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Search results with tag "Michel foucault"

'The Birth of Bio-Politics' – Michel Foucault's …

'The Birth of Bio-Politics' – Michel Foucault's


1 "The Birth of Bio-Politics" – Michel Foucault's Lecture at the Collège de France on Neo-Liberal Governmentality From 1970 until his death in 1984, Michel Foucault held the Chair of "History of Systems of

  Birth, Politics, Quot, Michel, Liberal, Foucault, Liberal governmentality, Governmentality, Michel foucault, The birth of bio politics michel foucault s, The birth of bio politics quot michel foucault s

Redalyc.El concepto de poder en Michel Foucault

Redalyc.El concepto de poder en Michel Foucault


Michel Foucault fue profesor del College de France desde inicios del año 1971 hasta su muerte acaecida en junio de 1984. Su cátedra Historia de los siste­ mas de pensamiento fue creada el 30 de noviembre de 1969 y el 12 de abril de 1970, la asamblea general de profesores del College de France eligió Foucault como titular de la nueva cátedra.

  Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault

The Production of Space - PhilPapers

The Production of Space - PhilPapers


Michel Foucault can calmly assert that 'knowledge [savoir] is also the 1 See J.·P. Sartre, Critique de Ia raison dialutique, I: Theorie des ensembles pratiques (Paris: Gallimard, 1960). 2 See Michel Clouscard, L 'etre et le code: proces de production d'un …

  Production, Space, Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault, The production of space

Common Themes and Techniques of Postmodern Literature of ...

Common Themes and Techniques of Postmodern Literature of ...


Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault. Foucault also uses examples from Jorge Luis Borges, an important direct influence on many postmodernist fiction writers. He is occasionally listed as a postmodernist, although he started writing in the 1920s. The influence of his experiments with metafiction and magic realism was not fully

  Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault

Literary Theory and Criticism

Literary Theory and Criticism


Michel Foucault pointed out in the first French. edition of The Archaeology of Knowledge, published in 1969, that 'the notion of tradition ... is intended to give a special temporal status to a ... The Enlightenment context 366 Race and nation: nineteenth-century imperialism 371 Turn-of-the-century black consciousness in America 373

  Theory, Literary, Criticisms, Enlightenment, Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault, Literary theory and criticism

Paragraph Unity and Coherence - American University

Paragraph Unity and Coherence - American University


Topic sentence: Karl Marx and Michel Foucault produced influential and superficially similar but ultimately conflicting understandings of the way that power struggles determine truth. Marx, writing in the mid-nineteenth century, asserted that truth was the product of conflicts between classes, or groups of people positioned

  American, University, Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault, American university

Explaining Postmodernism - Stephen Hicks

Explaining Postmodernism - Stephen Hicks


Michel Foucault has identified the major targets: “All my ... Fou-cault’s]—one who thinks of himself as auxiliary to the poet rather than to the physicist—is to avoid hint - ing that this suggestion gets something right, that my sort of philosophy corresponds to the way things re-ally are. For this talk of correspondence brings back

  Explaining, Michel, Foucault, Postmodernism, Michel foucault, Culta, Explaining postmodernism

Microfísica do Poder - Nodo50

Microfísica do Poder - Nodo50


Michel Foucault: Quando fiz meus estudos, por volta dos anos 50−55, um dos problemas que se colocava era o do estatuto político da ciência e as funções ideológicas que podia veicular. Não era exatamente o problema Lyssenko que dominava, mas creio que em torno deste caso escandaloso, que durante

  Cisa, Poder, Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault, Formic, 237 sica do poder

What Is an Author? Michel Foucault - ELTE

What Is an Author? Michel Foucault - ELTE


and man have died a common death. Instead, we must locate the space left empty by the author's disappearance, follow the distribution of gaps and breaches, and watch for the openings this disappearance uncovers. First, we need to clarify briefly the problems arising from the use of the author's name. What is an author's name? How does it function?

  What, Authors, Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault, What is an author

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Can the Subaltern Speak?

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Can the Subaltern Speak?


versation between Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze. "3 I have chosen this friendly exchange between two activist phi­ losophers of history because it undoes the opposition between authoritative theoretical production and the unguarded practice of conversation, enabling one to glimpse the track of ideology. The participants in this conversation

  Michel, Gayatri chakravorty spivak, Gayatri, Chakravorty, Spivak, Foucault, Michel foucault

Michel Foucault - Monoskop

Michel Foucault - Monoskop


Michel Foucault . 7 EDITOR'S PREFACE The following text was compiled from tape-recordings made of six lectures delivered, in English, by Michel Foucault at the University of California at Berkeley in the Fall Term of 1983. The lectures were given as part of Foucault's seminar, entitled

  Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault

Michel Foucault, “1870—The Birth of Homosexuality”

Michel Foucault, “1870—The Birth of Homosexuality”


Michel Foucault, “1870—The Birth of Homosexuality” Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Volume I: An Introduction, trans. Robert Hurley, New York: Random House, 1980, 42-44. This new persecution of the peripheral sexualities entailed an incorporation of perversions and a new specification of individuals.As defined by the ancient civil

  Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault

Michel Foucault. What is Enlightenment?

Michel Foucault. What is Enlightenment?


Michel Foucault. What is Enlightenment? What is Enlightenment? in Rabinow (P.), éd., The Foucault Reader, New York, Pantheon Books, 1984, pp. 32-50. Today when a periodical asks its readers a question, it does so in order to collect opinions on some subject about which everyone has an opinion already; there is not

  What, Enlightenment, Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault, What is enlightenment

Michel Foucault’s Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the ...

Michel Foucault’s Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the ...


Michel Foucault’s Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison ... Foucault is writing a history, but he calls it a history of the present. His motive is to look at the past in order to explain ... Secondly, the middle class used the Enlightenment language of humanism (benevolence, charity) to criticize the king’s

  Enlightenment, Disciplines, Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault

Michel Foucault. What is Enlightenment?

Michel Foucault. What is Enlightenment?


Michel Foucault. What is Enlightenment? What is Enlightenment? in Rabinow (P.), éd., The Foucault Reader, New York, Pantheon Books, 1984, pp. 32-50. Today when a periodical asks its readers a question, it does so in order to collect

  What, Enlightenment, Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault, What is enlightenment

Foucault Michel Madness and Civilization: A History of ...

Foucault Michel Madness and Civilization: A History of ...


MICHEL FouCAULT has achieved something truly creative in this book on the history of madness during the so-called classical age: the end of the sixteenth and the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Rather than to review histori­ cally the concept of madness, the author has chosen to re­ create, mostly from original documents, mental illness

  Authors, Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault

Michel Foucault - Vigiar e Punir (pdf)(rev)

Michel Foucault - Vigiar e Punir (pdf)(rev)


Foucault, Michel. F86v Vigiar e punir: nascimento da prisão; tradução de Raquel Ramalhete. Petrópolis, Vozes, 1987. 288p. Do original em francês: Surveiller et punir. Bibliografia. Direito penal — História 2. Prisões — História I. T ítulo. 77-0328 CDU — 343.8(091) 343(091)

  Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault




MICHEL FOUCAULT, LA CÉLEBRE SONRISA DEL GATO DE CHESHIRE (O DE CÓMO PERDER EL ROSTRO) Silvana Vignale ∗∗∗∗ RESUMEN Se aborda en este trabajo lo que puede considerarse una semblanza de

  Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault

MICHEL FOUCAULT Andere Räume - …

MICHEL FOUCAULT Andere Räume - …


MICHEL FOUCAULT Andere Räume (in: Barck, Karlheinz u.a. (Hg.), Aisthesis. Wahrnehmung heute oder Perspektiven einer anderen Ästhetik, Leipzig 1992, S. 34 - 46)

  Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault

Michel Fou cault 1969 What is an Author? - Open University

Michel Fou cault 1969 What is an Author? - Open University


MICHEL FOUCAULT 299. Then why did I use the names of authors in The Order of Things} Why not avoid their use altogether, or, short of that, why not define the manner in which they were used? These questions appear fully justified and I have tried to gauge their implications and consequences in a book

  Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault, Culta, Michel fou cault

FOUCAULT - Vigilar y castigar

FOUCAULT - Vigilar y castigar


De Michel Foucault, Siglo XXI Editores ha publicado también El nacimiento de la clínica. La arqueología del saber. Las palabras y las cosas. Historia de la sexualidad 1 : La voluntad de saber. Historia de la sexualidad 2: El uso de los placeres, Historia de la sexualidad 3: La inquietud de sí y Raymond Roussel.

  Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault




Si vuole tirare delle conseguenze dal fatto che un cane si era steso l'indomani sul prato dov'era stato il rogo, ne era stato cacciato a più riprese, tornandovi sempre.

  Michel, Foucault, Michel foucault

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