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Guide to Digital Tachographs - RSA.ie

Guide toDigi ta l Ta chograp hsREGULAT ION(ECC) ION(EC) d ar s Um Sh bh ilt ea cht Ar Bh it hr eRo ad Safety Au tho rityYou r gu id e to Di gi tal Ta chographsWhat is a Digital tachograph?Di git al tachograph s arefit tedongo odsandpassenger vehiclesthataresubje cttotac hographru lesandhavebeenbr oughtintose rvicesince1 is adi gital versionof th e ana logueta cho formatio n ona range of vehicleanddriver is storedin theve hi cleun it memory andon driverca e tachograph st ores hi cleregistrationnumberVe hi clesp eed(f orprevious24hoursof driving)Si ng le orco -d riverNumberof timesa driverca rdis insertedeachday1 dar s UmSh bh il teachtAr Bh ithr eRo adSafety Authori tyDi st ance travell edbythedriver it reads thevehicle odomete r whenthecardis insertedandremovedDriveractivity dri ving, rest, br eaks, ot he r wor k, pe riods of availabilityDateandti meof ac tivity changeEvents (for exa mpledrivingwithouta driv er card, ov erspeed ing,fr audattempts etc)

Distance travelled by the driver – it reads the vehicle odometer when the card is inserted and removed Driver activity – driving, rest, breaks, other work, periods of availability


  Guide, Vehicle, Digital, Tachographs, Guide to digital tachographs




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1 Guide toDigi ta l Ta chograp hsREGULAT ION(ECC) ION(EC) d ar s Um Sh bh ilt ea cht Ar Bh it hr eRo ad Safety Au tho rityYou r gu id e to Di gi tal Ta chographsWhat is a Digital tachograph?Di git al tachograph s arefit tedongo odsandpassenger vehiclesthataresubje cttotac hographru lesandhavebeenbr oughtintose rvicesince1 is adi gital versionof th e ana logueta cho formatio n ona range of vehicleanddriver is storedin theve hi cleun it memory andon driverca e tachograph st ores hi cleregistrationnumberVe hi clesp eed(f orprevious24hoursof driving)Si ng le orco -d riverNumberof timesa driverca rdis insertedeachday1 dar s UmSh bh il teachtAr Bh ithr eRo adSafety Authori tyDi st ance travell edbythedriver it reads thevehicle odomete r whenthecardis insertedandremovedDriveractivity dri ving, rest, br eaks, ot he r wor k, pe riods of availabilityDateandti meof ac tivity changeEvents (for exa mpledrivingwithouta driv er card, ov erspeed ing,fr audattempts etc)

2 Andfa ul tsEn fo rcement ch ecksDetai ls of ta chographcalib rationsTamperi ngwi thth e systemHow does the Digital tachographsystemwork?Di git al tachographsconsistof thevehicle un it , motion se nsor and smartcards(see di ag rambe low).Thevehicl e un it (VU)is thebrainsof thesy hasa processor, a real-timecl ock,tw o cardslots (for driver andco-driver) , a display, a printer, a downl oadco nnectoran d a facil it y formakingmanualent locat ed in thedriver sareaof th e dar s UmSh bh il teachtArBh ithreRoad SafetyAuthorityThemotionorspeed sensoris lo signalsin anencryptedformth e ve hiclesp eedanddistancetravelled bythevehiclefortheVUtorecord. TheVU an d themotionsensorarepairedandthesignals fromthesensorarefu ll y encrypt temptto interferewiththemis de tect edan d recordedbyth e vehicle typ esof smartcard drivercard,controlca rd , workshop card andcompany card. Thecardsal lowtheVUtoidentifythecardholder andenable youtotra nsferan d st much data can the vehicleunit and driver cardstore?

3 A driver s ca rd canst oreupto 28daysworth of data. Whenit is full,thest ore ddatamaybe overwrit tenby newdata. Thevehicleunitstoresdatafortheprevio us365days beforetheoldes t da ta is dar sUmSh bh ilteachtAr Bh ithreRo ad Sa fe ty Authorit yOperators resp onsibilit ie sWhat shouldI do with the data from the digitaltachograph?Yo u ha vetwore sp thedata fr omthedriver scards (atleastevery 21days) andvehicleuni ts (a t least every3 months) andsave the sefo r oneyear. Yo umust maketh e downl oadedinformationinit s raw formatav ailable toanen forcement off icerif to r drivers recordsandprint-outs. If therearebre aches ofdriv er s ru les, yo u must addressthemandtakest ep s to ensuretheydono t happe eping Digital datain an archiveis relatively si mple . Thear chiveddat a mustre tai n its Digital si gnature . Thisis usedtoco nf ir m thatthedatais authe nt icandhasn a on a drivercardwil l beoverwritten after ab out28days,yo u willneedtoco pyth is data bef t of your monitoringresponsibilities yo u mustcheckandreporton thefo ll owi ng :Non -compli ance wi ththedriver s hoursrules by thedr iverDetai ls of mi ss in g mileage where a vehicle hasbeendriven wit ho utadri vercardMi ss ingactivi ti esduringshift-breaks, otherwork,etcMi ss ingst artan d endlocationsOverspeedi ngoc cu rrences4 dar s UmSh bh il teachtArBh ithreRoad SafetyAuthorityWhat other duties does an operatorhave?

4 Super visory :Ins tructandtraindriversontheproper op erationof theequipment .Ensuredrivers are complyingwithyourinstructionsbycheckingc ompli an cewiththerules .Followdrivers hou rs ruleswhenpl anningro en ou ghprint er pa perrollsin thevehicleforthere cordingequ ip ment .Ope ra ti onal:Ensure pro pe r useof driver cards andthedigitaltachograp e forth e repair of re cordingequipmenton thejourneyifthetri p takes longe r thanoneweek af tera defect oc cur sts:Co mplet e ca librationcheckswithintwoyearsof thelastcalibration .Havetheequ ipmentrecalib rated if: th e sy stem is repaired, th e ti medi splayis wrongbymor e than20minutes, th e vehicl e regis trationnumber haschanged, th e circumferen ceof thetyreshaschanged, or th e seals orinst all ationpl aquesare damaged handling:Us ingyourco mpan y card, lock-in da ta ontheve hicleunitbefore firstus ingtheve hicleand lock-out data on theve hicleun it whentheve hi cleleavesyo urfleet.

5 Forexample,whe nsellingordis po sin g of thevehicleorwhenyouaredisposingofthereco rding wnlo addata fromthevehicle unit(VU)every3 monthsanddownload datafromthedriver cards at veandst oreth e downloaded da ta . A securedata storagesystemwi ll be ne ededwhichincludes back-upanddisasterre covery proced ur dar sUmSh bh ilteachtAr Bh ithreRo ad Sa fe ty Authorit yIt is recommend edthat op eratorsputin placea system fo d re cord thefo llo win g:detai ls of driver li cencenumber(it em5aon thedr iver card)driver cardnu mber(item 5bonthecard)expirydate(it em4bonthecard)- thiswillalert yo u whe nthecardis du e to expiredetai ls of lost, stolenor malfunctioningcards andtheactiontakenalerts whendownloadsof individual cardsareto be do I view the data on a driver card?Yo u ca n viewthedata on theca rd :ona co mpute r,onceyouhavedownloaded thedatawit hrel evantso ftware,ona pri nt -o utfromtheve hicleunit, oronth e ve hi cleun it display.

6 How do I downloadthe data on the vehicleunit anddriver card?Todownload da ta fromyo urvehicle unit, yo u ne eda downloaddevice andyo urco mpany card. A drivercardcanbe downl oadedthroughthevehicle unitor canbedownl oadedusi nga co mput er andth e ne ce ssary of th e manufa cturersof digitaltachographsandot he r softwaresuppl ie rshavedownl oaddevicesandso ft ware packages th at canbe usedtodo wnloadandinterpret digitalta chographinformatio dar s UmSh bh il teachtArBh ithreRoad SafetyAuthorityUsing the dr iver ca rdHow do I use the driver card in the tachographunit?Yo u mustho ld a validdrivercardto operatethetachographunit. Yourdriv erca rd is per sonal toyo u (likeyourdrivinglicence).Thecardidentifi esyouto thevehicl e youdonothavea valid driver ca rd,youmustnotdrivea vehicle witha digitalta chograph. If you r cardis lost, stolenor faulty , youcandrivewithouta driverca rd fo r a maximum periodof 15calend ar dayssubje ct youwillneedtoproduc e print-outsat thestartandendof your shiftan d addpersonal informationsuch asyo urname,signatureanddr youhavetakenactionto addresstheproblem andapply totheRoadSafetyAutho rit y fora replacementcard.

7 Yo u cange t more inf ormationaboutdriverca rdsfr dar sUmSh bh ilteachtAr Bh ithreRo ad Sa fe ty Authorit yIt is agains t th e lawto:usean ot he r pe rson sca rd,fal si fy a card,orob tai n a cardby makinga fa lsestatementor usinga forged document .Be fo re dr iving, youmustinserttheca rd in toslo t 1 on thetachograp h. Theve hi cleunit will au thenticate andva lidate th e card. If yo urcard is validated, theta chograph displaysa sy thecardis notvalidated , thedispl aywil l sh owthemessage insertion of no n-validcard . Acknowl edgethewarning, clear themessage andremovethe card,the n try ag ain .How to log on ? thevehicle sig se rt your driver ca rd in slot1 with the SIMchipfacingup andthear ro wpoi nt in g forward. Theimageof thedriverwill be facingdo rceit . thevehicleis doublemanned, Driver2 caninsert theirca rd in sl ot 2after Driver1 s cardha s ll owtheinstructionsonthedi sp la y, whichwill show thefo ll owing: Greeti nganddriver s na me.

8 Da te andti methela st cardwas removed. Th e qu estio n: Isthisinsertio n a con ti nuation of thecurrentdailyperio d? En te r your response ye s, noor cancel . Anoptiontomakea manual ent ry of an y activities sincethelasttimeyour cardwasin ser n makeentriesusingthemanualfacili ty on th e tac dar s UmSh bh il teachtArBh ithreRoad yo u do need tomake manual ent rie s, selectYESandyo u willbeable toen te r your detailsof ot he r work,pe riodsof availabil ity ,rest orbreaks. Youca n onlymakemanualentrieswhenthevehicl e isst opped an d your cardis in thesl yo u do no t need to make lectcount ry rd sy mbol appears whe n theunithasreadal l thedata fro m yourcard. Th e st andarddisplayfo r thevehicleunitwill u arenowloggedon .Why shouldI make manualentries?Yo u mustke epa re cordof yourac tivitie s. Whenyourcardis notinsertedintoth e ta chograph, yo u ne digitaltachographallowsa driver toenter activitiescarrie d outby him/herawayfromtheirvehiclethroughtheman ual inputop tionofferedby u mustmakemanualentriesif thefol lowingoccurs:aninstrument malfunction;th e dr iverbreachestherulesduetoan unforeseenevent(if,fo r example,anexcept io na l deviationfromtheminimumrestandmaximumdai lydrivingli mitsis requiredtofinda suitablestoppingplace).

9 A recordne edstobe co this happens, th e drivershouldrec ordhis/her activitiesorreasonson thebackof dar sUmSh bh ilteachtAr Bh ithreRo ad Sa fe ty Authorit yThefol lo wing is anexample of a manualent ry onthebackof a print-out:Manual ent rie s made by thedriverusingthemanualinsertfacility on theta chographareon ly st oredon thedriver s card andno t on thevehicle unit- th is is becausethemanualentry refers to theactiv ityofa driv erthatisbei no t ne edtoenter activitie s recorde d onanaloguecharts ontoth e dri if I make a mistake?If yo u makea mistake andconfirman in correct manualentry, youshould makeandsi gn a print- ou t forthere levantperiodwit h a note givingde tail s of theerrorandth e re asons fo r dar s UmSh bh il teachtArBh ithreRoad SafetyAuthorityWhat shouldI do with my card at the end of my workperiod?It is be st toremovethedrivercardfr omthetachographat theendof yo u cantakeou t th e driver cardfromthecardslot onlywhenthevehicle is no fromtheunituntilallof rnoff of thevehicle senginebutleavetheig te r th e activity,forexample;at theendof thework shiftenter rest ifyouaregoingona rest lect count ry at theendof theshiftand acknowledge.

10 If yo u need aprint-outselect Y es youdo notneeda pr int outselec t No an d the tachographautomaticallyrecord activity?Theve hicleun it will automaticallyrecorddrivingactivitywhen data underthefollowingsymbols:Thesystem willdefaul t to ot he r work whenthevehiclestops chonthetachograph unitto correctlyre cord youractivity ot he r work,ava il abilit y, breaks andrest. Scrolldown theop tionsandenter thedatafo r eaksor rest this cove rs brea ks in workand you r dailyorweekly rest per iods P er iod of availabilit y cove rs wai ti ng timeif you knowinad va nce howlong th is will be Ot her wor k thi s cove rs all wo rk oth er thandrivi ng vehicles(su ch as wor kingin the wa re house,loadingvehicles) Dr ivin g tim e thi s is au to matica lly recordedon tachographs11 dar sUmSh bh ilteachtAr Bh ithreRo ad Sa fe ty Authorit yIf yo u do notusethemod e switch co rrectlyyou arebre areth reetacho graphmanufacturers andthevisualdisplaysandmenuoptio nson each sy stem va ry.

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