Example: barber

'Ji:~,~L., - Himachal Pradesh

'Ji:~,~L., ," "T' '1\\"i~- '.!.'"~~!'" '-'~-,'0' ~'i""'.i'~'~'!" ., .",.., 1!;,'t"'.'~~".1"~ '!i-,,~~'l;~i;t~~\::7':"~ ' ar':"l"~:rc(~:,,{:,;.~i. ' ::;"':\;"'~;;;"".J!~';,,',j.~::'j: ' ,I """"'~"'~"~N'I c, '.".'.. ~ !..'\'.2-As 'regards'.'..,; .' the _aforesaid stations, " _to."'., ::.. '.. t ' .'. /ith:effect from"'l, , " ;, ..,.:.I;:-~~..,..rates 1-,"'..,r"l!f~:, !~..~ ,..(;~ ..:, (/ .-.', ;, i) :.I.' '. ~ , " .'..~\' ':,,',.i:', ..~ ',- ." :.. ,,:PaY:.Ragge~.I.';;;" -I ..',' ~. ,': ~who are entitled to House , ,accorl1modatiol1 at : ' '..,5. ; The Gove rnor)to docido ~hat' ! ~ ,. -'. '..limi-tof pay ~~ ~'.1j:,..purpOse of rent receipt/..bo " ',., ".,..' ',\ "6:. ,.::I;t has further been',r .."l " ,,~ .'"' "-, r' ,All. () w~nce/Additi",oF\ar De~arne S$..',,- ",;0 ;, .;,GP I~320 where 'it :ha s ~ot be~n".. ""re'spec"t "of the employees. of,..' :.Welrare Departm~nts who nave" ,.as and !)}

,tj)' Noc';:in(C)B(7)lO/83 Go'/ernmerlt of Himachal Pradesh Finance (Regl.Jlations )Department..~ . ~i' Datcd 5h imla-l"l 002, ; the i J <t' f-J-.:_Septc-mber,1984.




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Transcription of 'Ji:~,~L., - Himachal Pradesh

1 'Ji:~,~L., ," "T' '1\\"i~- '.!.'"~~!'" '-'~-,'0' ~'i""'.i'~'~'!" ., .",.., 1!;,'t"'.'~~".1"~ '!i-,,~~'l;~i;t~~\::7':"~ ' ar':"l"~:rc(~:,,{:,;.~i. ' ::;"':\;"'~;;;"".J!~';,,',j.~::'j: ' ,I """"'~"'~"~N'I c, '.".'.. ~ !..'\'.2-As 'regards'.'..,; .' the _aforesaid stations, " _to."'., ::.. '.. t ' .'. /ith:effect from"'l, , " ;, ..,.:.I;:-~~..,..rates 1-,"'..,r"l!f~:, !~..~ ,..(;~ ..:, (/ .-.', ;, i) :.I.' '. ~ , " .'..~\' ':,,',.i:', ..~ ',- ." :.. ,,:PaY:.Ragge~.I.';;;" -I ..',' ~. ,': ~who are entitled to House , ,accorl1modatiol1 at : ' '..,5. ; The Gove rnor)to docido ~hat' ! ~ ,. -'. '..limi-tof pay ~~ ~'.1j:,..purpOse of rent receipt/..bo " ',., ".,..' ',\ "6:. ,.::I;t has further been',r .."l " ,,~ .'"' "-, r' ,All. () w~nce/Additi",oF\ar De~arne S$..',,- ",;0 ;, .;,GP I~320 where 'it :ha s ~ot be~n".. ""re'spec"t "of the employees. of,..' :.Welrare Departm~nts who nave" ,.as and !)}

2 ~.;i:~.", j.\~j,r"unrevised ~cale as a measure~..-"-as empluments for purpose of7. ,The gran t 0 f Housercyisod ~al~, how~~er.';. ".: ".,' ..as; ~~V~, alrfJady :.'\:Department's office " : ..' ; ..5th :De , ~1966, ,as," i.'"' ..'[:J,:~[;c \,To"'," ,:~~~, 7::~1~j,",,".,:';'.~~'-,'. ,---;r::;/2,,: '..';;.;;t..,-""-:~,.-'., ,f'",..',,; I:'i{;" ~.~ , " \' .:;; ..No~F1n(Cl~(7}~36/77. ;,qt'.~P~~l\!T r F tT~1AC1-T A'.. P:~~3't:r,Q~ICE,'}~Mt"E~~ .,:~:: ','~~" ' ',,:-:'."'.. :;'] "GJ:at~ cf EQuse. ~nt A1:1:cwEnce~, .( ..":, 'j;:; .:,.' :..".] ~:c~ ..t',~I,~~u~e-q~ ~::--,..,,' .:"cf' Fouse-, ~nt Aitow!.!!.l:'.;c~' tc t~e St~te~GoVernright; ~'nplcYees ~ ; ": :, -".Q.~ !.a, ;'b~ ;1C~:,t9."tba:p:L~c;:c .o~' d'~tY' ;;;, -".,;~,-:. ;:: .' .,' 2.:}:CQt4!:10d~ti,~,, ; ~ bc,m~ ~wrov~t c,.;t", y r '- .'r, \:"',. ,,~ .'.~. k a "'nt " ;: rVc,.:,t1,t ,W}1c: :r"". ~' , ;:;CVaJ:~,t."~,..:~.,f:,.*~.,'t""/'"/.}' -'.)))

3 ;;..'I:':.":':J;,"":"'""~"".::"-"'~~"":' ..~en : :,;!.;.~;,::".;~::;:!::-;-:;:1_',;"::;!: :-"::~::_,:,;::-- ;1;):1 G; ,,"+fyth~lt':t:,~n;aV6:..netbucn;, p:rcn:dC;:d' ~ :..'.., -c:t ' W,.::L'Ct! thi": ~li eWc-'!1':e ' ,", "0,;.; '-,-)n~""':'lltc nc-r:lr'u:s-pribLi'c ' ~;z,:ci:""r "u.,~!jC rt-akin '-s :,' :::, D~'liti;cts' -:"Jic al~~:r:ttbd r';"'n~.fr"'" ~C~bQMbA,;,+'i~" "F"(;~~l::;;':;-;{~;~c""; ..,-t.,,~~;%;~,:.c.;;.j',;:"~:;"'..".,tj )'Noc';:in(C)B(7)lO/83Go'/ernmerlt of Himachal PradeshFinance ( ) ~ .i'~;Datcd 5h imla-l"l 002, theiJ <t' f-J-.:_Septc-mber,1984.( M~ :-Grant of House .Rent Allowance to the employeesof thG State Govetnment posted at District!Su vis i on/Tehs i ],/Su b- Tehs iI/Bloc k Headqu arter So'J ~ ~The undersigned is directcd .to invite a reft'renceto Department's Office Memorandum !'l/ooFin(C)B(7)36/77,da~(.r;(, ,tho 2nd Aug\lstt1983, on the abov~ noted subject and to saythat the Governor, rlimachal Prade,sh is pleased'.)}

4 To order ththe House Rent Allo,':ance. ~ed vide this Department'sOf f ic e 1,le m or and u m u oct:: r r of or ~ 0 ceshall be to~i) in case of District Hcadquartcr, to cmployeesoosted in offic,os located within a radius of 8 Office! of the Deputy Commissioner of,D' , ItalC l5 t r J. C t ; :: ,ii) in case of sub-iDivisional HeadquCJrtcrs, toemployces postc1d in thc uffio'es l.' redius of 8 i<tmso of the Office of trioS~b:D~vj,s,ional 'I:Officer(CiVil), of the Sul---Dlvlslon; ,lit) in c,ast:' of Te'hS!il Headqu()rters ~ to cmployeC' ~d in"the qfficcs located within "a Kmso 'of, th:e office of 'the TchsiJd3r oftilC Tehsil; i I!in C.::1SC of ;.re~,$il Hcadq~-1rter5 ,to thec::lploy~cs pos-le~ l'n the offlCCS locat\! 'J' If8"Kf'hOoCf':' ~WJ,'~nlr,):.a r;J(lUS, 0 .ms. 0 ~ ~ ",'lCt) 01tho Tthsildar!N:ai,b Tehsildar of thc 3!Jb.;.T-'-l~s~'~ "ndi.:: ", i),1---v, in c,~sc of BloCik HcC'.dquarters ~ to "thE'.

5 Cmoloyecs poste'ci in the cffices 'IW':'~11in a r~cfuls :of 8 Kmso of the oificc ofBla~k Devf:loprli n t Officer of the Block~I ,:bt whether an office is oriv)2"In case of (Jny d'out"..," "fino ;,",':L ",ln ,,: (':..us 0 8 KmS~ii1f:ntliJn.:-d above, the matter ~(-r,~ ..'~ ~",---\be decided by the Deputy commiSSioJjer of the Districtc oncer ned '7.\;:;;\I:! If~ l~ ~ .-"~(Harln~~ Hlr~)Joint Sedrctc3ry(Financf::-R) to theGove,rnmer\t, of the Himachal Predesh"To, j 1"All Administrative D:c:ptts\. ,of the Govt 0 of Himachal ~r~c;esh.,e -~, \ (C)B(~')10/83 Dated Shimla-i171002,the ;~-/J Septec,84oCopy f or,,' (j tOt- .! l ,.1. Tho DivisilJndl Comm'issijnE!r, Sl;limlla/Dharams.;.la(Kangra)o2. All Ho! of DeoartmC:l1ts irl IJimachal Pradesho3. The rc gi~ tr nI', C curt, Sh iinl a-171 All District ;:'f)~ ;;):ssions ,JUd?os i~ Hili)acha+ Pr~ ~).l Deputy In HlmachQl Thc Resident Commissioner, ,cchal ,Sikcnc'ra Road,, r~c VI De 1 hi" ' \.

6 70 All TrC?5ury OfficGrs/Sub Treesury 'Officers/AssistantTrc?sury Officers in Himachal PrudC' All OffictJrs/Assistent Accou'nts Officers unc'cr thcl\d'.linistr~.tive c'ontro1 of Trc.;~,sury & Orgn" "9. lnc- Examincr ,Local I\udit ,Fin~.ncc D;::~~rtment HffPffShimlc':!-2 n10, The )n Officc:r( Trl:t\surte~ and Accounts O:::gno).l'!orth Zonc.,Civil ,Dharams~la(K~ngr~) H~P~110 Thc :\ssistant DirGctor, Financi'al l\c.\miriistrutiol't, '~:of Public !ir,str;:otioh, F""ir" r~awn,\Shimla-12..12. The Prcs'i(Jer,t, 1\!GOseFcd;;)r~tion,C/O ~neral SQcrctary,I\1 GOisF'GdGl',tiorl~office of the DirGctot --Df\ , ~ ThC?rcsi(~~n.~,~..~o~ecretar~at ,Cless!II Y1mployces' I\ssociation,H. Se cret c!r . "t ,~h lml a,-2c:140 The Vi(;c-F'Tcsident,t~GO1s Fedcration, ,(0 Civil Hospital'G:c'gret, Una( )o I..-' ViCC,-Pl'csident)~JGOs Fedcr; ,o;\o the District Publicrc1r'.t'i~n Officor, Una( ). \16~ Tho, Jo~flt $ccJ.'ctc:::y, t~GOs Fcd(.))

7 :1';;'.tion,\c/n H,P"Go:"ernmGntPrcs?,.. \ ..170 Th'3 G;:neral SiJCret",.ry,t~GO1s Fecl(;;rC1tio~ 0/0 Qircctor ,~)'fHorticulturo,f)himla-2p -\ ;18 ~ D ir c,c ~ '~r ~ of ,\t;C a~ nt~ ' C c: binct !"}t;;.,r i at, East Bloc k~.JI).V,R~ ,:m,Ncw D.; Th~ OrQ~nisQr, Punj.:b 8. H" ~D1.'ision,S5BL\irvctc.;c; Gcner~l :)f Security tShimla\-4o200 Tho COmi;)~nc!~nt, Tr.::ining ccntrc,Dirc:ct\cratc Gcn.:.:rel ofSli; ;.11zn, District Shimla(HoP.\)o .210 Thc- j;'-j'5 IJty ,Dr:farrcc: Lt:1nd Contonm0nt,He~oqu(: ::r Carm:,,;nc) S; , \ ,,'-,J'-~No,"n(C),(7)-10""~Z~~':;"{R;~~~ ~~~:J;r;:,,:~:~~,Dated ,the Ib-iK~ ,g5,Q)'2-~~~~;~~~~:;t~~~':;; 'i~;~.e~;'~~:~:~ the ..""loyce'.S\lDj8-~t1-,., .. " ~s of 8 ?ct;1,offi~tres di" ..~.~..) )5//:il"~7/.Cl~rificat1or.(..j' c" : J, ; .~e und~rsigned 1s ~1iected t9~'~ 'a.!-" 'ryferenoe' to We' D~partment~ s l~f ice j';f'!.m~ro{~!.ln o ~er" ,,' ., \;~ate<'i the' 26tNJ$ep~-e, ~4" vj,de which thQ ~6use !}

8 :el:1t. )" ; ,.All<)wan~e has ooen pos~oo" in 6~ "\ :; j t. ' i,l' ~,~l'ocated wi:$ih1ri,. ~ ~di1.).s 'of 8 , ,ms of Office q! ?eputy c6rn.~is::;",; ~r~~~~l '; 'Su.:~~Divisional otf:;lder ( }/Tehsildar/~1ai~ ',':ensl1dar of ~he,"..' ,.., ';S~b-T~hsJ;l/ Bloc~ yeve:).opme-nt -OfficeF" A ;;Vl:.Jn1be~ of ,ref~re;rtt~es,. i:.., , / , ;'.. , ..pave p~ rec~ived '.seekinrr clarifi<:atio11t~ \11b'1 re,gard to theI .' .~ ..'\ ;, ' ..int:~~~re~' ~~ 'Oftt!=".t:'~,/ tlR~qf,us, of' @ 'f'l(\;~!)P ~herr1E~]I; ~dis direc~~ to 'say tt1at ':i;t1:~~'.term~" Racliu~ ij I<r;iS:" has th~,- ..1' "of,? :"'-,Ksame as has b~ep E;~;':.,plain7~ in, Note pslpw p~R", 7,16 ~hich\ .!.1$ re-pt6dut};~" belo,w;-' ..,Ii -., ..' ';.,(., tt 'rr1e term tl .. of 6'1g" ht kilOTJ1~ 'es~1 shcluld be"~.I' '" ."-~ :)i~ted as ~eaninc' a di~ta~Ce of eight: ~F- ' -,. i "' ..b~ th~ spoftest pre~t:tcable: r6ute i'?Y' wh '~~:a, ,\ .' I :-,".

9 -c, ~ qan ;reach his de~tlnatlon by t:be"'~o't:d!4~")" ,', " ~~ cc':""CC""" ~d'i:;$ G)f :travel1in~.n :J;;: .h" -) .\', ,.-!,,'/4'4 ""-~.' ,/ ':.., , ,""'J\n "to 'sibility:of HoU!pe Reny,1.';, :..c' ~,.".~:.. '::,Ji,"Allowqnce, it 6~ ,:~h~~~,;)f ~ ,~J:::ome,;~~:1is-~,,- "~ \'; --,-c;--::;.'-:-,' ,'";.' I }i' I,~ s~~be-::"tb'e':"~sta~,,_~~'bY ~hortestpractic;::jbl:e.,rQut;~ y,;t:' 'I'~ : .., -' .." J. -~ ~\,t; between 't'~t,~" :t; (,..c' ,;~ /)~ ~,' c ( '" 1'('. 0'2 '..2-)/-jii,.~ ;' j ~ .,employee and the~ office ot \the'Depu~y "nis6ioner/S~.1J::)~ :LsiO!1, '"'" !Officer(Civil)/TehSl1dar/Naib 'reh$~~d~:r: qf SUb-T~hsil and 'the\ '.I-, Block Devel opment Oft"~cer I: a$ the ,case may be:~, If.,'-' ," ,.':;: to20 It is further that a ,distarice'o;":A' " -.; .~ I.' , : ',radi1;J;'{? of 8 YIns. as ~xplained Above shall b~ .'~ fry]!l the,. --,,:' , 6 .f~ce 0,f t:he :eepu~y C:Q~iS'sio:ri~r/S~.

10 Officer.\{;ivil, ",' .:.. ,', ; ,Tehs'.il:aar/Na~'rehs~~,darof S~1'~hs~l. a~d B'lO9k p,~velop!jlE~nt, ..'"' I"officer within '\:ope jurisdj:ctlbn of which ~h~~,~mP11J~e if;; ~) ." i , ;" 7,' , \.). ( ,, "-If'\(""- I) -:",\ ~\.. ~il\--., : """r \I'""""" i".Joint secr(:tary~(:E'inanpe-R)tothe Goyt e of )T,:}.mi!!iQ11al' pradesho( . ~..,GO' ~IE:NT f::F HIll,iACli,AL PRADE&t{FTl'T1tI~(ffiG1 JLATI0:-T)DEP4 RrJ:tIE!\TT. ;) ,:DDare~ Shim'" 8-2, tile ~;('(:i! .Ju'-~r, 198~..~ ,..-~II-"-N ;J.(R&E',).r O~~J~!Q~~--I cf ~ari('l" 'a1.'~wance s' tb the H . ,..,b'.t01' J :.empJ."'ye\e s p~s'b::d ~'tside Himacha1. Prade sh."" '"' ..admi~sibi'.i~y ~f yarir,us aU""wa~ces of ~~ "fl.!'. G"'VernmGnt.'empJ,r)yefiS p"',st;:d "'vtsi<,ie the; "jurisdicti~ .,..f ~d been'"' ~ '" '-'enggging at~nti~ "f ~lx G--VErnm-:nt for s~me ~me Pasti"~c("lrd11Jg'Y""'t~ "G""Vern!"Ir,Himacha' Pr9~sh,in cr"intirJuati,l:'\t1p; ~ to rEvisG Ir\f aJ.))}

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