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U.S. Bank Policies and Programs Employee Handbook

Na EmployeeHandbookiAn Import ant Not e Ab ou t Thi s Doc um entPle as e not e th at the pro gr am s, po li ci es and pr ocedures expla ined in this docu men tchan ge from tim e to time . Altho ugh ch an ges will be com municat ed periodically,U. S. Ban k re ser ve s the right to im pl ement ch angeswit hou t not ice. Th is docu men tsup er se des ma te ria ls that we re previously issuedby Ban k and by compani es tha tit has acqu ir ed. This Handbook is int en ded only as a sum mary of poli ci es andpro gra ms . Ad ditio nal pro visio ns that are not addressed in th is document may ap e pr ogr ams, po lic ies and pr oced ures do not alt er your emp loyment mea ns th at we recog nize your right to resig n at any time for an y reason; similarly,U.

ChapterName U.S. Bank Policies and Programs — Employee Handbook i AnImportantNoteAboutThisDocument Pleasenotethattheprograms ...


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Transcription of U.S. Bank Policies and Programs Employee Handbook

1 Na EmployeeHandbookiAn Import ant Not e Ab ou t Thi s Doc um entPle as e not e th at the pro gr am s, po li ci es and pr ocedures expla ined in this docu men tchan ge from tim e to time . Altho ugh ch an ges will be com municat ed periodically,U. S. Ban k re ser ve s the right to im pl ement ch angeswit hou t not ice. Th is docu men tsup er se des ma te ria ls that we re previously issuedby Ban k and by compani es tha tit has acqu ir ed. This Handbook is int en ded only as a sum mary of poli ci es andpro gra ms . Ad ditio nal pro visio ns that are not addressed in th is document may ap e pr ogr ams, po lic ies and pr oced ures do not alt er your emp loyment mea ns th at we recog nize your right to resig n at any time for an y reason; similarly,U.

2 S. Ban k or its affilia te s may termi nat e any empl oyee,at any ti me, for any rea ad dit ion to bank Poli cies and Pr ogr ams Em ploy ee Han dbookforEm ploye es in Ca nada, be nefi t-eli gib le em ployeesreceiveaU. S. Ban co rp CanadaBen efit s Emp lo ye e Boo klet, whichpr ovidespla n in formation for the U. S. Ban cor pCa na da hea lth and wel fa re benefits. Eligibleem ployeeswill also receivea SummaryPla n Descri pt ion (SPD)fo r the U. S. Ban cor p PensionPlan and a sep ara te SPD for theU. S. Ban cor p Employee Sa vingsPlan . We en cou ra ge you to read these ha ndbooksand boo klets , and ke ep the m avai labl e for referenceshou ld you have qu estions orneed gen eral in fo rm ile th eU.

3 S. bank Pol icie s and Pro gramsEmploy ee Handbook for Em ployeesinCan ad ais desig ned to co ve r a broad range of emp loym ent issues,yo u mayoccas ion all y have questions or co nce rn s th at aren taddressedin this ha ndb oo k. Insuc h ins ta nc es , yo ur ma na ger can be a va lua ble and accessible resource forin form at ion on iss ue s releva nt to yo u and you r busin ess lin bank Emp lo yee Ser vi ce Cente r(Info rma ti on ab out ben efits and payrol l. You will ne ed toindi ca te that you are a Can ada em ploy ee .)1- 800 -806 -700 9 Can ad a Ret ire me nt Prog rams(Info rma ti on re gard ing admin istrati on of.)

4 Ba nc orp Em ploy ee Sa vin gs Pl an, U. S. Ban cor pPe nsi on Pl an , and re tir ee medi cal prog ra m. )1- 763 -971 -112 8Li feWor ks(Co nfi de nt ial , exp ert he lp with work and life issue s)1- 877 -207 -883 31- 877- 371- 9978 for EmployeeHandbookiiDea r fe ll ow empl oye es :We be lieve th at , by wor ki ng together,U. S. bank will co ntinueto be a leader in theind ustr y even in th e mo st chall engi ng ti mes. Your pe rsonal dedicatio n and comm itmentto you r custo me rs , to the quali ty of you r wo rk, and to the succ ess of our co mpanyiswha t diffe ren ti ate s US from our com peti to rs.

5 We can all fe el pro ud of the suc ce ss andrep uta ti on we have work ed so hard to ea S. bank want s to make sure your care er with US is cha llenging,suc ce ssful, and long-last ing. We believe ou r fu ture is br ighter with you. Our policie s, prog ra ms, and re sourc esare inte nde d to provid e you with the too ls and supp ort yo u nee d to be suc ce ssful. Thishand boo k prov ides you with a brief ov er view of those po lic ies and pro gr ams. Familiarizeyo ur se lf wi th the m, ask quest ions, and tak e advantage of all the y have to offe r, bec aus ethe y are int end ed to su ppor t you and ma ke US a gre at pla ce to wor Ban k Emp loy ee Handbookcom plem ents Ba nk Co de of Ethic s andBus ine ss Co nd ucthand book, whi ch explainsthe profe ssiona l and ethica l conductst and ard s tha t ar e so vita l in maintai ni ng our strongre putationin the comm unity.

6 Pl ea se rev iew yo ur han dbook s caref ul ly. We are always intere ste d in yo ur fe edba ck. Iinv ite you to prov ide comm ents to you r mana ge r or HR re prese nt nc er ely,Ri cha rd K. Davi sChai rma n, Pr esi de nt and Chi ef ExecutiveOffic erii iA No te Abo ut Te rm inologyTh ro ug ho ut thi s ha nd book, th e te rm spouse/pa rtner is occ asiona lly refe rence d. The te rm pa rt ner refe rs to a dome st ic partner ship whic h is de fine d as an ongo ing and comm itt ed spo use-like re lati on sh ip betw een adu lts of the sa me or oppositege nde Na EmployeeHandbook1 Corpor ate High li ghtsOu r Miss ion.

7 2Ou r Prom ise to Customers: ServiceSets Us Apart..3Ou r Prom ise to Employees: Our PeopleSt rateg y ..3Pr ivacy Pled ge to Our Custom er s ..4 Open Communicat ion ..4Po licy Agai nst Of fens ive Beha vio ur and Hara ssme nt ..5No n- Retalia ti on Pol icy ..5 Int egrity in the Rep ortin g Proc ess ..5Wo rkingat . BankInt ro duct ory Peri od ..6 Per formanceRev iews ..6 Per formancean d Con du ct Co uns eling ..6 Car eer Advan cemen t ..6Em ploym ent of Relatives/Per son al Relation ships ..7 Bus iness Ap pear ance ..7 Use of Toba cco Pr odu cts.

8 8Wo rking in More Than One Positionat U. S. bank ..8 YourPa y an d Tim e Reporti ngEm ployeeSt atu s ..8 Payr oll and Ti me Repor tin g ..8 Accu rat e Empl oy men t Re co rds ..10Ti me Awa y Fr om WorkAtten dance/Tardiness ..10 OccasionalSi ck Days ..10 ReportingAbsen ces ..11 Job Abandonment ..11Em ployeesWit h Si ck Le ave Ac cr ual Bala nce s ..11 Tim e Off Due to Di sabilities..12 Leav es of Absen ce ..12 Jur y Duty ..13Fu neral/ Ber eavementLea ve ..13 Per son al Leaves..13 HazardousCond itions and Wea ther Emer gen cies ..13 Sec ur ity and Safetyon the Jo bBack gr ound Inqui ri es.

9 14ID Acce ss Ca rds or Securi ty AccessSy stems ..14 Sec uri ty at theW ork pla ce ..14 Pho to graphi c Equi pment..15 Work pla ce Vi olence ..15 Restrai ni ng Or ders ..16 Weapo ns ..16 Acc ide nts and Inj uri es atW ork ..16Em pl oy ee Be ne fi tsBenefi ts ..17Ho liday s ..17Ho liday Pa y ..17 Vacati on ..18 Ado pti on Assi stanc e ..19 Cana di an bank ers Assoc iatio n ..19 Empl oy ee Assi stanc e ..20Co mmunity Inv olve men tVolunte eri sm ..22 Ind exInde x ..23Ta bl e of Co nten ts2 Cor pora te Hig hlig EmployeeHandbookCorporate HighlightsAt bank ,one thingis clear:we ar e a co mpany co mmi tte d to ourmiss io n.

10 And we knowever y emp lo yee plays an im port ant ro le inre achingthat mission. Fro m howyou gr eet cus to mers when theywa lk int o yourbranchto co llaborat ing with a cowo rker, our mis sionis re in for ced by the act io ns you take ever y day . As a compa ny, we r efocu se d on makingev er y act ion leadto our mis sio n s gingour mis sionto li feEnga gin g our Em pl oyees U. S. Ba nk highly valuesth e em plo yee s of our comp an y. It is their hard wor kand com mitm ent that cr eates our successas a company. The pro gra ms in thi s han dbook hav e be endesig ned to enab le each of us to con nect , develo p, fee l re warded, and lead to th e best of ou r abi liti es ev er yday.

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