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(updated). REGULATIONS RELATING TO milk AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Published under Government Notice No. R. 1555 of 21 November 1997. As corrected by: Government Notice No. R. 1278 of 29 October 1999. Government Notice No. R. 488 of 8 June 2001. As amended by: Government Notice No. R. 9 of 7 January 2000. Government Notice No. R. 53 of 28 January 2000. Government Notice No. R. 755 of 28 July 2000. Government Notice No. R. 837 of 25 August 2000. Government Notice No. R. 1052 of 27 October 2000. Government Notice No. R. 489 of 8 June 2001. T he M i ni s t er of Heal t h has , in terms of section 15(1) of the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act No. 54 of 1972), m ade t he regul at i ons i n t he S chedul e. S CH E DUL E. Def i n i ti on s 1. In t hes e regul at i ons any expres s ion to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act shall bear s uch m eani ng and, unl es s i ncons i s t ent wi t h t he cont ext - b u tter m eans t he product the fat of which consists exclusively of butter fat and the composition of whi ch com pl i es wi t h t he fat -cont ent requirements prescribed in the REGULATIONS RELATING to Dai ry P roduct s and Im i t ation DAIRY Products (Government)

3 “primary dairy product” means a product as defined in the Dairy and I mitation Dairy Pr oducts Regulations; “raw cream” means cream that has undergone pasteurisation, ster ilization or ultra high


  Ultra, High, Regulations, Milk, Relating, Regulations relating to milk and, Ultra high




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1 (updated). REGULATIONS RELATING TO milk AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Published under Government Notice No. R. 1555 of 21 November 1997. As corrected by: Government Notice No. R. 1278 of 29 October 1999. Government Notice No. R. 488 of 8 June 2001. As amended by: Government Notice No. R. 9 of 7 January 2000. Government Notice No. R. 53 of 28 January 2000. Government Notice No. R. 755 of 28 July 2000. Government Notice No. R. 837 of 25 August 2000. Government Notice No. R. 1052 of 27 October 2000. Government Notice No. R. 489 of 8 June 2001. T he M i ni s t er of Heal t h has , in terms of section 15(1) of the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act No. 54 of 1972), m ade t he regul at i ons i n t he S chedul e. S CH E DUL E. Def i n i ti on s 1. In t hes e regul at i ons any expres s ion to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act shall bear s uch m eani ng and, unl es s i ncons i s t ent wi t h t he cont ext - b u tter m eans t he product the fat of which consists exclusively of butter fat and the composition of whi ch com pl i es wi t h t he fat -cont ent requirements prescribed in the REGULATIONS RELATING to Dai ry P roduct s and Im i t ation DAIRY Products (Government Notice No.)

2 R. 2581 of 20 November 1987, as am ended) m ade under t he Agricultural Products Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990) (herei naft er referred t o as t he Dai ry and Im i t at i on DAIRY Products REGULATIONS );. b u ttermi l k m eans t he m i l ky by-product of t he but t er-m aki ng proces s ;. ch ees e m eans t he product t hat i s obt ai ned from a coagul um of . (a) m i l k or m i l k cons t i t uent s ;. (b) cream ;. (c) part l y or whol l y s ki m m ed m i l k;. (d) recons t i t ut ed (prepared) m i l k;. (e) but t erm i l k;. (f) concent rat ed m i l k; or (g) a com bi nat i on of t he above product s , by t he rem oval of t he whey, and that has undergone ripening to a greater or lesser extent and that m ay i n addi t i on have been furt her proces s ed;. cl os ed con tai n er m eans a cl ean cont ai ner that is impervious to liquid, leak proof and will prot ect t he product t herein from contamination under normal conditions of storage, handling and t rans port.

3 Col i f orm b acteri a m eans rod-shaped, gram negative aerobic and facultatively anaerobic non- s pore form i ng bact eri a t hat ferment lactose, producing gas and acid in the process, by using the m edi um s and m et hods pres cri bed i n paragraph 4, 5 or 11 of Annex A;. 2. comp os i te d ai ry p rod u cts m eans a product as defined in the DAIRY and Imitation DAIRY P roduct s R egul at i ons ;. cream m eans t he fl ui d DAIRY product with a fat content as prescribed by the DAIRY and Imitation Dai ry P roduct s R egul at i ons ;. cu l tu re m eans a l i quid or powder containing one or more acceptable selected micro-organisms us ed i n t he m anufacturing of cultured buttermilk, sour cream, sour milk , yoghurt or any other type of ferm ent ed m i l k product ;. cu l tu red b u ttermi l k m eans buttermilk or pasteurized or reconstituted (prepared) milk which has been i nocul at ed wi t h a cul t ure.

4 D ai ry p rod u ct m eans a product as defi ned i n t he Dai ry and Imitation DAIRY Products R egul at i ons ;. Es cher i chi a col i means the organism that produces gas at 440 C +/- 0,250 C in brilliant green 2%. (m / v) bi l e brot h and produces indole in tryptone water at the same temperature when incubated for 24 hours , when us i ng the method described in paragraph 2 of Annex A or, alternatively, when the vi ol et red bi l e M UG agar m et hod i s us ed, the colonies that fluoresce blue in the surrounding m edi um s under an ul t ravi ol et l i ght aft er i ncubat i on for 24 + / - 1 hour at 30 0 C ;. ex tran eou s m eans of ext ernal ori gi n;. f ood ad d i ti ve m eans a s ubs t ance as defined in the REGULATIONS governing the Labelling and Advert i s i ng of F oods t uffs (Governm ent Notice No.)

5 R. 2034 of 29 October 1993, as amended). (herei naft er referred t o as t he Label l i ng and Advert i s i ng of F oods t uffs REGULATIONS );. h ermeti cal l y s eal ed container means an unopened container which cannot be opened without breaki ng or dam agi ng s uch cont ai ner or a seal, adhesive label or other part of or attachment to s uch cont ai ner and which is intended to protect its contents against the entry of micro-organisms;. i mi tati on d ai ry p rod u ct m eans a product as defined in the DAIRY and Imitation and DAIRY P roduct R egul at i ons ;. mi l k m eans t he norm al m am m ary gland secretion obtained from lactating cows of the bovine s peci es , goat s or s heep;. mi l k p owd er m eans t he product obt ai ned by t he removal of water only from milk , partly s ki m m ed m i l k or whol l y s k i m m ed milk , with or without food additives permitted by the Act.

6 Mod i f i ed d ai ry p roduct means a product as defined in the DAIRY and Imitation DAIRY Products R egul at i ons ;. p as teu ri s ati on m eans t he heat t reat ment, as described in Annex B, of a DAIRY product or an i m i t at i on dai ry product s o t hat - (a) al l veget at i ve pat hogens are des t royed; and (b) i n t he cas e of m i l k, t he res ult of the phosphatase test described in paragraph 3 of Annex A i s negat i ve and, i f t he product concerned does not undergo further processing, the cooling thereof to below 5 0 C i m m edi at el y aft er havi ng been t hus heat t reat ed;. p res u mp ti ve tes t m eans a t es t t he pos i t i ve result of which invites the presumption that a s ubs t ance i s pres ent aft er whi ch t he pres um pt i on m ust be proven to be true by using more s ophi s t i cat ed and accurat e t es t m et hods.

7 3. p ri mary d ai ry p rod u ct means a product as defined in the DAIRY and Imitation DAIRY Products R egul at i ons ;. raw cream m eans cream t hat has undergone pas t euri s at i on, sterilization or ultra high t em perat ure t reat m ent ;. raw mi l k m eans m i l k t hat has not undergone pas t euri zation, sterilization or ultra high t em perat ure t reat m ent ;. recon s ti tu ted (p rep ared ) mi l k means the product obtained by re-constituting milk powder wi t h wat er s o t hat i t com pl i es wi th all the requirements for milk as prescribed in the DAIRY and Im i t at i on Dai ry P roduct s R egul at i ons ;. s ki mmed mi l k m eans m i l k t he fat of which has been removed to comply with the fat-content requi rem ent s pres cri bed i n t he Dai ry and Im i t at i on Dai ry P roduct R egul at i on.

8 S ki mmed mi l k p owd er m eans t he product obt ai ned by t he dryi ng of skimmed milk ;. s ou r cream or cu l tu red cream m eans the product obtained from pasteurized cream that has been i nocul at ed wi t h a cul t ure i n order for it to develop certain microbial flora under controlled condi t i ons ;. s ou r mi l k or cu l tu red mi l k m eans the product obtained from pasteurized milk that has been i nocul at ed wi t h a cul t ure i n order for i t t o devel op certain microbial flora under controlled condi t i ons ;. s teri l i zati on m eans t he heat t reatment above 100o C, after packaging, of a DAIRY product or an i m i t at i on dai ry product s o t hat t he product concerned will be resistant to microbiological det eri orat i on for a peri od of at l eas t 14 days i f kept at a t em perat ure of 30o C +/- 1o C.

9 Th e Act s hal l m eans t he F oods t uffs , C osmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act No. 54 of 1972);. UH T or u l tra h i gh temp eratu re treatmen t means the process whereby milk or a DAIRY product i s s ubj ect ed t o heat t reat m ent above 100o C and aseptically packaged so that the end product , aft er i ncubat i on for not less than 14 days at a temperature of 30o C +/- 1o C, is free from s poi l age by m i cro-organi s m s ; and yogh u rt m eans t he product obt ai ned from pasteurized milk or reconstituted milk which has been i nocul at ed wi t h a yoghurt cul t ure and whi ch i s al l owed to ferment under controlled condi t i ons ;. Res tri cti on s 2. No pers on s hal l us e or s el l raw m i l k i nt ended for furt her proces s i ng whi ch - (a) cont ai ns t he fol l owi ng: (i ) Ant i bi ot i cs or ot her ant i m i crobi al s ubs t ances in amounts that exceed the m axi m um res i due l evel s s t i pulated in the REGULATIONS governing Maximum Li m i t s for Vet erinary Medicine and Stock Remedy Residues that my be present i n F oods t uffs (Governm ent Not i ce No.)

10 R. 1809 of 3 July 1992, as amended). (herei naft er referred t o as t he Maximum Limits for Veterinary Medicines and S t ock R em edy R es i dues R egulations) or which virtue of a presumptive test is s us pect ed t o cont ai n ant ibiotics or other antimicrobial substances in amounts t hat exceed s uch m axi m um res i due l evel s ;. 4. (i i ) pat hogeni c organi s m s, extraneous matter or any inflammatory product or other s ubs t ances whi ch for any reas on what s oever may render the milk unfit for hum an cons um pt i on;. (b) gi ves a pos i t i ve result when subjected to the clot-on-boiling test described in paragraph 6. of Annex A. (c) gi ves a s t andard pl at e count of more than 200 000 colony forming units per 1,0ml when s ubj ect ed t o t he s t andard plate count test described in paragraph 7 of Annex A or the dry rehydrat ed fi l m m et hod for standard colony count described in paragraph 10 of Annex A.

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