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Holland Area Chamber Business Directory

Holl an d2009/10 BUSINESSDIRECTORYHOLLAND AREACHAMBER ofCOMMERCEHoll and sfounding fathe rsenv is io ned a pl acewhere hardwork an ddet er minatio n ledto prosp erity,securityanda str ongsenseof h immigrants workedtogethertire le ss ly andenduredseverehardshipsto buil d thebusinessandsocialfra mework which hasmovedthecommunity fo rward formorethan150year s. Th e pio neeringspirittheybeq ue athed to Hollandcontinuestoend ur e, pro vi di ngmomentu m forgro wthin a gl obalknowledge-basedecon a communit y gui dedbyfo rward-thinki ng , visi onandcommon goals,goo d sHolla nd is a shini ngexampleofsuc h de di catedeff or t, anareawher esig nif icant pr ivate andpublic investmentcon tin ue s to bu il d a relevantandrob us t cit d AreaChamberofCommerc e is a partnerin businessan dcommunity develop men t.

Holland’sfoundingfathers envisioned a place where hard work and determination led to prosperity, security and a strong sense of community. The


  Business, Area, Directory, Chamber, Holland, Holland area chamber business directory




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Transcription of Holland Area Chamber Business Directory

1 Holl an d2009/10 BUSINESSDIRECTORYHOLLAND AREACHAMBER ofCOMMERCEHoll and sfounding fathe rsenv is io ned a pl acewhere hardwork an ddet er minatio n ledto prosp erity,securityanda str ongsenseof h immigrants workedtogethertire le ss ly andenduredseverehardshipsto buil d thebusinessandsocialfra mework which hasmovedthecommunity fo rward formorethan150year s. Th e pio neeringspirittheybeq ue athed to Hollandcontinuestoend ur e, pro vi di ngmomentu m forgro wthin a gl obalknowledge-basedecon a communit y gui dedbyfo rward-thinki ng , visi onandcommon goals,goo d sHolla nd is a shini ngexampleofsuc h de di catedeff or t, anareawher esig nif icant pr ivate andpublic investmentcon tin ue s to bu il d a relevantandrob us t cit d AreaChamberofCommerc e is a partnerin businessan dcommunity develop men t.

2 For101years,theChamberhasbeena voice,mentorandvig or ousparticipantin gu idingecon omicgr owth. Th e HollandAreaChamberof CommerceBusinessDi re ct orywi ll help youlearnaboutopp or tuniti esto gr ow yo urbusinessandsha re thebenefits of li vingin apr ogr essive,activeco mmun ou sands of copiesof this publicationar e dist ribu tedto Holland Chambermember s, ar ealib rar ies,localagenciesan d indi vi du al s from thr oug hout theworld who requestin for mation ab ou t thegr eater Holland ar kind ofdi stri but ion makesourvoiceheardaswepromot e thewell- being of ea chofou r 1,20 0 member s, ourcommunityan d the WestMich rus e thesepagesto discoverhowwe re br ingi ng inn ovation to th emarketplace,generat ingjo bs,st rengt heningco mmerce,education.

3 He althcare, tour ism,ar ts an d cu lturean dho w you canli ve,learn, prosper an dpl ay in on e of Mich igan s most vibra ntco mmuni 2009/ 10 Hol lan d area Ch am ber of CommerceBus in ess Directory was createdand producedby HarborHousePubl ishers,Inc. for the HollandAreaChamberof shi p info rm ationhas beencompiledby the Holl and AreaCh amberof Commercewhohas madeeveryeffortto ensureaccuracy. HollandChambermembersin goodstanding asof May 13, 2009are listedin this HollandAreaCh am ber of Co mmerceand Harbor HousePubli shers,Inc. cannot guaranteethe accuracyof the information presentedhere,or be he ld accountable for any om is sionsor ort any changesto the Hol land Chamberfor inclusionin sub sequentedi 2009 Har bor Hou se Pu blishers, Inc.

4 , Boyne City, Mich igan . All rig ht s reserved. No porti on may be rep rod ucedwithoutwrittenpermissionof the publi vegetabl e-basedink s on recycledpap er .Me mb er of the Ho llandAr ea Chamber of Com merce,Michi gan Stat e Cha mbe r of Commerce and Mi chi gan Ch amb er of rb or HousePublishers , In c. 221 WaterStr eet, Boyn e City, MI 49 712 US A (80 0) 49 1-1 76 0 FAX : (866)906- 3392 E 8th Street Holl an d, MI49 423616. 392 .238 9 Fa x: 61 : inf o@holla ndcha ndch amber. or gWe lco me to Hol la ndHOLLANDAREACHAMBER ofCOMMERCEC ommunityOverview..2 Housing..2 Econo my..3 GreenIn itiatives..4 Downtown..5 HealthCare..6 Meetth e Chamber .

5 7Ed ucation ..8 Recreation..9 Arts& Cultu re..9 Membership..11 Statistics..32 Holland AreaMap..33 Buyer s fromHoll and to :Gra nd Rap ids27 Lans ing..90 Kalamazoo..53 Chi cag o..146 The Farmer sMarket(below)and the conversionof anabandonedwarehouseintoshopsand residences(atright)are a just it..17 3 Indian apo lis 22 0 Milwauke 3 Clevelan d ..29 7Ja ne Cl ar k, Pr esi dentHol land area Ch amb er of Com merce2 Community Ove rv iew:Wo rk ing and livin g smar tHo llan d s adv ant ag es providefoundation for su ccessLake Michiganis only ashortbike ride awayfrom Holland stree-lined tr ee-l ined street s mak e yo u fe elat homeorif yo u dreamof lo ft spaces ,you re in th e ri ght pla ce.

6 Hollandpr ovidesabundant livingopt ionsrang ingfr om luxury ho mesto af forda bleapa rtments, co nvenient co ndominiu ms,hi stori c ho usesan d charmingco tt identof thecommunity slivabili ty, the Hol landAr eaChamber ofCommercedon ated$15 ,000 to fund amarket ingpr ogr amto at tractreside ntstolive in the ci ty. Theproj ectisspe arheadedby theCi ty of Holl andwhich co ntr ibut ed$50, 000to thepr ogr am. Maj orco ntribu tio nsal soca mefro m indi vi du al ng st rat eg ies ta rge t anyon ewi th a reason to livein Holland , anyonewhomaywant to upgr ade hous ingorwhocommutesfrom outside e HollandChambe r providedfu ndsforthecity to cr eate a promotio nal DVDonthetown s at tribu tes,a campaig n tha twil l als o inclu de broch ures anda ne w webs it la ndareare si dents ha velongval uedho meownersh ip, so thefactthathousingpri cesof fe r opp ortunit iesforal lbudgets mak es put tingdown ro otspossib le fo r many.

7 In 2008,thesi nglefamily ho meso ld fo r an av eragepr ic e of$134,000, ac cordi ngto th e WestMic hi ganLa kesho re As sociati onof Realt yo u r e dreamingof bui ldi ngahome, theHomeBuil de rs As so ciati on oftheHoll andAreaconsis ts of 150member s and in clude s someofMic hi gan s topbuil de ga niz ati on s an nual Pa rade ofHomes showcas es bu ild er s be st work ,or enj oya vi rt ual to uron baholl an la nd s hometownfe el is there aldea l. It s opt ions an d amen it iesarebountif ul . Best of al l, there s a placewai tin g foryou. Nat ionwide Hol land is recognizedas a standout forbusinessopportunityandqua li ty of thecommunityandcompan iesoperat ingin theWestMichig anregion haveaccruedanimpressi ve varietyof prestigiousnationalhon or beslist edHollandason e ofthe20 0 Be st PlacesforBusinessan dCare ers.

8 Mon eymagazinerankeditamongthetop fi vepl acesto retire,whileKi pli ng er s rankedthecommunityamongit s 5 0 Smar t Pl acesto Live. Situated al on g theshoresof LakeMichig anandLakeMacatawain OttawaCoun ty , th e reg io n s scenic beautypre se nts an idealbackdropforbu ild ingcare er s, rai sing famili esandenjoying lifeto thefu ll est. Safe andattractivenei gh bo rhoods, award-winninghea lt hc ar e, accessto qualityed ucationandnea rly unlim it edyear-roundrec re ational optionsprovidehighlydes ir ab le elements forthoselooking toput do wnroo businessandint ernationalcompa nies flourishin this environment,attr ac ti nga variet y of tal entandhu mancapit al . Inv est orco nf idencein thereg io n ssol id anddiverseeconomycon tr ibutes to healthywork ethi c andskill edworkforceelevatespro du cti vit y.

9 Th e community swell-edu cated workf or ceis no tedfo r havinga15 perc ent hi gh er th anaverageper ce ntage of co ll egegraduates,wellabo ve sta te andnatio an d s rep ut ationasa bus in ess-frie nd ly co mmunity acceleratesgro wthandsup por ts ret ention. Electricratesoffe re d byHollandandZeeland BPWsare con si ste nt ly 15to 20percent belownat ional aver ages,wi th reliabilityratedbes t in cla ss. Wat er ratesarethelowestin thest at e. State andlocaltaxincentivesare avai la bl e to makelaunch ingandexpa nd ingbu sinessvi isals o anemployee-frien dly,primarilyunion- fre e regionwi th manufacturersrep or tin g lessth antwopercentabs enteei sm,lessth an10 percentturnoverof ho url y st affandlessth anfour per centtu rnoverof for ward-l oo ki ngcommunity ,reso urceprot ectio n is a greenpowerproductionhelp to developa bioscien ce clusterandimple mentconservation measuresinpr ivate an d pub lic buildin gs, placingthecommuni ty onth e lead ingedge ofsus tainable development in WestMichigan.

10 Inno vativeco mmun itymarket ing st rat egiesensure more pe opledi scoverthemanyamenitiesidentifiedwi th to day sHoll an d an d sh arein itsbr ight fu tur e. Ho usi ng:A pla ce to ca ll homeHousin g options for all budgetsand lifes tyles3 Whi le ar ea manufacturers hav eearne d the regionth e ti tle of officefur niture capitalof theworld, thefo odind us try is not far behind. Foo dmanuf actur er s havecastth eirdollar s,tal ent an d co nf iden cein theco mmuni t 4, 000peopl e areemployedloc ally by fo od manufacturers,giving it avit al rol e in st im ul at inganddiversifyi ngtheecon omy. Th e fo od ind ust ry continuestosho w signs of growth, saidRandyThelen, Pr esidentof LakeshoreAdvantage,the reg ion s economicde velopmentor ganizati on.

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