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CHINATOWN Screenplay by Robert Towne


holding a pair of binoculars, downstream and just above the flood control road -- using some dried mustard weeds for cover. he watches while Mulwray makes his way down to the center of the riverbed. There Mulwray stops, tuns slowly, appears to be looking at the bottom of the riverbed, or --at nothing at all. GITTES trains the binoculars on him.

  Chinatown, Binocular



Use binoculars or a telescope to show and explain celestial objects to the group. d. Help an astronomy club in your community hold a star party that is open to the public. e. Personally take a series of photographs or digital images of the movement of the Moon, a planet, an asteroid or

  Binocular, Astronomy

Bird survey methods - Office of Environment and Heritage


Binoculars: 8 Œ 10X magnification and 40 Œ 50 millimetres field of view, that is, 8x40; 10x42; 10x50. • Lens tissue to clean the binocular lens and glass • Whistle for when separated from group • Flagging tape or strips of coloured material • Cassette recorder, cassette tape and spare batteries to record unknown bird calls ...


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