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Ax SOS Locking Plate System - bizwan.com

1 Dist al Lat eral FemurOperativeTech niq ueAx SOSL ockingPlateSystem2In troductionDi stal Medial Ti bi al Pla teDistal Ant er ol at er al Tibial Pl at ePr ox imalLat era l Tibia l Pl ateDista l La tera l FemoralPlatePr ox imalHu meralPl ateTh e AxSOSLo cking Pl at e Systemis designed to treatperiarticularor in tra-art icularfracturesof th eDis tal Femur, Pr oximalHumerus,Pr ox ima l Tibia, an d theDistalTib e systemde signis basedon cli nicalinputfr oman int ernationalpanelof exp eriencedsurgeons,datafromlit erat ur e, andbo th practicalandbiomechanicalte st in e anatomicalshape,thefixedscrewtraj ec tory,an d hi gh surface qualityta ke into accountthe current demandsof cli ni calphysiciansfor appropriatefixati on , highfat iguestrength,and min is Op erativ e Te chniquecontainsa sim pleste p-by-step pro cedurefo rtheim pl ant at ionof th e Di stalLateralFe s pu blicat ion sets for th deta il ed rec ommendedpr oc

RelativeIndications&Contraindications RelativeIndications The indication for use of this internal fixation device includes metaphyseal extra and intra articular fractures


  System, Plate, Locking, Metaphyseal, Ax sos locking plate system




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Transcription of Ax SOS Locking Plate System - bizwan.com

1 1 Dist al Lat eral FemurOperativeTech niq ueAx SOSL ockingPlateSystem2In troductionDi stal Medial Ti bi al Pla teDistal Ant er ol at er al Tibial Pl at ePr ox imalLat era l Tibia l Pl ateDista l La tera l FemoralPlatePr ox imalHu meralPl ateTh e AxSOSLo cking Pl at e Systemis designed to treatperiarticularor in tra-art icularfracturesof th eDis tal Femur, Pr oximalHumerus,Pr ox ima l Tibia, an d theDistalTib e systemde signis basedon cli nicalinputfr oman int ernationalpanelof exp eriencedsurgeons,datafromlit erat ur e, andbo th practicalandbiomechanicalte st in e anatomicalshape,thefixedscrewtraj ec tory,an d hi gh surface qualityta ke into accountthe current demandsof cli ni calphysiciansfor appropriatefixati on , highfat iguestrength,and min is Op erativ e Te chniquecontainsa sim pleste p-by-step pro cedurefo rtheim pl ant at ionof th e Di stalLateralFe s pu blicat ion sets for th deta il ed rec ommendedpr ocedures forus ing Stryker Osteosynt he si s dev icesandins offersguidancethatyo u shoul d he ed , but, as wit h anysu ch technicalguide.

2 Eachsu rgeonmust considerthepa rt icu lar needsof eachpat ient andmak e appropriateadj ustm ent s whenandas re qui workshoptra ini ng is recommend ed priorto firs tsu atures & BenefitsSys tem TheDistal FemoralPl ateis designedwit h opt imised fixed-angle d screwtra je ctories whichprovide improv edbi omechanic al stabilityandbet terresistanc e to pul l out. Themetaphysealscrewpat te rn al so avoids anyin terferen ce in the int erc ondyl arnot ch andhe lpsprev en t lossofred uct st ru ment s Simple tec hn iq ue, eas yin strument ation withminimalcompo ne nt s. Compat iblewithMIPO(Minimall yInva siv e PlateOsteosy nthe sis)te chniqueusing st ateof theartin strument ng e Longe r pl ate s cover a wider rangeof fra ctu re thread ed FreedomHoles Fre ehandplace ment of sc rews.

3 Lag Sc re w possibil unded & TaperedPlate En ds He lps fac il itatesl id ingof platessu b-musc ul arl Wir e/ Reduct ion hol es Pri mary/t emporary plateandfracture tomic allycontoured Littl e or no ben ding req uired. Re duced OR t Ho le s - Standardor Lock ing Bi-dire ct ionalshaft hol es Compression, neutral or bu ttressfixation. Ac cept St re ws. Ac cept Lo ckingInse rt fo r axiallystable sc re at iv e Loc ki ng Screwdesi gn Thesin glethread screwdesignall owsea sy in se rt ionintothepl ate,re duci ng anypo te nt ial forcrossthr eadingor coldwe es (5) Al lo w ax iall y stable sc re w pl ac ement,bringing rigidit y to co ng Block Fac ili ta tes the placement of th eDrill Sle ev e.

4 W aist ed pl at e shape Unif ormloa d lativeIndications & Co ntraindicationsRel at ive Ind ic at ion sTh e indi cat ionfor useof th is int ern alfixati on devi ce includesmetap hy sealext ra an d intraart ic ul ar fr acturesas well as periprost heticfracturesofthedistal Femur .Rel at ive Co nt raindicationsTh e phy si cian 's education, trainingandprof ession al jud ge me nt mustbe rel ie duponto chooseth e mostap propriat edev icean d tre atment. Thefollowingcontr aindicat ions maybe of a rel at iv eor ab solutenature, an d mustbe takeninto acc ou nt by the att en di ng surgeo n: An y ac tiveor suspectedlat en tinf ecti on or marked localinfl am ma tionin or aboutth e affectedarea.

5 Compromisedvascularityth at wouldinh ib it adequatebloodsupply to th efra ctureor theoperativesi te. Bone stockcompromisedby disease,inf ecti on or priorimplan tationthatcanno t provide adequatesuppo rtand/or fixationof th e de vices. Mater ia l sen sitivity, do cumentedor su spected. Obesity. Anov er weightor obesepa tie nt ca n pro duceloadson theimplan t thatcanle ad to fai lureofth e fixation of the device or tofa il ureof thedeviceitself. Pa tie ntsha vingin ad eq uatetissuecover age over theoperati ve site. Impla nt util izationthatwoul dinterferewit h anatomical st ructuresor physiological pe rf orm ance.

6 Any me nta l or neuromuscu la rdiso rde r whichwo uldcreate anunaccepta bl e ris k of fixationfail ureor complic ationsin postoperative care . Ot he r me dic al or sur gic al condit ionswhichwoul d preclude the pote ntialbe ne fit of sur ge ta il ed inf ormationareinclude d intheinstructions fo r usebein g at ta chedto eve ry im pl an e package in sertfor a co mpletelistof pote nt ial adv erseef fect s andco ntr aindic n mustdi scu ss all rel evantrisks,includingthefiniteli fetime of thedevice,withth e patie nt, when uti on:Bone Screws areno t intend edfo r sc rewatt ac hment or fixationtotheposte rio r ele men ts (pedicles) ofthecervical, thorac ic or lu mbar ch ni qu ePat ien t Pos it io nin g.

7 Su pinewithoptionto fle x the kneeup to 60 overa sta l fe murun der flu oroscopy in boththelateralandAP vie ws is rgi cal Appr oach:St an da rd Lateral, ModifiedLate ral or t/ScrewSet du ctio nAn at omicalre ductionof the fr ac tu resh ou ld be pe rformedei therby directvis ua li zat ionwi th thehel p ofpe rcu ta ne ousclamps,or al ternative ly abri dgi ng externalfixator canai d wi thin dir ectreductionto co rrect thele ngth , rot ati on,rec urvatu m andvarus-v al ctu re red uct ionof thearticu larsu rfaceshouldbe confirmed by directvis ua li zat ion, or flu orosco an d/orlagscrewsasne ces sar y to temporarily se curethere duct ion.

8 Typically,K-Wires setparallelto the joint ax is wil l no t onl yac t to holdan d support thered uc tio n,butal so he lp to vi su alize/ident ify thejoi re must be tak en th at th esedo no tin terferewithth e re qui redpl ateandsc rewposit ions. Co nsideratio n mustals o be ta ken when positio ningin dependen t lag sc re ws prio r to platepla cement to ensurethattheydo no tin terferewithth e pla nnedplateloc ationor Lo cking Screwtraj anylar ge bony defects arepresentthe y sh ou ld be fill ed by ei therbon egra ft or bonesubstitute materi al .No te:If a sub-muscular tec hniqueha s be en usedpl easeseetherel ev an tse ct ionla te r in ndin gIn mostcase s the pre -c ontoure d pl atewil l fit without thenee d for furtherbend ing.

9 Howev er , should additionalbend ingof theplatebe re quire d(ge ne rall y at theju nc tionfro m themetap hysisto the shaft) the Table PlateBe nd er (RE F 702900)should be use nd ingof theplatein the region ofthemetap hy se al Locking hol es willaf fec t the ab il ity to correctl y seattheLo cking Sc re ws int o thepl ateandis the ref ore notperm itte atecontou rin g in theshaft regionshould be restricted to theareabetw ee n theshaft hol atecontou rin g wil l aff ect theabilityto place a Lo ckingInse rt in to theshafthol es adja ce nt to the be nd ingpo qu eMeasu rement Opti on sConve nt ion al dir ectMe asure of f K-WireReadof f CalibrationMe asureoffDrillGeneralGuidelinesLoc kingScrewMeasurementThere are fourop tionsto ob tainth e properLo cking

10 Screwlen gthas ill ust ratedbe rect Scr ew SelectionSel ec t a sc rewap prox imately 2-3mmsh ort er tha n the me asuredle ngt h toavoidsc rewpen et rations thr ough themedia l cor te x in met ap hy se al fix d 2-3mmto me asuredlengthforoptimal bi-c ort icalshaft p 1 Pre Operative Pla nn ingUs e of theX-RayTe mplate(REF 981094)or PlateTrial(REF 702791)in association withflu oroscopycanhelpto assistin thesel ection of an appro priately siz edim pla nt (F ig. 1).If thePla te Trialis morethan90mmaw ay fromthe bone, . withobesepat ie nts , a magnificat io n fac to r of10-15% will occurandmustbecompens ate d for.

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