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Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage ...

DOCUMENT INFORMATIONFILE NAME : Ch_XI_B-llVOLUME : VOL-1 CHAPTER : Chapter XI. Transport and Communications B. RoadTrafficTITLE : 11. Convention on the Contract for the InternationalCarriage of Goods by Road (CMR). Geneva, 19 May 1956 CONVENTIONON THE Contract FORTHE International Carriage OF GOODS BY ROAD(С MR)andPROTOCOL OF SIGNATURE done at Geneva on 19 May 1956 CONVENTIONRELATIVE AU CONTRAT DE TRANSPORT INTERNATIONALDE MARCHANDISES PAR ROUTE(С MR)etPROTOCOLE DE SIGNATUREen date, Gen ve, du 19 mai 1956 Convention ON THE Contract FOR THE INTERNATIONALCARRIAGE OF GOODS BY ROAD(CMR)PREAMBLEThe Contracting Parties,Having recognized the desirability of stan-dardizing the conditions governing the contractfor the International Carriage of goods by road,particularly with respect to the documents usedfor such Carriage and to the carrier's liability,Have agreed as follows:CHAPTER ISCOPE OF APPLICATIONA rticle 11.

talier ou pour autoriser dans les transporte empruntant exclusivement leur territoire l'em-ploi de la lettre de voiture représentative de la marchandise. Article 2 1. Si le véhicule contenant les marchandises est transporté par mer, chemin de fer, voie navigable intérieure ou air sur une partie du parcours, sans rupture de charge sauf, éven-






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Transcription of Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage ...

1 DOCUMENT INFORMATIONFILE NAME : Ch_XI_B-llVOLUME : VOL-1 CHAPTER : Chapter XI. Transport and Communications B. RoadTrafficTITLE : 11. Convention on the Contract for the InternationalCarriage of Goods by Road (CMR). Geneva, 19 May 1956 CONVENTIONON THE Contract FORTHE International Carriage OF GOODS BY ROAD(С MR)andPROTOCOL OF SIGNATURE done at Geneva on 19 May 1956 CONVENTIONRELATIVE AU CONTRAT DE TRANSPORT INTERNATIONALDE MARCHANDISES PAR ROUTE(С MR)etPROTOCOLE DE SIGNATUREen date, Gen ve, du 19 mai 1956 Convention ON THE Contract FOR THE INTERNATIONALCARRIAGE OF GOODS BY ROAD(CMR)PREAMBLEThe Contracting Parties,Having recognized the desirability of stan-dardizing the conditions governing the contractfor the International Carriage of goods by road,particularly with respect to the documents usedfor such Carriage and to the carrier's liability,Have agreed as follows:CHAPTER ISCOPE OF APPLICATIONA rticle 11.

2 This Convention shall apply to everycontract for the Carriage of goods by road invehicles for reward, when the place of takingover of the goods and the place designated fordelivery, as specified in the Contract , are situ-ated in two different countries, of which atleast one is a contracting country, irrespectiveof the place of residence and the nationalityof the For the purposes of this Convention ,"vehicles" means motor vehicles, articulatedvehicles, trailers and semi-trailers as definedin article 4 of the Convention on Road Trafficdated 19 September This Convention shall apply also wherecarriage coming within its scope is carried outby States or by governmental institutions This Convention shall not apply:(a) To Carriage performed under the termsof any International postal Convention ;(b) To funeral consignments;(c) To furniture The Contracting Parties agree not to varyany of the provisions of this Convention byspecial agreements between two or more ofthem, except to make it inapplicable to theirfrontier traffic or to authorize the use in trans-port operations entirely confined to their ter-ritory of consignment notes representing a titleto the 21.

3 Where the vehicle containing the goodsis carried over part of the journey by sea, rail,inland waterways or air, and, except where theprovisions of article 14 are applicable, thegoods are not unloaded from the vehicle, thisConvention shall nevertheless apply to thewhole of the Carriage . Provided that to the ex-tent that it is proved that any loss, damage ordelay in delivery of the goods which occursduring the Carriage by the other means of trans-port was not caused by an act or omission ofthe carrier by road, but by some event whichcould only have occurred in the course of andby reason of the Carriage by that other meansof transport, the liability of the carrier by roadshall be determined not by this Convention butin the manner in which the liability of the car-rier by the other means of transport would haveCONVENTION RELATIVE AU CONTRAT DE TRANSPORT INTERNATIONALDE MARCHANDISES PAR ROUTE(CMR)

4 PR AMBULELes parties reconnu l'utilit de r gler d'une ma-ni re uniforme les conditions du contrat detransport International de marchandises parroute, particuli rement en ce qui concerne lesdocuments utilis s pour ce transport et la res-ponsabilit du transporteur,Sont convenues de ce qui suit:CHAPITRE PREMIERCHAMP D'APPLICATIONA rticle premier1. La pr sente Convention s'applique toutcontrat de transport de marchandises par route titre on reux au moyen de v hicules, lorsquele lieu de la prise en charge de la marchandiseet le lieu pr vu pour la livraison, tels qu'ils sontindiqu s au contrat, sont situ s dans deux paysdiff rents dont l'un au moins est un pays con-tractant. П en est ainsi quels que soient ledomicile et la nationalit des Pour l'application de la pr sente Con-vention, il faut entendre par "v hicules" lesautomobiles, les v hicules articul e, les re-morques et les semi-remorques, tels qu'ils sontd finis par l'article 4 de la Convention sur lacirculation routi re en date du 19 La pr sente Convention s'applique m mesi les transports rentrant dans son champ d'ap-plication sont effectu s par des Etats ou par desinstitutions ou organisations La pr sente Convention ne s'appliquepas:а) Aux transports effectu s sous l'empirede conventions postales internationales ;б) Aux transports fun raires.

5 C) Aux transports de d m Les parties contractantes s'interdisentd'apporter par voie d'accords particuliers con-clus entre deux ou plusieurs d'entre elles toutemodification la pr sente Convention , saufpour soustraire son empire leur trafic fron-talier ou pour autoriser dans les transporteempruntant exclusivement leur territoire l'em-ploi de la lettre de voiture repr sentative de 21. Si le v hicule contenant les marchandisesest transport par mer, chemin de fer, voienavigable int rieure ou air sur une partie duparcours, sans rupture de charge sauf, ven-tuellement, pour l'application des dispositionsde l'article 14, la pr sente Convention s'ap-plique, n anmoins, pour l'ensemble du trans-port. Cependant, dans la mesure o il estprouv qu'une perte, une avarie ou un retard la livraison de la marchandise qui est survenuau cours du transport par l'un des modes detransport autre que la route n'a pas t caus par un acte ou une omission du transporteurroutier et qu'il provient d'un fait qui n'a pu seproduire qu'au cours et en raison du transportnon routier, la responsabilit du transporteurroutier est d termin e non par la pr sente Con-been determined if a Contract for the carriageof the goods alone had been made by the senderwith the carrier by the other means of trans-port in accordance with the conditions pre-scribed by law for the Carriage of goods by thatmeans of transport.

6 If, however, there are nosuch prescribed conditions, the liability of thecarrier by road shall be determined by If the carrier by road is also himself thecarrier by the otber means of transport, hisliability shall also be determined in accordancewith the provisions of paragraph 1 of this ar-ticle, but as if, in his capacities as carrier byroad and as carrier by the other means of trans-port, he were two separate IIPERSONS FOR WHOM THE CARRIER isRESPONSIBLEA rticle 3 For the purposes of this Convention the car-rier shall be responsible for the acts and omis-sions of his agents and servants and of anyother persons of whose services he'makes usefor the performance of the Carriage , when suchagents, servants or other persons are actingwithin the scope of their employment, as ifsuch acts or omissions were his ШCONCLUSION AND PERFORMANCE OF THECONTRACT OF CARRIAGEA rticle 4 The Contract of Carriage shall be confirmedby the making out of a consignment note.

7 Theabsence, irregularity or loss of the consignmentnote shall not affect the existence or the validityof the Contract of Carriage which shall remainsubject to the provisions of this 51. The consignment note shall be made outin three original copies signed by the senderand by the carrier. These signatures may beprinted or replaced by the stamps of the senderand the carrier if the law of the country inwhich the consignment note has been made outso permits. The first copy shall be handed tothe sender, the second shall accompany thegoods and the third shall be retained by When the goods which are to be carriedhave to be loaded in different vehicles, or areof different kinds or are divided into differentlots, the sender or the carrier shall have theright to require a separate consignment noteto be made out for each vehicle used, or foreach kind or lot of 61.

8 The consignment note shall contain thefollowing particulars :(а) The date of the consignment note andthe place at which it is made out;(б) The name and address of the sender;(c) The name and address of the carrier;(d) The place and the date of taking overof the goods and the place designated for de-livery;(e) The name and address of the consignee ;(/) The description in common use of thenature of the goods and the method of packing,and, in the case of dangerous goods, their gen-erally recognized description;(g) The number of packages and their spe-cial marks and numbers ;(h) The gross weight of the goods or theirquantity otherwise expressed;( ) Charges relating to the Carriage (car-riage charges, supplementary charges, customsduties and other charges incurred from themaking of the Contract to the time of delivery) ;vent on, mais de la fa on dont la responsabilit du transporteur non routier e t t d termin esi un contrat de transport avait t conclu entrel'exp diteur et le transporteur non routier pourle seul transport de la marchandise conform -ment aux dispositions imperatives de la loiconcernant le transport de marchandises parle mode de transport autre que la route.

9 Toute-fois, en l'absence de telles dispositions, la res-ponsabilit du transporteur par route serad termin e par la pr sente Si le transporteur routier est en m metemps le transporteur non routier, sa responsa-bilit est galement d termin e par le para-graphe 1 comme si sa fonction de transporteurroutier et sa fonction de transporteur non rou-tier taient exerc es par deux personnes diff uPERSONNES DONT R POND LE TRANSPORTEURA rticle 3 Pour l'application de la pr sente Conven-tion, le transporteur r pond, comme de sespropres actes et omissions, des actes et omis-sions de ses pr pos s et de toutes autres per-sonnes aux services desquelles il recourt pourl'ex cution du transport lorsque ces pr pos sou ces personnes agissent dans l'exercice deleurs IIICONCLUSION ET EX CUTION DU CONTRATDE TRANSPORTA rticle 4Le contrat de transport est constat par unelettre de voiture.

10 L'absence, l'irr gularit oula perte de la lettre de voiture n'affectent nil'existence ni la validit du contrat de transportqui reste soumis aux dispositions de la pr -sente 51. La lettre de voiture est tablie en troisexemplaires originaux sign s par l'exp diteuret par le transporteur, ces signatures pouvant tre imprim es ou remplac es par les timbresde l'exp diteur et du transporteur si la l gisla-tion du pays o la lettre de voiture est tabliele permet. Le premier exemplaire est remis l'exp diteur, le deuxi me accompagne la mar-chandise et le troisi me est retenu par le Lorsque la marchandise transporterdoit tre charg e dans des v hicules diff rents,ou lorsqu'il s'agit de diff rentes esp ces demarchandises ou de lots distincts, l'exp diteurou le transporteur a le droit d'exiger l' tablisse-ment d'autant de lettres de voiture qu'il doit tre utilis de v hicules ou qu'il y a d'esp cesou de lots de 61.

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