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Designing Strategies to Prevent Falls

November/December2006 AssistedLivingConsult13 Oneof the une xpected sideeffectsof therapidgrowt h of assist edliv ing(AL)is th e increasingrecognitionthat fallsare a majorpr ises ti matedthatupto 50%of res i-de ntsexperienceoneor morefa llsan ofthese fallsres ultin seriousinj ur ie srequiringmedi calattention(eg,sp rains, jointdi sl ocations,head tr au -ma, wristandhipfractures) . Otherconse qu encesof fal lingincludelo ssof mobilityandfunction,depres -si on , an d se lf -i mposedfuncti onallimitat io ns causedbyfearof fall ing,whichcanincrease theri sk of , thepro b-lemof fa llingin ALis drawingin -crease d recogni ti onfromregulator s,su chas theJoi nt CommissiononAccreditationof HealthcareOrgani -zations(JCAHO).1 JCAHO recentl yan nounced it s 2007Na tionalPati en tSa fe ty Goals, (s eepage35)whic hap ply spe ci fi cally to accreditedALfacil ities,andincl udetheneed to : Reduc e theri skof residentharmres ulti ngfromfal ls.

ed interventions aimed at prevent - ing falls is included in Table 2. In those residents at low risk of falling (ie, absence of any fall risk factors),


  Fall, Strategies, Designing, Prevent, Designing strategies to prevent falls




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Transcription of Designing Strategies to Prevent Falls

1 November/December2006 AssistedLivingConsult13 Oneof the une xpected sideeffectsof therapidgrowt h of assist edliv ing(AL)is th e increasingrecognitionthat fallsare a majorpr ises ti matedthatupto 50%of res i-de ntsexperienceoneor morefa llsan ofthese fallsres ultin seriousinj ur ie srequiringmedi calattention(eg,sp rains, jointdi sl ocations,head tr au -ma, wristandhipfractures) . Otherconse qu encesof fal lingincludelo ssof mobilityandfunction,depres -si on , an d se lf -i mposedfuncti onallimitat io ns causedbyfearof fall ing,whichcanincrease theri sk of , thepro b-lemof fa llingin ALis drawingin -crease d recogni ti onfromregulator s,su chas theJoi nt CommissiononAccreditationof HealthcareOrgani -zations(JCAHO).1 JCAHO recentl yan nounced it s 2007Na tionalPati en tSa fe ty Goals, (s eepage35)whic hap ply spe ci fi cally to accreditedALfacil ities,andincl udetheneed to : Reduc e theri skof residentharmres ulti ngfromfal ls.

2 Implementa fallreductionpro -gram inc ludinganevaluation ofth e eff ec tiveness of is unders corestherealri sk forfa ll s in ALandtheneedto ad dr essth e th isarticle is to provideALwi th practi-ca l gu id ancein developingan ap -pr oa ch to Co mpone ntsofFa ll PreventionPr eventingfalls amongresidents inALrequi resa multifacetedap yto preventfalls, to a largeex -tent, is dependentupon staffad herin gto a cli ni cal processor pr ac ti ceof careregardi ngfal l pre-venti on , whichass is tsstaffin id entifying factors co ntr ib ut-ingto fall s an d fin di ngsolutio nstoreducin g theri skof fal lin g. Conse-quentl y, ha ving in pl aceanorg an -iz edcl ini ca l ap proachor processrepres entsthefo un datio n of an yfallpreventi onprogram. Develop-ingeducational pro grams an d pro -vi di ngadmin is tr ativesu pport fo rfallpr eventio n activitiesar e eq ual ly im portanten -ab li ngfactors for a su c-cessful inical Pro cessTh e necessar y co mponen ts of a bestpr actice ap proachto fallpreventio nco ns is t of iden tifyi ngres id en ts atris k, communicating th is ris k stat usto al l staff, targeting in ter venti on sai medat red uc in g ris k, monito rin gtheeff ec t of int erventio ns, an d eval-uating res id ents post-f ssi ng fall RiskThepurpose of ris k assessment is toidentifythoseresidentsmost likelyto fallandraise staffawarenessofDesigningStrategiestoPre ventFallsRei n Ti deiksaar, PhD14 AssistedLivingConsultNovember/December20 06fallris k.

3 Therationaleis thatif re si -dents at highris k of fallingcanbeide nti fie d, thenappropria te interv en -ti onscanbe ins titutedto minimizetheir riskof , con -ducti nga fallriskassessmentre pre-sents anim portantstartingpo intinat te mptingto reducefalls. In addi-ti on,al l re sidentswhofallshouldre -ceiv e a post-fallas thisas sessmentis to dis -coverwhat caused thefallandtopr event anotherfal l , onpa ge12of thisis RiskOnce a resident s riskof falling hasbeenid entified,it is cr ucialth at hi sor herris k st atusan d specific ris kfac tor s ar e co mmun icatedto allstaffinvolved. Pr eventable fallri skfac tor s ar e sho wnin Table 1. Com-munic ati onof fallris k canbeac hievedby meansof co lor edde-cal s (i e, pl acing symbo ls su chas afallingleafor st ar onth e res id en t'sch art , or onthebedroom wallab ovethebed), co lo redwr is tb an ds,an d/ or dail y shi ft repor ts.

4 In thi sway,everyone in thefacility knowsthatresi dents wearin g a co lo redwristband, for example,ar e at ris kof fal li ng. Mu lt id is cip lin ary Eval uat io nAft er completinga fallri skas ses s-mentandidenti fying specific ris kfactors, anat tempt sho uld be mad eto id en tif y the und er lying cause orcauses of al l ris k factors iden tif id en ts mayhavemultip leris k fact ors, mul tid is ci pli nar y ref er -ral an d evaluat io n ar e example,if int er nal ris k factorshavebeenid en tified, a referral tothe resi dent s pri mary med icalpro vider fo r further evaluat ion is in-dicated . If th e res id en t has im pair edmobilit y or a gaitandbalancepro blem, thenref er ral to a physi caltherapis t shou ld be mad e. If ext er -nal or en vironmental fact ors havebeenid en ti fied, th enanoccupa-tio nal or physicalth er ap is t ref erralshoul d be co nsid er ed(ie,alt houghnursi ngstaffmayevaluate unsaf eTabl e ll Ris k FactorsMostfal ls areno t accidental(i e, a fallcausedbyaresidenteithersl ippingon a we t fl ooror trippingov er anobjecton thefloor), butaredueto anu mberof interactingriskfac torsthatarepotent te rna l or He alt h Fa ctors Rece nt fall s (a hist or y of fallsis th e bestpredictoroffu turefal ls ) Poo r visi on(cataracts,maculardegeneration,gl au coma) Lowe r extremi ty dys function (arthritis,musclewe akness, impairedsensor y function) Un ste ad y gai t/balance(stroke, Parkinson 's di sease, etc.))

5 Uses cane/walker(ambulationaidsarea markerforun derlyinggait/b alance disorders) Elimin ati onproblems (excessivenighttimeurination,in con ti ne nce) Alteredcognit ion(dementia,depression,agitation) Fearof fall ing(leads to over- precaution,fearofwalking, andconsequently,weakness,poorbalance,an d in creased fal l risk) Poly pharmacy(4 or moreprescriptiondrugs) Medic ati onsi de effects(es peciallydrugsthataffectthecentralne rvoussy st em,suchas sedativesandtr an quiliz ers) Mobili ty impairment(bed,toilet,andchair/wheelchai rtr an sf ers) Foot de formiti es (corns,calluses , bunionsthatmightbedestabili zi ngthegait)Ext ern al or En viron me nt al Fact ors To ile ts (la ck of eq uipmentfor support,suchas grab bars) Furnishin gs (i nappropriate bed/chairhe ights ) Fl oors(l oo se or thick-pilecarpeting, slidingrugs,highly polish ed or wetground surfaces) Poorlighting (l ackof nightlights) Footwe ar (il l-fi ttin g shoes,slipperysoles) Assisti ve devi ce s (improperan d/orbrokencane,walke r, or whee lch air) Be d rai ls (rather th enpreventingfalls,bedrailsincreas e ri sk forinjuriousfalls) Clut ter in roomsor hallwaysBe havioral Fac torsCert ai n re sident activitiesor decisions mayincreasetheri sk of fal ls.

6 Examplesare: Walki ng in stocking feetor in footwearwithhighheels Rus hing to thebathroom(especiallyat night whennotful ly awakeor when lightin g maybe inadequate) Fai ling to us e a cane or walkerforbalancesupport Exh ibiti ng un safebehavior(overestimationof one sab ilities to se lf-t ransferan d ambulate,poor safetyawareness, desi re not to bother staffforassistance,an d re sistance to care)Sit uat io nal Fac tors Ne w ad mi ssion /post- fall (many fall s occurduringthefi rs t week aft er ad mission an d immediately followingafal l) Post-meal times (n eedfo r toileting). Ni ghttimehours(manyfal ls occurat night;oftenwhile travelin g to th e bathrooman d/or transferringfrombed) Acute diseases an d/orch an ge in condition(eg,urinaryinfe ct ion , pneumonia,acutedehydration,CVA,TIA,acute medicat ionreaction, suddenhy poglyce miaorhyperg lycemi a, etc.)

7 November/December2006 AssistedLivingConsult15en vironmentalconditions,thereof -te n is aninterplaybetweenun saf een vironmentalconditionsandun -sa fe resi dentmobilitythatmayre-qu irea th erapist). Identifiedri skfa ctors and theresultsof subse-qu entmult idisci plinaryevaluationsserveas thebasisforselectionofin ter vention s or str ategies aimedatreduc in g fallris re Plan nin gA fal l pr eventionpro gramis usef ulonly if aneffectivetr eatmentor in -ter ventionis eff ec -ti ve,in ter vention s needto be in di-vi du ali zed, accord in g to th e resi -dent s needs, an d targetedto id enti-fiedris k factors andmult id is cipli -nary evaluat io ns. It is im po rtan t toremember that as ris k fact orsch an ge, in ter ventio ns mayhavetoch an ge as wel l. A li st of mul tidisci -pli nary strategiesan d recommen d-Me dic al Stra tegies Diseasemanagement(treatacute/chroniccond itionsass oci ated wi th fal l risk) Medic ati onmanagemen t (attemptto eliminatemedicat ions thatareas sociatedwithfalls) Injurypreventi on(test forosteoporosisandtreataccor dingl y).

8 Nur sing Stra tegies Antici pator y care(anticipate re sid ent stoiletingneeds,hunger, thi rst , thosene ed s, as appropriate ) Su pervisi on/ob ser vation(monitorat-riskresidents andpr ovideassistance withambulation/transferswhenne ce ssary) Sc heduledtoil etin g (cuean d/ or assistresidentto thebathroomeve ry 2 hours, an d beforeandaf teractiviti es andmeals ) Eyeglasses/hearingaids(makesureth at eyeglassesarecl eanan d thathearingaidsareoperatingproperl y andworn ap propriatel y) Medic ati ons(watchresidents onnewmedicationsandloo k forsid e effe ctsth at mayleadto Falls ) Mentalst atuschanges(payattentionto suddenand/or subtle changesin residentbe havior thatmayinc reasefall ris k) Mobili ty devi ce s (makesurethat canes,walk ers,an dwhee lc hai rs arein go odcondition).Re hab ili tat ion St rate gie s Exercis e programsto improvemuscle toneandbuildst rength Dailyfloor ambul ationan d walkinggroupsto maintainmusclestre ng th /balancestability Re sident-specifi c exercise/training to improvebalance,gait,andsaf e transfers Ambu lati onde vices(as ses s needforcaneor walker;ev aluatecanes andwalkersto en suretheyaretheappro pri atetype, heightan d weight; teach residentho w to usecane or walkercorrectly) Wheel ch airs(as sessneedforch air;evaluatechairstoen surethe y areth e appropriatetype, height andwe ight; teachres id en t howto usechaircorrectly)En vir on ment al Strat egie s Lighting(keepar ea s where residents walkwell-l it, makesurethatli ght switchesor pull -co rd s areeasily accessible ).

9 Tabl e ti di sciplinaryStrategies and Fa ll Pre ven ti on In terventions Fl oors(cl eanupspillsimmediately,keepall floorscleanand we ll-s we pt , usenon -slipfloorwaxor nowaxat allto preve nt sli pping, keepwalkwaysfreeof clutterandob stacl es) Rugs/carpets (re moveor replacesmallslidingthrowrugs, ch eck thatbathroomrugshaverubbernon-sk idbacking, ens urethat all carpeting is well-securedandthat edges lie fl at ) St ai rways(maintainst urdyhandrailsto supportbal an ce,us e non -skidstairtreads,keep themwelllitan d fre e of cl ut ter) Bathrooms(i nstall han drailsin th e tubandshowerandaround the toil et, in stalla hightoiletseatto makesitting an d stan di ng saferan d easier,us e non-skidstri ps in the bat htubandsh owerto preventslips) Furniture(arrangefurnitureto allowforwidewalkingspaces, especial ly if residents useassistivedevicessuchas a cane or walker).

10 Be ds (adjus t to a height th at allowsresidentto sit andri se eas ily, beds shouldbesecuredto preventslippingor slidingduri ng use) Chai rs (s eatheigh t shouldallowresidentto sit an d riseeas ily, ch ai rs shouldbesecuredto preventslippingorslidin g duri ng us e) Footwe ar (wear low-heeledsh oeswithnon-skidsolesthat fi t sn ug ly;avoidfootwearwiththick,heavysolesthat cancat chonun evensurfaces;avoidwalkingwhile we ari ngsocksan d stockings,whichareslippery) Outdoorsurroundings(k eepoutsidewalkwaysandstai rs cl earof debris,leaves,sn ow,andice ).Equipment Strat egies Be d/ch airexi t al arms(alarmswillnotpreventfalls,butwi ll al ert caregi ve r to a probleman d allowthemtore spond morequickly) Be d side rai ls (bedrailsusedas en ab lerscanassistre sidents wi th safebedtransfers) Hip protect ors(specially designedunderwear/sweatpants to preve nt hip fractures) Be d side commodes(makestoiletingeasierforre sidents wi th uri naryfrequency; makessi ttingandstan di ng safe r an d easierfo r residentswithunsteadybal an ce).

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