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Search results with tag "Kivy"




extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow. It is neither affiliated with Stack Overflow nor official tkinter. ... PyQt y kivy . La mayor fortaleza de Tkinter es su ubicuidad y simplicidad. Funciona de forma inmediata en la mayoría de las plataformas (Linux, OSX, Windows) y ...

  Documentation, Kivy

tkinter - riptutorial.com

tkinter - riptutorial.com


libraries that can be used with python include wxPython, PyQt, and kivy. Tkinter's greatest strength is its ubiquity and simplicity. It works out of the box on most platforms (linux, OSX, Windows), and comes complete with a wide range of widgets necessary for most common tasks (buttons, labels, drawing canvas, multiline text, etc).

  Tkinter, Kivy

kivy - riptutorial.com

kivy - riptutorial.com


Chapter 1: Getting started with kivy Remarks Kivy is an open source Python library for the rapid development of cross-platform user interfaces. Kivy applications can be developed for Linux, Windows, OS X, Android and iOS using the same


Kivy Documentation - Read the Docs

Kivy Documentation - Read the Docs


Kivy supports one or more backends for its core providers. E.g. it supports glew, angle, and sdl2 for the graphics backend on Windows. For each category (window, graphics, video, audio, etc.), at least one backend must be installed to be able to use the category.


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