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Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address: par le ministre de la Justice l adresse suivante : Consolidation ofTHE CONSTITUTION ACTS1867 to 1982 Codification administrative desLOIS CONSTITUTIONNELLESDE 1867 1982 Current to January 1, 2021 jour au 1er janvier 2021 FOREWORDAVANT-PROPOSL ayoutThe presentation of this codification and the accompa-nying notes follow, to the extent possible, the basicprinciples related to formatting legislative enactmentsthat were put in place in January 2016. For certain ele-ments particular to constitutional enactments that haveno equivalent in other consolidated statutes, it was decid-ed to draw upon the presentation of these enactments intheir previously published en pageLa pr sentation de cette codification et des notes quis y ra

Amended provisions (e.g. section 4) are reproduced in the text in their amended form and the original provi-sions are quoted in an endnote. 3. Additions Added provisions (e.g. section 51A) are included in the text. 4. Substitutions Substituted provisions (e.g. section 18) are included in the text and the former provision is quoted in an end-note.


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1 Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address: par le ministre de la Justice l adresse suivante : Consolidation ofTHE CONSTITUTION ACTS1867 to 1982 Codification administrative desLOIS CONSTITUTIONNELLESDE 1867 1982 Current to January 1, 2021 jour au 1er janvier 2021 FOREWORDAVANT-PROPOSL ayoutThe presentation of this codification and the accompa-nying notes follow, to the extent possible, the basicprinciples related to formatting legislative enactmentsthat were put in place in January 2016. For certain ele-ments particular to constitutional enactments that haveno equivalent in other consolidated statutes, it was decid-ed to draw upon the presentation of these enactments intheir previously published en pageLa pr sentation de cette codification et des notes quis y rapportent suit dans la mesure du possible les prin-cipes de la mise en page des textes l gislatifs adopt e enjanvier 2016.

2 Pour les l ments particuliers ces textesconstitutionnels qui n ont pas leur quivalent dans lesautres lois codifi es, des d cisions ont t prises quant la pr sentation inspir es de l apparence des textes dansles recueils o ils ont t publi s l consolidation contains the text of the ConstitutionAct, 1867 (formerly the British North America Act, 1867),together with amendments made to it since its enact-ment, and the text of the Canada Act 1982 and the Con-stitution Act, 1982, as amended since its enactment. TheConstitution Act, 1982 contains the Canadian Charterof Rights and Freedoms and other provisions , includingthe rights of Indigenous peoples and the procedures foramending the CONSTITUTION of CONSTITUTION Act, 1982 also contains a schedule ofrepeals of certain constitutional enactments and providesfor the renaming of others.

3 The British North AmericaAct, 1949, for example, is renamed as the NewfoundlandAct. The new names of these enactments are used in thisconsolidation, but their former names may be found inthe CONSTITUTION Act, 1982 was enacted as Schedule B tothe Canada Act 1982, 1982, c. 11 ( ). It is set out inthis consolidation as a separate Act after the ConstitutionAct, 1867 and the Canada Act pr sente codification contient le texte de la Loi consti-tutionnelle de 1867 (ant rieurement l Acte de l Am riquedu Nord britannique, 1867), avec les modifications ap-port es depuis son adoption, le texte de la Loi de 1982sur le Canada ainsi que celui de la Loi constitutionnellede 1982 avec les modifications qui lui ont t apport esdepuis son adoption.

4 La Loi constitutionnelle de 1982renferme la Charte canadienne des droits et libert s etd autres dispositions, notamment les droits des peuplesautochtones et les proc dures de modification de laConstitution du plus, l annexe de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982abroge certains textes constitutionnels et modifie le titred autres textes. Par exemple, l Acte de l Am rique duNord britannique, 1949 est devenu la Loi sur Terre-Neuve. Ce sont ces nouveaux titres qui figurent dansla pr sente codification. Quant aux anciens titres, ils fi-gurent l annexe de la Loi constitutionnelle de Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 a t adopt e commeannexe B de la Loi de 1982 sur le Canada, 1982, ( ).

5 Elle est toutefois pr sent e dans la pr sentecodification comme loi distincte, apr s cette derni re loiet la Loi constitutionnelle de VersionThe French version of the CONSTITUTION Act, 1867 set outherein is the conventional translation. It does not havethe force of law since this Act was enacted by the Parlia-ment of the United Kingdom in English 55 of the CONSTITUTION Act, 1982 provides that a French version of the portions of the CONSTITUTION ofCanada referred to in the schedule [to that Act] shall beprepared by the Minister of Justice of Canada as expedi-tiously as possible.

6 The French Constitutional DraftingCommittee was established in 1984 with a mandate to as-sist the Minister of Justice in that task. The Committee sVersion fran aiseLa pr sente version fran aise de la Loi constitutionnellede 1867 n est qu une traduction donn e titre documen-taire. Elle n a pas force de loi puisque cette loi a t adopt e par le Parlement du Royaume-Uni en article 55 de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 pr voitque le ministre de la Justice du Canada est charg der diger, dans les meilleurs d lais, la version fran aisedes parties de la CONSTITUTION du Canada qui figurent l annexe [de cette loi].

7 Le comit de r daction consti-tutionnelle fran aise a t cr en 1984 pour appuyeriiTHE CONSTITUTION ACTS 1867 to 1982 FOREWORDLOIS CONSTITUTIONNELLES DE 1867 1982 AVANT-PROPOSC urrent to January 1, 2021 jour au 1er janvier 2021 Final Report, which contains forty-two constitutional en-actments, was tabled by the Minister in both Houses ofParliament in December 1990. Another office consolida-tion prepared by the Department of Justice and present-ed on this site is based on the French version of the Con-stitution Act, 1867 that was drafted by the ministre dans cette mission.

8 Le ministre de la Jus-tice a d pos le rapport d finitif du comit , comprenantquarante-deux textes constitutionnels, devant les deuxchambres du Parlement en d cembre 1990. Une autrecodification administrative pr par e par le minist re dela Justice et pr sent e sur ce site est fond e sur la versionfran aise r dig e par ce comit .Amendment of the CONSTITUTION Act,1867 The law embodied in the CONSTITUTION Act, 1867 has beenaltered many times otherwise than by textual amend-ment, not only by the Parliament of the United Kingdombut also by the Parliament of Canada and the legislaturesof the provinces in those cases where provisions of thatAct are expressed to be subject to alteration by Parlia-ment or the legislatures.

9 A consolidation of the Consti-tution Acts including only those subsequent enactmentsthat alter the text of the Act would therefore not producea true statement of the law. In preparing this consolida-tion, an attempt has been made to reflect accurately thesubstance of the law contained in enactments modifyingthe provisions of the CONSTITUTION Act, 1867, whether bytextual amendment or various classes of enactments modifying the Consti-tution Act, 1867 have been dealt with as follows:Modifications apport es la Loiconstitutionnelle de 1867La Loi constitutionnelle de 1867 a subi plusieurs modifi-cations non textuelles, non seulement de la part du Parle-ment du Royaume-Uni, mais aussi, dans les cas o elle lepermettait, de la part du Parlement du Canada et des l -gislatures provinciales.

10 Ces modifications ont t inclusesen plus des modifications faites au texte original afin dedonner tout l tat de la loi. La pr sente codification adonc pour objet de reproduire exactement la substancede la l gislation contenue dans tous les textes qui ontmodifi les dispositions de la Loi constitutionnelle de1867, par des modifications textuelles ou m thodologie appliqu e aux diverses cat gories dedispositions qui ont modifi la Loi constitutionnelle de1867 est pr sent e Textual Amendments1. RepealsRepealed provisions ( section 2) have been deletedfrom the text and quoted in an AmendmentsAmended provisions ( section 4) are reproduced inthe text in their amended form and the original provi-sions are quoted in an AdditionsAdded provisions ( section 51A) are included in SubstitutionsSubstituted provisions ( section 18) are included inthe text and the former provision is quoted in an Modifications textuelles1.

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