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ech Booklet FI MASTER - Building Control NI

DrainageTechnicalBookletNOctober2012 Finance andPersonnelDepartment (NorthernIreland)2012 GuidancepageIntroduction2 Part N Regulations5 Guidance- Perfo rmance and intro ductionto provisions8 Section 1 General9 Section 2 Sanitary pipewo rk10 Section 3 Undergr oundfo ul drainage18 Section 4 Rainwater drainage28 AppendixPubl ications referredto311 Tech nical Booklet N: 2012 DrainageContentsTechnicalBookletsThis Techn ical Booklet , which takes effect on 31st October2012,is one of aseries that has been preparedby the Department of Financeand Personnel(the Department) for the purposeof providingpractical guidancewithrespect to the technicalrequirementsof the Building Regulations (NorthernIreland) 2012 (the Building Regulations).At the back of each Technical Booklet is a list of all the TechnicalBookletsthat have been preparedand published by the Department for this guidance given in a Technical Bookletincludesperformancestandardsand design provisionsrelating to compliance with specific aspects of theBuilding Regulations for the more commonbuilding the guidance in a Technical Booklet is followedthere will be a presumptionof compliance with the requirementsof thoseBuilding Regulations coveredby that guidance.

page Introduction 2 Part N R egula tions 5 Guidance - P erforman ce an d introduction toprovisions 8 Section 1 G eneral 9 Section 2 Sani tary pipewo rk 10 Section 3 Und erground foul drainage 18 Section 4 R ain wat erdrai na ge 28 Appendix Publ icat ions referredto 31 Tech nicalB ookletN: 2 012 Drainage 1






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Transcription of ech Booklet FI MASTER - Building Control NI

1 DrainageTechnicalBookletNOctober2012 Finance andPersonnelDepartment (NorthernIreland)2012 GuidancepageIntroduction2 Part N Regulations5 Guidance- Perfo rmance and intro ductionto provisions8 Section 1 General9 Section 2 Sanitary pipewo rk10 Section 3 Undergr oundfo ul drainage18 Section 4 Rainwater drainage28 AppendixPubl ications referredto311 Tech nical Booklet N: 2012 DrainageContentsTechnicalBookletsThis Techn ical Booklet , which takes effect on 31st October2012,is one of aseries that has been preparedby the Department of Financeand Personnel(the Department) for the purposeof providingpractical guidancewithrespect to the technicalrequirementsof the Building Regulations (NorthernIreland) 2012 (the Building Regulations).At the back of each Technical Booklet is a list of all the TechnicalBookletsthat have been preparedand published by the Department for this guidance given in a Technical Bookletincludesperformancestandardsand design provisionsrelating to compliance with specific aspects of theBuilding Regulations for the more commonbuilding the guidance in a Technical Booklet is followedthere will be a presumptionof compliance with the requirementsof thoseBuilding Regulations coveredby that guidance.

2 However, this presumption can be overturned,so simplyfollowing the guidance does not guarantee example,if aparticular circumstanceis not one of the more commonbuilding situationsthe design provisions given in the Technical Booklet may not be are likely to be alternative ways of demonstrating compliancewith the relevant requirements of the Building Regulations other thanby following a designprovision given in a Technical Booklet . There istherefore no obligationto adopt any particular provision set out in aTe chnical Booklet , should you decide to comply in some other , you will have to demonstratethat your alternative solutionmeets the relevant requirements of the Building Regulations by thoseother TechnicalBookletRequirementsThe guidance containedin this TechnicalBooklet relates only to therequirements of regulations 80, 81 and 82.

3 The work will also have tocomply with all other relevantrequirements of the Building and workmanshipAny Building work which is subject to requirementsimposedby Part A of theBuilding Regulations should be carriedout in accordancewith regulation 23of those regulations. Guidanceon meeting theserequirementsfor materialsand workmanship is given in TechnicalBookletB which supports Part Building Regulations are madefor specific purposes,primarily securingthe health, safety, welfareand convenienceof peopleand for theconservation of fuel and technical approvalsarerelevant guidanceto the extentthat they relate to these ,they may also addressother aspectsof performancesuch as serviceability,or aspects which althoughthey relate to health and safety are not coveredby the Building N: 2012 DrainageIntroductionNamed standardsWhere this Technical Booklet makesreferenceto a namedstandard,therelevant version of the standardis the one listed in the Appendix.

4 However,if this version has been replacedor updatedby the issuingstandardsbody,the new version may be used as a sourceof guidanceprovidedthat itcontinues to address the relevantrequirementsof the Building diagrams in this Technical Bookletsupplementthe text. They do notshow all the details of construction and are not intendedto illustratecompliance with any other requirementof the BuildingRegulations. They arenot necessarily to scale and shouldnot be used as buildingsDistrict councils have a duty to take accountof the desirability to preservethe characterof protectedbuildings when carrying out their functionsunderBuilding Regulations. Therefore,wherework is to be carried out to aprotected Building to comply with Part N or any other Part of the BuildingRegulations, special considerationmay be given to the extentof such workfor compliance where it would unacceptablyalter the characterorappearanceof the Building .

5 Protectedbuildings are defined in Article 3A(2)of the Building Regulations(NorthernIreland)Order 1979 (as amended).Other legislationThe provisions of this Technical Bookletrelate to the requirementsofBuilding Regulations and do not includemeasureswhich may be necessaryto meet the requirementsof other legislation. Such other legislation mayoperate during the design or constructionstagesor when a Building isbrought into use and can extendto coveraspects which are outside thescope of the Building requirementscan be found in theConstruction(Health,SafetyandWelfare) Regulations1996,theConstruction(Designan dManagement)Regulations1994and Health and SafetyExecutive operatesan Information Line andproduces the following advisory codesand information leaflets related toearthworks, drainage and workingin confined spaceswhichare availablefrom HSE in Excavation besafe andshore, Booklet HSG Work in ConfinedSpaces ApprovedCodeofPractice,Regulationsand Guidance, Booklet nical Booklet N.

6 2012 DrainageThe Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations(North ern Ireland) 1993 The Workplace (Health,Safetyand Wel fare) Regulations (NorthernIreland)1993 (the Workplace Regulations) contain somerequirements which aff ectbuilding design. The main requirements are now coveredby the BuildingRegulations, but for furtherinformation see The WorkplaceRegulationsand the Workplace Health,Safetyand Welf are ApprovedCode of Workplace Regulations apply to the commonparts of flats and similarbuildings if people such as cleaners,wardensand caretakersare employedto work in these requirements of the BuildingRegulations that are coveredby Part N do not apply to dwellings, theprovisions may still be requiredin the situations describedabovein order tosatisfy the Workplace N: 2012 Drainage5 Tech nical Booklet N: 2012 DrainagePA RT NDrai nageAp pl ic at ionandinterpretation78.

7 (1)Regulati on 82 sha ll not applyto a drainagesy stemin te nd ed fo r use in co nn ectionwi th a ro of or ba lc ony of 6 m2or le ss in area , unle ss th at roof or balco ny re ceives a flow ofrai nwat er fromanot her pa rt of a buil ding.(2 ) In this Part F oul wa ter me an s wa ste froma sanit ary ap pl ia nce an d wate r whi ch ha s been usedforco oking or wa shingpur posesand not contaminated by trad e eff lu ent; Ra inwa ter dra inage includesgutters,pipes, drainsandfittingswhi ch conveyra in wat er only; Sa nitaryappli ance has the me ani ng assignedto it by reg ulation 84 in Part P; Sa ni tary pip ewo rk means a pip e or syst em of pi pe s for conveying foul waterfroma fi tt ingto an undergroundfouldr ai n; and Un dergroun d fouldra ina ge inc ludesdrainsand priva te sewe rs used in co nn ect ion wit hbui ldingsbut not a syst em whi ch is solelyfor the co nv ey anc e of su bs ur fac e wate ai na ge ry Building sha ll be pr ovi de d withsuchsanitary pip ew ork , un de rgr ou nd fo ul dr aina geand rai nwater dra ina ge as may be ne cessaryfor the hyg ienicand ad eq uatedisposa l of fou l wate rand rai nwater fro m that buil di N RegulationsPart N (comprising regulations 78 83) of the Building Regulations whichsets out therequirements for the provision of drainageto buildings, has been replicated belowforthe convenience of the user of this Technical Booklet and is taken directly from theBuilding Regulations (NorthernIreland)

8 Person who intends to demonstratecompliance with the BuildingRegulations byfollowing the guidance given in this TechnicalBookletis advised to ensurethat theregulations below are current on the date when plans are deposited or notices given tothe district Part A (comprising regulations 1 21) of the Building Regulations sets out theinterpretation along with the proceduralrequirements relating to the applicationof theregulations, the Department advises that all Parts of the Building Regulations be readin conjunction with Part A of Building Regulations (NorthernIreland)2012 and any subsequentamendmentmay be viewed by following the links from the Department swebsite at .6 TechnicalBooklet N: 2012 DrainageSa ni ta ry itary pipework sha ll (a ) cons ist of pipe s and fi tt ings (i)of suc h siz e, layout, constructi on and watertig htne ss ; and(i i) withsuf fi cie nt vent il at ion,to ensur e the hygienicco nveyanceof foulwaterto an undergroundfouldrainagesyste m; and(b ) have suchme ans of acc ess as is ne cessary to facil itateth e clea rance of bloc kag ou ergroundfoul dr aina ge sha ll (a ) cons ist of pipe s and fi tt ings (i)of suc h siz e, layout, constructi on and watertig htne ss ; and(i i) withsuf fi cie nt vent il at ion,to ens ure the hygienic conveyanceof fou l wa te r to a se wer , ces spo ol, septictank orsim ilar struc tur e.

9 And(b ) have suchme ans of acc ess as is ne cessary to facil itateth e clea rance of bloc kag inwater dr nwater dra ina ge shal l (a ) cons ist of pipe s and fi tt ings (i)of suc h siz e, layout, constructi on and watertig htne ss ; and(i i) withsuf fi cie nt vent il at ion,to ens ure the hygi eni c conveyance of ra inwater to a surfac e wa te r or co mbined sewer,a soa kaway or a wate rc our se ; and(b ) have suchme ans of acc ess as is ne cessary to facil itateth e clea rance of bloc kag ools, septic ta nksandsimila r structu re s83. (1 ) Anycesspool,sept ic tank or sim ilar structureshall be (a ) so co nst ru cte d as to be im pe rv ious to bothliqu id fr om the insideand su bsoi l waterfromthe outside; and(b ) so sited (i)as not to re nderlia ble to pol lut ion any spr ing , stream, we ll, adit or othe r so ur ce ofwat er whic h is used,or is likelyto be used,for drinking,dom estic or kitchenpurposes;(i i) that th ere is rea dy meansof acc ess for cle ans ing it and re movingits contentswithoutcar ryi ng the m thr oughany bui ldi ng in wh ic h any pe rs on res idesor is employed inany manuf act ure , tra de or bus ines s, or to whichthe pub lic ha s ac ces s.

10 And(iii)as not to be in su ch pro xim ity to any bu ildingin whichany pers on res idesor isemployed in any manuf act ure, tradeor bu sin ess , or to whic h th e pub lic has ac ces s,as to be li able to bec omea source of nu is anc e or a dan ger to nical Booklet N: 2012 Drainage(2) A ces spoolsha ll be (a ) of suitable de pth to enabl e it to be emptied complete ly;(b ) properlycove red so as to be im pervious to surf ace water an d rain water;(c ) fittedwith a sui table manhole coverfor the purposes of in spec tio n (i nclu dingin spec tio nof the inl et ), em ptyi ng and cl eans ing;(d ) ade qua te ly ve nti lated;(e ) withoutany outletfor ov erflowor dischargeothertha n the outletprovidedfor em pt yingor cleansing; and(f ) of a ca pac it y, me asur ed bel ow the levelof the in let, of no t le ss th an 18 m3.

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