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Introduction to Electret Microphones - Sonion

Introduction to Electret MicrophonesApplication NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 1 of 16 Application NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 2 of 16 IntroductionAll Microphones are based on an Electret condenser principle which provides advanced performance in a miniature package. The microphone Integrated Circuit design uses the latest technology to provide the lowest noise and highest EMI protection.

Introduction to Electret Microphones Application Note Introduction to Electret Microphones DK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401


  Introduction, Electret, Microphone, Introduction to electret microphones




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1 Introduction to Electret MicrophonesApplication NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 1 of 16 Application NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 2 of 16 IntroductionAll Microphones are based on an Electret condenser principle which provides advanced performance in a miniature package. The microphone Integrated Circuit design uses the latest technology to provide the lowest noise and highest EMI protection.

2 Microphones are categorized into single omni directional micro-phones and single directional Microphones . The omni directional Microphones accept sound from all around the perimeter while directional micro-phones reject sound from certain directions. The directional Microphones are best used for an applica-WLRQ ZKHUH XQZDQWHG VRXQG QHHGV WR EH OWHUHG RXW 6 RQLRQ R HUV WKH PLFURSKRQHV ZLWK WKH EHVW SHU-IRUPLQJ 'LUHFWLRQDOLW\ ,QGH[ 6 RQLRQ DOVR SURYLGHV PRGXOHV ZKHUH ERWK RPQL DQG GLUHFWLRQDO PLFURSKRQHV DUH JURXSHG WR SURYLGH D VZLWFKDEOH SDFNDJH WR VXSSRUW GL HUHQW HQYLURQPHQWV Depending on the design, we can accommodate a vast range of spouts and port locations. Additionally, 6 RQLRQ JLYHV \RX WKH DELOLW\ WR DWWDFK SODVWLF VSRXWV WR RXU WUDQVGXFHUV IRU FXVWRP KHDULQJ LQVWUXPHQW DS-plicationsOverview of the microphonesFamilySensitivity @1kHz re 1V/Pa (dB)Equivalent A-weighted Noise dB(A)SPLD imensions mm [in] typicalVolume mm3 LWHOmni [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] & Directional Omni (directional) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion.]

3 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 3 of 16 Schematic of port locationsView of the front (cover) of the microphone . The code number is laser marked on the cover. The numberscorrespond with positions on a clock face with terminals at 6 o clock and they denote the location of the signal JLYH IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ VLJQDO SRUW ORFDWLRQ DQG W\SH 6 RPH VLJQDO SRUW ORFDWLRQV DUH QRW available on particular 6000 and 6500 series have no possibility for a port location on the cover ( j-location).n no tubej coverjp tube perpendicular to cover12kp tube perpendicular to case B-spout1111W12639011 WApplication NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 4 of 16 The 5000 microphoneThe Tiny GiantDescriptionThe 5000 microphone is 30% smaller than existing industry standard Microphones , yet packs similar per-formance.

4 The 5000 microphone has been built on known technology and production concepts. 7KH PLFURSKRQH ZLOO R HU GHVLJQ HQJLQHHUV PRUH IUHHGRP LQ WZR ZD\V D ,W ZLOO FRQVXPH OHVV VSDFH WKDQ H[LVWLQJ LQGXVWU\ VWDQGDUG PLFURSKRQHV E 5 HFWDQJXODU R HUV PRUH URWDWLRQDO IUHHGRP WKDQ VTXDUH EHFDXVH WKH PLFURSKRQH FDQ EH WXUQHG DURXQG WKUHH D[LV WR DFKLHYH GL HUHQW IRRWSULQWV LQ WKH +, design. Typical response curve Noise curvesParameterUnitValueFeaturesS1kHzdB re 1 standard performance in 30% smaller sizeUnique rectangular form factorThe new industry standard microphoneAlso available in matched pairsEING% $ 63 drain $17 EMIG% 63/< x x (dB re. 1V/Pa)Typical response curve-60-55-50-45-40-35-30-25-2010010001 00000,05,010,015,020,025,030,01001602504 006301000160025004000630010000Eq Input Noise (dBSPL)Frequency Hz Frequency Hz Application NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date.]]

5 2014-08-08 Page 5 of 16 The 5100 microphoneZero Compromise Description7KH PLFURSKRQH KDV WKH VDPH WLQ\ GLPHQVLRQV DV WKH EXW ZLWK VLJQL FDQWO\ LPSURYHG VHQVLWLYLW\ DQG QRLVH SHUIRUPDQFH 7KH QHZ $6,& WKDW FRPHV ZLWK WKH KDV D YHU\ ORZ LQWHUIHUHQFH GXH WR D KLJK 3655 DQG D ORZ (0, ,Q VXPPDU\ WKH LV WKH EHVW SHUIRUPLQJ PLFURSKRQH LQ WKH VPDOOHVW SDFNDJH zero compromise .Typical response curve Noise curvesParameterUnitValueFeaturesSensitiv ity 1kHz dB re 1 compromise: best performance in smallest size/RZ LQWHUIHUHQFH LPSURYHG 3655 and very low EMIAlso available in matched pairsA-weighted NoiseG% $ 63 drain $25 EMIG% 63/< x x (dB re. 1V/Pa)Typical response curve0,05,010,015,020,025,030,0Eq Input Noise (dBSPL)100160250400630100016002500400063 0010000 Frequency Hz Frequency Hz Application NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 6 of 16 The 5100T microphoneSub 10 mm3 DescriptionThe 5100T is the smallest high performance Electret microphone in the world @ mm3: It has the same tiny footprint as our other 5000 Microphones , but at an 18% reduced height!)

6 It uses the latest IC technology and has a superior performance-to-size ratio: It has a high max input OHYHO G% 63/ VHQVLWLYLW\ DW G% # N+] DQG D KLJK 3655 G% Typical response curve Noise curvesParameterUnitValueFeaturesSensitiv ity 1kHz dB re 1 than 10mm3 in size and just in thickness~20% thinner than the 5100 micro-phoneIndustry standard performance in an extremely small packageA-weighted NoiseG% $ 63 drain $25 EMIG% 63/< 25 x x (dB re. 1V/Pa)Typical response curve0,05,010,015,020,025,030,0Eq Input Noise (dBSPL)100160250400630100016002500400063 0010000 Frequency Hz Frequency Hz Application NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 7 of 16 The 8000 microphoneSmall &Cylindrical DescriptionThe 8000 microphone is one of the smallest electrets condenser Microphones available.

7 Its cylindrical VKDSH DQG FRPSDFW VL]H SURYLGH IRU VXSHULRU W UDWHV HVSHFLDOO\ LQ ,7( DSSOLFDWLRQV ,W KDV ORZ QRLVH H[-cellent EMI performance and a wideband frequency response Typical response curve Noise curvesParameterUnitValueFeaturesS1kHzdB re 1 6 PDOOE xcellent EMI suppressionVariety of response curves availableAlso available in matched pairsEING% $ 63 drain $17 EMIG% 63/< x (dB re. 1V/Pa)Typical response curve-25-200,05,010,015,020,025,030,0Eq Input Noise (dBSPL)100160250400630100016002500400063 0010000 Frequency Hz Frequency Hz Application NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 8 of 16 The 8900 microphoneBest-in-class dynamic rangeDescriptionThe 8900 microphone has the same size and shape as the 8000-series, but has superior performance.)

8 7KH VHQVLWLYLW\ LV G% KLJKHU LQ WKH VDPH SDFNDJH ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKLV WKH XVH RI D QHZ $6,& UHVXOWV LQ D EHW-WHU 3655 RI G% DQG JLYHV LW D EHWWHU G\QDPLF UDQJH RYHUORDG PDUJLQJ RI G%63/ DW 7+' Typical response curve Noise curvesParameterUnitValueFeaturesS1kHzdB re 1 +LJK VHQVLWLYLW\+LJK SRZHU VXSSO\ UHMHFWLRQ UDWLRLow noise6 PDOO F\OLQGULFDO VKDSH ZLWK superior performanceEING% $ 63 drain $25 EMIG% 63/< x 0-5 5-5 0-4 5-4 0-3 5-3 0-2 5-2 0100100010000 Sensitivity (dB re. 1V/Pa)Typical response curve0,05,010,015,020,025,030,0Eq Input Noise (dBSPL)100160250400630100016002500400063 0010000 Frequency Hz Frequency Hz Application NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 9 of 16 The 6500 microphoneBestIn ClassDescription6 RQLRQ LV SURXG WR LQWURGXFH WKH VHULHV PLFURSKRQH VXSHULRU VHQVLWLYLW\ DQG QRLVH SHUIRUPDQFH LQ today s most commonly used form factor.

9 It has the same footprint as the industry standard 6200-micro-SKRQH VHULHV EXW WKH RSWLPL]HG FDUWULGJH GHVLJQ DQG QHZ $6,& JLYHV LW D G% KLJKHU VHQVLWLYLW\ DQG G% lower response curve Noise curvesParameterUnitValueFeaturesS1kHzdB re 1 VTXDUH IRUP IDFWRU2dB higher sensitivity compared to 6200 series microphone 1dB lower noise level compared to 6200 series microphoneEING% $ 63 drain $17 EMIG% 63/< x x (dB re. 1V/Pa)Typical response curve-25-200,05,010,015,020,025,030,0Eq Input Noise (dBSPL)100160250400630100016002500400063 0010000 Frequency Hz Frequency Hz Application NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date: 2014-08-08 Page 10 of 16 The 6500T microphoneSlim FitDescriptionAt a height of , the 6500T is the thinnest microphone available.

10 When you need that extra 20% KHDGURRP WKH 7 FDQ SURYH KLJKO\ YDOXDEOH H J E\ LPSURYLQJ WKH WWLQJ UDWH RI GHYLFHV ZLWK PLFUR-SKRQHV LQ WKH HDU 7KH 7 FRPSOHWHV WKH PLFURSKRQH R HULQJ IURP 6 RQLRQ LI \RX ZDQW QDUURZ 6500T (if you want thin), 6500 (if you want best in class performance).Typical response curve Noise curvesParameterUnitValueFeaturesS1kHzdB re 1 microphone with 6200 footprintIndustry standard performanceGeneral purpose microphone when height is criticalEING% $ 63 drain $17 EMIG% 63/< x x (dB re. 1V/Pa)Typical response curve-25-200,05,010,015,020,025,030,0Eq Input Noise (dBSPL)100160250400630100016002500400063 0010000 Frequency Hz Frequency Hz Application NoteIntroduction to Electret MicrophonesDK: +45 4630 6666 USA: +1 952 543 8300 PRC: +86 512 6832 3401NL: +31 20 6068 100 Document Code: Introduction to Electret Microphones ANVersion: 005 Release date.

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