Example: air traffic controller

51-646 Echotel Model 961/962 Ultrasonic Single …

Model96 1/962 Model961 Model962 Ins tallatio n an d Operating Man ualUltrasonicSingleandDualPointLevelSwit ches51-646 Echotel Model961 & 962 UltrasonicLevel SwitchesReadthi s Man ual Before In st alli ngThis man ual pr ov id es infor mationon th e Ech otel Models961 and 962 Ult rasonicLi quid Level Sw itc is impo rtantth at all inst ruct ions are re ad carefully andfol lo wed in se qu ence . Deta iled in struc tion s are includedin th e Inst al lat ion section of this nv en ti ons Use d in this Man ualCer ta in conve ntio ns are used in th is manu al to co nveysp ecifictypes of info rmat ion. Gen er al techn ical mat erial,supp ort data, and saf ety inf orm ationare pr esented innarra ti ve e followingstylesare used for notes,cau tions , and wa rnin sNot es contai n in for mation tha t aug ment s or clarif iesan op er atingste p.

Model961/962 Model961 Model962 InstallationandOperatingManual Ultrasonic Single and Dual Point Level Switches






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Transcription of 51-646 Echotel Model 961/962 Ultrasonic Single …

1 Model96 1/962 Model961 Model962 Ins tallatio n an d Operating Man ualUltrasonicSingleandDualPointLevelSwit ches51-646 Echotel Model961 & 962 UltrasonicLevel SwitchesReadthi s Man ual Before In st alli ngThis man ual pr ov id es infor mationon th e Ech otel Models961 and 962 Ult rasonicLi quid Level Sw itc is impo rtantth at all inst ruct ions are re ad carefully andfol lo wed in se qu ence . Deta iled in struc tion s are includedin th e Inst al lat ion section of this nv en ti ons Use d in this Man ualCer ta in conve ntio ns are used in th is manu al to co nveysp ecifictypes of info rmat ion. Gen er al techn ical mat erial,supp ort data, and saf ety inf orm ationare pr esented innarra ti ve e followingstylesare used for notes,cau tions , and wa rnin sNot es contai n in for mation tha t aug ment s or clarif iesan op er atingste p.

2 Notes do no t norm ally co nt ainact io ns , the y fol lo w the proc eduralstepsto whichthey re fe tionsCau tions al er t the te ch nic ian to spec ial conditionsthat co uld inj ure pe rso nnel , dam ag e eq uipment, orredu ce a com pon ent s mec hanic al int egrit y. Cau tio nsar e also us ed to ale rt the tech nic ian to un safe prac -tices or the ne ed fo r spec ial prot ec tiv e eq uipment orsp eci fi c mate ria ls. In this manu al, a cautionbox ind i-cat es a poten ti al ly hazardous situat ion which,if no tavo id ed , may resul t in mino r or moderatein nin gs ide ntif y po tent iall y dan gero us situat ion s orseri ou s haz ar ds. In this man ual , a warning indic at esan immi nentl y haz ard ous situ atio n whic h, if no tavo id ed , co uld re sult in serio us inj ury or fe ty Mes sag esECHOTELMod els 961 & 962 ar e de sig ned fo r us e inCate gor y II, Poll utio n De gr ee 2 in stalla llow allsta nd ard ind us try pro ceduresfo r se rvic in g electricalandcom put er equipment whenwo rkin g with or aroundhighvo lt age.

3 Al waysshut off the powersupp ly beforetouch-in g any component rica l co mpo ne nts are sensitiveto elec tros tatic dis -ch arge . To pre ve nt equ ipmentdam ag e, observesafetyprocedur es wh en workingwith el ec tro stat ic sen sit ivecom pone lies withPart 15 of the FCCrul erat ion is subject to the followin g two conditions:(1 ) Thisdevi ce may not caus e harmful interference,an d (2) Thisdevic e must acceptany int erf eren cere ce iv ed, including interferencetha t ma y cau seund es ir ed operati on .WA RN ING !Ex plo sio n hazard . Do not connect or dis -conn ect equipmen t un les s po wer has beenswit chedoffor th e ar ea is know n to be non- haz ardo lta ge Di rec tiv eFo r use in Cat ego ry II in stallat ion s. If equipment is use din a man ner not spec if ied by manuf ac tur er, pro te ct ionprov ide d by equipment may be im pair ce of Tr adem ark , Co pyri ght, and Li mi ta tionsMa gnet ro l , Magn etrol lo go type an d Ec hot el ar ere gist er ed tradenam es of Magn etro l Int ernat io nal,Inc or porat ed.

4 Co py right 2011 MAGNETROLINTERNATION AL ,IN CORPO RAT ED. All right s reserv for manc e spe ci fi cati ons are effe cti ve with date of iss uean d are sub je ct to cha nge wit hou t OLre se rve s th e righ t to make chan ges to the pro ductde sc ribe d in this man ual at any time wit hout no tice .MA GN ET ROL makes no warran ty wit h res pect to theacc urac y of the in form at io n in this man rra ntyAll MAG NE TR OL elec tro nic le vel an d flo w pro duct sare war ra nt ed free of def ec ts in mat er ials or workman-sh ip for on e full year from th e dat e of or igin al fact orysh ipm re tu rn ed wi thin the warr ant y pe rio d; an d, upo n fa ctoryins pecti on of th e cont rol , th e cau se of the cla im isde te rm ined to be cove red un de r the war ran ty ; the n,MA GN ET ROL will repairor re placethe co ntro l at nocost to th e pu rch as er (or owner)othertha n trans po rta ti GN ET ROL sh all no t be liablefor misapplicatio n,laborclaims, dir ec t or consequential damageor expe nsearis ing fro m the in stallat io n or use of equipment.

5 Ther eare no ot her war ran tie s expr es sed or im plie d, exce pt spe -cial writ ten war ran ties cover ing so me MAGN ETROL prod uct al ity As sura nc eThe qua lity assu rance syste m in pl ac e at MAG NETROL guarante es the high est le vel of qualitythro ugho ut theco mpany. MAGNETRO L is commit ted to providingfull cust ome r satis fac tio n bo th in qualitypro duct s andqualityse rv ice .The MAGNETR OL qua lity assu ranc esy st em is re gist er ed to ISO 9001aff irm ing it s commit me nt to kn ow nin te rn at ion al qualit y standardsprov idin g the st ron ges t assur an ce ofprod uct /serv ic e Model961 & 962 UltrasonicLevel SwitchesTab le of Co nte nts1. 0 Int ro duc tion .. Pr in cipleof Op erat ion ..42. 0 Ins tal la ti on .. Unpa ESD Hand ling Proc edu re .. Mou Wir ing .. el 961 Lin e-p ow ere d Wi ri el 961 Rem ote Tran sdu ce rHou sin g Wir in el 961 Loop-po we re d Wi ring.

6 El 961 Rem ote Tran sdu ce rHou sin g Wir in el 962 Lin e-p ow ere d Wi ri el 962 Rem ote Tran sdu ce rHou sin g Wir in el 962 Loop-po we re d Wi ring .. el 962 Rem ote Tran sdu ce rHou sin g Wir in Conf el 961 Lin e-p ow ere d Con fi guration .. lay Pot en ti ome te r .. Te st Push But ton .. lfunc ti on Te st Push But ton .. gh/Low DIP Swi tc h .. end en t/ Joi nt DIP Swi tc el 961 Loop-po we red Con fi guration .. lay Pot en ti ome te r .. Te st Push Bu tt on .. ult Te st Push Bu tt on .. gh/Low DIP Swi tc h .. Swit ch .. el 962 Lin e-p ow ere d Con fi guration .. lay Pot en ti ome te r .. Te st Push But ton .. un ction Tes t Pu sh Bu tt on .. /Low DIP Sw it ch .. LC DIP Swi tc and Hi /L o DIP Swi tch Configura tion and Hi /L o DIP Swi tch Configura tion Loop -pow ered Con fig urati on.

7 E DelayPot en tiom ete r .. Push Bu tton .. lt Tes t Pu sh Bu tt on .. /Low DIP Sw it ch .. DIP Swit 0 Refe re nc e Info rm atio .. Elec tron ic s Spe cific at ion s .. 962 wit h Relay Out put .. 962 wit h Cu rren t Sh if t Out put . Perf ormance Sp ec ifi cat ion Ph ysic al Specif ic ation Tran sdu cer Spec ifi cat ion s .. 1/ 9M1Si ngl e Poi nt .. 2/ 9M2 dual Poin Dim ension al Spe ci fic at ion s .. Agen cy App roval cy (FM/CSA) Draw in g an dEntit y Paramete rs .. Trou bles hoot in g .. Replac em en t Part ModelNum be r .. 962 Ele ct ron ic s .. Sin gle Poin t Tr ans duc dual Poi nt Tran sdu ce r .. nec ti ng Mo de l 961 & 96 2 Ultrasoni c Si ngleand Dua l Poi ntLiq uid Le ve l Swit ch es451-646 Echotel Model961 & 962 UltrasonicLevel Switches1. 0 Intr oduc ti onECHOTELMo del 961 an d 962 ult ras on ic level sw itche suti lize puls ed si gn al tec hn ology to det ec t hi gh, low , or dualpoi nt leve l in a br oad ran ge of li qu id medi a ap pli de l 961 is a sin gle po int le vel sw it ch.

8 Mode l 962 is adu al po in t swi tch used as a le vel co ntroller or to controlpum ps in an au to -fill or au to-emp ty mod inc iple of Oper ationMo de l 961/ 962 swi tchesuti li ze ultr aso ni c ene rgy to dete ctthe pr esence or abse nc e of li qui d in a si ngle or du al pointtrans duc er. Ultr aso ni c con tac t le vel techn olo gy us es hi gh-fre qu en cy sou nd wave s that are easi ly tran sm itte d acrossatrans duc er gap (s ee Figu re 1) in the pre sen ce of a liqu idme di a, bu t ar e att en uat ed when the gap is dry . Mod el961/ 962 swi tche s use an ultr aso ni c fre que ncy of 2 MHztoperf or m this li qui d level me asur eme nt in a wide vari ety ofpro ce ss medi a and ap pli cati on cond it ion tran sd uce r uses a pai r of piezoele ct ric cry stals that ar eenc aps ulat ed in epo xy at the tip of the tran sd ucer.

9 Thecrys tals ar e made of a cer ami c mat eri al that vi br ate s at agi ven fr eque nc y whe n su bjec ted to an ap pli ed vo mit cry st al co nve rts the ap pli ed volt age fro m the elec -tro nic s int o an ultr ason ic si gn al. Whe n li qui d is prese nt inthe gap, the rece ive crys tal se ns es the ult ras onic si gnal fromthe tran sm it cry stal an d co nve rts it bac k to an ele ctri calsign al. This signalis sen t to the elec tr on ics to ind icatethepre sen ce of li qui d in the trans duc er gap. Whe n the re is noli qui d pr esent, the ultrasoni c sign al is at ten uat ed and is notde te cte d by the rece ive crys 0 Insta llati ck ingUnpack the ins tru me nt care fully. Ins pe ct all units fordam age. Re po rt any con cealed damageto car rier within24 ho urs . Che ck the con ten ts of the pac ki ng sli p andpur chas e or der.

10 Che ck and rec ord the se rial nu mbe r forfut ur e ref er ence when orde ri ng part numberUltrasonictransducerTransmitcrysta lReceivecrystalFi gure 1Ul tr aso nic Sig nal Tr an sm is sionAcro ss Trans duce r Gap551-646 Echotel Model961 & 962 UltrasonicLevel SwitchesFi gur e 2 Typ ica l Moun ting Or ient atio trostatic Discharge (ESD)Ha ndlingProc edureMAGNET ROLelec troni c instr um ents are ma nu fa ct ure d tothe highest qu ality st an dard s. Thes e in st rum ents useele ctr on ic co mp on en ts that may be damaged by stati cele ctr ici ty pr ese nt in most wo rk en vir on me nt fo llo wing ste ps are rec omm en de d to re duce the risk ofcom pone nt fai lu re due to elec trost ati c dis char ge. Ship and sto re cir cuit boards in an ti-s tati c bag s. If an anti -stat ic bag is not avai lable,wrap the bo ard in alumi numfoi l.

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