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Rivkle Blind Rivet Nuts and Studs - media.boellhoff.com

Rivkle Bli nd riv et nuts and stud sPASSIONFORSUCCESSFUL JOINING23 Cont en tsPa geGene ra l pr esenta ti onofthe Rivkle product lineAn op tim ized assemb ly solu ti on for im prov ed performan ce4Th e RI VKLE te chnol og y6 Setti ng of Rivkle fa ste ners7 Mate rial and surf ace treat men t9 Sele cti on of the nut or stud10 Additio nal servi ces12Le gend13 Thesta ndardRI VKLE lin eBl ind ri ve t nuts16Bl ind ri ve t studs35 RIV KLE pr oduct varian tsHRT nut s - High Res is tance Th read40 SFC nut s an d Studs - For fib er-rei nf orce d poly mer42PN nu ts - Ulti mate pul l-out force44 Seal Ri ng nu ts and Studs an d ot her watertig ht so lut ions46 TheRIVKLE se tti ngtoolsHand ope rat ed assem bly tool s50 Hydro pneu ma tic and bat

RIVKLE ® –Legend 8,6mm 10,1mm 13,0mm 15,0mm M4 M3 6,8mm M5 M6 M8 M10 18,0mm M12 22,4mm d (mm) Maximum bulge diameter Thread size Overall length Setting load Head diameter Ifround–>diameter Ifhexagonal–>wigthacrossflats


  Revit, Dust, Nuts, Blind, Rivkle, Rivkle blind rivet nuts and studs




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Transcription of Rivkle Blind Rivet Nuts and Studs - media.boellhoff.com

1 Rivkle Bli nd riv et nuts and stud sPASSIONFORSUCCESSFUL JOINING23 Cont en tsPa geGene ra l pr esenta ti onofthe Rivkle product lineAn op tim ized assemb ly solu ti on for im prov ed performan ce4Th e RI VKLE te chnol og y6 Setti ng of Rivkle fa ste ners7 Mate rial and surf ace treat men t9 Sele cti on of the nut or stud10 Additio nal servi ces12Le gend13 Thesta ndardRI VKLE lin eBl ind ri ve t nuts16Bl ind ri ve t studs35 RIV KLE pr oduct varian tsHRT nut s - High Res is tance Th read40 SFC nut s an d Studs - For fib er-rei nf orce d poly mer42PN nu ts - Ulti mate pul l-out force44 Seal Ri ng nu ts and Studs an d ot her watertig ht so lut ions46 TheRIVKLE se tti ngtoolsHand ope rat ed assem bly tool s50 Hydro pneu ma tic and batt ery- poweredset ti ng too ls53 Specia l in st al lat io n mach in es61B LLHOFF is th e only su pplierforyour assembly componen ts62andass ociat edtoolsPart numberindex644An opti miz ed ass emblysolutionfor im prov ed per fo rma nceRELIABILITY

2 Controlledse ttingThe tec hnol og ie s imp lemented in B L LHOFF to ols all ow you tomake sure tha t 100% of th e RIV KL E fast en ers are con formingafte r se tti ng. Components complywiththerules applicabletothreaded jointsObtai n rob ust asse mbliesthanksto components wh ich, aftersett in g, are co mpa rabl e to class8 nut s (or even cl ass 10 or12 for HR T ve rsio ns ) or to cl ass screws (st ud vers ion ).Aft er se tti ng, RIVKL E bli nd riv et nu ts complywit h th e ru lesappli cab le to thre aded jo int s.

3 Theserul es guarantee, amongoth er thing s, tha t in the case of over-tight enin g, the screwwil lfail , le av ing the nut re- MPLICI TY A sa fean d envi ronment al ly-fri en dl y so lu ti onRe du ce you r envi ronm ent al costs with thi s as semb ly sol ut io nwhi ch re quires no ex haus t or coo li ng. Mini mal equip ment and exp ertis e require dYou can eas ily inte grat e the RIVK LE so lut ion int o yourpr od uc tion proces s, as it do es not requi re your op eratorstoha ve any pa rt ic ul ar quali ficat ion s or safet y equi pment.

4 Si mpl e to useThe RIV KLE tec hnol og y can be integrat ed qui ckly and eas ilytha nks to eas y- to -u se set ti ng met hod s and si mp le too ladj us tme nt proced ures .5 PERFORMANCE A repeat ablesolutionEn sur e the re lia bil it y of yo ur assemblies by us ing component swith a repe at abl e settingbeh avi or in combin ation wit h set tingto ols with we ll -knownrepeatabi lity (CPk > 6). A competit iveglobalso lu tionReduce the co sts of you r as sembliesth an ks to a cos t perins tal led Rivkle fas ten er tha t is usu ally morecompetitive th analte rn ati ve sol ut ions with redu ced costsin ma npow er, en ergy ,ma in te nanc e, inv estment,floo r TY RI VKLE canbe setateverystage of your pr oductio npr oce ssYou ca n integr ate RI VK LE at any st age of you r pr od uctionproc es s, ei the r bef or e or afte r su rf ace co fact.

5 The RIVK LE com pone nts are sup plied with a su rfacetre at me nt which com plies with the strictestcustomerre qu irem ents, and th e settingop era tio n does not alter th e su pportor the com pone nt s su rfac e treatmen eov er, as th e RIVK LE com pone nts can be se t eith er withhand tool s or with autom atic settingunits on ro bo ts , the RI VK LE tec hno log y can fit into all you r pro du ction env iron men ts. Compatibi lit y wi thal l applic ati onmate rialsTh e RIV KL E com ponents are com pat ibl e wi th met al (s teel ,light alloys) as we ll as pol ym er s (composi tes, plas ti cs , et c.)

6 Install at io n wi thac cess fromonly onesi deSimp li fy your design and int egrat e RIV KL E in to ma ny of yo urappl ic atio ns , as thes e fastenerscan be ins tal led wi th access onon ly one si e di me ns ions and the accessibil it y of you r part s do not hi nde rthe use of th e RIV KLE solu ti te chnol ogyAllo ws fema le thre ads tobe added to low th icknessappl ic ation mat erialsAllo ws mal e threadsto beadde d to lo w thi cknessappl ic atio n mat eri al sThe jo int be tw een the applicationmat er ial and the RIV KLE nut s orstu ds is obta ine d by meansof acri mp in g pro cessAllow s two or more plat es

7 Mad e ofdi fferent ma teria ls to be ass em bl edtoge th er (ri vet funct ion )RIVK LE bl ind rive t nu ts and stud s are the mo st ve rsatilesolutionsto ad d reu sab le high-strength male or femalethre ads to low thicknessappli cationmat eri nor mal condit ions of useThinheadTo op timis e the prot rus ion of thin heads af ter set ti ngand en su re op timumpenetration st reng th, B L LHOFFdec ided to use the extra-flat he ads alread y implem entedin mo st of the st eel or sta inlesssteel th in-h ead a-flatthin head7Se tting ofRIVKLE fa ste ne rsPull settingmethodTh e B LLHOFF set tin g too ls use the pu ll sett ing meth od to set the RIVK LE asse mbl y com pon ent is me th od con si sts of 4 steps (or ) Spin on (or )

8 Inse rt ion of the co mpo nent int o the sup port Up se t Sp in of fOur pr es sure set tingmethodTo day, all the B L LHOFF set tin g too ls use th e pres sure set ting metho d. With this set ting met hod, a te nsi on force isappl ie d in ord er to generatethe deformati on of the RIV KL E .Adva ntages Ens ur es a con st ant sett ing qual ity, part icu larl y forappl ic ations wi th vari abl e thi cknesses . Allows the us e of pre vent iv e cont rol s. Quic k and simp le adj us tm ent of the sett ing tool s.

9 Preven ts dama ge to the set ting tool or the Rivkle in the event of a 2ndse tting cycl e. Inc rease d man dre l life. Spi n on Ins erti on Ups et Spi n offForce8 Set ting ofRIVKLE fa st ener sSetting parametersThe re are fo ur req uired con diti ons for properadj us tm ent of a RIV KLE fa ste ner:For the ra nge s of RIVKL E faste ner s wi th ad di ti onal funct ion s, you wi ll fi nd th e as soci at ed sett ing force s in therele vant prod uc t pages . re the RIV KLE faste ner touc hes th e anvi l:th is me ans tha t "s pi n on " has beenperformed unti lth e hea d of the RI VKL E fast en er touc hes the an vi sure the RI VK LE fa ste ner tou ches thewo rkpi ece: checkthat the rear face of the hea d ofthe RIV KLE fa ste ner li es flat ag ai ns t th e surfaceof the workpi ly the re commended sett ing force.

10 Adj us tmentand ch eck shou ld be don e usin g th e forcecont roll ersp ecific ally desig ned fo r our handset tin g tool s(in te gra te d for au tomatic adju st me nt) .4. Ma ke sure the tool is perp endi cul ar to the surfaceofthe wor kpi ece: checkth at the top of the tool isand remai ns alignedwit h the centreline of the threa ddur ing the spi n on, set tin g and spin of f st eps .Recommended se tt in g forceB LL HOFF has det ermineda recommended sett ing force for everyRIV KLE pr od uc recommend ed sett ing forceis def in ed to en su re.