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HERf - alpinehistory.org

TOn .\ Y , OCTOBER 12th, I S COLUMBUS DAY Lrke a ll gr~a1 men Columbus won his honors because he had the courage to follow his convictions. He did not waver a nd turn back when the job was half done. Like many others who have made our country great oe dre amed great dreams, believed in great ideas and dared to Slake his whole life on his convictions. Bur ! : 1ask of building a grea1er America is onl y begun. The next 100 years can be ~xpec1cd 10 produc e as much materi a l progress as all of the recorded hls<ory of mankind If our material progress is to be matched by growing h uman dlguity a nd ' rue libell)' under law. America m ust be guided by men who love the traditions that have made America great; men who are proud to be Americans . Most Americans will never be great but each can do his part. As for us. this paper a nd your editors a re Americans first, last and a lways.

PRE-SCHOOL BROADCASTS Early arrivals at El Capitan High School are serenaded each morn­ ing by the sounds of K-CAP, the new radio station at El Cap.




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1 TOn .\ Y , OCTOBER 12th, I S COLUMBUS DAY Lrke a ll gr~a1 men Columbus won his honors because he had the courage to follow his convictions. He did not waver a nd turn back when the job was half done. Like many others who have made our country great oe dre amed great dreams, believed in great ideas and dared to Slake his whole life on his convictions. Bur ! : 1ask of building a grea1er America is onl y begun. The next 100 years can be ~xpec1cd 10 produc e as much materi a l progress as all of the recorded hls<ory of mankind If our material progress is to be matched by growing h uman dlguity a nd ' rue libell)' under law. America m ust be guided by men who love the traditions that have made America great; men who are proud to be Americans . Most Americans will never be great but each can do his part. As for us. this paper a nd your editors a re Americans first, last and a lways.

2 It is o ur belief rhat this country comes neare r to attaining the ideals of our fo refathers af\d of Godly men throughout the world than any other nation. It is our purpose to work for a bette r America that follows more c losely the will of God and to encourage all those things that strengthen the community and build stronger, happier men and women. We believe that government is best which governs least, but we also believe that men of goodwill should discipline themselves to moderation i n all thi ngs treating others with the respect and consid eration that they would have accorded themselves. In order that all men may have c a use to give their full and unquestioned loyalty to America we believe tha t it Is every man' s duty to work for conditions where e very man who i s willing to work c an earn a decent Jiving and where justice before the Jaw Is freely and quickly available to e very man.

3 Because we feel that any form of super-state is conrrary to the laws of nature a nd God we believe that Com munism . Soci alism , Facism, or any form of a welfare state Is a backward step toward feudalism and barbarism. We invite the support and cooperation of all who share our convictions. Ed Welty Volume 4 , Numbe r 40, Page 1 FIV E CENTS Thursday. October 12, 1961 b y JACKIE First aviator: Is it important to pull the right cord ,.,hen parachute jumping? Second a via tor: I 'll say it is, I pulled the wrong cord and my underwear unravelled. Don: What happened to Mrs. Jo nes when she swallowed her spoon? John: She c ould not stir. Guard: -H~Ir:-;,ho-g~e~ there? Rooki e : A w, you wouldn't know me. I tu_s~ J~~t-~::.~ ~~~~l 1. What is the smallest room? 2. What is the biggest room? a. Why is the barn so noisy?

4 4. Define a sneeze. SURPRISE FAREWELL PARTY Last Thursday evening a surprise party was held at Dave's for Linda, pAGE 2 , OC_T. 12, 19 61 STUDENT PATROL FORMED A group of students at El Capitan has propose d the formation of a . council which would attempt to-counsel a nd assist students found smoking on or littering the campus. The council will be composed o~ ten members: e ight seniors and two juniors. Working along with the council would be a n organization known as the Student Patrol. Their duty would be to bring violators If you have some gum before the council. stu ck to your lawn furniture, The committee will not inflict and you have not been able to get it off, try this method: any punishments or penalties; it Place ice cubes on t h e g um . will keep only a record of each They will freeze the gum, student referred to it.

5 If a second whic h can the n be chipped . off. referral 1s made, the violator's Day family ismov-name will be sent directly to his ing to Long Beach to be closer to counselor, who will deal with the their father and his work. offender The party was from 6: 30 ro 8: 30 as it was a school night. Joan Young. Jackie Fourthman, and Charlotte Wood planned it. Teddy Barton, sixth grader at Alpine School, broke his wrist. CAN EAT BARBECUE A11 the Day kids will be visiting That 's right--all you can eat--Alpine during the summer and a barbecue will be served next holidays. "We'll miss you, Carol, Sunday, October 15, outdoors in Linda and Duane. Good luck in back of the Alpine V. F. W. Hall Carol , and Duane Day Linda has Lo11g Beach' sa y the Alpl ne Hi h 80 D $1 25 on g way . onauon, . , been attending El Capitan as a young people.

6 Adults , 75 , children under 12. rr=====================~ Now is the Time HAVE YOUR Sweaters & Other WOOLENS EXPERTLY CLEANED For FALL Free Pickup & Deliv~ry f\~ ~ Cleaning, Pres . stng & Ftnished Laundry ALPINE HI 5 !" 2 2 4 2 HWY 80 CHICKEN Plli DINNER PLANNED BY DESCANSO PTA SATURDAY This Saturday, Oct. 14th, there will be a chicken pie dinner served by the Descanso PTA a t theschool from5:30 to7:30 Donations are 75 for adults and 35 for children. ORGAI NZATION OF A LOCAL FLEET RESERVE District Headquarters Branch #9 San Diego suggests that Alpine establish a Fleet Naval Reserve charter. Distric t records indicate this area has many available and qualified personnel in Alpine and surrounding vicinity. Interested personnel may contact Ed Barton, HI 5-3353, or John Bll sky, HI 5 - 3371 or HIS-3391. HERf And THERE Alpine ECHO Oct.

7 12, 61, Page A KAREN'S KOLUMN by KAREN JORDAN -HI 5 - 3063 by GLADYS JENNINGS-HI 5-3188 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spineto of Al-pine Highlands have returned after Eighteen Ju niors at El Capitan their three week vacat ion, High School have received certi-Mr. and Mrs. John Bates, Hwy. BO, ficates for rheir outstanding per-at the Willows have sol d their formanceson the Nat ional Educ a -home to Mr. and Mrs . Ambrosa and t ional Development Tesrs. an -daughters of El Cajon. The Bates nounced Robert Randels, Junior will be moving into El Cajon . Coumelor. Jack Bla nkenship of Empire Mar-Th, :~tcs of <tl iotta l ket a nd AI Al ki re of Al pine Ce -ment Products have gone to Mon-tana for several weeks i n hopes o f getting some elk . Good luck! A small fire was put out last Monday at Hwy. 80 and Willows Road by Federal Forestry.

8 Mrs . Bratt with daughter- in- law Mrs . Mace Bratt and family visited her daughter Mrs. Wayne Jenki ns a nd did some shopping in Los An-geles ove r l ast weekend. J>, velopml'nt WL re <IW<trdt In Scknc c Rese arch t\<soci:ti, ,.. a NEW MANAGER FOR ALPINE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A new mana ger who has a back-ground of s:~les and public relations work hn~n e by the Alpine Ch:tmher o f Commerce. Bruce H. McKie is the son of local realtor a m! C. of C . board membe r J . Henry McKie. \ loca l boy who was raised i n S<tll Diego and at -tended Point Lorna High School, AYG 's PLAN FIRST DANCE Bruce is married alld the father The first dance of the newl y of two sets of twills . He was i n the organized Alpine Youth Group :\rmy i n Korea where part of his will be held at the Youth Center duties rela ted to worl<ing with the on Saturday evening.

9 Oct. 21. at , O. 7: 30 p. m . He served 2 1/ 2 years with the A five piece combo called "The Forestry, .:~pproximately 4 1/ 2 Strollers" will provide live music years ill sales and publi c relations for the dance is "dress , with thl' tele phone c ompany and but casual, .. no jeans, etc. Rc -about 2 1 / 2 years in business of freshments will be ser~ed a lld his own. transportat ion from the dance to THE commC'nds the the homes of the members will be Alpi11e Chambl r of Commen:, furnished by adults. for itscouragt: i n hiring a proft:s;-Adults hel ping with the group io na l manager. So far as 1.,e know include Mrs. Helen Sanville. John no Chamber of Commerce has Bilsky, Bert Fuller, Chuck Paddock, ever been a success until it ha~ Mrs . Jean Fleming and Cliff and hi red a professi ona l man to do the Marion Wooldridge who have of-~ob.

10 The financial burden of pay-ferred their place of business, wg Bruce Mc Kie rna y be difficult Dave's, as unoftical headquarters for Alpine to bear at this time but temporarily , he will be worth the price in The next meeting of the AYG progress . Ed Welty will be he ld at the Youth Center . Saturday. , 7 . New members are invited and their are sincerely welcome to come as obse rvers, advisors or sponsors . For the betterme nt of Alpine this group has joinE:J for "cle an living, clean fun and a clean future .. Chicago-based firm serving e du-cation, industry. and governn:tent through appl~ed behavioral sciences. Recipients include Jack L. Alban, Patricia N. Barrows. Katherine E. Britt, Donna L. Clay-comb, Walter J . Drexl, David H. Frank, Linda C . Goff, Kare n L. Jor -dan ( Alpine), Ru~ A. Linley, El -leP G.

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