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This is a reproduction of a library book that was ...

This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally N1J, .. u THEMOXTHOF THE NA'I IVITY3mm3525115@IIJrist;A ()CTAVES OF ,ANDDEDICATEDTOTHEHOLYINFANT. PresentlytheLordwhomyouseek,andtheAngelo f th testament,whomyoudesire,shallcometo his temple. MALACIIYiii. :THOMASRICHARDSONANDSON,I72,FLEETma; 9, ( APELs'r. DUBLIN;8: DERBY. ' 'WW" 19mm. We have(1 Paradisemuchbetter,andfarmoreagreeableth anthatqf our firstparents, , andthisParadiseis our LordJesusChrist.))

This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible.




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1 This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally N1J, .. u THEMOXTHOF THE NA'I IVITY3mm3525115@IIJrist;A ()CTAVES OF ,ANDDEDICATEDTOTHEHOLYINFANT. PresentlytheLordwhomyouseek,andtheAngelo f th testament,whomyoudesire,shallcometo his temple. MALACIIYiii. :THOMASRICHARDSONANDSON,I72,FLEETma; 9, ( APELs'r. DUBLIN;8: DERBY. ' 'WW" 19mm. We have(1 Paradisemuchbetter,andfarmoreagreeableth anthatqf our firstparents, , andthisParadiseis our LordJesusChrist.))

2 ( )He is our beatitudeinbodyandsoul;HisDivinityis the bliss0f the latter,his Humanitythatof is, then,our is all ours;all for our use,allfor our wants: Lightto our eyes,hearing to ourears,perfumeto oursmell,breadto our mouth, says0rigen.( in Cant.)Howlamentable,then,thatfaithand hopein, and knowledgeandloveof, thisdivineSaviourare so muchon thedecrease,andbecomedailymorediminished ! To remedythis evil, in somedegree,is the objectof the followingpages,havingfor title, The Monthqfthe Nativityof our Lord, in whichare retracedthe mysteriesof the Incarnationand Nativityof this eachday,which,besidesa pointof doctrine,includesreflections, -c.

3 ,is precededby ,bothto renderit moreconformableto the devotionsappointedfor othermonths,as wellas togratifymoreferventsouls,whoneverthinkt heycan do enoughto orderto includeallthe feastsof Christmaswithoutexceedingthe periodof a month,thisdevotiondoesnot commenceuntilthe sixthof willby this meansterminateonthe feastof the Epiphany,and thosewhohavefaithfullyand ferventlypractisedit,mayhopeto receive,in presentingit,withthe ofl e ringsof the holyMagi,totheirInfantGodin His manger,a sharein Hischoicestgraceshere,andbecausetheyhave knownand loved, andconfessedHimbeforemen, to be acknowledgedby HimbeforeHis Fatherwhoisin heaven,to whom,in unityof the HolyGhost,be all honour,might,glory,power,for endlessages.

4 THEMONTHOFTHEN atifiitgof our ZLurtl32241124 Qlhrist. ,which,by enablingyouto sanetifythe Advent,will disposeyou for celebratingthe birthof yourRedeemer,by producingat yourawakingan act of confidencein oftenduringthe day,withoutlosingdiflidencein yourownweakness,filialconfidencein the Almighty,or neglectinggoodworks;withouttheseyourconf idencewouldbe wayof aspiration, In thee,Lord,do I hope,let me nevezbe confounded. the promiseto Adamof a soonerdid mansin, thanGod,inhis infinitemercy,promisedhima Re6 MONTH01?

5 THENATIVITY. ,who,toseduceEve,hadassumedthe serpent sform,He said, I willputenmitybetweentheeandthe woman,andbetweenher seedandthy seed,andshe shallcrushthyhead. (Genesis,iii. 13.) Thusit is, saysSt. Leo, thattheCreatorsavedmanafterhis fall, announcingby anticipationhowhe shouldbe saved,thattheprideof Satan,theauthorof ourruin,mightbe crushedby the omnipotenceoftheSonof God,whowouldcometo fightwithhimin ourflesh,withwhichfleshHe was to be clothed. ( on theNativity.) havetheproofof whattheHolySpiritsays: To himthatis little,mercyis granted;but the mightyshallbemightilytormented.

6 ( 7.)ForGod gavemanmeansof repentance,granting hima Redeemer,by whosemeritsheis pardoned;whereasthe rebelangels,far superiorto men,havenot beenspared,but punishedimmediatelyon theirsin.( 4.) Satandidnothing, saysSt. Bernard; hemerelyconsentedto athoughtof pride,and at the samemoment,in the twinklingof an eye,he hasbeenprecipitated."JesusChrist,who,ina sor Heis God,sawhimfallfromheavenpursuedby the avenginghandofthe Almighty,saysof him, I saw Satan,like lirjhtninafallfromheaven. (Luke,x. 18.) His mercyin our regard,andin her gratitudeexclaims, 0 happyfaultof Adam,whichhas meritedfor us sucha RedeemerI because,butfor thisfault,HisblessedSonwouldneverhavebec omeincarnate,andconsequentlyour meritswouldbe limitedandhuman;whereasby His unionwithournature,thusunitingHismeritst oours,He has giventhema characterofinfinity,and madeus partakersof thedivinenature.

7 MakingHimselfman,He has, as the Psalmistsays, MadeusGods. Letus, then,unitewithourholymotherthe Church,and in our gratitudeceasenot to blessGodfor havinggivenus suchand so greata Dropdowndew,ye heavens,fromabove,and,ye clouds,raindownthe Let the earthopenand bad Lord,whofromthe beginningwertpromisedto be ourRedeemerandourSaviour,movedby yourclemency,andtouchedby our evils,exertyourpowerand cometo saveus, that,by yourassistance,and our faithin you, we mayescapetheevilswithoutnumberwhichmenac eus, wholivestandreignestwithGod the Father.

8 In the unityof the H01 Ghost,oneGod,worldwithouten . be considered,if convenient,beforethe God qfl endedbecamea ,whateverbe its nature,at1 tacksGod;ofi'endsHis infiniteMajestyand illimitableperfections; outragesHisgoodnessby presumingon Hismercy;defiesHis justiceby slightingHis punishments;insultsHis authorityby contemning His laws ; and insultsHis immensityby He cannotbe offendedwithimpunity;sin manis weakandsinful,or atonementof infinitemeritisnecessaryto repairan infiniteofl , andHe under~takesit.

9 For, descendingfromheavenbya prodigyof love,Hetakesflesh,andlaysuponHimthe burthenof man'siniquities;He makesa bathof His bloodwhereint0 efl acethem,and dyingon thecrossfor ofi'endedman,opensfor himthepathto ,divineJesus!I wasthenan exilefrommy heavenlycountry,andyouhaverecalledme;I wasblind,andyouenlightenedme;I wasan objectof yourindignation,andyouhaverestoredto meyourfriendship,yourheart,yourkingdom ; I outragedyou,and you atonedtoyourselffor me, and all thatat the priceof pushlove togreaterexcess?0 ofi endedLord,trulyhaveyou become,throughexcessivelove, a defenderto save 1" DAYor the spiritof Christbecomeincarnateis thatof sufl erings,puton todaythe spiritof the cross,and disposeyourselfto sufi'er,andto sufferwell,allthatGodmaypermitor will,however10 MONTHor run the abuseofsufferingshitherto,andsupplyfor it today by voluntaryprivations,& Lord,showus thy mercy,andgive us thy salvation.

10 A concursto renderthe comingof theMessiahmoreremarkable,in proportionas the timeappointedfor it drawsnigh. I will moveall people,and the Desiredof all nationsshallcome. (Aggeus,8.)Thusspokethe Lordby his prophet;letus see how the oraclehas fathers,andAbraham,his descendant,the parentof believers,leavesit in thehandsof Isaac,whotransmittedit to his mouthit receivesa greatincrease,for on his dyingbed hethusprophesied,addressinghis son Juda: Thesceptreshallnotbe takenawayfromJada,nor a rulerfromhis thigh,tillHe comethatis to be sent,and11s shallbethe expectationof nations.

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