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QUICK CAR D - Occupational Safety and Health Administration

QUICKCARDTMR odents, Sna ke san d In sec tsIns ect s, Sp iders an d Ti ck s To pr otectyour self frombi ting and sti ngin g in sects,wea r lon g pants , sock s, and long -s leevedsh irts . Use in sect repellentsthat containDE ET or Pi caridin. Tre at bite s and st ings with over -the-counter pro du ctstha t reli ev e pai n and pr eventin fect ion . Avo id fire ants ; theirbitesare pain ful and causeblisters. Sev er e re act ions to fir e ant bites (ch est pain,naus ea,swe ati ng , lo ss of breath,serious swellingor sl urredspe ech ) re quir e im mediate med ical den ts an d Wild or St ray An imal s Deadand live animalscan sp readdiseasessuchasRat Bite Fev er and Rabies. Avoi d con tact withwild or strayanimals.

QUICK CAR D TM Rodents,Snakes andInsects Insects,Spidersan dTicks • Toprotectyourselffrombitingandstinginginsects, wearlongpants,socks,andlong-sleevedshirts.


  Administration, Health, Safety, Occupational, Quick, Occupational safety and health administration, Snakes, Quick car d




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Transcription of QUICK CAR D - Occupational Safety and Health Administration

1 QUICKCARDTMR odents, Sna ke san d In sec tsIns ect s, Sp iders an d Ti ck s To pr otectyour self frombi ting and sti ngin g in sects,wea r lon g pants , sock s, and long -s leevedsh irts . Use in sect repellentsthat containDE ET or Pi caridin. Tre at bite s and st ings with over -the-counter pro du ctstha t reli ev e pai n and pr eventin fect ion . Avo id fire ants ; theirbitesare pain ful and causeblisters. Sev er e re act ions to fir e ant bites (ch est pain,naus ea,swe ati ng , lo ss of breath,serious swellingor sl urredspe ech ) re quir e im mediate med ical den ts an d Wild or St ray An imal s Deadand live animalscan sp readdiseasessuchasRat Bite Fev er and Rabies. Avoi d con tact withwild or strayanimals.

2 Avoi d con tact withrats or ra t- co ntaminat ed you can t av oid contact,we ar protectiveglovesandwash your han ds regularly. Get ri d of de ad animals as so on as possible. If bitt en /scr at che d, ge t me dicalat tentionimm ak es Wa tc h wh ere yo u placeyourhan ds and feet whenrem ovi ng po ssible, don t placeyourfingersunde r debr is you are y glo ves. If you see a snake,step backand allowit to proceed. We ar boo ts at le ast 10 in ch es high. Wa tc h for sna ke s sunningon fa llen trees,limbsorothe r de bris. A snake sstriking distanceis about1/2the tot al leng thof the snake. If bitt en , no te the colorand sha pe of the snake s headto hel p withtrea tment. Kee p bit e vict ims still and calmto slo w the spreadofvenom in caseth e sna ke is te nti on as so on as possible.

3 Do not cut the wo und or attemptto suckout thevenom. App ly first aid: lay the pe rsondo wn so thatthe bi te is belowthe le vel of the heart,and coverthebite with a clea n, dry osha .gov(800)321-OSHAF ormorecompleteinformation:Oc cu pa ti ona lSa fe ty an d He althAdminis tra ti onDATOSR (800)321-OSHAP arainformaci nm scompleta:Adminis tra ci n deSe gu rid ad y Sal udOc up aci on alRo edores,Cule bras eIn sect osIns ect os, Ara as y Garr ap atas Parapro tegerse de ins ectosque muerden y pican,usepan tal on es larg os , mediasy cam isas de mangalarga. Use repelente de insectos que co ntenganDEETo Picaridin. Tratela s mordedurasy picadascon productosque pu edanser ad qu iridossin recetaqu e alivianel dolory pr evienenin fecc io nes.

4 Evi te las hormig as rojasde fuego,su mordeduraesdo lo ros a y cau sa ampollas. Reaccionesseverasa mordeduras de hormigasrojasdefueg o (do lor en el pecho,nausea,su dor, falta de air e, hin c-haz n seriao dificultaden el habla)req uierentratamientom d ic o inmed iato .Roe dor es y An imales Sal vajes o Perd id os (R eal en gos) Los an imal es viv os y muertos pue den pr opagar enfe r-med ad es co mo Fie bre por Mo rd edur a de Ratay Rab ia. Evi te el con tactocon animalessalvajes o perd ido s. Evi te el con tactocon rat as o ed ificio s con taminados dera tas. Si no pue de evit ar el co ntacto, use gu ant es de pro -tecci n y lave su s manosre gula rmente. Des h gasede an imalesmu ertos tan pro nto le sea po sib le.

5 Si es mordido /ra sg u ado, consiga atenci n m d icainme dia ta men te .Cu leb ra s Mir e dond e pone su s ma nos y pies cuando est re mov ie ndo es posible, no metasusded os de ba jo de los escombros qu e est re mo vien gua nte s fue rtes. Si ve una cu le bra, ret resey d j ela que si ga. Us e botasqu e cubr an al menos10 pulgadas de su s piernas. Es t pen die nt e de culebras asol e ndose en r bo les ca -do s, ramasu otros escombros. La di stan cia de at aqu e de una culebra es cer ca de lamit ad de l la rg o de la cul ebra. Si es mordido , observe el colory la fo rma de la cabezadela cule br a para que pue da ay udarcon su trat amiento. Man teng a qui etas y ca lmadasa las v ctimasde mor de -du ras para dism inuirla propagaci n de l ven eno en casode que la cu le bra sea at enci n m d icatan pr on to le sea posi bl e.

6 No corte la her ida o tratede succionar el veneno. Apliquelos prim er os au xilio s: colo qu e a la persona de man era ta lque la mo rd edu ra est m s abajoque el niveldel cora z n,y cubrala mo rd edu ra con un ven daje limpioy seco.

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