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Lesson 8 Similes, Metaphors, and Personification

Lesson 8 Similes, Metaphors, and Personification


A simile is a word that compares words in a sentence. You can usually tell if a simile is present in a sentence when you see the words as or like. Don ate his salad like a vacuum cleaner. His arms were weak and felt like noodles. The thunder was as loud as fireworks. You can see that the underlined words in the sentences above are compared to ...


Name: Period: Date: Similes and Metaphors

Name: Period: Date: Similes and Metaphors


A simile is a figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared using the words like or as. Complete each of the similes below. The little girl is as light as a _____. Jenny was so pretty, she was like a _____.


Smilie, Metaphor, Hyperbole, Personification

Smilie, Metaphor, Hyperbole, Personification


An expression comparing one thing to another using “like” or “as” Simile (SIM-uh-lee) She ran like the wind. These similes compare running and the wind using “like”or “as.” She ran as fast as


Name: Date: WORKSHEET : Figures of Speech - Metaphors ...

Name: Date: WORKSHEET : Figures of Speech - Metaphors ...


Directions: Identify the following as simile, metaphor, hyperbole, or personification. 1. James ran like a cheetah. Simile 2. Good luck getting that out because blueberry stains are stubborn. Metaphor 3. So I sit spinning still, round this decaying form, the fine threads of rare and subtle thought. Metaphor 4. Well, that went over like a lead ...


Alliteration Onomatopoeia Metaphor Simile Hyperbole ...

Alliteration Onomatopoeia Metaphor Simile Hyperbole ...


Simile Examples: She was as smart as an owl. The student was as quiet as a mouse. My backpack was like a bag of bricks. What is a Hyperbole? Hyperbole: An extravagant exaggeration. Hyperbole Examples: The walk was a million miles long! I …


Change the Simile to a Metaphor

Change the Simile to a Metaphor


Change the Simile to a Metaphor - Answers There will be some room for differences in sentence construction as there are a number of ways to write each one. 1. Metaphor: She floated on air when she danced. 2. Metaphor: The waves were charging horses, crashing on the beach. 3. Metaphor: He was shovelling cement into a mixer when he ate. 4.

  Change, Metaphor, Simile, Change the simile to a metaphor

Fac simile di perizia asseverata - comunecervia.it

Fac simile di perizia asseverata - comunecervia.it


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Fac-simile proposta 1.1.A

Fac-simile proposta 1.1.A


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Fac simile proposta 1.2 - mite.gov.it

Fac simile proposta 1.2 - mite.gov.it


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Simile and Metaphor Student Worksheet

Simile and Metaphor Student Worksheet


Simile and Metaphor Student Worksheet Simile examples: She is as sweet as candy. Bob runs like a deer. The willow’s music is like a soprano. She slept like a log. He is as thin as a rail. Metaphor examples: My dad is a bear. The bar of soap was a slippery eel. The light was the sun during our test. He hogged the road. She toyed with the idea ...


Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, or Personification Worksheet

Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, or Personification Worksheet


Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, or Personification Worksheet Directions: Label: simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification. Explain. Example: The baby cow was as big as a house. _hyperbole__ _Exaggeration “as big as a house”_____ 1. …

  Worksheet, Metaphor, Simile, Personification, Hyperbole, Or personification worksheet

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