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RREELLAATT RRIIOO DDEE CCOONNFFEERR NNCCIIAAC onfer ncia Municipal de Jovens de Santo Andr Santo Andr , SP, Brasil, 26-28 de setembro, 2003 SSUUMMMMAARRYY DDAA CCOONNFFEERR NNCCIIAAM unicipal Conference of the Youth of Santo AndreSeptember 26-28, 2003 General objectives of the conferenceThe municipal conference of the youth of Santo Andre has as its objectives: Constructing proposals for public policies to address the needs of the youth of the city,among them the guarantee of programs, projects and spaces in the structure of thegovernment (Office of Youth). Amplifying the representation of the youths of the city, through participatory instrumentsand dialogue between the local public sector and civil society; Stimulating youth to think about the city s destiny through existing forums and programs:Participatory Budgeting, City of the Future, Master Planning, Councils, etc.

RELATÓRIO DE CONFERÊNCIA Conferência Municipal de Jovens de Santo André Santo André, SP, Brasil, 26-28 de setembro, 2003


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1 RREELLAATT RRIIOO DDEE CCOONNFFEERR NNCCIIAAC onfer ncia Municipal de Jovens de Santo Andr Santo Andr , SP, Brasil, 26-28 de setembro, 2003 SSUUMMMMAARRYY DDAA CCOONNFFEERR NNCCIIAAM unicipal Conference of the Youth of Santo AndreSeptember 26-28, 2003 General objectives of the conferenceThe municipal conference of the youth of Santo Andre has as its objectives: Constructing proposals for public policies to address the needs of the youth of the city,among them the guarantee of programs, projects and spaces in the structure of thegovernment (Office of Youth). Amplifying the representation of the youths of the city, through participatory instrumentsand dialogue between the local public sector and civil society; Stimulating youth to think about the city s destiny through existing forums and programs:Participatory Budgeting, City of the Future, Master Planning, Councils, etc.

2 ; Promoting debate of ideas and propositions about the diverse visions of the World of localyouths in such a way that proposals from the conference can be approved;Specific objectives of the conference Defining organizational strategies and mobilizations of different groups of youths forissues and activities pertaining to the city; Presenting the existing programs and projects, about the coordination and execution of thelocal public sector, to lead towards construction of new indicators about the ways inwhich youths of Santo Andre live in and experience the city; Qualifying the political intervention of youths to ensure that channels of participation areestablished for youth; Defining the process of construction for a permanent youth forum that is representative,which enables youth to recognize themselves as active agents in the construction of MethodologyThe main event of the Municipal Conference of the Youth of Santo Andre will be structuredaccording to the definition of what strategies the youth movements of the city indicate, to beas representative, legitimate and legal, together with the public power and the localcommunities, guaranteeing not only the multiplicity of the movement, but also its political,ethnic, cultural and gender , the carrying out of the conference should guarantee through an unequivocal,procedural and interdependent manner.

3 That the collection of all the actions that are involvedin the realization in the event have as a central tenet the organizational and representativestrategies of the youth movements of the city. In doing this, we will achieve a conference which will be a moment, or a landmark of the public appearance of the youths that also make the city what it is: who these youths of thecity are, how they experience their daily projects and objectives, how they organize (andwhat they organize for), and what they want for the present and the future of the citywhere they live. In order that the conference can, in fact, concretize this perspective, it is necessary that beforeit occurs, we realize other small moments or encounters to organize the themes that will beworked on in the conference. We are calling these encounters thematic mini-conferences.

4 Thematic Mini-ConferencesThe thematic mini-conferences have as their principal objectives to debate, organize andsystematize the principal proposals of the youths of the city in the form of the followingthemes that pertain to the daily lives of youths: Work Health and environment Social and Political Organization and Participation Sociocultural Expression and Diversity Cultures of peace and social stigmas imposed on youths Information and digital inclusion EducationThe names proposed for the mini-conferences are:Youth: Work and solidarity economyYouth: Health and environment for an entire healthy environmentYouth: Participation, expression and social diversityYouth: The culture of peace as a way of life - violence and its resultsYouth: Education as a practice of liberationYouth: Information, communication and digital inclusionObjectives and methodology of the thematic mini-conferencesA) Socializing between participants, exploring existing statistics and indicators about thetheme and how it is relevant to the daily lives of youths in the city;B) Deepening the information and understanding of the municipality about youth, from thenecessities and experiences of ) Identifying moments of reflection through the coordinated thematic seminars wherepartners could contribute to the discussions in an effective way;D) Producing, debating and approving proposals about the theme to be presented at themunicipal conference;E) Qualifying and providing incentive to youth to activate the channels of participation in thecity.

5 Please note: To register in the thematic mini-conferences, those interested have the possibilityto present a brief presentation about a theme, in a format that is creative, inclusive andflexible in its possibilities, such as for example: drawings, poetry, compositions, posters,signs, in whatever form the ideas can best be presented. The format and the content will beconstructed through the organization of the RRIIOO DDEE VVIIAAGGEEMMRELATORIO DA VIAGEM A SANTO ANDRE25 a 29/09/2003 Dulcineia M nica de Jesus0 objetivo da viagem realizada Santo Andr era a participa o na I confer ncia Municipalde Juventude de Santo Andr ; conhecer o CRJ - Centro de Refer ncia da Juventude; e realizarcontatos dentro da Prefeitura Municipal com o intuito de conhecer projetos de gera o derenda, cooperativas, e algumas a es ambientais por ela realizadas.

6 Santo Andr uma cidadecom caracter sticas bastante peculiares. Situada no ABC Paulista, possui cerca de e 450 anos de hist6ria. Trata-se de um rnunic pio com forte tradi o industrial, econseq entemente, oper ria. Sua popula o apresenta alto n vel de organiza o e consci nciapol tica, incluindo-se a os jovens. No aspecto da administra o p blica, outra particularidade:a atual administra o a 3a. consecutiva do PT - Partido dos Trabalhadores, situa o quegarantiu a continuidade de muitos projetos, que atualmente j demonstram seus , passa por uma fase de transi o, marcada pela automatiza o das ind strias,gerando altos n veis de desemprego neste setor. Neste sentido a Prefeitura tem incentivado acria o de pequenas empresas, e o setor terci rio da economia encontra-se em expans - Centro de Refer ncia da Juventude - CRJO Centro de Refer ncia da Juventude foi criado h aproximadamente 4 anos e meio, e est ligado Assessoria da Juventude, dentro da Secretaria de Cidadania, Habita o e Promo oSocial.

7 Sua cria o e implanta o foi marcada desde o in cio pelo ativismo da juventude. Osjovens organizados, dentro do processo do or amento participativo, exigiram a cria o de umcentro como este que os contemplasse. totalmente financiado pelo munic pio, e seuprincipal objetivo a promo o da cidadania da popula o jovem. Atrav s de v riosprogramas, o Centro estimula a organiza o dos jovens, a identifica o e desenvolvimento desuas potencialidades, e promove suporte para os projetos pr6prios criados a partir desteprocesso. O CRJ trabalha com a no o de apoio e suporte, estimulando o desenvolvimento daindepend ncia e autonomia de sua clientela. A profissionaliza o n o um objetivo central daentidade, embora possa ocorrer como conseq ncia de todo o processo. S o usadas comoestrat gias de a o do CRJ salas de conviv ncia, onde encontramos pain is, agenda do CRJ,informa es sobre cursos, etc; salas de grupo multi-uso, que podem ser usadas pelos jovenscom agendamento pr vio, inclusive com TV e v deo disposi o; sala de inform tica, com 8PC's disposi o, incluindo acesso livre e monitores para assessorar os usu rios; suporte deescrit6rio para grupos organizados (sala com telefone, fax, arm rios, endere o de e-mail, etc);sarau cultural mensal organizado pelos jovens; macro-comiss o de grafiteiros; e biblioteca emimplanta I confer ncia Municipal de Juventude(s) de Santo Andr A confer ncia Municipal teve como objetivos gerais a constru ao de propostas de pol ticasp blicas voltadas s necessidades da juventude da cidade.

8 Garantir a exist ncia de programas,projetos e espa os existentes na atual estrutura de governo, com especial destaque para aAssessoria da Juventude; ampliar a representatividade das "juventudes" da cidade, a partir dosinstrumentos participativos e de di logo entre o setor p blico local e a sociedade civil;estirnular a juventude a pensar os destinos da cidade; e finalmente, definir estrat giasorganizadoras e mobilizadoras das diferentes juventudes pertencentes processo de constru o come ou h aproximadamente 1 ano e meio, com a constitui ode um Grupo Matricial de Organiza o pelo setor p blico, com representantes de diversassecretarias de governo. No intuito de ter etapas de discuss o e possibilitar a aprofundamentodas reflex es, optou-se numa 2a. fase do processo em realizar 07 Mini- confer nciasTem ticas (MCT's).

9 Nesta etapa houve ampla participa o da sociedade civil e de setores dogoverno, num esfor o para integrar debates e segmentos que normalmente constroem suasid ias e a es pol ticas isoladamente. Os grupos de trabalhos realizados durante as mini- confer ncias produziram propostas que, reunidas, resultaram num Caderno de Propostasapresentado na confer ncia Municipal para aprova o, rejei o, ou modifica o das mini- confer ncias tem ticas foram realizadas entre maio e agosto deste ano, e tiveramcoma temas: 1. Cultura de paz como modo de vida; 2. Sa de, qualidade de vida e meioambiente; 3. Educa o coma pr tica da liberdade; 4. Juventude em conflito com a lei x a leiem conflito com a juventude; 5. Participa o, express o e diversidade social; 6.

10 Trabalho eeconomia solid ria; 7. Comunica o, inclus o digital e informa o. Estes temas forampropostos, em sua maioria, pelos pr prios jovens atrav s da Assessoria da a realiza o da confer ncia, participamos coma observadoras sem direito a aten o a alto n vel de consci ncia acerca da pr pria realidade e seus desafios,bem como a motiva o e treino pol tico demonstrados pela juventude de Santo Andr .Encontram-se organizados em v rios grupos, com diferentes orienta es pol ticas: Pastoral daJuventude; Juventude do PT; UJS -Uni o da Juventude Socialista, entre outros. Estes jovenss o atores sociais, e t m percep o de sua dupla dimens o: pertencem a uma determinadafaixa et ria em comum, o que cria a identidade jovem", mas al m disso pertencem adiferentes grupos sociais, os quais criam outras identidades, tais coma de negros, mulheres,classes sociais, etc.

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