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Guide to training providers - Department of Labour

HHooww ttoo iimmpplleemmeenntt aa lleeaarrnneerrsshhiippA Guide for training providersGov ern ment has in troduced a training programme calledle arn ersh ips. training providers play a cru cial ro le in theimp lem en tatio n o f learnerships. T hi s brochure explains the role oftrai nin g provide rs in this proce is a lea rners hip?A le arner ship is a train ing cou rse tha t combi nes theoreti cal training at acollege or tr ai ni ng ce ntr e w ith rel eva nt w ork exper ience. A lear ner ship mustlea d to a re cog ni sed natio nal qu alific ati on.

6 No Name Numbers Email Address 3. CHIETA Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority Contact: Derek Pooe (Act. CEO) Mariam Christopher (L/S) Shidi Mogonare (ETQA)


  Training, Guide, Education, Provider, Authority, Guide to training providers, Education and training authority




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Transcription of Guide to training providers - Department of Labour

1 HHooww ttoo iimmpplleemmeenntt aa lleeaarrnneerrsshhiippA Guide for training providersGov ern ment has in troduced a training programme calledle arn ersh ips. training providers play a cru cial ro le in theimp lem en tatio n o f learnerships. T hi s brochure explains the role oftrai nin g provide rs in this proce is a lea rners hip?A le arner ship is a train ing cou rse tha t combi nes theoreti cal training at acollege or tr ai ni ng ce ntr e w ith rel eva nt w ork exper ience. A lear ner ship mustlea d to a re cog ni sed natio nal qu alific ati on.

2 The mi ni mum number of creditstha t a lear ner must ob tai n i s the refore 120 credits. The l earner m ust recei vea certificate at the end of the le arne rship, confirmi ng the cr edits obtaineddu rin g th e l ea rner ship .Le arnershi ps ar e b ase d on a le gall y bi nding agreem ent betwee n you, thetrain ing pr ovi der , an em ploy er an d a l earner. This contr act aim s to ensuretha t the train ing provide d i s o f a n adequate qual a re the ma in b enefits of a le arnership?Th ere are a n um be r of benefits o f a learner ship for the em pl oyer, the learneran d you , th e t raining p rovi ne fits to t he tra ining provider SE TAs have in pl ace fun ding m echanisms to fund learner ships.

3 Anem pl oy er is ab le to r ecla im the co st of the l earner s fees from their SETA,thu s provi di ng a sou rce of fundin g for training pr ovi ders that offer trainingfor learn er shi ps The re i s p ot ent ial for tra ining provid er s to expand their businessesthr ough the imp leme nta tion o f le ar nership training Tr aining pr ovi de rs are able to ensu re that lear ners recei ve practical,ha nds-o n expe rience in applyi ng the theory that has been covered, whichwill m ean an imp rove me nt in the qu ality of the training pr ovi ded Tr aining pr ovi de rs will kno w th at th ei r traini ng leads to nationallyrecogni sed qual ifica tions, th at i s re levant to the needs of commerce andind ustry Tr aining pr ovi de rs will be re quir ed to actively netw or k wi th em pl oyers inthe ir sect or.

4 T hu s i ncrea sin g the potential for long-term par tnershipsbe tween the mse lves an d bu sin ess The Dep ar tmen t of L ab our will assist training providers in the r ecr ui tmentan d sel ect ion o f lea rne rs to be pla ced i nto ne fits to t he employerTh rough the lea rnership proce ss, the empl oyer is able to increase the level ofskills o f h is/h er employee s. Mo re skill ed empl oyees: Ar e mor e l ikel y to do the co rre ct thing the first tim e and make few ermist ake s Ar e mor e l ikel y to g et the best o ut of machines Ten d to be more indepe nde nt w orkers Ar e mor e m ot iva ted be cause th ey know why what they ar e doi ng i s3imp or tant to t he ove ral l bu sin ess a nd they might be less l ikely to l eavetheir ere are a lso si gn ifica nt finan cia l incentives for employer s offeringlearnershi ps.

5 The se take th e for m o f: Cas h Gra ntsA ca sh gran t reflecting the ba sic co st that will be incurred for the learnershipwill be provi de d to an emp loye r b y their SETA. The employer must conta cttheir SETA f irst to de ter min e if th ey are eligibl e for a l earnership grant. Thelearnershi p g rant s are discr etion ary, and a SETA w ill on ly pay these to a nemp loyer i f t he y have ad eq ua te fu nds avai lable Ta x Inc ent iv esAn employer also qual ifies for tax incent ives i f the learner shi p agreement i sregistered fo rmal ly with the ir SETA.

6 Employers ar e el igible for two taxincenti ves , o ne at the b eg innin g of the l earnership and one at the successfulcompletion of th e learn ersh ip. Emp loyer s should consult the SARS webs the ir SET As f or fur ther in form at ion on the tax incenti nefit s t o t he l ea rner Th rough a lear nershi p, the le ar ne r achi eves a nationally r ecogni sedqua lification Th e lear ne r ga ins wor k e xpe rie nce , thus im provi ng his/her chances offindi ng e mp loyme nt afte r the le arn ershi p i s com pl eted Th e wor k exp er ience g ain ed duri ng the learner shi p could assist thelearner t o be mo re successful in establ ishi ng his/her ow n busi ness Th e lear ne r ha s active li nks withi n the employment network, thusincreasi ng hi s/h er likeli hoo d of fin ding employm can I impl emen t a learners hip?

7 Th e fo llow ing st ep s ha ve to b e ta ken before the impl em entation of alearnershi p: Choose a learners hipAs a training provid er yo u have to deter mine w hic h lear nerships you canprovide train ing for. A li st of ava ilable learner ships can be accessed from theDe partment of L ab our s w ebsi te at ww Ens ure you are ac cre dite dAs a training provid er, you ne ed to ensure that you are accredited w ith aSETA in or der to provid e train ing fo r a lear nership. Non- accr edited trai ni ngproviders can no t i mple men t lea rner ships. A prer equi site for accr edi tation as a4train ing pr ovi der will be that yo u ha ve d eveloped a curriculum for thelea rnersh ip( s) acco rdi ng to stan da rds as pr escri bed in the South AfricanQu alifica tions Aut ho rity Act, 19 95 and tha t you foll ow sou nd education andtrain ing and devel op men t pra cti ces.

8 You also need to regi ster as anEd ucation a nd Tr ainin g D evel op me nt Practitioner Ide ntif y empl oyersOn ce yo u have dete rmine d wh ich le arnershi ps you are abl e to providetrain ing for , you ne ed to ensu re that you have identified sui table employerstha t are abl e to pr ovide rel eva nt wor kplace learning Ag ree on the re cruit ment and se lect ion of learnersOn ce yo u have ide nti fied pote ntia l e mployers, you need to reach agreem entwith th em o n t he nu mb er of learn ers they wi ll employ, the sel ecti on cr iter ia forlea rners, and the recrui tment a nd se lection of lear ners Re cruit and se lec t lear nersLe arners can b e peo ple that a re alre ady empl oyed by their em ployer s ( rners), o r the y ca n be un emp loyed people ( lea rners).

9 Th eDe partmen t o f Lab ou r i s ab le to assist with the recruitment and selection ofun emp loyed lear ne rs. Ple ase ask yo ur ne arest Labour centre for the br ochureon recru itme nt an d selection se rvice s offered by D epar tment of Labo ur Sign a learners hip agre eme nt Be fore star ting the learn ersh ip, yo u need to ensure that a lear ner shipag reeme nt is si gne d by the em plo yer, the learner and your organi sation. Th e lea rner shi p ag ree ment is a le ga l contract that binds an employer, alea rner and a trai ning pro vide r in to a relationship for the dur ation of thelea rnersh ip.

10 It sp ecifie s: What lea rning out come s mu st be achi eve d Empl oye r s respo nsib ilitie s a nd rig hts Lear ne r s r esp onsibil ities an d rig hts Rights an d r esp onsi bil ities as a tra ining e tra ining pr ovi de r has the rig ht o f: Acce ss t o t he lea rne rs b oo ks a nd le arni ng m aterial and the wor kpl ace, if requ ired .Th e tra ining pr ovi de r is r espo nsib le for : Gi ving the t raini ng s et o ut i n th e lea rner shi p Supp or ting the l earne r Keep ing r eco rds of tra ining p rovid ed Asse ssin g lea rner co mpe ten ce as out lined i n the learner shi p Repo rting to the e mp e employer must a lso sign an employment contract w ith the learner for theduration of the lea rnersh ip, which must compl y with the m inisterialdeter minati on on learn er ship s, un less th e lear ner w as al ready em pl oyed bythe em pl oyer be fore th e lea rne rsh ip.

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