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GUIDELINES ON HEALTHIER CHOICE logo MALAYSIAN utrition Division Ministry of Health MalaysiaGUIDELINES ONHEALTHIER CHOICELOGO MALAYSIAN utrition Division Ministry of Health MalaysiaMOH/K/ (GU)iiISB N: 978-967- 12050- 6-8 Firs tPubl ished in Nove mber ight Nutr ition Division, Ministr yof Health malaysia , l ri gh ts re se rve d. No part of thi s pub lication may be re pr oduc ed, sto re d in aretr ieval sy stem, or tra nsm itted in any form or by any mean s, electr on ic,mec hani cal, photocopying,re cor ding and/or other wise ,without the pr ior writte npermis sion fr om the pu blisher . Applicationfor such perm ission sho ul d beaddress ed to the Direc tor of Nutrition Division, Ministr yof Hea ni st ryof Health, Mala ysiaLe ve l1, Block E3, Comple xEFede ral GovernmentAdministration Ce ntre62 590 Putrajaya ,MALA YSI AiiiGuidelinesOnHealthierChoiceLogoMalay siaFOREWORD:DirectorofNutritionDivisioni vAHEALTHIERCHOICE LOGOInt roduc tio n1Ob jec tiv es2 BLOGOLABELLINGANDPRESENTATIONFo rmat of the Logo3Si ze of the Logo5 CPROCEDURESM anagementof App li cati on7 DCERTIFICATEOF AUTHENTICATIONReq uirements10 Renewalof Certifi ca tion13 Ter mina tio n of Certifi cati on or Misu se of th e Logo14 EADVERTISINGCODESApp ro va l of Pa ck agi ng / Advertisin g / Promotiona

GUIDELINES ON HEALTHIER CHOICE LOGO MALAYSIA Nutrition Division • Ministry of Health Malaysia


  Guidelines, Logo, Choice, Malaysia, Guidelines on healthier choice logo, Healthier, Guidelines on healthier choice logo malaysia




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1 GUIDELINES ON HEALTHIER CHOICE logo MALAYSIAN utrition Division Ministry of Health MalaysiaGUIDELINES ONHEALTHIER CHOICELOGO MALAYSIAN utrition Division Ministry of Health MalaysiaMOH/K/ (GU)iiISB N: 978-967- 12050- 6-8 Firs tPubl ished in Nove mber ight Nutr ition Division, Ministr yof Health malaysia , l ri gh ts re se rve d. No part of thi s pub lication may be re pr oduc ed, sto re d in aretr ieval sy stem, or tra nsm itted in any form or by any mean s, electr on ic,mec hani cal, photocopying,re cor ding and/or other wise ,without the pr ior writte npermis sion fr om the pu blisher . Applicationfor such perm ission sho ul d beaddress ed to the Direc tor of Nutrition Division, Ministr yof Hea ni st ryof Health, Mala ysiaLe ve l1, Block E3, Comple xEFede ral GovernmentAdministration Ce ntre62 590 Putrajaya ,MALA YSI AiiiGuidelinesOnHealthierChoiceLogoMalay siaFOREWORD.

2 DirectorofNutritionDivisionivAHEALTHIERC HOICE LOGOInt roduc tio n1Ob jec tiv es2 BLOGOLABELLINGANDPRESENTATIONFo rmat of the Logo3Si ze of the Logo5 CPROCEDURESM anagementof App li cati on7 DCERTIFICATEOF AUTHENTICATIONReq uirements10 Renewalof Certifi ca tion13 Ter mina tio n of Certifi cati on or Misu se of th e Logo14 EADVERTISINGCODESApp ro va l of Pa ck agi ng / Advertisin g / Promotional Materials15 Clai ms and Pro motional Messages16 DISCLAIMERThi s gui danc e is not le ga ll y bi ndi ng and doe s not supersede any oth erreg ulati ons or gui deli ne s th at regu late foo d pro duc ts in Mal aysi e are ma jor chan ges in th e di et of th e popu lationth roug hou t this world .Thes e are inf luencedby ma ny fa ctorssuch as globalisation, urbanizatio n, li festyl e and the new devel opment and inven tion by the foo d ind ustri es.

3 The di etis movin g from the basi c stapleto morevar ied and co nv en ie nt. Trad ition aldiet ar y pat ter ns haveund er gonemarkedchanges as consumers arein cr eas ing ly rely on pre-packagedproc es sed food s. Ther efor e, consumersnee d to be ed ucat ed and facilit ated in selectinghea lt hier opt ions of fo odproduc ts .Hea lt hier Cho ice logo (HC L) is one of the si gn posti ng in the nut ri ti on label lin gsys tem. HC L can be pa rt of a broa der basket of in itiativesthat gi ve mo tivati onto indu str ies to ref ormulatefood prod ucts and assistthe con su mers in makin grig ht fo od cho ices. I wou ld li ke to take this opportunity to ex pres s my ferventho pe that HC L initi ati ve wi ll be imple mented su cc essful ly with the full sup portand col la bor ati on from all stake beli eve that this initia tive will achi eveit s ob je ct ive s to creat e an environmentwhichsupp or t healt hy eat ing an dfi nall y reduce the bu rden of non -communicablediseases in the coun AbdulRazakDi recto r of Nutri tion Di vi si onMini stry of HealthMal aysi a1 GuidelinesOnHealthierChoiceLogoMalaysiaA HEALTHIERCHOICELOGOIn tr oductionThe im plem en ta ti on of Heal th ier ChoicesLo go (HCL ) is an in itia ti ve by theMin ist ry of He alt h is in itiativewas launchedby the He al th Mi ni steron 20 April is in line wi th th e strategy of the National Plan of Ac tio nfor Nut ritionMala ysian(NPANM)

4 III (2016-2025) to promote he alt hy eatingand ac tiv e livin g for all. The 65thWorld HealthAssembly(WHA ) 2012 Res olut ion also high light ed the importanceof fo od labelingschemesas ast rate gy to educ ate cons umer s on t, 23rdASE AN Sum mit 2013stressedthe role s and re sponsibilitie s of fo od in dus triesto pro duc e mo re fo od th at are he al thier in th e es sive dieta ry int ake pa rti cu la rl y fat, sodiu m an d sugarshave bee n sh ownto be ass ociat ed with the developmentof diet -relatednon-communicabledisea ses suc h as obes ity , ca rdi ova scu lar dise ase s and diabetes mell itus whic har e incre asi ng tremendously in Mala ysia. The aim of th is in itiativ e is to as sis t inadd ressi ng the ris ing inci de nce of th ose dise ase s and providing a frameworkon the dev elo pmentof hea lthy food su ppliesto Malaysiancons HC L is intended to provi de poin t-of-saleinformationto the cons ume r inma ki ng infor me d food cho ic es.

5 Fo od productsma y carry th e He al thier Cho icesLo go if th ey me et the nut rientcr iteriasp ecifiedby the Minis tr y of HealthMal ay si a. The impl em enta ti on of HCL is on voluntarybasisby the indu strie pl ica ti ons ne ed to be sub mi tt ed to NutritionDivi sio n, Ministryof HealthMal ay si a and certif icati on wi ll be gi ven upon ese guid eli nes areapplicab le to in div idualcompanyand its advertisingand /or ot her relatedag enci es . Ho weve r, th e primaryresp onsib ilit y for enf orci ng and conformingtothese sta ndardslies solely with the ind ivid ual co mpany. In the contact of thesegui deli nes , foo d refer to both foodsand objec tiv es of HCL are: To ass is t consume rs in makin g informedfood ch oi ces by merely looki ngat the front la bel of th e food packages. To hel p cons um ers ide nti fy healthierfood productsin the samecategoryof foo d.

6 To enc oura ge food and be ve rage indu striesto re formulate an d producehea lthierproducts. To prov ide an en viron me nt tha t supportshe althy eati ng prac ti ces .3 GuidelinesOnHealthierChoiceLogoMalaysiaC olour Code:: 0%C: 100%M: 100%Y: 0%KColourCode:: 75%C: 68%M: 67%Y: 90%Ka) There are two co lou rs allowe d for the Logoas ) Th e loc atio n of the Log o mustbe on the frontpa nel of the pr oductpac ) There sho uld not be more tha n two Logoprin ted on the sin gl e prod uc :The word logo as state d in the se gu ide lin es re fers toHea lthi er Ch oic e LogoMal aysi aBLogo LabellingAndPr esentationFormat of theLogo4 GuidelinesOnHealthierChoiceLogoMalaysiad ) The Log o mus t adh ere to th e identificatio n, col our, an d si ze requi reme ntsset fo rth by Mi nis try of He al th Ma la ysia. Such requ irem ents are des ig nedto ensu re that thr oughuniform and consistentuse, the publicwillco nti nue to re co gnizethe Logoas a distinctive markan d no t si mply adec ora ti ve ) The fol lo wing conditi on s are PROHI BITE D in the Lo go form at: us e of non -designated col ours; rearrang e the Logoforma ti on; ro tate the logo ; remove any part of the Logoformation; dis tort or stre tch th e logo ,either horizontallyor verti cal ly.

7 Or subs ti tut e fon ts in th e ) The Logomust not tou ch th e brandname on the prod uc t to su gg es t thatthe product is gen eri c, or cove r any esse ntial in for mation on the lab ) The HC L is the copyright of Mi nistryof Heal th Mal ay si ) The siz e of the Logomust not exceed 5% of the displaysurf ace area ofthe pac mple:H = 30 cm , W = 30 cmDispl ay surfa ce area= 30 cm x 30 cm= 90 0 cm2 Max im um siz e of HCL = 5% of 90 0 cm2= 45 cm2 CHHW=1/3 CH= Height W= Width C= CircumferenceDisplay surface area = H(cm) x W(cm)W30 cm30cm45cm2Si ze oftheLogoon ProductPackaginga) Th e disp lay sur face area is definedas the area of the fa ce of pr oductwherethe Logois pla ce mple:6 GuidelinesOnHealthierChoiceLogoMalaysiac ) The si ze of the Logosh oul d not less than 15 mm wid th when appl ie d onthe pac ka e min im um size of 15 mm widthof the Lo go shoul d bema inta ine d if th e calculations yie ld sm aller than the ampl e:W= 15mm7 GuidelinesOnHealthierChoiceLogoMalaysiaC PROCEDURESM anagementofApplicationa) App lican ts th at are reg ist ered with the Reg istr ar of Companiesandstip ulat ed un der sub regulation11 (1) (j), FoodRegulation 1985,areel igible to applyfor HCL certi fica ) They are requi re d to submi t the applicationvia the HCL on line sys system can be accessedat:http://myhcl.

8 Ea ch se lecte d food gro up ha s a set of nutritional criteriaand eac h prod uctwill be evalu at ed acco rding to thesecr iteria(Appendix1:NutritionalGuidelineson Nutrient Criteri a forHealthierChoicesLogoMalaysia).d) App lican ts are re quiredto send cert ificateof analy sis of the pr oductsdur ing the sub mi ssi on of ap pl ica tio n. La bo ratorytest must be carri ed outby acc re dite d and rec ognizedlab orat oriesfro m the Dep ar tmentofSt anda rd Ma lay sia unde r the Ski m AkreditasiMakmalMa lay sia (SAMM).Inte rnat ion al Labo ra tory Accreditation(IL AC) or Mut ua l Rec ognizeAccr ed it atio n (M RA) Sig nator ies labor ator ies that are recognizedbyDep artm ent of Standard Mala ysia are also ) All artwork s or label s usi ng or with reference to HCL,mu st be sub mitte dfor approva l. All mate ria ls subm itte d are not ) Uponre ce ipt of the app lication, HC L Secretariat will verifythecom ple tenessof the app e summaryof application proc ed uresis desc ) An y co st s relatedto the sub mis sion of applicatio n (includinganalys is,la bora to ry tes t and desi gni ng artworks)will be borneby the app ) Approved products may be ran do mly se lec ted for analy sis to en sure th atth ey cont in ue to mee t the sta nda rd nutri tio nal criteria.

9 Any compani eswho se productsfa il to me et the cri teria will be in vesti gated and may bedis quali fied from the programm ) It is the responsibil ity of th e appl ican ts to en sure th at al l foo d pro duc tscom ply with the re qui rem ents of th e FoodAct 19 83, Foo d Reg ul atio ns1985and HC L Certi fica ti on Conditi of HCL application to HCL SecretariatProcessing of applicationConfirmation of Standard Criteria CompliancesIssuance of HCL CertificateMarketing of products with HCLA pproved products are randomly selected for analysisDocuments are completeSummar y of HealthierChoice logo Appl ic ati on Pr ocedures10 GuidelinesOnHealthierChoiceLogoMalaysiaD CERTIFICATEOFAUTHENTICATIONR equi rementsa) Companies tha t are ce rtif ied to use th e Logowill ag ree to: the non-exc lusi ve use of th e Logoby any one com pany for any oneproduc t; ce rti fi cati on can not be negot iable , len dab le , tran sfe rab le, forg ed ,mis used or alte red in any wa y; be res pon si bl e for mon itori ng the ap prop riate us e of th e Log o oncer tified products; the label su bmi tte d for HCL must:o ha ve th e Fron t Of Pa ck (FO P) ene rgy ico n;o di spla y the nut rient s spec ified in the criteriaon the NutritionInf orm ation Pan el (N IP ); ando ha ve a sta tem en t HCLhel psconsumersto identifyhealthierproductwithinthesamecat egory or HCLmembantupenggunamengenalpastiprodukya nglebihsihatdalamkategoriyangsama.

10 The summary of the abovere qui rements is des cri bed ) The certifi cate wi ll be val id for a du rationof two ye ars (2 4 mo nths ) uponap pr oval. At the end of the cert ifiedyear,the pro duct s will be re-ev alua ted ba sed on the late st nutri en t crite ria*.*The nutr ient cr ite ria may be amended to reflect the latest scientific ) It is the res po nsibi lity of the companie s to en su re that th eir packaging ,labelli ng, adv erti si ng and prom otion al materialsof food pro du cts are incom plia nce wi th the Mala ysia Food Regu lations198 CHOICE logo (HCL)Additional nutrient(s) that specified in the criteria is also displayed on the NIPFOP energy iconHCLstatement: HCL membantu pengguna mengenal pasti produk yang lebih sihat dalam kategori yang sama HCLmembantupenggunamengenalpastiprodukya nglebihsihatdalamkategoriyangsamaSum mar y of the Requi red Nutri tion Informationto beDi spla yed on the Label13 GuidelinesOnHealthierChoiceLogoMalaysiaR enewal of Certificationa) Cer tific atio n is subjectto renewaleverytw o years.

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