Example: quiz answers

Conversation Questions & Responses Nice to meet you! Nice ...

Conversation Questions & ResponsesNice to meet you! Enchant .Nice to meet you too. Enchant .How are you? Comment allez-vous ?I'm fine. How are you? Je vais bien. Et vous ?What's your name? Comment vous appelez-vous ?My name is Laura. Je m'appelle old are you? Quel age avez-vous ?I'm 16 years old. J'ai 16 are you from? D'o venez-vous ?I'm from France. Je viens de do you live? O habitez-vous ?I live in Annecy. J'habite do you do? Que faites-vous (dans la vie) ?I'm a student. Je suis you have any brothers or sisters? Avez-vous des fr res ou s urs ?I have one brother and one sister. J'ai un fr re et une s 'm an only child. Je suis fils / fille you have any pets? Avez-vous des animaux ?I have a cat / dog / fish / hamster. J'ai un chat / chien / poisson / you play any sports? Pratiquez-vous des sports?I play football / tennis / basketball. Je joue au foot / tennis / you speak English? Parlez-vous anglais ?Yes, I speak English. Oui, je parle you understand?

white blanc pyramid la pyramide ... some des, du, de la, etc. those ces (-là) any de, d' little peu de much beaucoup de few peu de many beaucoup de too trop a lot of beaucoup de so tellement, tant every tout enough assez each chaque, chacun other autre. Adjectives & Opposites (Les adjectifs & les contraires)


  De las, Pyramides, La pyramide




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Transcription of Conversation Questions & Responses Nice to meet you! Nice ...

1 Conversation Questions & ResponsesNice to meet you! Enchant .Nice to meet you too. Enchant .How are you? Comment allez-vous ?I'm fine. How are you? Je vais bien. Et vous ?What's your name? Comment vous appelez-vous ?My name is Laura. Je m'appelle old are you? Quel age avez-vous ?I'm 16 years old. J'ai 16 are you from? D'o venez-vous ?I'm from France. Je viens de do you live? O habitez-vous ?I live in Annecy. J'habite do you do? Que faites-vous (dans la vie) ?I'm a student. Je suis you have any brothers or sisters? Avez-vous des fr res ou s urs ?I have one brother and one sister. J'ai un fr re et une s 'm an only child. Je suis fils / fille you have any pets? Avez-vous des animaux ?I have a cat / dog / fish / hamster. J'ai un chat / chien / poisson / you play any sports? Pratiquez-vous des sports?I play football / tennis / basketball. Je joue au foot / tennis / you speak English? Parlez-vous anglais ?Yes, I speak English. Oui, je parle you understand?

2 Comprenez-vous ?I don't understand. Je don't know. Je ne sais doesn't matter. a ne fait don't care. Je m'en don't mind. a ne me d range do you say __ in English? Comment dit-on __ en anglais ?Can you help me? Pouvez-vous m'aider ?What's the matter? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?I have to go. Il faut que j'y Au you soon. A bient you later. A plus you tomorrow. A / Bye. - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T -U - V - W - X - Y - ZNumbersOne1 First1stpremier, premi reTwo2 Second2nddeuxi meThree3 Third3rdtroisi meFour4 Fourth4thquatri meFive5 Fifth5thcinqui meSix6 Sixth6thsixi meSeven7 Seventh7thsepti meEight8 Eighth8thhuiti meNine9 Ninth9thneuvi meTen10 Tenth10thdixi meEleven11 Eleventh11thonzi meTwelve12 Twelfth12thdouzi meThirteen13 Thirteenth13thtreizi meFourteen14 Fourteenth14thquatorzi meFifteen15 Fifteenth15thquinzi meSixteen16 Sixteenth16thseizi meSeventeen17 Seventeenth17thdix-septi meEighteen18 Eighteenth18thdix-huiti meNineteen19 Nineteenth19thdix-neuvi meTwenty20 Twentieth20thvingti meTwenty-one21 Twenty-first21stvingt-et-uni meThirty30 Thirtieth30thtrenti meForty40 Fortieth40thquaranti meFifty50 Fiftieth50thcinquanti meSixty60 Sixtieth60thsoixanti meSeventy70 Seventieth70thsoixante-dixi meEighty80 Eightieth80thquatre-vingti meNinety90 Ninetieth90thquatre-vingt-dixi meOne hundred100 Hundredth100thcenti meOne thousand1,000 Thousandth1,000thmilli meOne million1,000,000 Millionth1,000.

3 000thmillioni meDays, Months, Seasons (Les jours, les mois, les saisons)MondaylundiJanuaryjanvierTuesday mardiFebruaryf vrierWednesdaymercrediMarchmarsThursdayj eudiAprilavrilFridayvendrediMaymaiSaturd aysamediJunejuinSundaydimancheJulyjuille tdayle jourAugustao tnightla nuitSeptemberseptembreyesterdayhierOctob eroctobretodayaujourd'huiNovembernovembr etomorrowdemainDecemberd cembreweekla semainespringle printempsmonthle moissummerl' t yearl'anfalll'automnelastdernier, derni rewinterl'hiverthisce, cet, cetteon (days)lenextprochain, prochainein (months/seasons)enTime (L'heure)What time is it?Quelle heure est-il?It's est 's 1 o' est une 's est 's 2 o'clockIl est deux 's 9 est 9 h du 's half past est 's 10 est 10 h du 's ten to est 's 5 o'clock est 5 h 's a quarter past est the morningdu matinIt's a quarter to est the afternoonde l'apr s-midiIt's 7 est the eveningdu soirWeather (Le temps)What's the weather like?Quel temps fait-il ?

4 Sunle soleilIt's fait cielIt's fait 'airIt's fait ventIt's fait 'orageIt's nuageIt's ' clairIt's g tonnerreIt's gr tornadeIt's fait du 'ouraganIt's fait brouillardIt's fait pluieIt's y a du neigeIt's __ fait __ degr glaceColors & Shapes (Les couleurs & les formes)redrougelightclairyellowjaunedark fonc orangeorangeboxla bo tegreenvertsquarele carr bluebleucirclele cerclepurplevioletspherela sph repinkrosetrianglele triangle whiteblancpyramidla pyramideblacknoirrectanglele rectanglebrownbruncubele cubegraygrisconele c nesilverargent hexagonl'hexagonegolddor octagonl'octagonSubject & Object Pronouns (Les sujets & les objets directs / indirects)Ijememe, moiyoutu, vousyoute, toi, vousheilhimle, luisheelleherla, lui, elleitil, elleitle, lui, la, ellewenoususnoustheyils, ellesthemles, leur, eux, ellesBe & Have (Present Tense)I amI'mje suisI haveI'vej'aiyou areyou'retu es, vous tesyou haveyou'vetu as, vous avezhe ishe'sil esthe hashe'sil ashe isshe'selle estshe hasshe'selle ait isit'sil/elle estit hasit'sil/elle awe arewe'renous sommeswe havewe'venous avonsthey arethey'reils/elles sontthey havethey'vevous avezAuxiliary Verbscanpeuxmustdoiscannotne peux pasmust notne dois pascouldpourraishave to / has todois / doitcould notne pourrais pasdo / does not have ton'ai / n'as pas besoin dewill be able topourraihad toai d will not be able tone pourrai pasdid not have ton'ai pas d will[le futur]will have todevraiwill not[futur n gatif]will not have tone devrai paswould[le conditionnel]mayil se peut quewould not[conditionnel n g.]

5 ]may notil ne se peut pas queshoulddevraismightil se pourrait queshould notne devrais pasmight notil ne se pourrait pas queContractions with Notis notisn'tdo notdon'tare notaren'tdoes notdoesn'twas notwasn'tdid notdidn'twere notweren'tcannotcan'thave nothaven'tcould notcouldn'thas nothasn'twill notwon'thad nothadn'twould notwouldn'tmust notmustn'tshould notshouldn'tContractions with Will (Future) & Would (Conditional) & Had (Preterit of Have)I willI'llI would / I hadI'dyou willyou'llyou would / you hadyou'dhe willhe'llhe would / he hadhe'dshe willshe'llshe would / she hadshe'dit willit'llit would / it hadit'dwe willwe'llwe would / we hadwe'dthey willthey'llthey would / they hadthey'dInterrogativeswhatquoi, qu'est-ce quewhat time quelle heurewhoquiwhat kind ofquel genre dewhose quihow muchcombien + ind how manycombien + d longcombien de tempswhypourquoihow often quelle fr quencewhichquelhow far quelle distancehowcombienhow oldquel gePossessive Adjectives & Pronouns (Les adjectifs & pronoms possessifs)mymon, ma, mesminele mienyourton, ta, tes, votre, vosyoursle tien, le v trehisson, sa, ses (masc.)

6 Hisle sienherson, sa, ses (fem.)hersle sienitsson, sa, ses (chose)itsle sienournotre, nosoursle n tretheirleur, leurstheirsle leurFamily (La famille)motherla m rewifela femmefatherle p rehusbandle marisisterla s urchildl'enfantbrotherle fr rechildrenles enfantsdaughterla fillegrandchildrenles petits-enfantssonle filswomanla femmeauntla tantemanl'hommeunclel'onclegirlla fillecousinle cousin / la cousineboyle gar onniecela ni ceparentsles parentsnephewle neveurelativesdes parentsgrandmotherla grand-m regodmotherla marrainegrandfatherle grand-p regodfatherle parraingranddaughterla petite-fillegoddaughterla filleulegrandsonle petit-filsgodsonle filleulmother-in-lawla belle-m resinglec libatairestepfatherle beau-p reengagedfianc half-sisterla demie-s urmarriedmari adoptedadoptifre-marriedremari twinsles jumeauxseparateds par only childfils / fille uniquedivorceddivorc big familyfamille nombreusewidowedveuf / veuvePrepositions of Place & Adverbs of Movementaboveau-dessusin front ofdevantbelowau-dessous, sousbehindderri reoverau-dessusnext to c t deunderau-dessous, sousbetweenentreonsur (allum )

7 Across fromen face deoffde ( teint)nearpr s deindans, dedans, enfar fromloin deouthors, dehorsat , chezupen hautto downen basforpourleft gauchebeforeavantright droiteafterapr swithavecamongparmiwithoutsansthrough traversbyparacross traversabout propos detowardsversArticles & Quantifiersaun, unethisce, cet, cette (-ci)anun, unethatce, cet, cette (-l )thele, la, lestheseces (-ci)somedes, du, de la, (-l )anyde, d'littlepeu demuchbeaucoup defewpeu demanybeaucoup detootropa lot ofbeaucoup desotellement, tanteverytoutenoughassezeachchaque, chacunotherautreAdjectives & Opposites (Les adjectifs & les contraires)biggrandprettyjolilittlepetit uglylaidlargegrandsmartintelligentsmallp etitdumbstupidetallgrandearlyt tshortpetitlatetardfatgrosopenouvertskin nyminceclosedferm widelargesamem menarrow troitdifferentdiff rentlonglonghot chaudshortcourtcold froidnicegentildirtysalemeanm chantcleanpropreyoungjeunequietcalmeoldv ieuxloudbruyanthappyheureuxslowlentsadtr istefastvitemoreplusemptyvidelessmoinsfu llpleinLink Wordsandetalthoughbien queorouwhereasalors quebutmaiswhilependant quebecauseparce que, carhowevercependant.

8 Pourtantifsias long astant quethereforedoncas soon asd s quethatquewhoquiIndefinitessomebodyquelq u'unnobodypersonnesomeonequelqu'unno onepersonnesomethingquelque chosenothingriensomewherequelque partnowherenulle partanybodyn'importe quieverybodytout le mondeanyonen'importe quieveryonetout le mondeanythingn'importe quoieverythingtoutanywheren'importe o everywherepartoutanytimen'importe quandwhateverquoi Verbs - Present & Preterit/Past ParticipleInfinitivePresent TensePreterit/Past ParticipleTranslationaskask, asksaskeddemandercallcall, callscalledappelerchangechange, changeschangedchangerdecidedecide, decidesdecidedd ciderendend, endsendedterminerhelphelp, helpshelpedaiderlandland, landslandedatterrirlikelike, likeslikedaimer bienlovelove, loveslovedaimerlooklook, lookslookedregardermovemove, movesmovedd m nagerneedneed, needsneededavoir besoin deplayplay, playsplayedjouershowshow, showsshowedmontrerstudystudy, studiesstudied tudiertalktalk, talkstalkedparlerturnturn, turnsturnedtournerwalkwalk, walkswalkedmarcherwantwant, wantswantedvouloirIrregular Verbs - Present, Preterit & Past ParticipleInfinitivePresent TensePreteritPast ParticipleTranslationbeis, am, arewas, werebeen trebeginbegin, beginsbeganbeguncommencerbreakbreak, breaksbrokebrokencasserbringbring, bringsbroughtbroughtapporterbuybuy, buysboughtboughtachetercatchcatch, catchescaughtcaughtattraperchoosechoose, chooseschosechosenchoisircomecome, comescamecomevenircostcost, costscostcostco tercutcut, cutscutcutcouperdodo, doesdiddonefairedrinkdrink, drinksdrankdrunkboiredrivedrive, drivesdrovedrivenconduireeateat, eatsateeatenmangerfallfall, fallsfellfallentomberfeelfeel, feelsfeltfeltse sentirfightfight, fightsfoughtfoughtse battrefindfind, findsfoundfoundtrouverflyfly, fliesflewflownvoler (avion)

9 Forgetforget, forgetsforgotforgottenoublierfreezefreez e, freezesfrozefrozengelergetget, getsgotgot / gottenavoir, devenirgivegive, givesgavegivendonnergogo, goeswentgoneallerhavehave, hashadhadavoirhearhear, hearsheardheardentendrehidehide, hideshidhiddense cacherhithit, hitshithitfrapperhurthurt, hurtshurthurtse blesserkeepkeep, keepskeptkeptgarderknowknow, knowsknewknownsavoirleaveleave, leavesleftleftpartirlendlend, lendslentlentpr terletlet, letsletletlaisserloselose, loseslostlostperdremakemake, makesmademadefaire, fabriquermeetmeet, meetsmetmetrencontrerpaypay, payspaidpaidpayerputput, putsputputmettrequitquit, quitsquitquitabandonnerreadread, readsreadreadlirerideride, ridesroderiddenaller v losaysay, sayssaidsaiddireseesee, seessawseenvoirsellsell, sellssoldsoldvendresendsend, sendssentsentenvoyershakeshake, shakesshookshakensecouershutshut, shutsshutshutfermersingsing, singssangsungchantersitsit, sitssatsats'asseoirsleepsleep, sleepssleptsleptdormirspeakspeak, speaksspokespokenparlerspendspend, spendsspentspentd penserspreadspread, spreadsspreadspreadse r pandrestealsteal, stealsstolestolenvoler, piquerstickstick, sticksstuckstuckplanter, enfoncerswimswim, swimsswamswumnagertaketake, takestooktakenprendreteachteach, teachestaughttaughtenseignertelltell, tellstoldtolddirethinkthink, thinksthoughtthoughtpenserthrowthrow, throwsthrewthrownlancerwakewake, wakeswokewokenr v illerwearwear, wearsworewornporterwinwin, winswonwongagnerwritewrite, writeswrotewritten crireTransportation & Places (Les transports & les endroits)

10 Airplanel'avion courtyardla courautomobilel'automobile dry cleaner'sle pressingbicyclela bicycletteembassyl'ambassade boatle bateaufactoryl'usine busl'autobusfarmla fermecarla voituregaragele garagemopedla mobylettegrocery storel' piceriemotorcyclela motocyclettehospitall'h pital shiple navirehotell'hotelsubwayle m trohousela maisonstreetcarle tramlibraryla biblioth quetaxile taximarketle march trainle trainmonumentle monumenttruckle camionmuseumle mus eairportl'a roportpalacele palaisbakeryla boulangeriepastry shopla p tisseriebankle bancpharmacyla pharmaciebarle barpolice stationle commisariatbarnle grangepost officela postebenchle bancrestaurantle restaurantbookstorele librairieschooll' colebridgele pontsquarela placebuildingle b timentstadiumle stadebutcher's shopla boucheriestorele magasincastlele ch teausuburbla banlieuecathedralla cath draletheaterle th trecemeteryle cimeti retowerla tourchurchl' glisetownla villecinema / movie theaterle cin matown hallla mairieconsulatele consulatuniversityl'universit cornerle coinvillagele villageCountries & Nationalities (Les pays & les nationalit s)

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