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INCOLLABORATIONWITHTHEPULPANDPAPERRESEAR CHINSTITUTEOFCANADABENCHMARKINGENERGYUSE INCANADIANPULPANDPAPERMILLSF ormoreinf ormationorto receivead diti onal copiesof th is pub li ca ti on,con tactCana di anIndustryPr ogramforEnergy Conservationc/ o Natu ralResour ce s Canada58 0 BoothStre et, 18thFl oorOtta wa ONK1A0E4 Tel.: 613-995- 68 39 Fax : 613-992 -3161E-mail : corPulp andPa perResearchInstit ut e of Canad a57 0 St -JeanBoulevardPoin te-Clai reQCH9R3J9 Tel.: 514-630- 41 01E-mail : info andArchiv esCanadaCatal og ui nginPubli cat ionBenchmarkingen ergyusein Canadi anPulpan d PaperMil lsText in Engl ishand Fr enchon inv ert add : Analysecomparativedela co nsommatio n d' nergie da nslesecteur ca na diendes p tes et pap ie rsIS BN0-6 62-69589-5 Cat. -1 21 mi ll s ENERGY consumpt io n permil ls Energyconsumpti on an d PaperRese archInstit ute of da.

The information contained in Benchmarking Energy Use in Canadian Pulp and Paper Mills and the Energy Benchmarking Survey Tool on the CD-ROM is intended to be used solely as an educational tool to help companies determine approximately how their facility compares against industry averages. The information is not intended to


  Paper, Industry, Energy, Benchmarking, Canadian, Pulp, Benchmarking energy use in canadian pulp and, Benchmarking energy use in canadian pulp and paper




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1 INCOLLABORATIONWITHTHEPULPANDPAPERRESEAR CHINSTITUTEOFCANADABENCHMARKINGENERGYUSE INCANADIANPULPANDPAPERMILLSF ormoreinf ormationorto receivead diti onal copiesof th is pub li ca ti on,con tactCana di anIndustryPr ogramforEnergy Conservationc/ o Natu ralResour ce s Canada58 0 BoothStre et, 18thFl oorOtta wa ONK1A0E4 Tel.: 613-995- 68 39 Fax : 613-992 -3161E-mail : corPulp andPa perResearchInstit ut e of Canad a57 0 St -JeanBoulevardPoin te-Clai reQCH9R3J9 Tel.: 514-630- 41 01E-mail : info andArchiv esCanadaCatal og ui nginPubli cat ionBenchmarkingen ergyusein Canadi anPulpan d PaperMil lsText in Engl ishand Fr enchon inv ert add : Analysecomparativedela co nsommatio n d' nergie da nslesecteur ca na diendes p tes et pap ie rsIS BN0-6 62-69589-5 Cat. -1 21 mi ll s ENERGY consumpt io n permil ls Energyconsumpti on an d PaperRese archInstit ute of da.

2 Natu :Analysecomparative dela co nsommationd' nergie dansle secteurcanadiendesp teset pa pi . 9 toco urtesyofthePulpan d Pa perResearchInstitu te toco urtesyofCatalyst Pa pe r Corporation HerMajesty th e Que enin Ri gh t of Canada, 20 08 Recycle d pa pe rNatu ra l Resources Canada sOfficeof EnergyEfficiencyLeadi ng Canadians toEnergyEff ici encyatHome,at WorkandontheRoadTAB LE OF CO NTENTSFOR EWO RD..11. INTR ODUC TION..42. METHODOLOGY..83. RESULTS..144. DIS CUSS ION..285. INTER PR ETATIONOF THE RE SUL TS.. theresults af fe ct mymi ll?.. steps do I take ? ..366. REFER ENC ES..40AP PEN DIC ES..41AP PEN DIX A. AREADEFINITIONS..42AP PEN DIX B. SAMPLE CALCULATION..50AP PEN DIX C. EN ERGYBENCHMA RKINGSU RVEY INSTRUCTION S..56 DISCLAIMERT heinformationcontainedinBenchmarkingEner gyUseinCanadianPulpandPaperMillsandtheEn ergyBenchmarkingSurveyToolontheCD-ROMis intendedtobeusedsolelyas notintendedtoreplacethefindingsofa formalenergybenchmarkingstudyat a (Paprican) ANDPAPERMIL LSLis t of Fi guresFigure1-1 Energyinputsandoutp utsofa pul p andpap ermi ll.

3 4 Figure2-1 Energyconversi onare as andmanufacturi ngar ea s ofthepu lp andpa pe r mi ll..9 Figure2-2 Energyandfi br e in pu ts andou tp utsfora mechanica l pul pi ngare a..10 Figure3-1 Electri ci ty consumpti onfora mechanical pul pin g ar eapro du cingTMP fo r newsprint ..17 Figure3-2 Fuel consumptionfora kraftrecausticizing ar ea..18 Figure3-3 Thermalenergyconsumption of a kraftpul pi ng ar eawithaco nt in uous di ge ster ..19 Figure3-4 Thermalenergyconsumption of a kraftpul pi ng ar eawithaba tc h dige ster..19 Figure3-5 Thermalenergyconsumption fora kraftpulp bl ea chi ngar eaforso ftwoo d pu lp ..20 Figure3-6 Netthe rmal ene rgypr oductionfora mechani calpulping ar eapr oducing TMPfornewsp ri nt..21 Figure3-7 Thermalenergyconsumption fora papermachi near eapr od ucingnewsprint.

4 22 Figure3-8 Thermalenergyconsumption fora papermachi near eapr od ucingun co ate d gr ou ndwoodspecia ltie s ..22 Figure4-1 Electri ci ty consumpti onformanufacturingble ached kraftmarket pu lp ..30 Figure4-2 Fuel consumptionformanufacturingbleached kraft market pul p ..30 Figure4-3 Thermalenergyconsumption formanufa ct uringbl eac hed kraftmarket pu lp ..31 Figure4-4 Electri ci ty consumpti onformanufacturingnewspri ntfr omTMP..32 Figure4-5 Netthe rmal ene rgyco nsumpti onformanu facturing newsprintfr omTMP ..32 FigureB-1 Energyconversi onandmanufacturing ar ea s ofa mi ll pro ducingnewsprintfromTMP..50 BENCHMARKINGENERGYUSEINCANADIANPULP ANDPAPERMIL LSLis t of TablesTable 3-1 Distributionofmi lls bypulpingpr ocess andproductty pe..14 Table 3-2 Dat a quality..15 Table 3-3El ectricity consumptionofpul p manufacturingare as.

5 16 Table 3-4 Fuelconsumptionofpulpmanufacturingar eas..17 Table 3-5 Thermal ENERGY consumptionofpulpmanufacturi ngar ea s ..18 Table 3-6 Thermal ENERGY pr oductionofpulpmanufacturi ngar ea s ..20 Table 3-7El ectricity consumptionofproduct manufa cturingar eas..21 Table 3-8 Fuelconsumptionofpr oduct manufacturing ar ea s ..22 Table 3-9 Thermal ENERGY consumptionofpr oductmanufa cturing are as..23 Table 3-10El ectricity consumptionofcommon areas..23 Table 3-11 Fuelconsumptionofcommon areas..23 Table 3-12 Thermal ENERGY consumptionofcommonar eas..24 Table 3-13El ectricity consumptionofboilerar eas..24 Table 3-14 Fuelconsumptionofboilerar eas..24 Table 3-15 Thermal ENERGY consumptionofbo il er areas..25 Table 3-16El ectricity consumptionofkraftrecoveryboilers..25 Table 3-17 Fuelconsumptionofkraftrecoveryboilers.

6 25 Table 3-18 Net thermalenergypr oduction of kraftrecoveryboi le rs..25 Table 3-19 Thermal ENERGY consumptionofgenerators..26 Table 3-20St ea mconsumpti on ofdeaerators..26 Table 4-1 Energyconsumptionandproduction forunbleached kraft pulp ..28 Table 4-2 Energyconsumptionandproduction forbl eached kraft pul p ..29 Table 4-3 Energyconsumptionandproduction formanufa cturingbl ea ch edkraft marketpu lp..29 Table 4-4 Energyconsumptionandproduction formanufa cturingnewsprint..31 Table A-1 Tec hnologydescriptors pulpmanufacturingareas..42 Table A-2 Tec hnologydescriptors productmanufacturing ar ea s ..45 Table A-3 Tec hnologydescriptors commonar eas..47 Table A-4 Tec hnologydescriptors energyco nversionar eas..48 Table B-1 Energydatafora ne wsprintmill ..52 Table B-2 Reconciledenergydatafora newsprintmi ll.

7 53 Table B-3Sp ecifi c ene rgydatafora newsprintmill ..55 Table B-4 Energyconsumptionofthepowerbo il er..55 BENCHMARKINGENERGYUSEINCANADIANPULP ANDPAPERMIL LSFOREWORD1 FOREWORDThe Canad ia n pu lp andpaper se ctor,founded200yearsago, hasbecomeanimportantcompo nentoftheCanadianeconomy. Pulpandpapermanufa cturi ngis hi ghlyintegra tedwith itsalliedsectors in theforestproductsindustry forestryandwoodpr od forestpr od uc ts industrycontributes3 percent of Canada s grossdomestic industr y operates in communiti esth ro ug houtCanada,providing di rectemploymentfor360000 Cana pulpandpa persectoris oneofthemostenergy-i ntensivesectors,consumin gapproxim at ely30 pe rcentoftheindustrial ENERGY auseenergyis asi gnifica ntpro du ction-costcomponent(about 25 percent),the se ctorha s made effort s tore duce itsfu el costsbyswitchingto renewablebiomasssources(b y-productsofthepr od uc tion pr oc ess)

8 Andenergy ef fi andpa permanufacturingis uniqueamongmanufacturi ngse ctorsin thatit sources57per cent ofit s , th e se ctorreducedit s en ergyus e by an averageof1 percentannuallysi nce1990 throughimpro vementsin en ergyefficienc y. Theseachieve ment s have beenwelldocumentedby the in dustry andthroughin iti at ivessu chas theCanadianIndustryProgramforEnergyConse rva tio n (CIPEC).Al th ough itspro gress onenergyconservation is impressive, thepul p an d papersector wantsandne edstogo further. These ctoraims toproduceal l theenergy it requir es,toensureit slo ng-termcompetiti ve nessin thegl fact,theind ustr y ha s th e potentialtobecomea net exporter ofenergy. It hasthelargestind ustrialcogenerationcapacit y inCanadaan d ha s th e potential forfurtherinstall ca n th e in du st ry be comemore ENERGY efficient?

9 It must im pl ementboth proven andnewtechnolog y. However, mi lls mustun derstandhowtheyuseen ergybe forethey adoptnewenerg y sourc is whereen ergybenchmarkingcanhelp. This benchmarkingst udy, co nductedbyth ePulp andPap erResear chInstit uteofCanada(Paprican), study fo undca usesofwastedene rgy, butal sorevealedth at sector be st practicesarenearthetheor eti calmi ni mumsforce rtainpr will helpCanada spulpandpapermanufacturersadopt today sbestpractic esmore consistent ly acr ossthese ct orwhileinvestigating thebestpracti cesofto ANDPAPERMIL LS1 INTRODUCTION1. INTRODUCTIONA bench markingstudycompar es th e performanceofa mi ll withits competi tors or wi thamodelmil l tha t has new te chnolog results canbe a valuable motivat ingforceforchange , bo th in operatin g practice andca pi ta l investment.

10 A mill canassessits operating costs (e ne rg y)andenvir onmen tal impact(greenhou segasemi ssions)re lat iv e to its competitorsan d relati vetoth e lowestva luesthatca n be ob ta in and pulp andpapertra deassociations,su ch as theForest Pr oduc tsAssoci ation ofCanada(FPAC), co ll ectdataab outen ergy useandab ou t pul p and pap erpr oducti onfo r economic policyandplanni ng . SeeFigu ou psco llectdataon pu rc ha seden ergy(ele ctrici ty , steam,fo ssilfuels) sel f-generate d ENERGY (hogfu el, sl udge,sp ent pulpingliqu or , hydroelec tri c power) so ldenergy (ele ctrici ty , steam) pu lp an d paperpr oductionTheseda ta canbe usedtocalcula te theenergyintensity ofa mi ll, by div id in g th e mil l senergy co nsumptionbyits pulpandpaperpr en ergyintensit y canbeusedfo r gl obalbenchmarking even whenyoudono t kn owspecif ic s ab ou t th e pr oductsandman ufacturingpr l be nchmarking makesanini tia l assessment ofwherethemil l soperationsrankin thein dustry.

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