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Protectosil CHEM-TRETE 40VOC - Minnesota & …

PRO DU CT NAMEPro te ct osil CH EM-TRE TE 40 VOCHi gh per for manc epene tr atin gwat er rep el lent fo rconcrete,maso nry and sto kDegussaCor por atio n379 In ter pac eParkway, Bo x677 Pars ip pany, NJ07054-06771(8 00) 828 -0 919in fo. pro ro tecto SI LPRODUCTSARE MANUFACTURED ATTH EEVO NI KDEGUSSACORPOR ATIONTHE ODO RE,AL ABAM APLANTUND ER AQUALITYSYST EMCE RTIFI ED TO ISO-9001 AND IS O-14001 REQU DU CT DESCRIPTI ONAclear, penetrating,bre at hab le wa ter repellentfor use onex teri orabo ve- grade con cre te ,brick mason ry, con cre temaso nry units and some na tu ra lsto nes.

PRODUCTNAME Protectosil®CHEM-TRETE ®40VOC Highperformancepenetratingwaterrepellentforconcrete, masonryandstone. MANUFACTURER EvonikDegussaCorporation 379InterpaceParkway,P.O.Box677


  Mech, Teret, Protectosil chem trete, Protectosil, 174 chem trete




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Transcription of Protectosil CHEM-TRETE 40VOC - Minnesota & …

1 PRO DU CT NAMEPro te ct osil CH EM-TRE TE 40 VOCHi gh per for manc epene tr atin gwat er rep el lent fo rconcrete,maso nry and sto kDegussaCor por atio n379 In ter pac eParkway, Bo x677 Pars ip pany, NJ07054-06771(8 00) 828 -0 919in fo. pro ro tecto SI LPRODUCTSARE MANUFACTURED ATTH EEVO NI KDEGUSSACORPOR ATIONTHE ODO RE,AL ABAM APLANTUND ER AQUALITYSYST EMCE RTIFI ED TO ISO-9001 AND IS O-14001 REQU DU CT DESCRIPTI ONAclear, penetrating,bre at hab le wa ter repellentfor use onex teri orabo ve- grade con cre te ,brick mason ry, con cre temaso nry units and some na tu ra lsto nes.

2 It penetrates th esurf ac eand bo nds chemicall yto the substrate, resultinginper manentattachmentof the wate rrepell en te ct osilCHEM-TRETE40 VOCis not acoatin gand asaresult wi ll no tdiscoloror chan ge the surfaceapp earancein any re ducin gthe amou nt of wa ter enteringth esubst rate,Protec tosi l CHEM-TRETE40 VOCreducesthe intrusionofwate rcarr ying contamina nt ssu chassa lt and dirt, andred uces the deter ioratingeffe ct softh ese co ntaminantssuchas re bar cor rosion,spall ing ,scal ing ,efflorescence,leaching,and stainin RIA TE AP PLIC AT ION SFor us eon co ncr ete to pr ote ctthe reinf orcin gsteel fro mcor ro sio ndue to the eff ec ts of wa ter, deicin gsal ts and ot he rwat er bor ne us eon brick masonryto pr ote ctag ainst the in gress ofwi nd- dr iven us eon co ncr ete pavement on hig hwa ys, parkingdecks,and ai rport run wa ys to red uce scalingdue to deicer chemi cal reduc eth eeffectsof mil de w, effl orescence.

3 An dstains onver ti cal concr ete and mason ry bu ild in impa rt wa te rrep ellencyto asubs tr ate for an ext ende dtime .ADVANTAGESPro te ct osilCHEM-TRETE40 VOCis anisobutyltrialko xysil ane inan alco hol carr ier .The sil ane is design ed topen etra te deep into th esub st rate and im part ahigh le velofwate ran dch lo rid eion scr een in g. This pr ov id es thesub stra tewi th longlastin gpr ote ctio n. Be cause ofth epu rityofth eProtect os il CH EM -TRETE 40 VOC,it wil lno tle av eares idueonnon-po rous substr ates suc hasgl ass windo ws,metal fra mes an dpain ted surfa ec tos il CHEM -TRETE 40 VOCmee ts th evo latil eorg an iccon ten tregul atio ns in num ero us states.

4 In add itio nProt ec tos il CHEM -TRETE 40 VOCdo esnotco nt ainexem ptsolven tssuch as 1,1 ,1 trich loroet ha ne tha tma ybehaza rdo us .Forthe pro per VOC reg ul atio ns in your spe cificlocati onco ntact yo ur Ev on ik Deg ussa Cor po ratio nrepre sentati ePro tectos il CH EM -TRETE40 VOCpr od uct line hasanunp rece den te dtr ack re cordin pr ote cting co ncr ete,mas onr yan dna tura lsto nestr uctu res fro mdete rio ratio ndu etowat er an dwater born econ ta ruc tures treat edinth e197 0sare still pr ote ct edan dthe seresul ts aredocum en ted bystat e.

5 Fed eral an dpriva te ag cto silCHEM-T RETE 40 VOC can be inc or por ate dintoyou rinteg rat ed desig ntoea rn yo uvital Lead ersh ip inEn er gy &En vi ro nmen ta lDesig n(LEED )credit sfo rbothnew and ex ist ing co nstruc tio npro je emai nben efi tsofth epr od uc tare : Exc el len tres istan ce towa ter in tr usion Exc el len tres istan ce tochl oride io ningr ess Hi ghres istan ce to win ddr iv en rain Br eath ab lesyste m De ep pe ne trat io nin to the substr ate No mas kingofwin do ws necessar y No bl us hing ,pe elin goryel lo win g Hi ghres istan ce to alk al iatta ck Re duc ed efflo re sc en ce No ch an ge insur face appea ran ce Ke eps sub strate cl eanerLI MITAT IONSNot in te nd ed for be low-g rad ewate rpr oo fing.

6 Shou ld no tbeappl ied ifth esur face temp erat ure is bel ow 20 F (-1 0 C)orabo ve 100 F (4 0 C) ,if rain is ex pec ted with in two ho ursfo llowi ngappl icat io n,orif high wind soroth er co ndit io nsprev entpro per appl ica tion .Ifrain has pr ec ed ed theappl icati on,th esur fa ce sh oul dbeal lo wed to dr yat lea st24hours .Cauti onsho ul dbeta ken with spec ialtyco ate dglass,as ph al ti cmate rial sor pla stic windo ws. Ch ec kcom pati bilitybefor eapp lic atio n. Sh rub be ryand pl ant lifeshouldbepr otec tedfro moverspra y.

7 (Cont inu ed )Pr otec tosil CHEM-TRETE 40 VOCWAT ER RE PELLENTPr od uc t Dataand Tes t Info rmationLOWVOC TEC HN ICALDATAProt ect os il CHE M-TRETE40 VOCis aclear, col or lessliq ui dco ntainingisobutyltr ial koxy sila ne inal co ho lorwat er whiteAct ive Sub st anc e isobu tylt ria lko xy sil aneAct ive Co nt ent>50% by we ig htSol ventde nat ur edet hyl alc oh olFlas hPoint54 FDen si lbs/ galVOC590 g/ lTES T DATANCHR P#2 44(@200ft2/g al lon )Ser ies II86% Re duc tio nin Wa ter Abso rp tio nSer ies II87% Re duc tio nin Ch lo ri de Abs orptio nSer ies IV99% Re duc tio nin Ch lo ri de Abs orptio nAS TM C67 2 D eicer Sca lin g 10 0cycles (non- ai rentr aine dCon crete) 0+rat in gAS TM E30 3 S kid Resistance dry surf ac eno cha ngewet sur faceno cha ngeAl bert aDO TPenetratingSe ale rsType 1bini ti al water repellency84.

8 3%aft er Abrasion85. 1%AS TM E51 4 WaterPer me ance ofMa sonry Unt rea te dLe akag lit er s/hr .(1 .5 gallons/hr.)Tr eat edLe ak lit er s/hr .(0 .0 gallons/hr.)Reduc tion in Leakage100%AS TM C6 7 WaterAb sor pt io nof Bric k24 Ho urs98% Eff ect ive5 Days91% Eff ect iveAS TM D1653 Wate rVapo rTra nsmi ss io n75 .8 g/ft2/24 ho urs, 10 0%Bre at ha bleINSTALLATIONCon cret emust be allowedtocur eamini mum of 28 da lre po inting must be co mp le te dan dal lo wed tocur eatleast 3days. Co nc rete rep air an dre plac em ent mustbecom ple te dpri or toappli cat io nofProtectosi l CHEM -TRETE40 ing mate ria ls, ca ul ki ng ,seali ng ma ter ial s,traff ic paint must befull ycu red befo re ap plyin gPro te cto silCHEM-TR ETE 40 surfa cesmus tbe cl ean ed to rem ov eal ltrac es ofdirt,du st ,effl ores ce nc e, mold ,sal t, gr ease, oil ,asp ha lt ,laita nc e,cu ring com pounds ,pa int ,coat ings an dothe rfor eign ma te ri ptab le surfac ecl ean in gmeth odsincl ud esho tb la sting,san db la sti ng.

9 Wa ter blastin g, an dchemica lclea ne rs. Che ckwith yo ur Ev on ikDegussa Cor po ratio nrep resen tat ive tover ify th at surface prep arat ion is ad te ct osi l CHE M-TRETE 40 VOCsho ul dbeap plie dusinglo wpr es sure (15 to 25psi) pum ping equip ment with awetfan typ espra ynozzl ern ate meth ods incl ud epo werro ll er wi th a1 nap orbybrush .Dono tal ter or dil ute themat eri al .Dono tap pl yto awe tordam psub strat e. Atestpatc hshoul dbeapp lied to th esub st rate byaDeg ussaCo rpo ra ti on repre se nt ative to ver ify co ve rag era te andappl ica ti on co ndi tio rtic alsur faces applyPr otectosilCHEM-TR ETE40 VOCinaflo od in gappli ca tion, from the bo ttom up sothema te rial runs down 6to8inche sbe low thespray izont alsurfa ce sth eli qui dmaterialshould pond on thesu rfaceat le ast 5seco nds be fore being abso rbed.

10 Coveragerat eson ho riz ont alconcre tesurf aces are typi cal ly betw een150 to250 ft2/ga ll on. Cove rage ra tes on ve rt ical surfacesde pen donth etyp eof ma teri alto be ur Evo ni kDe gu ss aCorpo ration rep re se nt ative ca ngive an exa ctco ver ag erat efo ryo ur part ic ul ar pr ojec t. Pl ease refer to Pro te cto si l CHE M-TRETE 40 VOCAppl icatio nIn stru cti ons fo rmoredetail ed in fo rma ca uti on s: Pro te ct osi l CHEM- TRETE 40 VOCis afla mm abl eliqui dan dsho ul dbekept away fr om he at, spar ks,op en fla me oroth er so urc es ofig nitio n.

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