaassBy Mic key Ann T hienes Herbalis tTh is is a b rie f l ist of the man y nat ural r emed ies avai lable t o you an d Iho pe yo u en joy it as a refer ence g ui de. One of th e reas ons t hat h erb s andfo od bas ed su pplements are so effe ctive is that they are plants an d l ike theoth er pl an ts we eat, our b odi es acce pt t hem and use t hem q uic kly.

Ancient Herbal Remedies and Formulas By Mickey Ann Thienes –Herbalist This is a brief list of the many natural remedies available to you and I


  Formula, Herbal, Ancient, Remedies, Ancient herbal remedies and formulas




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Transcription of Ancient Herbal Remedies and Formulas - Top 1000 …

1 AAnncciieenntt HHeerrbbaall RReemmeeddiieess aanndd FFoorrmmuullaassDiscover Hidden Health Secrets Found in NatureBy Mickey Ann Thienes HerbalistLLeeaarrnn HHooww ttoo UUssee NNaattuurraall HHeerrbbss aanndd TToonniiccssttoo RReelliieevvee SSyymmppttoommss aanndd PPrrootteecctt YYoouurr HHeeaalltthhAncient Herbal Formulas , Secret Recipes and Natural Rem edi es .comAAnncciieenntt HHeerrbbaall RReemmeeddiieess aanndd FFoorrmmuullaassBy Mic key Ann T hienes Herbalis tTh is is a b rie f l ist of the man y nat ural r emed ies avai lable t o you an d Iho pe yo u en joy it as a refer ence g ui de. One of th e reas ons t hat h erb s andfo od bas ed su pplements are so effe ctive is that they are plants an d l ike theoth er pl an ts we eat, our b odi es acce pt t hem and use t hem q uic kly.

2 Youpro bab ly don t thin k of muc h o f the foo d yo u eat as plan ts, u nl ess y ou havea gar den , b ut the lettu ce, carr ot s, and apple you eat are plants. So are her ho pe you en joy reading abo ut he rbs an d their many benef its. T hi scatal og con ta ins informa tio n a bout herbs and nu triti onal s upp lement s thatmay be ne fit you . Th e items are arranged in alphabe tical o rder b y i temname . We o ffer a s hort summ ary of ben efits on man y her bal pr od uc ts an d onsup ple men ts , e spec ia ll y those that have beco me vit al nut rien ts, i .e. nolon ger avai labl e i n o ur f ood sup yo u ar e pr eg nant, nursing , o n medic ation and under the c are o f aph ysi cia n, cons ult yo ur d octo r befo re u sing her bs or any o ther p ro duct w ete ll y ou abou yo u ar e a fir st time reader of th is boo kl et, we hope you en joy th einf or mati on on n atura l remedi es and are insp ire d to r ead more books aboutherb s an d plant s and how they may help G od, ri chly b le ss you and y ou r famil y with vibrant h ealt h an d greatpro sp er ity i n e ve ry thi ng you do.

3 Mickey Ann Thieneswww. top1 000nat uralrem ed . I enc ourag e you to share this FREE ebook with your frien ds. You candow nload this FR EE e book o n m y webs ite, in Adobe Acrobat PDF fo rmat. It isdesigned for do uble -sid ed print ing for easy boo k binding at Stap les, OfficeDepo t, FedE x Kink o s, or an y pro fessi onal pri IDO PH IL US :(Dairy Fr ee) and other probiotic cultures. This is thefr ie ndly b ac teria tha t l ive in your lower digestive tract, the colon. Whe nwou ld yo u wa nt to co nsi der usi ng this product? If you are on antibiotics,th ese me dic ine s des tr oy the f rie ndly bacteria, as well as the unfr ie nd ly. If youdon t repl ace th e go od ba cteria (eve n duri ng th e time you re taki ng medica -ti on) , yo u ca n ge t a yea st o ver gro wth and have othe r pro ble ms su ch as diar -rhe a.

4 Sy mp toms th at might alert you to the fact that you need a probi otic suc has a cido philu s: Ye ast o ver gr owt hs, a coated tongue, canker sores, na il fun -gus, cl ou dy e ye col or, and dig estiv e pro blem e:Some dige stive en zy me s can de str oy fri endly bacter ia in yo ur colonso if you ar e a regul ar enzy me us er, you may want to su pp lem ent wi th a pro -biot ic. Pro bi otic s c om e i n d if ferent strengths. Some people need the bigwh amm y an d som e d on t. I f yo u r e some one wh o doesn t need a high cu ltur epro bio tic, you wou ld pro ba bly do we ll w ith a cu ltur ed yogurt or kefir, bothav ail ab le dair y fr VATED CHAR COA L:Thi s all natur al p rodu ct i s th e b est rem edy forany di ge sti ve prob lems whether it be too m uch acid, indigestion, o r gas andbl oa tin g.

5 It t ake s a bout 15 mi nut es to beco me effect ive but th e lo nger it is inyou r system t he better y ou feel. It has the add ed ad vantage of bi ndi ng toxicmaterial and carryin g it out of yo ur body without furt her damage to you, thusif yo u ac cid ent all y i ng est d airy whe n yo u re lacto se int ole rant , o r think yo uhave food poi sonin g, activ ated charcoal will help to prevent a severe reac -ti on. Ac ti vat ed cha rco al is not a cu re fo r chro nic pro blem s bu t i t is an exce l-le nt ai d t o cont rol disc omfo AL FA LEAF:Alfalf a is a t onic herb and like other her bs in th is class ithelp s to cl ea nse you r sy stem; th at is i t pro mo tes t he eli minati on of w aste ma-te rial.

6 I t is h igh in vitami ns and mi nerals and quickly alkalizes your bod y andhelps to d etox ify the li ver. It has been proven to reduce blood chol esterol andcho les ter ol d eposi ts on artery w alls. It is h igh in chlor oph yll and thus a nat-ura l deod or ize r fo r b ad b reath, bo dy and foot od or, and that garlic you loveso dea rly. AS TRAGALUS ROOT:This is a tonic herb and is good in any c ondit io nwhe re you want to incr ea se im munity such as a cold, cancer, or HIV. I ve listedsim ple ailm ent s su ch a s a co ld, and very ser ious ailments, su ch as HIV, so youwill rea lize ho w va luab le this he rb is. Ast ragalu s root p romot es im munity a ndre sistance to dis ea se, it a ids in healing by he lping t o sp eed tis su e reg ener ation,AAnncciieenntt HHeerrbbaall RReemmeeddiieess aanndd FFoorrmmuullaassby Mickey Ann Thieneswww.

7 Top 10 #1it aids the elimina tion of pus and other infectious mater ial, and it is es pe ciallybe neficial to the kidne ys and a drenal g lands. This he rb w ill also increas e yourove ra ll energy level. If fight ing a vir al infection, use in combination w ith o therant i-vira l h er bs s uch a s Echina cea, Pau D Ar co, Goldenseal and Elderberr POL LEN :Our friends the bees pr odu ce many wonderfu l prod ucts forou r u se. Bee Poll en is a n energ izer and healer. B ees col lect the mos t n ut ritivepo lle n f ro m f low ering pl ants then mix it with a small amount o f n ectar forsto rag e. Th is colle cted po ll en is high in man y ess ential amino aci ds . Ami noacid s a re the bu ild ing bloc ks of pr otei n and e ssent ial ami no aci ds are thosethat we can not m anu fac ture in our bodie s we must get t hem from outsidefood s ource s.

8 Po ll en co ntain s ma ny B vitami ns an d is ric h i n n iaci n (B 3), anatu ral ch ole ste rol fi ghter. BILB ER RY LE AF:Bilb erry is a w ild blu ebe rry plant and is lo ade d wi th an -ti oxida nts . I g ave bilb erry t ea (the fruit) a test dr ive and very qu ic kly I no -ti ce d an i mpr ove ment in my n ig ht visio n. When driving at night, headlightswo uld ap pe ar with a la rge halo arou nd th em, making it diff ic ult t o see b e-ca use of t he gla re. A fter ta king the bilberry tea, the halo and glare disap-pe ar ed. S hei la rep orted that she rea d the p aper one morning without he rmagn ify ing read ing gl asses and hadn t notice d it unti l she w as well intoth e paper . B ilbe rr y also has a stre ngt hening effect on capillaries and vein s andthu s m ay als o he lp wi th b rui sing an d varico se v eins.

9 BLAC K WALNUT HUL L:Black walnut hul l is anti-fu ngal an d is effectiveagai nst th rus h, Cand id a, athl ete s foo t, nail fun gu s, dandr uff an d rin in m ang anes e, this her b h as a very mild laxative acti on, much like asto ol so ften er, a nd ha s blo od clean sing p rop ert ies. It i s also effect ive againstinte rna l wor ms an d o ther bo dy p arasit es. BLAC K COH OS H ROOT:Thi s herb is a phyto (plant) estrogen thus it helpsinc re ase th e produc ti on of e st rogen and is useful for women with menopausalsymp to ms such as ho t fla shes, vaginal dryness and mood swi ng s. This herbis mil dly sedati ve b eca use of its mu scle re laxant and ant i-sp asm od ic proper -ti es . Be ca use of it s sedati ve ac tio n, yo u may want to take thi s h er b at ack Coh osh hel ps to balance fem ale hormones and younger women , wish -ing to con ce ive , m ay fi nd it hel pfu l espe cially i f t heir cycles are i rregular andcon cep tion diff icul HHeerrbbaall RReemmeeddiieess aanndd FFoorrmmuullaassby Mickey Ann ThienesPa ge # 00 Nau omBURDO CK ROO T:You ma y alre ady have co me acro ss th is h eal in g h erb ifyou v e ta ken a wal k i n the w ild and co me ho me with a bur r or t wo stuck toyou r cl ot hi ng.

10 That s ri ght, this is the c omm on burr. This h erb is an exce llentbl oo d c le ans er and o ne I li ke fo r acne, pso riasis and ot her itc hy ski n condi -ti ons. It is al so an excellent an tihis tamine so if you think you have had anall ergi c rea ct io n to so methi ng , try bur dock root to help you g et o ver it. Bur -doc k i s a ls o us ed i n coo ki ng, par ticu larly in Japanese dishe s. CASC AR A SAG RADA BA RK :The b ark of th is N ative Ameri can t ree pro -vi de s a ver y ge ntle and thoro ugh laxative that not only prom ote s good bowelmov eme nt, bu t als o st rengt he ns the colon. This is not a solution to ch roniccon sti pa ti on pr obl ems th at may com e f rom c ha ngin g your diet, but cas -ca ra sa gr ada wil l g en tly so lve o cc asional con st ip at ion or serve a s a ge ntlecol on cle ans e.

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