Example: dental hygienist

The Health Promotion Strategic Framework

TheHeal thPr omotio nStrategic FrameworkIntegratedCareTrainingDetermina nts of HealthCapacity BuildingHospitalsPol iciesHealthInequalitiesHealth Pr omotingHealth Se rv ic eMENTA LHEALTHO besitySmokingCessationPopulationsPrimary Car eHealth Pro motionHealth & WellbeingPublic HealthPublishedbyHSENat ionalHealthPromotionOffice2011 ISBN: 1- 874218-87-0978-1-874218-87-6 Design&PrintedbyModernPrinters:056772173 9 Cover06/06/201212:37 Page 1iHealt h Serv ic e Ex ecu tiveHea lt h Prom oti on St rate gic Fr am ewor kTheHealthPromotionStrategicFrameworkMAI NREPORTI ntegratedCareTrainingDeterminants ofHealthCapacity BuildingHospitalsPoli ciesHealthInequalitiesHealth Promotin gHealth ServiceMENTALHEALT HObesitySmokingCessationPopulationsPr imary Car eHealt h Pr omot io niiIntegratedCareTrainingDeterminantsof HealthCapacityBuildingHospitalsPolici esHealthInequalitiesHealthPromotingHealt hSe rviceMENTALHEALTHObe sitySmokingCessationPopulationsPrimary CareHea lt h Pr omotionEx ecutiveSummaryvSec tion 1: Int roduction2 Whatis Health Promotion ?

The Health Promotion Strategic Framework I n t e g r a t e d C a r e T r a i n i ng Determinants of Health Capacity Building Hospitals Policies Health Inequalities ...


  Health, Strategic, Framework, Promotion, Health promotion strategic framework




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Transcription of The Health Promotion Strategic Framework

1 TheHeal thPr omotio nStrategic FrameworkIntegratedCareTrainingDetermina nts of HealthCapacity BuildingHospitalsPol iciesHealthInequalitiesHealth Pr omotingHealth Se rv ic eMENTA LHEALTHO besitySmokingCessationPopulationsPrimary Car eHealth Pro motionHealth & WellbeingPublic HealthPublishedbyHSENat ionalHealthPromotionOffice2011 ISBN: 1- 874218-87-0978-1-874218-87-6 Design&PrintedbyModernPrinters:056772173 9 Cover06/06/201212:37 Page 1iHealt h Serv ic e Ex ecu tiveHea lt h Prom oti on St rate gic Fr am ewor kTheHealthPromotionStrategicFrameworkMAI NREPORTI ntegratedCareTrainingDeterminants ofHealthCapacity BuildingHospitalsPoli ciesHealthInequalitiesHealth Promotin gHealth ServiceMENTALHEALT HObesitySmokingCessationPopulationsPr imary Car eHealt h Pr omot io niiIntegratedCareTrainingDeterminantsof HealthCapacityBuildingHospitalsPolici esHealthInequalitiesHealthPromotingHealt hSe rviceMENTALHEALTHObe sitySmokingCessationPopulationsPrimary CareHea lt h Pr omotionEx ecutiveSummaryvSec tion 1: Int roduction2 Whatis Health Promotion ?

2 2 Whatis the HealthPr omotion St ra tegic Framework ?3 Sec tion 2: Hea lth Promotion St rat egi c Framework Model5In trod uction5Th e pr oce ss of impl ementing the Heal th PromotionStrategicFramework5Th e HealthPromotion Str at egi c Framework Model7 Sec tion 3: De ter mina nts of He al th and HealthInequalities8In trod uction8 Determinants of healt h8 Why a d eterminants of healt h app roac h?9Ex pec ted out comesfrom a det ermi nant s of Health approach9 Health in equalities in Irel and11 Sec tion 4: Se ttingsfor he al th promotion12In trod uction12Th e setti ng s approach12 Health pr omotionan d the set ti ngs ap pr oac h12Pr iori ty se tti ngs for the Heal th Promotion St rategicFramework14 Health serv ices14 Dis eased-basedplann ing15 Heal th care an d heal th in equalities15 The primarycare sett in g16 The hospi tal (an d ot her resi dent ial care) set ting s16 To war ds a Healt h Promotin g Healt h Serv ic e16 The healt h of the HSE wor kf orc e17 The HPSF pr ior it y obj ec ti ves for the healt h ser vice se ttin g17 Ma tr ix 118 Community19 The Health y Ci ty in it ia tive20 The HPSF pr ior it y obj ec ti ve for the community setting21 Ma tr ix 222Ed ucation23 The HPSF pr ior it y obj ec ti ve for the educ at ion setting24 Ma tr ix 325 Cont ent siiiSec tion 5.

3 Im plementat ion of the He alth Prom otio n StrategicFramework26 Par tner sh ip and ca paci ty bui ldi ng approaches26In tr odu cti on26 Par tner sh ips for heal th26 Capac ity bu ild ing appr oach es27Tr ain in g and edu cat ion28 Polic ies and frameworks29 Soci al ma rketin g and advocacy30Ad vocacy30 Research an d ev alu at ion31 Research31 Evalu ation32Pr og ramme developmentand impl ementat ion32 Sec tion 6: Outc omesfrom the He al th PromotionStrategicFram ew ork34In tr odu cti on34Re-or ien tate healt h and ot her publ ic serv ic es34 Creat e sup portive envi ron mentsfor heal th35 Redu ce he alt h ineq uali ties36 Imp rove healt h36Pr even t and redu ce dis ease38 Redu ce cost s to the healt h care syst em39 Conclusion42 Abbreviations43 Referen ces44 Acknowled gements50 FiguresFigur e 1 - The HealthPromotion St ra tegic FrameworkModel7 Figur e 2 - Determinan ts of Healt h Model10 Figur e 3 - Con nec tin g the sett ings13 Figur e 4 - Settings basedap proach to heal th pr omotionplanning14 Figur e 5 - Quality of Li fe Prof il e37 IntegratedCareTrainingDeterminantsof HealthCapacityBuildingHospitalsPolici esHealthInequalitiesHealthPromotingHealt hSe rviceMENTALHEALTHObe sitySmokingCessationPopulationsPrimary CareHea lt h Pr

4 OmotionivIntegratedCareTrainingDetermina ntsofHealthCapacityBuildingHospitalsPoli c iesHealthInequalitiesHealthPromotingHeal thServiceMENTALHEALTHO besitySmokingCessationPopulationsPr imary Car eHealthPr omotionHealth&WellbeingPublic HealthEXECUTIVESUMMARYvviIntro duct io nSi nce its emergenceat an internationallevelin the 1980s, heal th Promotion in Irel and has developed an d gro wn , withsi gn if ican t achievementsin the areasof card iov ascular healt h, heal thy pub li c poli ci es and healt hy sett ing s. This HealthPr omotionStra tegicFramework(HP SF) prov ides the HSE with the means by whi ch it can meetits commitm ents topr otectan d promotethe healthof the population . Th e fram ew or k is inf ormedby th e bes t av ailab le in tern ationalandnat ion al evidenceof healthpromotion ef fecti ven ess and in cl ud es a mod el to il lus tra te the main elements of healthpr omotionin the modelout li nes the proc es s by which heal th prom ot ion will ad dres s Health in equ al iti es andth e deter minantsof Health ,as well as the heal th promoti on out comesit seeksto achi ev e th roug h the three priorityse tt ings of healthservices,community and educ ot ectin g and promotingthe heal th of the pop ul at ion requi res intersectoral and in terdi scip linaryap proaches to healthpr omotion.

5 Theseapproachesincludekey sp ec if ic rol es for the Heal th Promotion workf orce and for th e br oaderhealthan d soc ial care workforcein addi ti on to the Non -G ov ern men tal Org ani sa tion s (NG Os ) and statutory and voluntaryse ct or s. Thesecom mitmentsrequirethe re- or ient ation of heal th an d socialcare serv ices in Irelandto includ e thedev elop mentof organisationalstructures that sup port the Promotion of heal th an d the dev el op mentof the skills andcap acityof thoseoutsidethe Health Promotion wo rkf orce to adop t a strongerev iden ce-based heal th pur poseof the HPS F is to set out the mea ns by whichthe HSE wil l:1. Achieve its strategicobjecti ves of prot ect in g, promoti ng an d imp rov ing th e heal th of the popu lation2. Ensure healthpromotionpractic e throughou t th e heal th serv ice is in lin e wit h in ternation al evidence3.

6 Bu ild the capa city of the organisati on to imp rov e heal th an d wel lb ein g with in the popu lationan d across the soci algr ad ien t4. Integ rate healthpromotioninto al l aspects of its serv ice ( prog ress the dev el op men t of the HSE as ahe althpro mot ing healthservicebasedon int ernationalbest practice)5. Developa robu st multi-sectoralapproach, in all sett ing s, to add res si ng the socialdeter minants of healt h and heal thineq ualities6. Incr eas e the effectiveand ef fi cientuse of res ourcesto promote the healt h of the pop ulationth us redu cin g th e costbu rden of chronicdisease7. En sure valuefor money(VFM),part ic ul arl y in the con text of a redu ci ng workf Th e HPSFis the first nationalst rategic Framework for heal th Promotion in the HSE. The fram eworksets ou t clear,cons istent,nat ionalobj ecti ves for the HSE in relat ion to it s healt h Promotion pri ori ties.

7 The set ting s app roachadop ted by this frameworkprovi des a mec hanismfor addr essi ng mult ipl e healt h chal leng es and iss ues th roughamorein tegrated and cohesivelevelof int h Serv ic e Ex ecu tiveHea lt h Prom oti on St rate gic Fr am ewor kviiThe Hea lth Pr omotion St rat egi c Fra mew ork ModelTh e HPSF introducesa modelthat ill ustrates the mainst ruct ur al el ementsof heal th pr omotion for th e HSE . The modelpres en ts five pa rt icula r approach es th at are adoptedthro ugh the healthser vic es , commun ity an d ed ucationsetti ngs .Fi gu re 1 providesa graphicrepresentati on of the rity obj ectivesof the Heal th Pr omot ion StrategicFrameworkTh is HPS F focu se s on threekey set tingsfor promoting Health : heal th servi ce s, co mmunity and educationse tti ngs .Th e Framework build s on, and fur ther develops,the extensive workth at has al re ad y bee n undertaken in the seke y sett ing s in Ir promo tio nwi ll work toadd ressIn th e fol lo win gset tingsTh rou ghpa rt ners hi p an dca pacit y build in gap pro ach esTo deli verthe foll owin goutcom esDe te rmina ntsof heal thHea lthine qu aliti esHealt hserv icesCommu nityEducat ionTrai ningand educat ionPo lici es andfra mew or ksSo cia l mar ket in gan d ad vo cacyRes ear ch an deval uati onPr ogr ammedev elo pmen t an dimp lemen tat io nRe-orie nt at ionhea lt h an d otherpubli c se rvi cesCre ate support iveenv ironme nt sfor healthReduce healt hineq uali tiesImpr ovehea lthPr even t an dred uce dis easeReduce co st tothe healt h car esys te m viiiHea lt h Se rvice Set tingThe HP SF prio rity obje ctivesfor the hea lth service settingare.

8 To su ppor t the implementationof a HealthPr omoting Heal th Serv ice (HPH S) model for the HSE, basedon ex isti ngapp roac hes developedwithinthe Irish Heal th Prom ot in g Hospi tal initiativ e. Th is wil l inclu de: Su ppor tin g the implementation of the HSE Int egrated Empl oyeeWe llbei ng an d Wel far e Strategy Su ppor tin g Primary CareTeamsto improvecapacity in communi ty pr ofi lin g, needsass ess men t etc Bu ilding capacity of HSE staff to integrate healt h pr omotion into ser vice del iver y St ron ger linksto otherset ti ngs (suchas schoolsand com munities) Inc or pora ting otherheal th pol icy issues(su ch as pat ient and publ ic invol vem en t and healthineq ualities)In dev elop ing the healthser vic e as an HPHS rec ogn it ion is given to the fact tha t heal thcare ex tendsbey ond thetr adi tion al HPSF , ther efor e, looksat way s that heal thcareserv ic es can un dertakehealthpr omotionworkwith the widercommunity.

9 Someex am pl es of thi s include: the prov isi on of card iac rehabilit ationpr ogr ammesin communitysett ings,the prov is ion of an tenatal clas ses to teen mot hers in you th care settings. Throughth e ex ten sion of healthcareservi ces int o oth er key set ti ngs, env iron men ts are crea ted whichare su ppor tive of healthan d hea lth improvementoppo rt unit ies .Community Se tti ngTh e HP SF pr io rity objectivefor the community setti ng is:To dev elop and implementa modelfor heal th prom oti ng commun it ies basedon ex is tin g app roaches. This will inc lud e: Wor k with key HSE func ti ons to ens ure a consistent com munity developm ent app roachto the im plementationof the HSE ServiceUse r St rat egy Bu ild ca pac ity withinth e community and the vol unt ary sect or to iden tif y an d add ress healthpr omotionprioritiesat community level Bu ild on existinghealthpromotion programmesand servicesto ens ure a sy st ema tic focu s on loc alitiesex per ien cing socialan d mat erial di sadvantage, includingRAP ID and CL R areas Des ign a nationallyag reedmodelfor healt h promotingcommunities , to wns and ci ti es bas ed on av ailab lemod els such as the WHOH ealt hy Ci ty.

10 Educati on Set tingTh e HP SF pr io rity objectivefor the educati on se tting is:To implement the nationally agreedhealt h Promotion modelfor the ed uca tion set ting (pre-school,prim ary,pos t-p rim ary , thirdleveland out-of-sc hool)basedon exi sti ng He alt h Promoting School(HPS)ap h Serv ic e Ex ecu tiveHea lt h Prom oti on St rate gic Fr am ewor kixTh rou gh the developmentof a HP S programme,schools becomehealthyset ting s. The HP S prog rammeoffer s the staff,pu pi ls an d the wider schoolco mmunity increasedopportunities to enhanceheal th an d well bei ng . Examp les of hea lthimp rov ementopportunitiesinc lude up-skill ing teac her s throughtraini ng prog rammes (for ex amp le, summerschool s,pol icy dev elopmentworkshops, SocialPersonalHealthEducati on support programmes) . For par en ts, prog rammes areoff eredto enhancehealthand well bei ng (for example, Bei ng Wel l pr ogr ammes, parenting progr ammesan d ment alheal th promotionprogrammes).

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