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I,I 1 IROBET , CPA, Box 6 4 Raton. NeMexico87740-0634(575) 445- 619(575) 445-3610 FaxSTATE OF NEW MEXICOM ember:American Institute of CPA'SColorado Society of CPA'SNew MEXICO Society of CPA'SWESTERN AND WATER conservation DISTRICTFINANCIAL STATEMENTSF iscalYearsEndedJune 30, 2015 and 2014(With AUditor's Report Thereon)INTRODUCTORY SECTIONSTATE OF NEW MEXICOWE TERN MORA soil AND WATER CONSERVATIONDISTRICTTABLE OF CONTENTSJUNE 30, 2015 and 2014 INTRODUCTOrySECTIONT able of contTtsOfficial RostelFINANCIAL SEfTIONI ndependent Ahditor's ReportManagement's Discussion and Analysis (Required Supplementary Information)BASIC FINANC AL STATEMENTS:Government-ide Financial Statements:ComparativeStatement of Net PositionComparative Statement

readers of the Wfstern Mora Soil & Water Conservation District's financial statements this narrative overviei and analysis of the financial activities of the Western Mora Soil & Water Conservation Disiict for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015.


  Soil, Water, District, Conservation, Water conservation, Water conservation district, Soil and water




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1 I,I 1 IROBET , CPA, Box 6 4 Raton. NeMexico87740-0634(575) 445- 619(575) 445-3610 FaxSTATE OF NEW MEXICOM ember:American Institute of CPA'SColorado Society of CPA'SNew MEXICO Society of CPA'SWESTERN AND WATER conservation DISTRICTFINANCIAL STATEMENTSF iscalYearsEndedJune 30, 2015 and 2014(With AUditor's Report Thereon)INTRODUCTORY SECTIONSTATE OF NEW MEXICOWE TERN MORA soil AND WATER CONSERVATIONDISTRICTTABLE OF CONTENTSJUNE 30, 2015 and 2014 INTRODUCTOrySECTIONT able of contTtsOfficial RostelFINANCIAL SEfTIONI ndependent Ahditor's ReportManagement's Discussion and Analysis (Required Supplementary Information)BASIC FINANC AL STATEMENTS:Government-ide Financial Statements.

2 ComparativeStatement of Net PositionComparative Statement of ActivitiesFund Financi~Statement"Comparative Balance Sheet-Governmental FundscomparativfReconciliation of the Balance Sheet to the Statement ofNet Assets - Governmental FundsComparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changesin Fund ralances - Governmental FundsComparativFReconciliation ofthe Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance to theStateme1of Activities - Governmental FundsBudgetarytomparison Statement(Non-GA-AP Budgetary Basis) - General FundcomparatiVibBudgetary Comparison Statement - Budget-to-GAAPR econci iation - General FundNotes to the B sic Financial StatementsREQUIRED SUP~LEMENTALINFORMATIONS chedule ofth1 Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability of Fund DivisionFor the Pas~Ten Years - STATE GeneralSchedule of C9ntributions - Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA)

3 Plan For th~Past Ten Years- PERA Fund Division - STATE GeneralNotes to Required Supplemental InformationOTHER REPORTSS chedule ofverdorInformationReport On Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on ComplianceAnd Other Marers Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed inAccordance withGovernmental Auditing StandardsSCHEDULE OF. INDINGS AND RESPONSESEXIT CONFERECEP ageii1-23-7891011121314-151617-333435363 738-3940-4142 STATE OF NEW MEXICOWESTERN MORA soil AND WATER conservation DISTRICTOFFICIAL ROSTERJUNE 30, 2015 Board of SupervisorsDavid~aestasPositionChairmanJ uan Felix ArchuletaVice-ChairmanJulian OlivasSecretaryITreasurerSupervisorsLero ytbeytaJoseph GriegoSupervisorSupervisorDistrict persJnnelMegan MccalleY-RiveraTitleDistrict Manager11 FINANCIAL SECTIONROBE T ,-GPA" Box 6 Raton.

4 NeMexico 87740-0634(575) 445- 619_(575) 445-3610 FaxMember:American Institute of CPA'S'Colorado Society of CPA'SNew MEXICO Society of CPA'SINDEPENDENT,AUDITOR'SREPORTD avid Maestas, Chairman'and'Members of the B1ard of Supervisors'w.'.este~n Soilnd WATER ConservationDistrictP,O, Box 732- , Keller- New MEXICO STATE AReport on the Fina cial StatementsWe have auditedt e accornpanyinqcomparativefinancialstateme ntsof ,thegeneralfund"a d thebudgetarycomparisons,for thegeneralfundof WesternMora soil and WaterConservationDistrict(the district )

5 , as of and for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, and therelated notes to the,financialstatementSjhiChcollectively comprise the district 's basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents,,Management'sRe1ponsibility.,Ma nagementis re~ponsible for the preparation and fair presentati~n of these financial statements'in accordance ~s generally acceptedin the United States of America; thisincludes the design, implementation,_and maintenancejOf to the preparationand fair presentationof financial statements that are'free , whether due to fraud or error.

6 -.""-)c,"Auditor'sResponSiIility,, ,Our responsibilityito express an opinions on these financial statementsbased on our auditWe conductedouraudit in accordanc-with auditing standardsgenerallyacceptedin the United States of America and the standardsap~licable to financial'audits containe~ inGovernment Auditing Standards,.issued by the Comptroller General,of theUnited States, Thl0'e standardsrequire that we plan and perform the audit toobtamreasonableassuranceaboutwhether the financi: 'are free {rom material misstatement.}

7 "",,-An auditinvolves'performingproceduresto obtainaudit evidenceabout the amounts and disclosuresin thefinancial statement. selected,depend on the auditor's judgment,including the assessment'of the ofmaterialmlsststementof the financialstatements,whetherdue to fraudor makingthoseriskassessments,the auditor considersinternal control relevant to the entity'spreparationand fair presentation-ofthefinancial statementj1in order to design auditproceduresthat are appropriatein the circumstances,but not for thepu~p,ose, an opinion on the of the entity' ,_, , we.

8 Express no suchopmlo,n,.'."An audit also,incl1udes evaluatingthe appropriatenessof accountingpoliciesused and the reasonablenessofsignificant accountihg estimates made by management,as well as the overall presentation of the financial believe that thaudit evidence we have obtainedis sufficient and appropriateto provide a basis for our TL. MANTZ, CPA, Box 6 4 Raton, Ne. Mexico87740-0614(575) 445-1619(575) 445-3610 FaxMember:American Institute of CPA'SColorado Society-of CPA'SNew Society of CPA' ,thefinancialstatementsreferredto above present fairly,in all materialrespects,therespective financialposition oftheg o*ernm e ntatactivities of WESTERN Mora soil and WATER ConservationDistrict as of June30,2015and 2014,andjtherespectivechange~in financialp~sitionan~ the ~ budgetarycom~ generalfundf, r the yearsthen ended accountingprinciples generally accepted In the.

9 OtherMattersAccounting principles generallyacceptedinthe UnitedStates ofAmerica requirethatthe management'sdiscussion andanalysis onpages 31to7 bepresented to supplement the basic information,although notapartof the basicfinanclal statements,is requiredby theGovernmentalAccountingStandards Board who considers it tobe an essentialparof financialreportingfor placing the basicfinancialstatementsin an appropriateoperational,economic,or histori9al hav: applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information inaccordance withau<iliting standards generally accepted in the United STATE of America,whichconsisted ofinquiries ofmanagementabout~themethodsof preparingtheinformationand comparingthe informationfor consistencywithmanagement'srespqnses to ourinquiries, the basic financial statements, and we obtained during ouraudit of the basic fi.

10 Ancial do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the informationbecause the limiteproceduresdo not provide us with sufficientevidenceto expressan opinion or provide oth~rschedules asrequired arepresented for the purpose of additional analysis and arenot arequired part0tthe basic otherschedulesrequired by arethe responsibilityofmanagementandjwas derivedfromandrelates directlytotheunderlying accounting and other records used to preparethe basic financial informationhas beensubjectedtothe auditing procedures appliedin the audit of thebasic financial stat~mentsand certain additionalprocedures,includingcomparinga ndreconcilingsuchinformationdirectlytoth e underlyingaccountingand otherrecords usedto preparethe basicfinancial statement

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