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Chapter III. Privileges and Immunities, Diplomaticand Consular …

DOCUMENT INFORMATIONFILE NAME : Ch_III_lVOLUME : VOL-1 Chapter : Chapter III. Privileges and Immunities, Diplomaticand Consular Relations, : 1. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of theUnited Nations. New York, 13 February 1946 Conventionon the Privileges and Immunitiesof the United NationsAdopted by the General Assembly of the United Nationson 13 February 1946 Conventionsur les privil ges et immunit sdes Nations UniesApprouv пят l'Assembl e g n rale des Nations UniesЬ 13 f vrier 1946 Conventionon the Privileges and Immunitiesof the United NationsAdopted by the General Assembly of the United Nationson 13 February 1946 Conventionsur les privil ges et immunit sdes Nations UniesApprouv e par l'Assemble'e g n rale des Nations Uniesle 13 f vrier 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunitiesof the United NationsADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THEUNITED NATIONS ON 13 FEBRUARY 1946

taxes à la vente entrant dans le prix des biens mobiliers ou immobiliers, cependant, quand elle effectue pour son usage offi-ciel des achats importants dont le prix comprend des droits et taxes de cette nature, les Membres prendront, chaque fois qu'il leur sera possible, les dispositions administratives appropriées


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Transcription of Chapter III. Privileges and Immunities, Diplomaticand Consular …

1 DOCUMENT INFORMATIONFILE NAME : Ch_III_lVOLUME : VOL-1 Chapter : Chapter III. Privileges and Immunities, Diplomaticand Consular Relations, : 1. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of theUnited Nations. New York, 13 February 1946 Conventionon the Privileges and Immunitiesof the United NationsAdopted by the General Assembly of the United Nationson 13 February 1946 Conventionsur les privil ges et immunit sdes Nations UniesApprouv пят l'Assembl e g n rale des Nations UniesЬ 13 f vrier 1946 Conventionon the Privileges and Immunitiesof the United NationsAdopted by the General Assembly of the United Nationson 13 February 1946 Conventionsur les privil ges et immunit sdes Nations UniesApprouv e par l'Assemble'e g n rale des Nations Uniesle 13 f vrier 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunitiesof the United NationsADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THEUNITED NATIONS ON 13 FEBRUARY 1946

2 WHEREAS Article 104 of the Charter of the United Nations pro-vides that the Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of itsMembers such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise ofits functions and the fulfilment of its purposes andWHEREAS Article 105 of the Charter of the United Nations pro-vides that the Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of itsMembers such Privileges and immunities as are necessary for thefulfilment of its purposes and that representatives of the Members ofthe United Nations and officials of the Organization shall similarlyenjoy such Privileges and immunities as are necessary for the inde-pendent exercise of their functions in connection with the the General Assembly by a Resolution adoptedon the 13 February 1946, approved the following Convention and pro-posed it for accession by each Member of the United IJURIDICAL PERSONALITYSECTION 1.

3 The United Nations shall possess juridical shall have the capacity :(a) to contract;(b) to acquire and dispose of immovable and movableproperty ;(c) to institute legal sur les privil ges et immunit sdes Nations UniesAPPROUVEE PAR L'ASSEMBLEE GENERALEDES NATIONS UNIES LE 13 FEVRIER 1946 CONSIDERANT que l'Article 104 de la Charte des Nations Uniesstipule que l'Organisation jouit, sur le territoire de chacun de sesMembres, de la capacit juridique qui lui est n cessaire pour exercerses fonctions et atteindre ses buts;CONSIDERANT que l'Article 105 de la Charte des Nations Uniesstipule que l'Organisation jouit, sur le territoire de chacun de sesMembres, des privil ges et immunit s qui lui sont n cessaires pouratteindre ses buts, et que les repr sentants des Membres des NationsUnies et les fonctionnaires de l'Organisation jouissent galement desprivil ges et immunit s qui leur sont n cessaires pour exercer en touteind pendance leurs fonctions en rapport avec l'Organisation;EN CONSEQUENCE, par une r solution adopt e le 13 f vrier 1940,l'Assembl e g n rale a approuv la convention suivante et Га propos e l'adh sion de chacan de; Membres des Nations PREMIERPERSONNALITE JURIDIQUESECTION 1.

4 L'Organisation des Nations Unies poss de la person-nalit juridique. Elle a la capacit :a) de contracter ;b) d'acqu rir et de vendre des biens immobiliers etmobiliers ;c) d'ester en II PROPERTY, FUNDS AND ASSETS SECTION 2. The United Nations, its property and assets wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy immunity from every form of legal process except insofar as in any particular case it has expressly waived its immunity. It is, however, under-stood that no waiver of immunity shall extend to any measure of execution. SECTION 3. The premises of the United Nations shall be inviolable. The property and assets of the United Nations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisi-tion, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of inter-ference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legis-lative action.

5 SECTION 4. The archives of the United Nations, and in general all documents belonging to it or held by it, shall be inviolable wher-ever located. SECTION 5. Without being restricted by financial controls, regula-tions or moratoria of any kind, (a) the United Nations may hold funds, gold or currency of any kind and operate accounts in any currency; (b) the United Nations shall be free to transfer its funds, gold or currency from one country to another or within any country and to convert any currency held by it into any other currency. SECTION 6. In exercising its rights under Section 5 above, the United Nations shall pay due regard to any representations 4 ARTICLE IIBIENS, FONDS ET AVOIRSSECTION 2. L'Organisation des Nations Unies, ses biens et avoirs,quels que soient leur si ge et leur d tenteur, jouissent de l'im-munit de juridiction, sauf dans la mesure o l'Organisation ya express ment renonc , dans un cas particulier.

6 Il est toutefoisentendu que la renonciation ne peut s' tendre des mesuresd'ex 3. Les locaux de l'Organisation sont inviolables. Sesbiens et avoirs, o qu'ils se trouvent et quel que soit leur d -tenteur, sont exempts de perquisition, requisition, confiscation,expropriation ou de toute autre forme de contrainte executive,administrative, judiciaire ou l 4. Les archives de l'Organisation et, d'une mani re g n -rale, tous les documents lui appartenant ou d tenus par elle,sont inviolables, o qu'ils se 5. Sans tre astreinte aucun contr le, r glementation oumoratoire financiers :a) l'Organisation peut d tenir des fonds, de l'or ou desdevises quelconques et avoir des comptes en n'importequelle monnaie ;b) l'Organisation peut transf rer librement ses fonds,son or ou ses devises d'un pays dans un autre ou l'in-t rieur d'un pays quelconque et convertir toutes devisesd tenues par elle en toute autre 6.

7 Dans l'exercice des droits qui lui sont accord s en vertude la section 5 ci-dessus, l'Organisation des Nations Uniesmade by the Government of any Member insofar as it is con-sidered that effect can be given to such representations withoutdetriment to the interests of the United " 7. The United Nations, its assets, income and other prop-erty shall be:(a) exempt from all direct taxes; it is understood, how-ever, that the United Nations will not claim exemption fromtaxes which are, in fact, no more than charges for publicutility services ;(b) exempt from customs duties and prohibitions andrestrictions on imports and exports in respect of articlesimported or exported by the Unitprl Nations for its officialuse.

8 It is understood, however, that articles imported undersuch exemption will not be sold in the country into whichthey were imported except under conditions agreed withthe Government of that country;(c) exempt from customs duties and prohibitions andrestrictions on imports and exports in respect of its 8. While the United Nations will not, as a general rule,claim exemption from excise duties and from taxes on the saleof movable and immovable property which form part of theprice to be paid, nevertheless when the United Nations is makingimportant purchases for official use of property on which suchduties and taxes have been charged or are chargeable, Memberswill, whenever possible, make appropriate administrative ar-rangements for the remission or return of the amount of dutyor compte de toutes repr sentations du Gouvernement d'unEtat Membre, dans la mesure o elle estimera pouvoir y donnersuite sans porter pr judice ses propres int r 7.

9 L'Organisation des Nations Unies, ses avoirs, revenuset autres biens sont :a) exon r s de tout imp t direct. Il demeure entendu,toutefois, que l'Organisation ne demandera pas l'exon ra-tion d'imp ts qui ne seraient pas en exc s de la simpler mun ration de services d'utilit ) exon r s de tous droits de douane et prohibitions etrestrictions d'importation ou d'exportation l' gard d'ob-jets import s ou export s par l'Organisation des NationsUnies pour son usage officiel. Il est entendu, toutefois, queles articles ainsi import s en franchise ne seront pas vendussur le territoire du pays dans lequel ils auront t intro-duits, a moins que ce ne soit des conditions agr es parle Gouvernement de ce ) exon r s de tout droit de douane et de toutes prohibi-tions et restrictions d'importation et d'exportation l' gardde ses 8.

10 Bien que l'Organisation des Nations Unies ne reven-dique pas, en principe, l'exon ration des droits d'accise et destaxes la vente entrant dans le prix des biens mobiliers ouimmobiliers, cependant, quand elle effectue pour son usage offi-ciel des achats importants dont le prix comprend des droits ettaxes de cette nature, les Membres prendront, chaque fois qu'illeur sera possible, les dispositions administratives appropri esen vue de la remise ou du remboursement du montant de cesdroits et IIIFACILITIES IN RESPECT OF COMMUNICATIONSSECTION 9. The United Nations shall enjoy in the territory of eachMember for its official communications treatment not less favour-able than that accorded by the Government of that Member toany other Government including its diplomatic mission in thematter of priorities, rates and taxes on mails, cables, telegrams,radiograms, telephotos, telephone and other communications;and press rates for information to the press and radio.

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