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Waste Management Awareness Handbook - HSELanD

Was teManagementAwareness Handbook1 HEALTHSERVICEEXECUTIVEW asteManagementAwarenessHandbook20112 Docu me ntDocu me nt WilliamRobanRef er en ce Nu mbe r HSQE-W M3 Deve lop ed by Est at es DirectorateDu blinMi d-L einsterRevi sio nNu mb erRev ADocu mentEst at esHead ofAppro ved by Health Safet y, Qualit yan dEnvi ronmentAp proval Dat e Feb ruary 2011 Respo nsib le for Al lHSE Empl oyeesImp leme nt at ionRe visio nDat e5 Yea rsRespo nsib le for Est at es Ma nag er forEvalu at ion and En vi ron me nt andAudi tWast eWasteManagementAwa re nes s Handbook20113 Intr od uct ..6 Scope ..71. Hea lthSer vice Executi ve (HSE) Waste Po licy ..82. Nat iona lLeg isl ation .. Wa ste Man age ment Stat uto ry Req uire ments .. 103. Resp on si bilityof Hol der of Wa ste ..124. Preven tionand Minimisat .. Po licie sand Targets .. De tailsofPre vent ion /Mi ni misa tio n/Reu se .. Go odPra cti ce No tes from C&A GVal ue For Mone yRepo rt, 20.

6 1 C om p t rl ea ndA u iG R V f M yEx ,N .49 Hospitals,2005. www.audgen.gov.ie Many different waste streams are generated in the delivery of the health services.Theresponsiblemanagementand


  Management, Handbook, Waste, Awareness, Waste management awareness handbook




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Transcription of Waste Management Awareness Handbook - HSELanD

1 Was teManagementAwareness Handbook1 HEALTHSERVICEEXECUTIVEW asteManagementAwarenessHandbook20112 Docu me ntDocu me nt WilliamRobanRef er en ce Nu mbe r HSQE-W M3 Deve lop ed by Est at es DirectorateDu blinMi d-L einsterRevi sio nNu mb erRev ADocu mentEst at esHead ofAppro ved by Health Safet y, Qualit yan dEnvi ronmentAp proval Dat e Feb ruary 2011 Respo nsib le for Al lHSE Empl oyeesImp leme nt at ionRe visio nDat e5 Yea rsRespo nsib le for Est at es Ma nag er forEvalu at ion and En vi ron me nt andAudi tWast eWasteManagementAwa re nes s Handbook20113 Intr od uct ..6 Scope ..71. Hea lthSer vice Executi ve (HSE) Waste Po licy ..82. Nat iona lLeg isl ation .. Wa ste Man age ment Stat uto ry Req uire ments .. 103. Resp on si bilityof Hol der of Wa ste ..124. Preven tionand Minimisat .. Po licie sand Targets .. De tailsofPre vent ion /Mi ni misa tio n/Reu se .. Go odPra cti ce No tes from C&A GVal ue For Mone yRepo rt, 20.

2 Gr ee nProcure me nt ..154. 4. 1 LifeCycle Ana lysi s(LCA) ..154. 4. 2 Green Procure ment .. 154. 4. 3 Produce rRe spon sib ility Sc he mes ..154. 4. 4 HSE So cia lResp onsi blePoli cies an dProced ures .. 165. Hea lthca re Wa ste .. Se grega tionand Packa ging .. St orage ..215. 2. 1 Hosp itals .. 215. 2. 2 Hea lthCen tres/C linics ..225. 2. 3 Storag eUni ts for Hea lthcare Ri sk Waste .. 235. 2. 4 Wast eCon tai nmen .. He al th &Sa fet yConsi dera tion .. 255. 3. 1 Han dlin g .. 255. 3. 2 Spil lage .. 265. 3. 3 Sha rps .. Wa ste Tra ckin gand Reco rd Ke epi ng ..266. Con tract ors, Transport and Fi nal Disposa .. Co lle ct ionPe rmi ts .. Co nsi gn me nt Note C1 Form .. Tra nsf ront ierShi pmen t(TFS) Form .. Da ng erou sGo ods Reg ul ati on s(AD R) .. Tra de Eff luent .. 327. Wast eAudi ts .. 33Ta ble of Co nte nts4Tr aditio na lper cep tio nof land fillFi gure1:He althcare Waste Cate rgori zed.

3 7Fi gure2:Wa st eMa nag eme ntHierarch y ..9Fi gure3:LifeCycl eAn alysis ..15Fi gure4:Cl on akilty/ Mona gha nCTCAu dit (PCCC) ..19Fi gure5:Wa terf ord EPA Audi t(Ac ute) ..19Fi gure6:Orig in ofFo od Wa st einaHo spital ..19Fi gure7:He althcare Waste Seg rega tion ..20Fi gure8:Wa st eAu di tPro ce dure ..33Fi gure9:TheRe sul ts ofaTyp ica lHe althca re Risk Wa st eAu di ..36Fi gure10:Wast eSe grega ted du rin gthe He althca re Risk Wa ste Au di ..36Fi gure11:Wast eSe grega ted into Non-Ri sk Waste an dRisk Wast eFra ctio ns ..36 List ofFigu res5 Appendi x APoster Se gr ega tion and Pac kag ing for Healt hca re Ri sk and Non -RiskWa st eSegr ega tio n of He alth care Was te Fi gu re from The Segr egati on ,Pa ckag ingan dSt orag eGuid eli nes for Hea lthcare Ri sk Wast eSt an dard Precau tionsPost erAppendi x BExa mple of Con signment Note (C1 Form ) and Europe an Wast eCa tal og ueList (EW C)App en dicesPoo rwaste ma na ge me nt61Co mptr ollerand AuditorGene ra l Re porton Va lue for Mon ey Exa mination,ReportNo.

4 49, Valuefor MoneyinHo spitals, di ffere nt wa st e strea ms arege nera ted in the de live ry of the heal thserv ice s. The res po ns iblema na gem ent anddi spo sal ofsuch Waste sisan on erou staskforhea lthcare personn el ,invol vi ng envi ron-ment al ,heal than dsaf ety consi de ratio shan dbo ok has bee nprepar edby theEst ate sDir ect orat eof the HSE act ing in anad viso ry cap ac ity , to help developaw are ne ss of goo d pr act ice in wastemana ge men t for all st aff wor kin g in thehe al thca re sec tor. A gene ral overview ofwaste ma na gem en tprinciple sis provi dedan d de tai ls of further ref erences areincluded for tho se wh orequ iremor esp ecificinfo rma Ha ndb ook , tog et her with ap propriatetra ining, aim to inf orm st af f, red uce thehe al th and sa fet y risk ass oc iat ed withhe al thca re was te and ass ist in achievi ngcom pli an ce wit h Gove rnmen t pol ici es ,sta tut ory req uire me nts and othe rrelevanthe al th secto rgu ide line s.

5 In doi ng so, theyshould al so hel pto reduce the impact on theen vir on me nt as wel l as res ul t in sa vin gsfrom the ef ficie ntma nageme ntofthewastegene rat Comp tro lle r&Au ditorGeneral(C&AG)ca rried out aVa lueforMo ney exa mi nationof wast eman ag emen tin hospi e C&A G s repo rt, publ ish ed in 200 5,fou ndtha twhil ehealthca re risk wast ewaswel l ma naged there was con si derablesco pe forimpro veme nts in thema nageme ntof othe r was te steam s and the leve l ofrec ycl ing wa s low . Th e C&AG rep ort1so ugh ttoiden tifycu rren tpracti ces inwasteman age me nt, the lev el an dtype ofwa stepro duc ed and the as soc iated di spo sa lcos report hi ghlight ed anumbe rofare as for improv em en t nota bl y theiden tificat ion ofco sts an dquantitiesforthedis po sa l of some was tes and the lack oftargets and perfor ma nc emeas ur em ent inho sp ita l wa ste man age me nt pl an s. Inres pons e, the HSE has ac knowledgedthefindings and has made wast emanagement,as it rela tes to enviro nmen talprote cti on andva lue for mon ey, ake yprio uction7 The Guid elin es use as thei rbasi s: DO HC/ HSE Se greg ati on Packa gin gan dStorag eGuid el ine sforHe al thcare RiskWa ste 20 10No ve mber 201 0 Co mpt rolle r &Au dit or Gen eral (C&A G) Value for Mo ney Repo rt on WasteMa nag emen tinHosp ital s 200 5 He al thcare Serv ices Exe cu tive (HSE ) Was te Manage me nt Pol icy - EstatesDir ecto rate Sta temen tofPri nc ipl es Dece mber 20 10Th eguidan ce give nin this do cu me ntin relation to Healthcare Waste is of ageneral requi ring mor e spe cif ic advice in thi s ar ea ar e referr ed to the DOHC 20 04 Gui de line supda ted 2010 eWaste is defined as sol id or liq uid Waste ari sing fro mhea lthcare orhealt hrela tedfacilitie s.

6 Thi swaste comp rise stwofra ction s, na mely risk Waste andnon-risk wasteas illustr atedbe ure 1: HealthcareWas te Cat ergorizedScop eTh is is ca tegori sed as wast ewhi chis pot ent iallyharmful tothose whoco me into con tact wi th it,due to itsinf ect ious, biologi cal ,che mica l,rad ioactive, sha rp con ten t; It iscla ssif iedasha za rdou cat eg ory of wast e, incl ude swast es wh ich are notcl assif iedasha zardo us.*Not e:The term non -risk is use todist inguish this wa st efrom haza rdouswast sh ouldno tbetake nasimp lyingtha tthewa ste is wit houtrisk ifca relesslyhan dled(Hazardous)(Non-ClinicalHealthcareWa ste)*8 HSEWASTEMANAGEMENTPOLICY2Mi ssio n St atement: The Hea lthServi ces Exe cu tive is commit -ted to mai nt aining a wa st e ma nagementsyste mthat is sa fe, ef ficie nt, co st effe ct ivean dresp ec tfulof the en viro nmen t AIM S: To protect publ ic hea lth&saf ety. To pr ovi de asa fewo rki ngenvi ron mentfor st af f.

7 To mini mise the en vi ron menta limpactof wa st e ge nera tion , trans po rt, treat-me nt and di sp osa l. Re du ce was te han dling and disposalvol um es an dcost switho ut co mpromis -inghea lthca re st anda ECTIVES: Fost er com mitm en t from all staff an dma na gemen ttoactive ly part ici pa te in1. Wa ste avo idance2. Wa ste red ucti on3. Wa ste reu se4. Wa ste recycl ingprograms To comp ly with En vir on men tal,SafetyandWel fare leg isl ati on an dPo licies. To ad opt and implem ent the Was teMa na geme nt Policy through ou t theHS E. To mo nito r pe rfor manc e and rev iewWas te Ma nage me nt practi ces at leastann ual ly. Devel op pra cti ca lguidelines for:1. Wast emi nimi sa tion2. Use of returna blepackag ing3. Re-usa bl eprod ucts4. Recycli ng equi pmen twi thinpurcha si nggui del ines Int roduce aconti nuing Waste manage -ment educati on progr am for al lstaf ftoincr ease aw ar eness of Oc cupa tiona lHe al th and Sa fety iss ue s and was temini misat ionpri nci ples.

8 Ad op t pol icies and pr oc edu res tomin imise the env ironm enta l impa ct ofwast etre at men tan ddisp osal .1. He alth Service Execut ive (HSE) Wast ePol icy2 Hea lthcareSer vicesExecutive (HS E) WasteMa na gement Policy-Es tat es Di rec tor at eSta tem ent of Prin cip lesDece mb er 20 10 .9Al lna tion al polic ies and str at egiesaim toimplement the was te mana gemen thie rarchy(Figure2).Thi s prioritiz es was te options in term sof environm ental impac t. Thes epolic iespr ioritise wa ste manageme nt opt ions interms of en viron menta limp act .The first step ingo odwa ste ma nag ement pract ise is topr event or minimise the wast ewe produce. Ifwastepr odu cti on ca nn otbe prevent ed then reu se and recycli ng are thenext preferable opt erat ing ene rgy from wa st e is the next option, while the lea st favo ured option isdi sposa ure 2:Wast e ManagementHierarchyThe threepr incip al pol icy docume nts tha tprovi de theframe work on wh ich to base wastema nag em en tpracti ces are asfollows: Wa ste Man age men t - Cha ngin g Our Way s, Departmentof Env ironment & LocalGove rnme nt199 8, Preven tingand Recycli ng Waste -Del iveri ng Ch ang e,Depa rtme nt of Environment&Local Gove rnmen t2002, an d Wast eMan agement, Ta kin gSt ock and Movi ng Fo rward, De pa rtme ntof Environment&Lo cal Go ve rnme nt 2004.

9 Alist of the rele va nt legi slati on per tai ning to Waste in the hea lth care sect or is set out below .It is impo rta nt that HSE was te ma nagement practic es are co mp lian t with all relevantlegi sla tion . Le gisl ati on10LE GISLATIONWa ste Mana gemen tAct, 199 6( ) and amen dm en ts ( No . 14 6 of19 98)and( 166 of 1998 )Wa ste Managem en t(Ame nd men t) Ac t,20 01( No. 36)Pr ot ect ion of the Env ironme nt (PoE)Act, 2003(S. I. No. 27)Wast e Manag emen t (Licen sing)Regu lati on s,1997, 200 1,20 04( No. 133 ) ( No . 397 ) ( 5)(Re fer also toSect ion 7)Was te Ma nag ement (Facility Pe rmit andRegi st ration) Regu latio ns 20 07 & thewas te manage ment (Fa cility Permit andRegi stra tion)(Ame ndm ent) Regu lation s200 8( 8210f 2007) en tere d into for ce on1 Jun e2008Wa ste Management (Co llect ion Permit)Regu lati on s,2007( No .820) (Ref er also to Se ctio n7)Wa ste Managem ent (Pa ckag ing) Reg u-lati ons, 2007 (S.)

10 I. No .79 8)Was te Ma na ge ment (Mo ve ment of Haz -ardous Wast e)Regulati ons, 1998 (S. 147 )(Refe ral so to Section 7)MA IN AS PE CTS Ob liga tion to pre ven tan dmi nimi se wast e Introd uctio nofProdu cer Respo nsib ili ty Appl icati on of higher standards in ac cordanc ewithEU and na tion al Waste man ageme nt requ ireme nts Was te Ma na gemen tPl an smade aLocal Aut hor ityexe cut ive funct ion Re spo nsib ility ofwast emana gem ent planni ng plac edon loca lauth ori ties All owsfor env iron ment al levi es De fini tio nofha zardo us wast e* Ne wpo wers forthe EPA toga the rand use evidenceforpro se cu tions Presu mptio ntha tlan dow ners are comp lici tin illegaldu mpi ngactivi ty Li ce nsin gbythe EPA for Waste facil ities Applicatio nforawas te lic ens etobe made totheEPA Re cov er y of wa st es requ ires a facili ty per mit orreg istra tionce rtifica te Ap pl ication for faci lity permi ts or reg istr at ioncert ificat esto bema de to theloca lau tho rit y No nco mp liance of the se regu lat

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