Example: barber

French Language - Kent Porter

French Verbs 3/2/12 1:44 PM. French Language Share French Verbs Conjugations for hundreds of French verbs This French verb encyclopedia includes more than 1,200 French verbs conjugated into all of the simple tenses. If the verb you need to conjugate is not listed, remember that you can guess the conjugation pattern of many verbs by looking at the root. For example, admettre is conjugated like mettre. Simply click on a verb for conjugations, special features, verb lessons, common idiomatic expressions, and more. Before you start, please read this: There are patterns in French verb conjugations - most French verbs share a conjugation pattern with one or more other verbs. If you would like to improve your verb conjugations, it's a good idea to get used to using verb models - to look at a verb , such as parler, and be able to use that as a model to conjugate chanter. See my other verb encyclopedia for verb conjugations using models. The translations given below are not exhaustive - they are simply to get the main idea of the verb across.

French Verbs 3/2/12 1:44 PM http://french.about.com/library/verb/bl-verbencyclopedia.htm Page 1 of 18 French Language Share French Verbs Conjugations for hundreds of French verbs


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Transcription of French Language - Kent Porter

1 French Verbs 3/2/12 1:44 PM. French Language Share French Verbs Conjugations for hundreds of French verbs This French verb encyclopedia includes more than 1,200 French verbs conjugated into all of the simple tenses. If the verb you need to conjugate is not listed, remember that you can guess the conjugation pattern of many verbs by looking at the root. For example, admettre is conjugated like mettre. Simply click on a verb for conjugations, special features, verb lessons, common idiomatic expressions, and more. Before you start, please read this: There are patterns in French verb conjugations - most French verbs share a conjugation pattern with one or more other verbs. If you would like to improve your verb conjugations, it's a good idea to get used to using verb models - to look at a verb , such as parler, and be able to use that as a model to conjugate chanter. See my other verb encyclopedia for verb conjugations using models. The translations given below are not exhaustive - they are simply to get the main idea of the verb across.

2 Consult a dictionary for complete definitions. Verbs: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V. W X Y Z. A H. abaisser - to lower habiller - to dress abandonner - to abandon habiter - to live abasourdir - to daze, bewilder habituer - to accustom abattre - to knock down harceler - to harass ab mer - to ruin ha r - to hate abolir - to abolish haleter - to pant abonner - to subscribe hanter - to haunt aborder - to approach hasarder - to risk, hazard; to gamble aboutir - to succeed, end up h ter - to hasten aboyer - to bark hausser - to raise abr ger - to shorten, abridge h riter - to inherit, get abriter - to shelter h siter - to hesitate abroger - to repeal heurter - to hit, strike; to offend absenter (s') - leave, be absent honorer - to honor; to be a credit to Page 1 of 18. French Verbs 3/2/12 1:44 PM. absorber - to absorb hoqueter - to hiccup absoudre - to absolve humilier - to humiliate abstenir (s') - to abstain hurler - to scream, shriek abuser - to abuse accabler - to overwhelm I.

3 Acc der - to reach, attain identifier - to identify acc l rer - to accelerate ignorer - to be unaware of accentuer - to accentuate illuminer - to light up, illuminate accepter - to accept illustrer - to illustrate acclamer - to cheer, acclaim imaginer - to imagine accommoder - to use imiter - to imitate accompagner - to accompany immigrer - to immigrate accomplir - to accomplish impliquer - to imply; to implicate accorder - to admit implorer - to implore accoucher - to give birth importer - to matter accourir - to hurry imposer - to impose accoutumer - to accustom impressionner - to impress accrocher - to hang (up) imprimer - to print accro tre - to increase inciter - to encourage, prompt, incite accueillir - to welcome incliner - to tilt; to be inclined to acculturer - to acculturate inclure - to include accumuler - to accumulate incorporer - to incorporate accuser - to accuse indiquer - to indicate acheminer - to forward, transport induire - to mislead acheter - to buy infecter - to infect achever - to achieve inf rer - to infer acqu rir - to acquire infliger - to inflict actualiser - to update, actualize influencer - to influence adapter - to adapt informer - to inform adh rer - to adhere initier - to initiate adjoindre - to appoint inonder - to flood admettre - to admit inqui ter - to worry administrer - to adminster inscrire - to write down admirer - to admire insinuer - to insinuate adopter - to adopt insister - to insist adorer - to adore inspecter - to inspect adoucir - to soften inspirer - to inspire adresser - to address installer - to set up.

4 Get settled advenir - to happen instruire - to instruct a rer - to aerate insulter - to insult affaiblir - to weaken interdire - to forbid affamer - to starve Page 2 of 18. French Verbs 3/2/12 1:44 PM. affamer - to starve int resser - to interest affecter - to affect interpr ter - to interpret affermer - to rent, lease interroger - to interrogate afficher - to post; to exhibit interrompre - to interrupt agacer - to annoy intervenir - to intervene agenouiller (s') - to kneel intimider - to intimidate aggraver - to aggravate introduire - to introduce agir - to act invalider - to invalidate agiter - to wave, flutter; to trouble inventer - to invent agrandir - to enlarge, make bigger inviter - to invite agr er - to agree irriter - to irritate affliger - to afflict isoler - to isolate; to insulate aider - to help aimer - to like, love J. ajouter - to add jaillir - to spurt out alimenter - to feed jalonner - to line, stretch along all cher - to make one's mouth water jardiner - to garden aller - to go jaser - to chatter allonger - to lengthen, extend, stretch jaunir - to turn yellow allumer - to light jeter - to throw alourdir - to weigh down, make heavy je ner - to fast alphab tiser - to alphabetize joindre - to join alt rer - to alter, distort jouer - to play alterner - to alternate jouir - to enjoy am liorer - to improve juger - to judge am nager - to fit jurer - to swear, vow amener - to take justifier - to justify amplifier - to amplify amuser - to amuse analyser - to analyze K.

5 An antir - to annihilate; to wear out kidnapper - to kidnap angoisser - to distress klaxonner - to honk animer - to lead, encourage, liven up annoncer - to announce L. anticiper - to anticipate labourer - to plow, dig apercevoir - to see l cher - to loosen appara tre - to appear laisser - to leave appartenir - to belong lamenter (se) - to lament appeler - to call lancer - to throw applaudir - to applaud, clap laver - to wash appliquer - to apply l cher - to lick apporter - to bring lever - to lift Page 3 of 18. French Verbs 3/2/12 1:44 PM. appr cier - to appreciate lier - to bind, link apprendre - to learn limer - to file (nails). appr ter - to prepare, get ready limiter - to limit approcher - to approach lire - to read approuver - to approve (of) livrer - to deliver appuyer - to support; to lean on loger - to lodge armer - to arm; to equip longer - to border; to go along arracher - to pull up/out louer - to rent arranger - to arrange luire - to shine arr ter - to stop, arrest lutter - to struggle, wrestle arriver - to arrive arroser - to water M.

6 Aspirer - to inhale; to suck m cher - to chew assaillir - to assail maigrir - to lose weight assembler - to gather, assemble malmener - to manhandle, be rough asseoir - to sit down maintenir - to maintain assister - to attend maltraiter - to mistreat associer - to associate mandater - to appoint, commission assouplir - to soften manger - to eat assurer - to assure manier - to handle; to use astreindre - to compel manifester - to show, indicate attacher - to tie up, fasten, attach manipuler - to manipulate attaquer - to attack manquer - to miss attarder - to make late maquiller - to put make-up on atteindre - to attain marchander - to bargain, haggle attendre - to wait for marcher - to walk, to function attester - to testify, vouch, attest marier - to marry attirer - to attract marquer - to mark, indicate attraper - to catch mastiquer - to chew; to putty attribuer - to attribute m conna tre - to be unaware of attrister - to sadden m dire - to malign augmenter - to increase m diter - to meditate autoriser - to authorize m fier (se) - to mistrust avaler - to swallow m langer - to mix avancer - to advance m ler - to mix, mingle, muddle avertir - to warn menacer - to threaten avoir - to have m nager - to handle carefully avorter - to abort mendier - to beg for avouer - to vow mener - to lead mentionner - to mention B mentir - to lie b cler - (inf) to botch; throw together m prendre - to mistake Page 4 of 18.

7 French Verbs 3/2/12 1:44 PM. b cler - (inf) to botch; throw together bagarrer - to fight, argue m priser - to scorn baigner - to bathe ( ) m riter - to merit baisser - to lower mesurer - to measure balancer - to sway mettre - to put balayer - to sweep meubler - to furnish bannir - to bar, block, cross out mirer (se) - to look at oneself baptiser - to baptize mod rer - to moderate barrer - to bar, block, cross out moderniser - to modernize b tir - to build modifier - to modify battre - to beat moduler - to modulate, inflect, adjust bavarder - to chat moissonner - to harvest, reap baver - to dribble, leak monter - to climb b gayer - to stammer, stutter montrer - to show b n ficier - to benefit moquer (se) - to mock b nir - to bless mordre - to bite bercer - to cradle, rock moucher - to blow 's nose blaguer - to joke moudre - to mill, grind mouiller - to wet bl mer - to blame mourir - to die blanchir - to bleach multiplier - to multiply blaser - to make blas ; to bore munir - to provide, fit, equip bl mir - to pale murmurer - to murmur blesser - to hurt, offend mystifier - to mystify bleuir - to turn blue bloquer - to jam, block, stop N.

8 Boire - to drink nager - to swim bo ter - to limp, wobble na tre - to be born bombarder - to bomb narrer - to narrate bondir - to jump up, bounce naviguer - to navigate border - to trim, hem; to border n gliger - to neglect boucher - to cork, plug, block n gocier - to negotiate boucler - to buckle, fasten; to settle neiger - to snow bouffer - to be full; (fam) - to gobble nettoyer - to clean bouger - to move neutraliser - to neutralize bouillir - to boil nier - to deny bouleverser - to distress; to disrupt noircir - to blacken bourrer - to fill, stuff noliser - to charter bousculer - to bump into; to liven up nommer - to name branler - to shake, be shaky, loose noter - to write down briller - to shine notifier - to notify briser - to break, smash; to ruin nouer - to tie, knot bronzer - to tan nourrir - to feed Page 5 of 18. French Verbs 3/2/12 1:44 PM. nourrir - to feed brosser - to brush noyer - to drown broyer - to grind nuire - to harm bruiner - to drizzle br ler - to burn brunir - to darken, tan O.

9 Ob ir - to obey obliger - to oblige C. obscurcir - to darken, obscure cacher - to hide observer - to observe calculer - to calculate obstiner (s') - to insist, be obstinate captiver - to fascinate, captivate obtenir - to obtain caract riser - to characterize obvier - to take precautions caresser - to caress occlure - to occlude casser - to break occuper - to occupy causer - to chat, cause octroyer - to grant, bestow c der - to give up offenser - to offend ceindre - to put on officier - to officiate c l brer - to celebrate offrir - to offer censurer - to censure oindre - to anoint centraliser - to centralize omettre - to omit cerner - to encircle, surround op rer - to operate certifier - to certify opposer - to oppose cesser - to cease opprimer - to oppress changer - to change opter - to opt, choose chanter - to sing ordonner - to arrange, organize charger - to load organiser - to organize chasser - to hunt, chase orienter - to orient; to position ch tier - to refine, perfect.

10 To chasten orner - to decorate, adorn chatouiller - to tickle, titillate oser - to dare chauffer - to heat ter - to remove, take away chausser - to put shoes on; to fit oublier - to forget chercher - to look for outrepasser - to exceed, surpass ch rir - to cherish ouvrir - to open chiffonner - to crumple; to bother choisir - to choose ch mer - to be idle, unemployed P. choquer - to shock, appall; to shake up pacifier - to pacify chuchoter - to whisper p lir - to become pale, fade chuter - to fall, drop; to fail para tre - to seem circoncire - to circumcise parcourir - to cover, travel circonscrire - to contain pardonner - to forgive circonvenir - to circumvent parer - to prepare for; to fend off circuler - to circulate parfumer - to perfume, scent Page 6 of 18. French Verbs 3/2/12 1:44 PM. circuler - to circulate parfumer - to perfume, scent citer - to quote, cite parier - to bet, wager claquer - to bang, ring out; to snap parler - to talk clarifier - to clarify partager - to share classer - to file, classify; to grade participer - to participate cligner - to blink partir - to leave clignoter - to twinkle, flash, flicker parvenir - to reach clocher - to be defective passer - to spend (time).

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