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MetalSecurityCeilingSystems - Trussbilt

Le adi ng Inno vatorof Se cur it y ProductsforOver80 YearsMetalSecur ity Ceilin g SystemsSe cure DekBarrierDekTrussDekTr uss bilt s Aco ustic al Me ta l Sec ur ityCeiling Sys tems mee t th e ful l ra ng eof sec urit y ceilin g re quir eme nts, fro msup erv ised areasof minimum an dmediumsec urity fac ilitie s th rou gh in- celluse in ma xim um sec ur ity app lic at ion d, they addres s th e growin g ne ed tocon tr ol nois e in the det en tio n sett ing,which cre ates not only a po or liv ingenv iron ment for inmat es , bu t als o ast res sf ul and uns afe work ingenv iron ment for correc tion al offic ers .In add itio n to abs orbin g sou nd , Tr us sbiltceil ings con cea l and pr ot ect plumbin g,elec tr ical and HV AC fa cilit ies . An d, theiruniq ue snap -in securelock syste mmean s the y ar e twice as fas t to ins ta llas scr ewed -in metal ceiling s, lower ingcon st ruc tio n cos ts.

Leading Innovator of Security Products for Over 80 Years MetalSecurityCeilingSystems SecureDek BarrierDek TrussDek






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Transcription of MetalSecurityCeilingSystems - Trussbilt

1 Le adi ng Inno vatorof Se cur it y ProductsforOver80 YearsMetalSecur ity Ceilin g SystemsSe cure DekBarrierDekTrussDekTr uss bilt s Aco ustic al Me ta l Sec ur ityCeiling Sys tems mee t th e ful l ra ng eof sec urit y ceilin g re quir eme nts, fro msup erv ised areasof minimum an dmediumsec urity fac ilitie s th rou gh in- celluse in ma xim um sec ur ity app lic at ion d, they addres s th e growin g ne ed tocon tr ol nois e in the det en tio n sett ing,which cre ates not only a po or liv ingenv iron ment for inmat es , bu t als o ast res sf ul and uns afe work ingenv iron ment for correc tion al offic ers .In add itio n to abs orbin g sou nd , Tr us sbiltceil ings con cea l and pr ot ect plumbin g,elec tr ical and HV AC fa cilit ies . An d, theiruniq ue snap -in securelock syste mmean s the y ar e twice as fas t to ins ta llas scr ewed -in metal ceiling s, lower ingcon st ruc tio n cos ts.

2 Be caus e Tr us sbiltceil ing sy stemsar e all steel, ma int en anceand repla cementcos ts are dr ama tic allyre duce d over the life of th e bu ildin eir lif e cy cle cos ts ar e th e lowe stin the indus uss bilt manufacture s all acce ss pa nelsto ensu re sea mlessint eg rat ion wit h ot hertr ade s. An d, Trus sbilt s ceilin g sys te mscan be used with the ir uniqu e Tr us sWallpr oduc t for a single sou rc e, inte gra te dsec ur ity pac kage th at allow s you tore alize even more savin gs on yo urpr oject , both at ti me of cons tr uc tionand over the life cyc le of the fac ilit ure DekMetalPanCeili ngBa rri erDe kSing le SkinMetalPlankCeil ingTrussDekDoub le SkinMetalPlankCeil ingMe tal Se curit y CeilingSys temsAc ous tic al Meta l Sec uri ty Ce il ing SysSecu re Dekis an aco ust ica l ce ilin g systemforsup ervi sed are as of mi ni mu m and mediumsec uri tyco rr ect io ns fa cilit ie s.

3 The syste m isco nst ruct ed of st and ard 2' x 2' or 2' x 4' metalpanswit h a hea vy- dut y exp ose d grid . SecureDekis alsoavaila ble in alu min um and st ain le ss steel for hig h-moist ure, sa nit ar y ar erD ekpr ovid es a physicalsecurityba rrierco mb in ed with exce lle nt noise reductionfor mediumand ma xi mu m sec uri ty are asthat are not dire ctlysu pe rv ise d. Th e co nst ru ct io n co nsistsof 12", 18 " or24" wi de by 8', 10' and 12' lo ng sin gle layer met alplan ks su ppor ted by perim eter an d T rie rDe k, like Secu re De k, is also availableinalum in um an d st ain less st ee sDek,th e most se cu re ceilin g systemava ilab letod ay, is desig nedfor the mo st demandingsec uri ty re quireme nts .Ab le to withstandat tackfro m the most viole nt off en ders, it is used in inma tece lls and seg rega tio n unit s.

4 Th e co nstr uctio n co nsist sof 18" or 24 " wid e double la ye r metal plankswithTru ssco re cen ter. The syste m is su pportedbyper ime te r and T an gle s. TrussDe k in tegr ates withTru ssb ilt s TrussWa ll syst em in sid e the Our fie ld install ationcrews haveofferednothingbutpr aiseandhigh-marksfortheeaseof install atio n and uniformity of yourproduct. Thisof courseleadsto costsavingsin la bo r while prov id ingopportunity to ad dit io n, the owner s and endusers of thesefacilit ieshaveallbeenimpressedwiththecl ean lin esanduniq ue detailofferedin thefinishedpr oduct."G. Lee Cummings,ProjectManagerNo rment SecurityGr oup, eDekMetal Pan Cei ling Sys temTheSecureDekmetalpance iling systemis a low-m ainte na ncese curit y acousticalceilingsy ste mco mpo se d of 18 gaugegalv an izedper fo rat ed steel panels,2 x 2 or2 x 4.

5 Its panelssecurelysna pin to a he avy-dutysteel grid wit hve rtica l st eel com pressionst ru ts,cu tt in g installationtime. Pane ls arefilled wit h a poly-wrappedfibe rglassacou st ical blanketto providehig hso un d absor ptio n ,Tr ussb ilt manufacturesall ac ce sspan els for seamlessintegrationwit h all tr tal Security CeilingSy stem sSecurity Tam per -proof as sem bl y 18 gauge panels Al l st eel com ponentsAcoustic al P ro per ti es NRC ( Noi se Red ucti on Coeffi ci ent ) up t o . 95 Poly- wr ap ped fi ber glas s acousti cal blank et sQual ity Fin ish White TGIC pol yest er powde r coat finis h Durab ili ty and cl eanabilit y Super io r light ref lect ivi tyVersa tili ty Perf ora ted and non- per for at ed p anel s Stainl es s s teel and al umi num al so av ail ab le for hi gh- mois ture and sanitary areasOpti on s Access p anel s Special fini sh col or sSecureDekMetal Pan Ceiling Syst ems offer:SecureDekMetal Pan Ceiling SystemSe cu re De k Attaching t o Existing WallSe cureDek Ceil ing S ystem Structure We c ho se Tr ussbilt b ec au se of their many years in the busine ss and the highquali ty of their p ro duct.

6 T heir experience was an invaluable as se t to our designteam, as th ey customized th ei r system to suit our client s needs a nd provided ahi gh qu ali ty de ten tio n syste m at a great price. The quick er ec tio n ti me and perfectfi t o f t he co mpon ent s help ed us to complet e the project ahead of sc hedule. Scott Gellner, Project Manager, and Glyn Slattery, Senior Project Manager, Lydig Construction I have over 1 5 years of experience wit h Tr ussbilt w or king on my proj ects through-out t he c oun try. I ca nno t re member a single time where Truss bilt fa ile d to deliverits prod uct s on t ime. Nor can I re member a case where Trussb il t appeared thelea st bi t re luctant to c orr ec t a minor deficiency. In fact, I ha ve found Trussbiltve ry co ope ra tive a nd wi lli ng t o be a partner and part of the sol uti on fo r the manychall en ges faci ng de si gn in g and building our nation s jai ls and pri son s.

7 Bill Prindle, LEED , Senior Vice President, HOKBa rrie rDe kMet al Plank Cei ling Sys temTh e Ba rr ierDekmet al plank ceili ngsy ste m p rovi des an effective se cu ri ty bar rier c ombi ned w ith excellent e inte rlocki ng, s ing le layer p anels pr ov ide gr eat resistanc e to passage oratta ck i n ap pl ic ati ons such as: Lobb ies and corridors De ten ti on dayroom ceilings Ho ld in g areas Vis ita tion areas In mate cel ls Ho spi ta l s ec ure areas Mus eums Phar macies Gy mn as iums and high noise areas Bur gl ar -vul nerable areasTh e fac tory fi nis hed, powder coated pan el s a re c ons tr uct ed of (A40) gal va nn eal ed s teel and are strong, attr ac tiv e and moisture resistant. Thepan el s s lip i nto pl ace and are interlockedtoge the r, supported by perimeter and "T" an gl es.

8 No s upplemental scre w fas ten ing i s requi red, speeding ins tal lati on ti me. The interloc ki ng des ig n, TrussLok, ph ysically lin ks thepan el s to gether in a formed sh ape, pr ec lud ing passage of objects. Trussbil tman ufa cturers all access panels toens ur e seamless integration with othe r tr ad es .Ba rr ie rDe k c an be used with Tr us sbilt s TrussWall product fo r a n inte gr ate d, s ingle source system, cu tting c osts at construction and over the life o f the fac il it y Interl ock ing des ign Tamp er-proof assemb ly 16, 14 and 12 gaug e p anels (16 g aug e i s s tand ard ) All s teel componentsNo ise R ed uct ion NRC (N oi se Red uction Coefficient) up to Po ly-w rap ped fi berg lass bl anketsQu ali ty Fi nis h Whi te T . p olyester po wder coat fi nis h Durab il ity and cl eanability Su peri or l ight refl ectivityVe rs ati li ty Pe rforated and non-perforated p anels Sta inles s s teel or alumi num avai lab le Widths of 12", 18" and 24" Leng ths of 8 , 10 and 12 Op tions Med ium s ecuri ty screw-typ e access p anel s Med ium and max imum security access p anel s with lock Back er p anel s Special fi ni sh col ors "C " s ty le p anel s So ffi ts Pa nel s cut to leng th Factory cut-outs Li ght fi xture mountingsThe Barr ier Dek Metal Pl ank Ceiling Syst ems o ffer.

9 Met al S ec uri ty C eiling S yst em sBarrie rDe kMe tal Plank Ceiling S ys temBa rr ierDek Plan k C eilin g System StructureT- Cha nnel SupportAttaching to Existing W al lSe cur it y Interl ock ing d es ig n Tamp er-proof as sembl y 16, 14 and 12 g auge panel s (16 g aug e i s standard) All s teel componentsNoise R ed uct io n NRC (N oi se Red ucti on C oeffi cient) up to Pol y-w rap ped fi bergl ass blank etsQual it y F ini sh Whi te T . pol yester pow der coat fini sh Durab ility an d cl eanabili ty Sup erior lig ht reflectivi tyVer sat ili ty Perforated and non-perforated p anel s Stai nl es s steel or alumi num availabl e Widths of 12", 18" and 24" Leng ths of 8 , 10 and 12 Opt ions Med ium s ecurity screw-type access p anels Med ium and maxi mum security access p anels wi th lock Back er p anel s Speci al fini sh col ors "C " s ty le p anels Soffi ts Panel s cut to leng th Factory cut- outs Li ght fi xture mountings B ar ri erDe k s in te rlo ck syste m provides a secure ceiling with ease of installat ion,savin g va lu ab le ti me at the s it e.

10 " Ge org e Mitchell, Owner, Mitchell Construction I hav e be en fo rtu nat e to work wi th Trussbi lt on a nu mber of successful projects in the c orr ect io ns ind ustry over t he past decade. Tr us sbilt has proven to be a compan y th at perfo rms at th e highest level by delivering a qualit y product in a very demandin g in dus tr y. F. Wally Riffle, Architect, R & N Systems Design, LLCExi sti ng con structionRa wl 581 5 Hanger RodLok b ol ts p rovided st andar d3/8" thr ea ded rod to undersideof structure above by Trussbilt (Acoustical blanket not shown for clarity)Truss De kMe ta l Pl an k C ei ling S ys te mTr ussDe k,a met al p lank ce ilin g sy ste m t hat pr ov ides a ma ximu m sec ur ity bar rier combined with e xc ellentaco ust ics , is the most s ec ure ce iling sy ste m av ailable to da y.

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