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Lower Athabasca Regional Plan 2012-2022 - Alberta

LowerAthabascaRegionalPlan2012-2022Ta ble of ContentsIn tro du ct gro und ..2 Purpo se ..2La nd -us ePl anni ng inAlbe rta ..3 Info rming Land-us eDec isions ..5 Pla nSt ruct ure ..6 Reg ula tory De tail sPlan Part1 General ..7St ra tegi c Reg ion Today ..14 Econo mi cDe velopm ent ..14 Ecosys tems and Envi ronment ..17 Hum anDe vel opment ..21 The Fut ure of the Regi ional Vis ion ..22 How We Will Achieve the Vision ..24St ra tegi c Dire ction s fo r the Regi ov ing Inte gration ofIndus tri al Activiti es.

2 LowerAthabascaRegionalPlan2012-2022 Background Alberta’sLand-useFramework(LUF),releasedinDecember2008,setsouta newapproachtomanagingourprovince’slandandnaturalresourcesto


  Lower, Plan, Regional, Lower athabasca regional plan, Athabasca




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Transcription of Lower Athabasca Regional Plan 2012-2022 - Alberta

1 LowerAthabascaRegionalPlan2012-2022Ta ble of ContentsIn tro du ct gro und ..2 Purpo se ..2La nd -us ePl anni ng inAlbe rta ..3 Info rming Land-us eDec isions ..5 Pla nSt ruct ure ..6 Reg ula tory De tail sPlan Part1 General ..7St ra tegi c Reg ion Today ..14 Econo mi cDe velopm ent ..14 Ecosys tems and Envi ronment ..17 Hum anDe vel opment ..21 The Fut ure of the Regi ional Vis ion ..22 How We Will Achieve the Vision ..24St ra tegi c Dire ction s fo r the Regi ov ing Inte gration ofIndus tri al Activiti es.

2 25 Encour agi ng Ti me ly and Prog res sive Recla ma tion ..26Ma na ging Air ,Wate r, and Bi od iversi ty and Mi nimizing Land Distur ba nce ..27 Cre ating New Cons erv ati onAr eas ..29St reng the ni ng Infras truct ure Planni ng ..31Pr ovidi ng Ne wRecr ea tionand Touri smOpportuniti es ..32 Inclusio nof Abori gina lPe opl es inLand -use Pla nning ..34Im plementa tion Pl rategies and Outc omes ..36 Outco me1:The Ec on omic Po tenti al of the Oi lSa nds Resour ce imizedOutco me2:The Regi on s Econo my is Di versi me3:La nds cape sare Mana gedto Ma inta inEc os ystemFuncti on.

3 42and Biodiver sityReg ula tory De tail sPlan Part2Co nse rvati on Are as ..43 Reg ula tory De tail sPlan Part3Co nse rved La nd ..44 Outco me4 Air and Wa ter are Ma nag ed to Suppo rt Huma nand ..46 Eco system Ne ed sReg ula tory De tail sPlan Part4 AirQual ity ..48iLowe rAtha ba scaRegionalPlan 2012 -2022iiLowe rAtha bascaRegionalPl an 2012 -2022 Reg ula tory De tail sPlan Part5Su rfa ceWa ter Qual ity ..52 Reg ula tory De tail sPlan Part6Gr ound wate me5:Infras tructur eDe velopme nt Suppo rts Ec ono mi cand ..58 Popul ationGr owthOutco me6:The Qual ity of Life ofRes idents isEnha nc edThr oug eas ed Oppor tuniti es forRec reation and Acti veLi vingReg ula tory De tail sPlan Part7Re creati on and Touri sm.

4 61 Outco me7:Incl us ion ofAbo rigina lPe opl es inLand -us ePlanni ng ..63Mo ni tor ing, Evaluat ionand Repo rting ..65 Reg ula tory De tail sPlan Part8Mo nito ring and Re portin ble 1:Reg ional Outcomes and Suppor ting Ind icators ..68Ta ble 2:Reg ional Outcomes and Stra dule A:AirQual ity Mana gement Framewo rk Li mi ts and Tr dule B:Surfac eWate rQual ity Mana geme nt Framewo mitsand Tr iggersSche dule C:Gr ound wa ter Mana geme nt Fra me wor kInter im ..77 Qua lityTr igger sSche dule D:La kela nd Country De sti nati on De velopme nt Stra tegy.

5 79and Tour ism Oppor tunity Pl anSche dule E:Lo wer Athaba sca Re giona lTrail Sys tem plan ..80 Sche dule F:LA RP La nd Use dule G:LA RP Di gital Map ..92 ISBN No . 978- 1-4601-0537-5(Printed Version)ISBN No . 978- 1-4601-0538-2(Online Version)Pri nte d August 2012 Pho to Cr edi ts: Gordon CourtTrav elAlbe rtaIntroduction1 Lowe rAtha ba scaRegionalPlan 2012 -20222 Lowe rAtha bascaRegionalPl an 2012 -2022 BackgroundAl ber ta sLa nd -us eFrame wor k(LUF ), rel easedinDe cembe r2008, sets out anew appr oa ch tomanag ing our prov ince sland and na tura lresour ces toachie ve Al ber ta slong -te rmec onom ic, envi ronm enta land soc LUFes tabl ishe ssevennew land -us eregions and callsforthe de velopm ent ofaregi ona lpl an for ta La nd Ste wa rds hip Actsupp or ts the LUF and establ ishes the legalbas isfor the de velopment ofregional pl ans.

6 Co nt ributi ons from the Lower Atha ba sca Regiona lAd visory Co unci l,Fi rstNat ions and M tis communi tie s, stakeho lde rs,munic ipa litie sand the publ ichav einf or med the devel opm ent of theLowe rAtha ba scaReg iona lPlan(LAR P).The devel opm ent ofthe LAR Pus edathr ee -pha secons ulta tion pr oc es swhichgathered : input on theregion sissue s; feed ba ck onthe adv icefro mthe Lowe rAtha bas caRegiona lAdv isoryCo unc il;and feed ba ck onthe Gove rnm ent ofAl ber ta sDra ft Lower Atha bas caInteg rated Re giona lPl LA RPsets the stag efor robus tgrow th, vibr ant com muni ties and ahe althyenv ironm ent withi nthe region ov er the ne xt 50 th that long- ter mho rizon in mind, the LARP identi fie sstra tegicdi rectio nsfor the reg ionov er the next 10 yea regiona lpl anwillbe assessedand, ifnece ssary,upd ated every five yearsto ma inta inits relevance and effecti vene sswhi lemainta ining certa inty.

7 Sta bil ity and commitme nt to regula tory inte nt. Anysubs equent rev isions to the plan requi recons ul tation with Al be rta ns .The LA RP: Es tabl ishe salong -ter mvision for the region; Aligns pr ov inc ialpo licies atthe reg ional levelto ba lance Albe rta sec onom ic, env iro nme ntal and soc ial goa ls; Refl ec ts ongo ing comm itm ent to eng ageAl be rta ns, incl ud ing abo rigina lpeopl es ,inland -us epla nning ; Us es acumul ati ve eff ec ts manag eme nt appr oachto ba lanc eec ono mi cdevelo pm en toppor tuniti es and socialand envi ronme nta lcons iderations.

8 Set sdes ired ec ono mi c, envi ronme nta land socialoutco me sand obj ectiv esforthe reg ion; Des cribes the stra teg ies, actio ns, appr oa che sand tools requi redto achiev ethe des ired outc om es and obje ctives ;Ele me nt s of aCumul ati ve Effect sMana geme nt Syst emOutco me s-based:Drive nbycle arly define doutc ome sforthe des ire dqualit yor stat eof theenv ironm ent now and in thefuture ,while recognizing theecono mic,en vir onme ntaland soc ial implications ofme eting thos eobje ctives .Activi tie swill be manage dto achi eve outcome ace -bas ed:Diff erent regions may havediff erent ne edsandoutc ome wle dg e-b ased:Foundati on of the syste misasound kno wle dge base andpe rformanc emanagem ent,compo sedof infor mationand eva luat ionto dete rmineif outco me sare being metor mana geme nt actionsrequire ptive :The syste mcan adapt tochang ewhe nper for manceresults are no tachievingoutc ome s, or the re is aris kof not achi eving outcom esin the future or whe ncir cums tance schange.

9 Share d st ew ar dshi p:Acollabo rative pr oces stoinf orm de vel op me nt ofoutc ome sand buildcomm itme nt forthe shar edresponsi bili ty to achieveoutc ome rAtha ba scaRegionalPlan 2012 -2022 Esta blish es moni toring, eva luati onand report ing commi tments to assesspro gres s; and Provide sgui dance to pr ov inc ial and localde cision-ma kers regarding land -us ema nag em ent for the ug hregional pl anni ng, as wel las other ini tia tives, Albe rta is shi fti ng to amore eff ect ive and effi cient ma nag ement system that cons iders the cum ul ativeeff ects of all acti vit ies and impro ves integ ratio nacro ss the econ om ic,envi ronm ent al and soc ial pi llars.

10 Thi ssystem mus tadapt to pla ce- bas edchalle nge sandoppor tunit iesaswel las all ow de cision-ma kers to seethe bi ggerpi ctur sdir ect ionisafounda tion ofthe Land-use Frame work, wher ethe Al be rtagover nme nt comm itte dto ma na ge the cumul ati veeffects of deve lopme nt onair,wat er, land and bi odi versi ty at the regi ona ulati ve effects manag eme ntfoc uses on achie veme nt of outc omes ,und erstand ing the effects of multi pl edeve lopme nt pres sures (exis ting and new), assess me nt of ris k, col labo rati vework with shar ed res pons ibi lity for acti onand improved inte gra tio nofecono mic, envi ronmenta land soc ialconside ratio me sand object ives are es tabli shed, along with the strate giesand actionsthat wil lbe us ed toachie ve them.

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