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Public Playground Safety - CPSC.gov

Vin g Lives an d Keeping Families SafePublicPlaygroundSafetyHandbookDecemb er 29, 2015 The Consumer product Safety Commission s ( cpsc or Commission ) Public Playground Safety Handbook was first published in 1981 under the name A Handbook for Public Playground Safety . The recommendations in the Handbook are focused on Playground -related injuries and mechanical mechanisms of injury; falls from Playground equipment have remained the largest single hazard pattern associated with Playground use. Since the first edition, the Commission has included recommendations that playgrounds not be installed over concrete, asphalt, or paved surfaces to address serious head injuries due to falls from the equipment. Additionally, the Commission has made suggestions for commonly used loose-fill and unitary surfacing materials ( , wood mulch, pea gravel, sand, gym mats, and shredded/recycled rubber mulch) that provide head impact attenuation and can mitigate the hazard presented by falls from Playground equipment.

December 29, 2015 The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (“CPSC” or “Commission”) Public Playground Safety Handbook was first published in 1981 under the name A Handbook for Public Playground Safety. The recommendations in the Handbook are focused on playground-related injuries and mechanical mechanisms of injury; falls from playground


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1 Vin g Lives an d Keeping Families SafePublicPlaygroundSafetyHandbookDecemb er 29, 2015 The Consumer product Safety Commission s ( cpsc or Commission ) Public Playground Safety Handbook was first published in 1981 under the name A Handbook for Public Playground Safety . The recommendations in the Handbook are focused on Playground -related injuries and mechanical mechanisms of injury; falls from Playground equipment have remained the largest single hazard pattern associated with Playground use. Since the first edition, the Commission has included recommendations that playgrounds not be installed over concrete, asphalt, or paved surfaces to address serious head injuries due to falls from the equipment. Additionally, the Commission has made suggestions for commonly used loose-fill and unitary surfacing materials ( , wood mulch, pea gravel, sand, gym mats, and shredded/recycled rubber mulch) that provide head impact attenuation and can mitigate the hazard presented by falls from Playground equipment.

2 Maintaining the focus on falls, the Handbook s surfacing recommendations are based on the surfacing material s energy absorbing the past 35 years, innovations in technology have led to new Playground equipment and surfacing practices. Voluntary standards for equipment and impact attenuation for protective surfacing have evolved. The 2010 edition of the Handbook, the most recent version, still discusses common materials, but also covers new surfacing systems that are specifically designed and tested to comply with ASTM F1292, the voluntary standard for measuring impact attenuation of surfacing. Maintaining that focus, Section of the Handbook identifies shredded/recycled rubber mulch as an Appropriate Surfacing product , given that this product can meet the impact attenuation requirements of ASTM F1292, as long as minimum depths of the material are maintained, as specified in Table 2 of Section This notation is solely focused on the impact attenuation to minimize serious head injuries, and not on other aspects that may pose other risks, such as chemical exposure or CONSUMER product Safety COMMISSION4330 EAST WEST HIGHWAYBETHESDA, MD 20814 TABLEOF CONTENTSPage trodu cti on.

3 11. 1 Scope.. 11. 2In tendedAud ien ce.. 11. 3 Whatis a Pub lic Playground ? .. 11. 4 Public Pl ay ground Saf et y Voluntary Stand ardsandCPSC HandbookHistory.. 11. 4. 1 ASTM pl aygroundst andards.. 21. 5 Significant Revisions for 2008.. 21. 5. 1 Equi pment gui de li ne s .. 21. 5. 2Su rfacin g gui de li ne s .. 21. 5. 3 Generalgui de li ne s .. 21. 5. 4 Other re visions .. 21. 6 Background .. 21. 7 Playground In juries .. 31. 8 Definitions .. 32 Gene ral Playgro und Con siderations.. 52. 1 Selectinga Si te.. 52. 1. 1Sh ading considerat ions .. 52. 2 Playground Layout.. 52. 2. 1 Accessibili ty .. 62. 2. 2 Agesepara ti on.. 62. 2. 3 Agegroup.. 62. 2. 4 Conflic ti ng ac ti vi ti es.. 62. 2. 5 Sightlin es .. 62. 2. 6 Signage and/or lab el in g .. 62. 2. 7Su pervisi on.. 72. 3 SelectingEquipment .. 82. 3. 1 Equi pment not re commended.. 82. 4 Surfacing.. 82. 4. 1 Equi pment not coveredby protect ivesurfaci ng re com mendati ons.

4 82. 4. 2 Select in g a surfacin g ma terial .. 92. 5 Equipment Mate ria ls .. 102. 5. 1Du ra bil it y an d fin ish.. 102. 5. 2 Hardware.. 112. 5. 3 Meta ls .. 122. 5. 4Pa in ts an d fin ishes .. 122. 5. 5 Wood.. 122. 6As semblyan d In sta ll at ion.. 133 Playg rou nd Hazards.. 143. 1 Crush andShearin g Points .. 143. 2 Entan gl em en t an d Impale ment.. 143. 2. 1 String s andropes .. 143. 3 Entrapment .. 153. 3. 1 Hea d en trapmen t .. 153. 3. 2Pa rti al ly bound openin gs andangles.. 163. 4Sh arpPoints, Corners, an d Edges.. 163. 5 Suspended Hazards.. 16 PUBLICATION#325 NOVEMBER2010 Handbookfor PublicPlaygroundSafety3. 6 TrippingHazard s .. 174 Main tain in g a Play gro und.. 184. 1 Maintena nc e In spe ct ions .. 184. 2 Repairs.. 184. 3 Maintaining Loose-Fill Surfaci ng.. 184. 4 Recordkeeping .. 195 Parts of th e Playgrou nd.. 205. 1 Platforms,Guardrail s andProtecti ve Barriers.. 205.

5 1. 1 Platforms.. 205. 1. 2 Stepped pla tforms .. 205. 1. 3Gu ardrails an d protect iveba rriers.. 205. 2 AccessMet hodsto Pl ay Equipment.. 225. 2. 1Ra mps,st airway s, rung la dd ers,an d ste p lad de rs .. 235. 2. 2 Rungsan d other hand gri ppingcomponents.. 245. 2. 3 Handrail s .. 245. 2. 4 Transiti onfromac ce ss to platform.. 245. 3 MajorTy pesof Pla yg round Equipment.. 245. 3. 1 Balan ce be am s .. 245. 3. 2Cl imbin g andupper bodyequipment.. 245. 3. 3 Logrol ls .. 305. 3. 4 Merry-go-rounds.. 305. 3. 5 Seesaws .. 315. 3. 6 Slides.. 325. 3. 7 Spring rockers.. 365. 3. 8 Swings.. 375. 3. 9Fa ll he ig ht an d usezones forcompositestructure.. 415. 3. 10Fa ll he ig ht an d usezones notspecifiedelse wh ere.. 41 APPENDICESA Ap pe ndix A: Su gges ted GeneralMaintenance Checklis t.. 43B App en dix B: Playgro und Tes tin g.. s, Gauges, an d Te sti ng Tools..1 Determ in in g wheth er a projecti onis a protrusion.

6 2 Projecti onsonsuspendedmembers of sw ingassemblies ..3 Projecti onsonsli de s ..4En tra pment..5 Testfixt ures .. 521. INTRODUCTIONIn rece nt ye ars, it is estimatedthat there were more than20 0,0 00 in juri es an nuall y on pu blic playgroundsacrossth e cou ntry that requ ired emergency room treatm ent. Byfol low in g the rec om mendedguidelinesin this handbook,yo u and yo ur communitycan create a safer playgrounden viro nme nt for all chil dren and co ntributeto th e reduc -tio n of playgr oun d-relateddeath s and inju Sco peThis ha ndbookpresents Safety in format ionforpublicpla y-gro undequipmentin theformof licati onofth is handbookis expecte d to promote greatersa fetyaware-ne ss among thosewh o purchase,in st al l, andma intain publicpl aygrou ndequipment. Be causemany fac torsma y affectpl aygrou ndsafety,th e Consumer ProductSa fetyCommissi on( cpsc ) st aff be li ev es thatguidelines,ratherth an a mandatoryru le , areappropriate.

7 Th eseguidelinesarenotbeingissued as thesoleme thodto mi nimi ze injuriesassociatedwithpla yg round equipmen t. However,theCommissi onbel ievesth at th e rec ommendati onsin thi shan dbook al ongwiththe te chnic al inf ormationin theAS TMstandardsfor Public pla ygrounds wi ll contributetogre at er Playground sa fet st at es andlocal jurisdicti onsma y require compli ancewith thi s handbookand /orASTM vol iti on al ly, riskman ag ers,in suranc e companies,or othersma y re quirecomplian ce at a partic ul ar site;checkwithst ate/loc al ju risdictionsan d insuranc e companiesfo r spe cificreq uir em Inte nde d Audi en ceThi s ha ndbookis intende d foruseby childcarepersonnel,sc hoolofficials,parks andre cre at ionpe rsonnel,equipmentpurchaser s andinstall ers, pl aygrounddesi gners,andanyothermembersof th e ge ne ralpublic (e .g. , pa rentsandschoolgro ups)concernedwit h publi c pla ygroundsafetyandinter-es tedin evaluatingthei r re specti ve pl ay thewide rang e of possible users,someinf ormationprovidedmaybe moreappropriateforcert ainusers than evol untary standardslist ed in in moretechnicalreq uir em entsthanthishandbookandare primari ly intendedforus e by equipmentman ufa ct urers, arc hitects, designe rs,andanyothersrequiring morete chnic al inf Wha t is a PublicPlay gr ound?

8 Public pl ayground equipmen t re fersto equipmen t foruseby children ages 6 mon ths through 12 yearsin theplay-gr ound are as of: Commerc ial (n on -residential ) child carefacilities In st it ut ions Multi plefa mil y dwellin gs,su ch as apartment an d condo-mi ni umbui ldin gs Parks,su ch as cit y, st at e, an d communi ty maintai ne dparks Rest au rants Resorts andre cre at ional dev el opments Sc hools Ot herareas of pu blic useTh esegu ide lines are not in tended foramusement parkeq ui pm en t, sports or fit ness equipmen t normallyint en de dforusersov er the ageof 12 years,softcontainedplayequip-ment, const an t airin fl at ab le pl ay devic es forhome use,artandmuseum sc ulpt ures(n ot ot herwise de signed,in te nd edandinst al led as pl ay ground equipmen t), equipmentfoundin wa te r pl ay fac il it ies,or home pl ay groundequi pment .Equ ipment com ponen ts in tended sol el y forchildrenwit hdi sab il it iesan d modified to ac commodatesuchusersalsoarenot coveredby thesegui del in carefacilities, espe -cia ll y in door,should referto ASTMF2373 Standa rdCons um er Sa fety Perfo rma nce Sp ecific ati on for Publ ic Use Pl ayEq uipm ent forChild ren 6 Month sThroug h23 Months,formoregu ida nc e onareasuniqu e to the ir PublicPla ygr oundSa fety VoluntarySta nda rds and cpsc HandbookHis tor y 1981 First CP SCHand bookforPub lic Pl aygro und Safe tywaspu bli shed,a two -volume set.

9 1991 Stand ardSpe cifica ti onforImp ac tAttenuationofSurfa ce Sys tem sUnde rand Ar ound Pl ayg round Equipme nt,ASTMF1292,wasfirstpu bli shed. 1991 Tw o-v ol umesetwasreplac ed by a single-volumehandb ook,wh ich con tain ed rec om me ndationsbasedonaCOMSISC orporationreportto the CP SC(Devel opm entof Huma nFactors Criteria for Pl ay gro und Eq uipment Sa fety ).Handbookfor PublicPlaygroundSafety12 Handbookfor PublicPlaygroundSafety F2049 Sta nda rdGuid efor Fence s/Ba rrie rs for Pub lic,Com mercia l,and Multi -Fa mi ly Res identia lUse Outdoor Pla yArea s. F1148 Sta nd ar dCo nsum er Sa fety Pe rforma nc eSpe cific ationforHomePl ayg round Equip ment. F1918 Sta nda rdSa fety Perform ance Speci fication for SoftConta ine dPl ayEqui pm Signif ica nt Revisionsfor 1 Equi pmentgui del ine s Age rangesexpandedto in clud e ch il drenas young as 6months basedonASTMF2373 Gui del in es fortra ck ri desan d log rollsadded Exitzon e require men ts forsl idesha rmonizedwith 2 Surfa cing guide li nes Cri ti ca l he igh t tab le re vised Su gg est ions forsu rfacing ov er asphalt 3 Gener al gui del ine s Su gg est ions onsu n exposure 4 Other revi si ons Edi torial cha ng es to mak e theHand boo keasierto under -st an d an d Bac kgr oundThe sa fet y of each in di vi du al pi ec e of playgroundequipmentas well as the lay outof the en tirepl ay areashouldbe con sid -eredwhendesignin g or ev al uat in g a pl ayground fo r nc e fal ls are a ve ry com monpl ay groundhazardpat te rn.

10 The in st al lat ionandmain ten an ce of protectivesurfacin gunderan d around al l equipment is cru cial to protect chi l-drenfromse ve re headin ju cau se al l pl ay grounds present somechallengean d becausechil drencan be expect ed to use equipmentin unintend edandunan ti ci pat ed ways, adult su pervisi onis hi ghlyre com-me db ookprovidessomeguidanceonsupervi -sorypractices tha t ad ults sh ou ld foll ow . Appropriate equip-me nt de sign, layout, an d main tena nc e, as di scussedin this 19 93 Firstversionof volunta ry sta nd ardforpublic play-groundequipment, ASTMF1487 Stan dard Consum erSa fety Perf orma nce Spec ificati on for Pl ay groun dEquipmentfor Pub licUse,waspublished (re vi sions oc curevery3 to 4years). 19 94 Minorrevisionsto theHa ndbook. 19 97 Handbookwasupdat ed base d on(1)staffreviewof ASTM F1 48 7, (2) pl ayground Safety roundtablemeet -ing heldOctober1996,an d (3)publi c commentre ce ivedto a May 1997 CP SCst aff request.

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