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Book Summar ies - Amazon Web Services

CON TENT SThe Fabl ePage 2 Abs en ce of Tr ustPage 3 Avo ida nc e ofAcc ou nta bilityPage 4 Und er sta nd ing andOve rc omi ng the FiveDys fun ctio nsPage 5 The Role of th e Leaderin Build in g TrustPage 6 The Role of th e Leader inIn stil li ng Acco untab ilit yPage 7 The Role of th e Leaderin Foc us ing a Tea mon Re sul tsPage 8by Patric k Le nci oniThe Fiv eDysfunctionsofaTe amALeader ship Fabl eTH E SUM MA RY IN BRIE FInTheFiveDysfunctionsofaTeam, renowned author PatrickLe nc ionitu rnshiske enin tellect andstorytellingpower to thefascinating,co mpl exworld of tea ms.

TheFable Luck Only one person thought Kathryn was the right choice to become CEO of DecisionTech, Inc. Luckily for her, that person was the chairman of the board.


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1 CON TENT SThe Fabl ePage 2 Abs en ce of Tr ustPage 3 Avo ida nc e ofAcc ou nta bilityPage 4 Und er sta nd ing andOve rc omi ng the FiveDys fun ctio nsPage 5 The Role of th e Leaderin Build in g TrustPage 6 The Role of th e Leader inIn stil li ng Acco untab ilit yPage 7 The Role of th e Leaderin Foc us ing a Tea mon Re sul tsPage 8by Patric k Le nci oniThe Fiv eDysfunctionsofaTe amALeader ship Fabl eTH E SUM MA RY IN BRIE FInTheFiveDysfunctionsofaTeam, renowned author PatrickLe nc ionitu rnshiske enin tellect andstorytellingpower to thefascinating,co mpl exworld of tea ms.

2 Us inghis familiar writ in g styleof incorporatin g fables,Lencionite lls th e sto ryof Kathr ynPetersen,DecisionTech sCEO,whofac es th e ul timate leader shi p cri sis :How to unitea tea m thatis in suchdis arraythatit th reatensto bring down th een ti re shesu cc eed?Will shebe fired?Len cio ni stal e ser ve s as ati meles s reminderthatleadershiprequiresco urageandinsigh fic ultas it is to builda cohesivete am,it is fac t,ke epingit simpleis crit ical,whetheryouruntheexecutivestaffof a multin ationalcompany, a smallde partmentwithina lar gerorganization, or evenif youaremerelya member of a nci on i revea ls thefivedysfunctionsthatareat theve ry heartof whyteams ev enthebe st on es oftenstr es a powerfu l model an d ac tion-abl e stepsth at ca n beused to overcometheseco mmon hu rdles an d bu il d a co he -sive.

3 Ef fective tea nci on i s co mpellingfab le offersa de ceptively simple yet powerfulmess ag eforal l thosewho striveto THIS SU MM ARY, YOU WI LL LE ARN : Howto ove rcomea lac k of tr ustamong tea m members. Ways to helpa teamengage in constru ctive co nflict. Howto fo llowa clear,concise andpractic al guideto usingthefivedy sfunctionsmodel to improv e yourte am . Whatto doto achievethere al power of tea Summaries :TeamOct ober 200 9 Publishedby SoundviewExecutiveBookSummaries, ,Concordville,PA19331 USA 20 09 SoundviewExecutiveBo ok Su mmaries Allrightsre ser wholeor partis pr centrated Knowledge fo r th e Busy Exe cutiv e , No.

4 10 (3 parts),Part 3, October20 09 Order #3 1BS10 BonusSummaryThe FableLu ckOnlyonepersonthoughtKa thrynwastherightchoiceto be comeCEO of Decis io nTech, ckilyfor her,th at pe rs on wasthechairmanof thebo , lessthana monthafterthepreviousch iefexecutiv e hadbeenremoved, KathrynPetersentooktherei ns of a companythatjus t twoyearsea rlierhadbeenon e of th e mos t talk ed-about,well -f undedandpromisingst art upcompanies in therecenthistoryof SiliconVa st ho w farfromgracetheco mpany hadfallenin such a short periodof time,an dwhat th e nextfewmonths had in storefor her.

5 Part One: UnderachievementAsidefro m a brief re ce ptiononherfir st dayan dsubsequent in te rviewswith each of herdirect reports,Kathryn spent almost all of hertimewalkingthehalls,chattingwithsta ff members andsilently observingasmanymeeti ngsas shecouldfindtim e to rhapsmost con trovers ial of all,sheactuallyaskedDecisio nT ech s fo rmer CEOandcurr entheadofbusiness de ve lopment , JeffShanley,to continueleadingthewe eklyexecu tivest affmeetings, where sheju stlis tenedandtook not tionthatKathryntookduringthosefi rst weekswasto announcea seri es of two-day executiveret re atsin NapaValleyto beheldover thecourseof thene xt fewmont shene ededto gi ve themanymoreammunit ion, noneof he r re portscouldbelievesheha d thegall to takethemoutof theoffice forso manyda ys whenth erewasso muchrealworkto d to makematte rs worse, whensomeo ne su gg esteda speci fic topic for dis cus sio n duringthefir st retr eat ,Ka th rynrefused.

6 Shehadher ownagen da alr ea Sta ffEmployeesreferredto theDecis io nT ec h executiv es as t heSt aff. Noone referredto the m as a team,whichKa th ryndecidedwasno acc spi te of their undeniablein telligence andimpressiveeducat ional ba ckg rounds,the St af f s behaviorduringmeeti ngs was worse thananythingshehad seenin th eau to mot iv e world,whereshe hadpreviously ou ghopenhostilitywa s never reallyapparent an d noon e ever seemedto arg ue,anunderly ingtension wasun deniable . As a res ult , decis ionsne verseemedto getma de;dis cus si ons weresl owand un int erestin g, withfewrea l exchanges ; an d ev eryonesee medto bedesperate lywaitingfo r each meet ingto end.

7 Part Two: Lightingthe FireKa thryn cho se NapaValleyfor theoff -s itebecauseitwasclo se enough to theoffice to av oidexpensiv e an dti me- co nsumingtrav el,bu t jus t farenoughto feeloutof to thryn smiledat her staff andaddressedthemca lmlyan d gra cefully. Good morning, ev dliketo sta rt thedaybysa yi nga fewwords . Andthiswon tbethelasttime Isa y th em. Wehav e a moreexperiencedandtal entedexecutiv ete amthan an y of ourco mpetit ors . Wehave more cashth anth bettercoretec hn ology. Andweha vea morepo werfulboardof dir ect or s. Yet,in spite ofTHE COMPLETESUMMARY:THE FI VE DYS FUNCTIONS OF A TEAMby Patr ic k Le nci oni2 SoundviewExecutiveBook Summaries www.

8 Sum mar e auth or:Patr ick Le ncioni isfound er and presidentof The Table Group, amanagementconsultingfirm specializingin execu -ti ve te am dev elopm ent an dorganiz ation al hea lth. Asaconsultantand keynote speaker,he has worked with thousandsof sen iorex ecu tive sin orga niz at ion srangi ng from Fortune 500s and high-techstartupsto universitiesand books inc ludeThe Fiv e Temptatio ns of a CEO , Deat h by MeetingandThe ThreeSignsof a e Five Dysfuncti ons of a Te am: A Le adership Fableby Patrick Le ncioni. Copyright 2002 by Patrick perm issi on of th epu bl ish er, Josse y-Bass, aWiley imprint.

9 229 pag es, $ , ISB N978- ry copy righ t 2009 by Soundvi ew Exec utive book Summar ies, ,1-800-SUMMARY,1-610 -558 -949 raddi tiona linfo rmatio nonthe author, go to bli sh ed by Soundview Executive book Summaries(ISSN0747-2196), ,Concordville,PA19331 USA,adivisio n of Concentrat ed ons:$209peryearin theUnitedStates, CanadaandMexico , and $2 95 to all ot hercountrie s. Periodicalspostagepaidat Concordville,Pa.,andadditionalof mast er :Send address changesto Soundview,P. ,Concordville, il ab le forma ts:Summaries areav ai lablein print,audio andelectr ,callus at 1-800-SUMMARY(610-558-9495outsidetheUnit edStatesandCan ada),or orde r ontheInternet at cca S.

10 Clement,Publisher;SarahT. Dayt on,Edit or in Chief ;AndrewClancy,Senior Editor;EdwardO Nei ll,GraphicDesigner;Chris Lauer,ContributingEditor1- 800 -SUM MA RYser vice @su mma ry. comal l that,we are behindtwoof ourcompetitor s in ter msof bothreven ue an d cus tomergrowth. Canany oneherete ll mewhy th at is ? thrynco nti nu ed as warmlyas whenshestarted. A fterint erviewing wi th ev erymemberof ourboardandspe ndingtimewitheac h of you,andthentalkingto most of ou r employees, it is veryclearto mewhatourproblemis. Shepausedbeforecompletingthethought. Weare notfunctioningas a fac t,wearequ itedysfunc tional.

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