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Tomato Production Guideline 2014 - Starke Ayres

SEEDS OF SUCCESSCUSTOMER SERVICES: 0860 782 753 MEMBER OF THE PLENNEGY GROUPTOMATOPRODUCTION GUIDELINESEEDS OF SUCCESSCUSTOMER SERVICES: 0860 782 753 MEMBER OF THE PLENNEGY GROUPTOMATOES 1. HISTORY AND BACKGROUND The Tomato spe cies Ly cop ersicon es cul en tum (formerly Sol an um lycop ersicon bel ong s to the Sol anac ea family). Thi s is an herbaceou s, us ual ly sprawling pl an t of the night sha de family tha t is typical ly cul tivated for its edible frui t. The scien tific spe cies name Ly cop ersicon mea ns "wolf peac h" , an d comes from Ger man werewolf myths . The se said tha t dead ly ni gh ts hade was us ed to summon werewolves , s o the to mato's s imilar but muc h l arger frui t was c al led the "wolf peach" when it arrived i n Europe from th e New World.

seeds of success customer services: 0860 782 753 • www.starkeayres.co.za• member of the plennegy group tomato production guideline


  Tomato, 2014




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Transcription of Tomato Production Guideline 2014 - Starke Ayres

1 SEEDS OF SUCCESSCUSTOMER SERVICES: 0860 782 753 MEMBER OF THE PLENNEGY GROUPTOMATOPRODUCTION GUIDELINESEEDS OF SUCCESSCUSTOMER SERVICES: 0860 782 753 MEMBER OF THE PLENNEGY GROUPTOMATOES 1. HISTORY AND BACKGROUND The Tomato spe cies Ly cop ersicon es cul en tum (formerly Sol an um lycop ersicon bel ong s to the Sol anac ea family). Thi s is an herbaceou s, us ual ly sprawling pl an t of the night sha de family tha t is typical ly cul tivated for its edible frui t. The scien tific spe cies name Ly cop ersicon mea ns "wolf peac h" , an d comes from Ger man werewolf myths . The se said tha t dead ly ni gh ts hade was us ed to summon werewolves , s o the to mato's s imilar but muc h l arger frui t was c al led the "wolf peach" when it arrived i n Europe from th e New World.

2 It presen ts its el f in different sha pe s, sizes and col ou rs with different brix or sugar level s. Tomatoes ha ve ver y high lycopen e content , which ha s several heal th be nef its . Some pl ants ha ve a self -pruning ge ne respon sibl e for de termini ng the de termina te growth habit. Ri pe ning inhi bi tor (rin) and non-ripe ning (nr and nor) ge nes are res po ns ibl e for de termini ng she lf lif e, bu t is no t a GMO (ge ne ti cal ly mod ified organism) trait. Nowadays long shelf l ife (LSL) tomatoes are availab le wi thout the se gen es . The Tomato was original ly tak en from Central America. The first sel ec ti on s whe re do ne in Mexico.

3 It was brough t to Europe by the Spani ards sho rtl y af ter 15 35 and the n by the Por tugues e to the Eas t be fore 16 04. The Portugues e al so too k it to the ir territories around Sou the rn Africa at an early da te: ex pl orers fou nd it th ere aroun d 1850 . The re is ev idence that it was al so broug ht to the Cape from the East: the Afrikaans name for the vegetable tamatie probably origi nates from the Malay word tamatte . From a ver y humbl e start the Tomato grew to one of the most popular veget able crops in the world today; bringing Joseph B. Feldt s prophesy of 1845 to ful lment: Like the potato slow in its rise, it is l ikel y t o be slow in i ts f al l.

4 2. ADAPTABILITY CLIMATIC REQUIREMENTS Cl imate is on e of the mos t impo rtant fac tors whe n determini ng pl ant ing ti mes . The wide variati on in climate in South Africa allows the plan ting and produc ti on of good qu alit y fres h tomatoes in ope n fiel ds in variou s pa rts of the cou ntry al l year. Tomatoes are kno wn to be a warm sea son crop . It can survive certain amou nts of col d units , bu t are int ol er an t of ver y low tempe ratures . A Tomato crop req ui res ver y stab le temperature ran ges with mini mums an d max imums no t bei ng to o wi de apa rt. Tempe rature var iat ion might resul t in po or frui t qu ality or red uc ed yields.

5 The mini mum te mpe rature i s around 10 C wi th the max imum being 34 C. Opt imum te mpe ratures are around 26 - 29 C. Table 1: Requir ed temper ature ranges p er development stage for optimum Tomato Production . Developmental Stage Temper atures ( C) Minimum Optimum Max imum Ger mina ti on 11 16 - 29 34 Vegetative Growth 18 21 - 24 32 Fruit s et nigh t 10 14 - 17 20 - day 18 19 - 24 30 Red Col ouring 10 20 - 24 30 Yel low Colou ring 10 21 - 32 40 Cold Damag e un de r 6 Frost Damag e un de r 1 Ter mina l Damag e -2 SEEDS OF SUCCESSCUSTOMER SERVICES: 0860 782 753 MEMBER OF THE PLENNEGY GROUP2. 2 SOIL REQUIREMENTS A ver y high lev el of soi l fertility is requi red for the profitable Production of a suc ces sful Tomato crop.

6 The qu al ity and qu anti ty of to mato frui ts are of cruc ial impo rtance an d are greatly inf lue nc ed by th e fertilit y and nu tr ient lev el s of the soil. Tomatoes wi ll grow mod erately well over a wide ran ge of soi l types . However certain criteria hav e to be sati sfied in terms of the soi l str uc ture and con ten t to make it c ommer cial ly viable. T hese fac tors i nc lude: Nutrient compo siti on Compa cti on Effecti ve soi l d ep th pH Cr op r otati on Herbi cide r es idues Water holding c apa city All th es e fac tors can ha ve major inf lue nc es on the res ul ting yiel d. The soi l mus t pe rmit ad eq uate root growth to suppo rt the pl an t an d supply water, ox ygen an d mine ral nutr ients and must be free of toxic el emen ts.

7 The rate of roo t growth is dep end ent on the de gree of compa cti on or bu lk de ns ity of the soi l. The de gr ee of soi l compa cti on var ies with soi l type an d loc at ion. The rate of ae rial an d root growth of Tomato pl an ts inc rea ses with th e ox ygen contents of th e soi l. Root den sity is highe st where there is a high rate of di ffusion . Roo t dev el opmen t of Tomato pl an ts can be ex tensive if soi l water and pl ant con di ti on s are op ti mal . They can be as de ep as m an d as wide as pl ant spa cing will allo w. Early roo t dev el op men t sho ul d be en couraged , because ne arly al l roo t growth oc curs be fore frui t set.

8 The impo rtance of organic matt er can no t be over emph as ized . Organi c matt er in the form of de cayed leaves , compo st, sawdus t or animal man ure is a sou rce of pl an t nu tr ien ts an d ac ts as a soi l con di tione r. It increases the capac ity of the soil to retain wat er and nutrients. It al so promotes roo t growth an d the i nf iltr ati on of w ater an d ai r into t he soi l. 2. 3 PRODUCT TYPES Until abou t a dec ad e ag o the Tomato ran ge cons iste d mos tl y of fres h mar ket and proc es sor types on ly. Tod ay the re ar e numerous types of tomatoes mar keted an d many sho ps ev en like to sel l onl y their own br an d.

9 The fol lowi ng are some of the di fferen t type s of tomatoes for which seed compa ni es must c ater i n South Africa: Indet ermina te fres h, Lo ng Shelf Li fe, large Indet ermina te fres h, Lo ng Shelf Li fe, med ium s ize Indetermina te fres h, Lo ng Shelf Li fe, smal l Indet ermina te fres h, red c herries , round Indet ermina te fres h, red c herries , oval Indet ermina te fres h, yellow che rri es , round Inde termina te fres h, yellow che rri es , oval Indet ermina te fres h, yellow coc ktai l, roun d Indet ermina te fres h, yellow coc ktai l, ov al Indet ermina te fres h, red c ocktai l, roun d Indet ermina te fres h, red c ocktai l, ov al Indet ermina te fres h, sal adette , c ylindrical In det ermina te fres h.

10 Sal adette , bloc ky Indet ermina te fresh, tr us s to matoes Determina te, f res h, Lon g She lf Li fe, large Determina te, f res h, Lon g She lf Li fe, med ium s ize Determina te, f res h, red c herries , round Determina te, f res h, red c herries , o val Determina te, fres h, sal ad ette, c ylindrical Determina te, f res h, sal ad ette, b loc ky Determina te, proces sors Determina te fres h t omatoes s ui table for non-tr el lising SEEDS OF SUCCESSCUSTOMER SERVICES: 0860 782 753 MEMBER OF THE PLENNEGY GROUP3. CULTIVATION PRACTI CES 3. 1 SOIL PREPARATION Soi l preparation improves the po te nt ial for profitable Production of tomatoes.

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